Caught: In A Case by C.M. Steele

Chapter 3

“Yes baby, look into the camera.” I tried to calm myself down all morning but was fighting a losing battle. So, I decided to help myself out. Pressing the intercom, “Claire, please keep Miss Homan in the waiting area until I’m ready to see her.”

“Yes, sir,” Claire said sweetly. That woman has wanted to jump me since she was first hired as my assistant last year, but I never mixed business with pleasure. She was cute but needed to look somewhere else.

I knew I was losing it. I undid my belt and let my now completely hard cock out of my expensive boxers. Grabbing a couple of tissues, I began to stroke myself. The thoughts going through my head would have me spent in a minute. “Elizabeth, what I want to do to you.” My office was essentially soundproof, due to the need for confidentiality, so no one could hear me in here even if I was fucking her on the door. I’ve never had sex in this office, but my little Lizzy had me rethinking that policy. In fact, the thought of her on her knees stroking and licking my meat before taking me into her mouth had me speeding up my strokes. I imagined lifting her onto the desk, spread eagle, with my face between her silky thighs. Her moans of pleasure caressed my ears, I would rise up and plunge into her waiting, wet cunt. That sent me off. I barely had enough time to catch my release as I said her name over and over.

I freshened up in the office bathroom. Once I made sure that I looked like a professional lawyer again, and not some horny pervert who just jerked off at his desk, I walked out of the office to Claire’s desk. I was expecting to see Elizabeth sitting in the chairs across from her, but she wasn’t there. “Where the hell is she?” Damn, I was harsh but didn’t care, she was supposed to be right here.

“Sir, Mr. James took her into the conference room,” Claire replied with a raise brow.

I sped off to the conference room like a bat out of hell. My partner in crime, or rather law, was my college buddy, Caleb James. He was a great lawyer, but a hell of a ladies man. He was gorgeous and came from a wealthy family. All he cared about was if she had class and was an adult. Elizabeth was fair game.

I walked into the conference room just in time to see James put his hand on hers. “James, I see you are getting cozy with our witness. Stop it. We have a case to work.” I wanted to say, “or else I’ll break your face”, but I would inform Cal later that she was mine, permanently.

The look on my girl’s face was priceless; shock and anger mixed in a pretty little package. “Miss Homan, this is your stepmother’s attorney, Jackson Blake,” Caleb said as he made the introductions.

I reached for her hand, shook it briefly, and rubbed my thumb in tiny gentle circles on her small wrist. I smirked as she pulled her hand away, giving me a look that would have had me dead if looks could kill.

“For the record, Miss Homan and I met briefly on Friday and again this morning. She saw Mrs. Homan and me leaving the Caprice for the lunch meeting you missed when she was getting out of school.” I let her know that I knew what she was thinking about Mrs. Homan and myself, but she was wrong and she needed to know that. I wanted no misunderstanding between us.

“They have the best steak that side of town,” James chimed in, adding to my credibility.

I continued to stare at her. “Now, Miss Homan, we know that this whole situation is difficult, but we need as much information as we can get about what happened, up until the day your father disappeared.”


So, Jackson is it? Mr. Sexy has a sexy name too, damn him.

This was difficult alright. Being here questioned by two handsome men. Ones you would want to have babies with; they had virile sex god written all over them. Mr. Sexy, Jackson Blake, hadn’t stopped staring at me since he walked in the door. I wanted to get as far away as I could before I jumped over the table and let him have his wicked way with me. So I concentrated on giving them the best information I could, but I wasn’t home often. Since we were all heading off to college, we had to get our last hurrahs in. “The last time I saw my dad I was out until one in the morning. He had called to see where I was and when I would be back.” Jackson looked pissed by this. I don’t know why. “Since Tommy and I were already in the car on our way back, I told him I would be home in ten minutes.”

“Who is this Tommy?” Jackson practically growled at me.

Before I could answer his accusatory question, Mr. James interceded, “Just in case we need to question him. We have investigators looking into it just like the police.”

“Tommy Anderson, he is my… boyfriend.” I paused as I said that. Don’t ask me why I felt guilty saying that but I did. Maybe it’s the way he looked like he would snap that pencil in his hand, or it could be the death glare he was giving me. Mr. James, or Cal as he asked me to call him, looked at us both strangely and told me to continue. “Well, Tommy dropped me off and even said hi to my dad as he pulled away. My dad and I spoke for about half an hour and then I said I was tired and went to bed.”


“What did you two talk about?” I wanted to know, both for the case and because I needed to know everything about her. I knew it was wrong because she was a material witness and initially a suspect, not to mention I was 32-years-old, and she was just this side of legal at seventeen. But I couldn’t help myself and wouldn’t be stopped. I would rather turn this case over than give up on whatever this feeling was that I had. In fact, I didn’t know if I could.

She blushed, that was telling. “We talked about my relationship with Tommy and my plans for when I go off to school. He told me he loved me, and he would miss me when we part but to always do my best.”

Before I could stop myself, I asked the question that was on my mind but not really relevant. “What are your plans for the future?”

Caleb’s phone went off, and she took a breath in relief, like she was saved by the bell from having to answer my question. Not a chance, Miss Homan, I thought. “Excuse me, I have to take this.” The moment he exited the room I was around the conference table and next to her, where Caleb was just sitting.

“You didn’t answer my question, Elizabeth,” I growled as I looked deeply into her beautiful eyes.

“Why does it matter? I don’t think it’s pertinent to the case.” Despite her words, her tone was soft. She jumped from her chair to escape the tension she was feeling when I stood with her and pulled her closer to me. Lifting her chin, I looked into her eyes to study them and liked what I saw. She gave me all the signs of a woman in need; a need for me. It was as clear as the pulse in her neck raced, and her beautiful blue eyes darkened with desire.

“You are going to learn, my sweet Lizzy; everything you do matters to me. I want you, and I’m not going to settle for you pretending that this tension, chemistry is not happening.” I placed my hands on the sides of her face, tilted her head, and bent down to kiss her. It started out slow and sweet and before either of us knew what was happening, Elizabeth wrapped her hands around my shoulders and slid them into my hair. Taking that as a sign of submission, I parted her lips with my tongue and pushed my way in; there was no resistance, thank heavens. Pulling away from her, I looked into her passion filled eyes. “You are mine. We will make this work, somehow, because after that kiss I’m not letting you go.”

When her rational brain kicked in, she pulled completely out of my embrace. “No.”

“No, what?” I looked at my little miss waiting for why she was fighting this.

“I can’t do this. I can’t be with you after you’ve been with Laney. Yuck, that is disgusting. I can’t believe I just let you kiss me. Well, I’ll chalk it up to experience. Practice for when I head off college in a few months. Goodbye, Mr. Blake.” She attempted to walk away and only made it to the solid wood door before I reached her. I slammed her up against it while pinning her hands above her head, and reaching the doorknob I locked it.

“First of all, there is nothing going on with Mrs. Homan and myself, and I won’t tell you that again. I’ll never lie to you. So you better start believing my word or you are going to have a sore ass. Secondly, the only fucking experience you will be getting will be with me. You are done with any other men. I think I made myself clear on that before.”

Emboldened, she looked me right in the eyes, “What makes you think that I want to be with you?”

I smirked, putting both of her tiny hands in one of my own. Meanwhile, my free hand snaked down to the edge of her dress and reached in between her legs. Touching her panties, she gasped. I leaned in and whispered, “This is what tells me you want me; even though I can clearly see the desire in your eyes and your ragged breathing.” Sliding her panties to the side, I rubbed my fingers along her slit. Her juices were starting to flow down her lips as she moaned in my ear.

“See, baby, I’m going to make you feel so good.” I slid one finger inside her to give her a little taste of what was to come between us. The instant my thumb rubbed her hidden bud, she clenched around my finger. I caught her scream in my mouth, kissing her like I needed to breathe, “God, baby, you are so fucking tight. I can’t wait until I’m inside you, completely.”


“You belong to me. Do you understand, Lizzy?” he asked. I nodded yes. Never had I experienced anything like that. I had learned to bring myself off while in the bath, but it was nothing in comparison to what he had done to me. I watched as he pulled his hand, full of my release, out of my panties and licked his fingers completely clean. “Baby, tonight, you hear me? I want more of your sweet goodness. Then I’m going to fuck you all night long until neither of us can walk.” He pulled me away from the door and into his arms. As he kissed me again, he rubbed what I was assuming was a very large cock onto my hungry, wet pussy. Gripping my hips, he ground his erection into my pelvis. “See what you are doing to me, beautiful.”

“I have to go, Jackson.” I was feeling scared, turned on, and guilty all at once. I needed to talk to Tommy to end their relationship. My mind was running wild with the repercussions of such an intense connection at my age, and my heart was beating double-time that it felt like it was ready to burst out of my chest. I can’t believe I cheated on him. I mean, I knew our relationship wasn’t going to work, but hell, he deserved to be treated with some bit of respect.

“I’m supposed to be meeting with Tommy and his parents for dinner, tonight.” The look I received from Jackson said that it wasn’t going to happen.

“Hell no, not happening, babe. You will end your relationship over the phone. Call him and tell him that you can’t make it, and then you are to stay away from him. Do you hear me? I don’t share. Hell, I never kept a woman around long enough to care. I get that you feel obligated to end things right, but going out with him tonight will serve nothing but to show him you’re his and piss me the fuck off.” I was angry. How the fuck had this little girl turned me into a fucking jealous prick in a matter of a few days?

“You scare me.”


WTF? Did she just say that to me? I couldn’t let that be. I would do anything to protect and care for her. I knew that this morning, when I realized who she was. There could be lots of troubles caused by our relationship; however, I wasn’t letting anything get in the way of us being together, whether it was her fears, the case, or the fucking boyfriend. I would just have to handle the obstacles one at a time. I already knew I needed to hand over the case to Cal because fuck if anyone was going call me out on my ethics. The boyfriend, well, she would take care of that later; if not I would, and as for the fear... well, I’d have to seduce that shit out of her mind.

“Woman, you need to know that I would never hurt you. In fact, all I can think about is making you happy and keeping you safe. I know that you are very young, but I have been an adult for a long time and I know what I want, and that is you. I’ll do whatever I can to make you comfortable with me, but know this; I don’t think I can let you go. Please tell me you know that I’ll never hurt you.”

“I’m not scared that you will hurt me, but I need time. You are intense and I’m young. You’ve been with so many women, and I don’t want to be just another number to you. Plus, you are representing the woman who may have killed my father. I’m not ready for this. I’m sorry, but I can’t do this.”

I was a little disturbed by the age gap and wondered if she thought I was too old for her. She obviously thought she was too young for us. I’ll just have to make her accept it. There was no turning back now.

Just then, Claire knocked on the door. I bade her come in --- the sooner I got rid of the interrupter, the sooner I could convince my woman that she was mine.

“Sir, your next appointment has been waiting in the lobby for the last ten minutes and marched herself into your office. Mrs. Homan is making herself at home in there.” When Claire began speaking, Elizabeth found the perfect time to run out. I noticed but couldn’t make a scene. Claire was already looking at me suspiciously after the earlier anger and subsequent rushing into the meeting.

“Claire, I’m coming right now. Stay in there until I arrive, and make sure she doesn’t touch anything.”

“Okay, Mr. Blake.” I could hear her heels click as she left to go protect my office. I walked as quickly as possible to the elevators without looking like a madman, but to no avail, she was gone. Damn it, the stubborn woman left. I would get a hold of her as soon as I got rid of the stepmother and had a chat with Caleb. By the time I arrived in my office, the anger had worsened.

“Mrs. Homan, I’m glad to see you made yourself at home in my office. Thank you, Claire, you can go. By the way, please inform Caleb that I need to see him before he leaves.” It was clear in my tone that I was pissed by my client’s arrogance, and yet she paid no never mind.

“Absolutely.” Claire was adorable. There was a young lawyer that started this week that I was sure would be perfect for her. What was with me? I got my heart turned for the first time, and now I was thinking about setting up others. Really?

“Now, how are you going to get me off, Jackson?”

The way she said my name made me want to vomit. I mean the woman is up for murder, and she’s ready to jump on my dick. “I’m looking into all aspects of his disappearance. I have just finished speaking with your stepdaughter. I feel that she will be beneficial to your case, but only time will tell.”

“I doubt that Elizabeth will say anything nice about me. We were really starting to grow on each other until her father told me to stop being her friend and act more like her mother. I’m too young to be her mother. Come on, really, I mean, all of her boyfriends were always coming over and staring at me. So to help her out, I took her to sex shops to buy sexy things to wear for her lovers; he didn’t like that very much. He got all bent out of shape when she and that boyfriend of hers, Tommy, were groping each other in the pool. Oops. I guess that’s why she jumped at the offer of her own apartment.” Omg, does he have a thing for the little nerd? His face changed to anger the moment I mentioned the sex shop and even worse when I mentioned Tommy. I wonder what the hell is going on between the two of them. I’ve got to get rid of the competition and seduce him right now.

I didn’t think I could get more pissed than I was at her. I hoped that at seventeen she still had her “v-card”. But with a stepmother like Laney, she probably snuck the little boys into Elizabeth’s room for her. Damn, I was getting madder by the moment and needed to calm down. It was irrational to feel this way. I had fucked my fair share of women, but she was mine, even though she was still technically with that stupid jackass. Not to mention the fact that she didn’t want to be with me. We were meant to be together, she just hadn’t realized it yet. Granted, it had been only a few days since we first spotted each other, but I felt that she was mine from the start.

“Mrs. Homan.”

“It’s Laney.” She smiled with all the seduction she had as she played with my tie.

“Mrs. Homan, I need to converse with my colleagues and get back to you, but thank you for your insight into Elizabeth,” I said as I pulled my tie from her grip. I wasn’t in the mood for her shit. I didn’t know if she could tell that I had an interest in Elizabeth, but her telling me about helping Elizabeth become sexier wasn’t helping her cause.

She got off the top of my desk and walked around to get closer, bending slightly, trying to give me a good view of her fake tits and purred, “But we didn’t really go over anything. I don’t want to go to prison. Is there anything I can do to get you, I mean me, off?”

“You can behave. You propositioning men and fucking half of them are bound to be used against you.” I stood up, fucking annoyed with this broad, but now she was too close. I actually felt trapped by the barracuda.

“You could use this against me.” She tried to reach for my junk, but I pushed her hand away. “I don’t have time for you to try to assault me. I have someone to use it with, and I don’t double dip, so back off.” I was livid now, the bitch didn’t quit.

I walked her out of my office and over to the bank of elevators. “We will contact you for our next meeting.” I knocked on Cal’s door, with the Homan case file in hand.


“Jackson, what’s up?” Caleb lifted his eyes up from the file in front of him. It was the one the new attorney was going to be working on, and he wanted to see if he could help her out. When she interviewed, he couldn’t take his eyes off her, and he was praying to God that Jackson wouldn’t go after her. Luckily, he seemed to not even notice she was female, let alone a beauty.

“I’m going to be straightforward with you. I want off the Homan case.”

His look was so serious that I found it comical and decided to fuck with my buddy. “Could it have anything to do with the hot-ass jailbait that was just here?”

Uh oh, the boss man looked like he was going to give me a foot up my ass. I still kept the smirk on my face. I knew he wouldn’t do anything unless I really crossed the line, but I wouldn’t.

I saw the way they looked at each other. Little Miss was clearly under the mistaken impression that Jackson was fucking the stepmother, which was telling. So was the fact that he tried to correct that assumption. He looked territorial throughout the whole meeting, and that was new; so she must be someone special.

Jackson practically growled at me, “First of all, don’t talk about her like that, and yes, it is.”

“Wow, dude, calm down. I knew you had it in for her but damn, relax. Why do you think I left the room to take my imaginary call? It was only my alert to pick up my dry cleaning. You two needed time to talk. I never thought I’d see the day when you let a woman affect you like this. It’s really that bad?” Jackson nodded in the affirmative.

Walking up to my sideboard, I poured both of us a drink. “Here, I think you need this, man.” Jackson took the drink and shook his head. “Here is the case file for her. I think there is something funny going on with this one; something is off. Look it over and let me know if you need me to do anything. Now, I’m going to actually get some work done. Then, I’m going to look for my wayward girl and make her understand what her new reality will be.”