Caught: In A Case by C.M. Steele

Chapter 7

She came out of the bathroom all shy again like she was still green when it was obvious she was a pro. That’s how she kept her “v-card” for so long. Fuck, I was trying not to be pissed because there was only one thing that I haven’t done with any woman yet, so I shouldn’t be upset. But I was a man, and she was going to be the mother of my children soon. Pretty soon, too, if we kept fucking without protection, and we sure the hell would. There was no way I would put a barrier between us, and I don’t want her on any pills. She would get used to being a mom. I hadn’t realized that I was looking at her like I wanted to kill her until she looked like she was going to cry. Before I could say anything, the tears spilled, and she grabbed her clothes and ran to the bathroom.

“Elizabeth, what the fuck is going on?” I knocked on the door and told her to get out of there, now.

“Leave me alone. I’ll be out in a minute.” Damn brat, I should spank her ass for that attitude.

I put my boxers back on and waited on the edge of the bed. It felt like forever before she came out. She was fully dressed and looking for her shoes while she blatantly refused to look at me. “Looking for these?” I held up the shoes.

“Give them to me.” She reached for them, and I put them behind my back.

“Why the fuck are you trying to leave? What? Is that what you normally do after you suck off a guy; you get up and walk the fuck out? Job’s done, time to clock out.”

The smack to my face was a fucking surprise. I threw the shoes and gripped her hands. “Don’t you ever do that again!”

“Let go of me. I see what you think of me. I don’t need you looking at me like I’m a whore when you’ve fucked so many women and had your dick sucked by so many more.” She yanked herself away from my touch like I was a fucking live wire. I paced back and forth and hadn’t noticed she slipped her shoes on. 

“I just can’t help but wonder how you got so fucking good sucking cock that you can get me off in a minute, and get up and walk away like you couldn’t care less.”

“Fuck you, Jackson. You tell me you wouldn’t hurt me, yet at the first opportunity to strike, you attack. Thank you for the lesson. Because no matter a man’s past, he always comes out clean, and a woman’s clean past is considered tainted. So, goodbye, I’m sure you will have a replacement by tomorrow anyway. To think I fell for your bullshit.” She headed for the door.

“Don’t you walk out that door!”

“Try and stop me.” I stormed towards her, picked her up, and tossed her over my shoulder.

I dropped her down on the bed and pinned her to it with my body. “What part of ‘you are mine’ don’t you understand?” She turned her head away from me, and I wasn’t having that shit.

“Woman, listen and listen well. I’m a man and won’t play kiddie games with you. I’m sorry that I’m upset about you being an expert at making me come with that mouth of yours. I know that I have no right to be a jealous prick since my experience is much greater... Oh no, don’t start that crying shit again; I don’t like it. Just answer me, babe, how many guys have you gone down on?”

“Are you going to tell me how many women you went down on?”

“Baby, first, I don’t like that tone. Second, there has only been a handful, and it wasn’t until tonight that I actually enjoyed it. Everything is better with you. I don’t want you to leave me. Please, don’t go.”

“Jackson, I… tonight was the first time I gave a blowjob!” She shouted at me, angry as hell.

“Elizabeth, don’t fucking lie to save my feelings because I can’t buy that bullshit.”

“I’m not lying. Laney tried to show me what I would need to learn before I went away to school. She said if I learned to please my lovers, they would return the favor. She taught me with different objects while showing me some videos.”

That bitch was a freak. I mean who teaches their child about giving good head. Parents are supposed to prevent you from getting down and dirty, not set you up with the tools to be a pro, fuck. I felt like a fucking asshole.

I bent down and tried to kiss her, but she turned her tear stained face away from me and pushed her hands into my chest, to get me off of her. It felt like I got kicked in the gut. I got up from her and started pacing until she sat up on the bed and put her feet on the floor. I came over and knelt between her legs.

“I don’t know how to say how sorry I’m for my reaction. I know that I have no right to question your past, let alone get pissed about it, but I’m so fucked up with you. Everything about you calls to me. I think about you so much that it’s fucking hard to breathe. I’m so sorry, Woman. Can you forgive me for being such a prick?”

“I don’t know how. I have to go home. Please.”

“I’ll let you go, but you’ve got to promise me that you’ll talk to me tomorrow.” She nodded her assent, but I needed her words. “Tell me.”

“Yes, I’ll talk to you.” I pulled her into my arms for a quick kiss on her hair and turned her to face me.

“Just so you know, babe. That was the first time I have ever finished like that. I never let a woman have that control over me. I never wanted a woman to make me that weak. It scared the shit out of me that I just let you take what you wanted. I truly love you and I’m sorry. I promise to show you every day. Now, let me have Mike take you home before I don’t let you go.” I called Mike and told him to come and drive Elizabeth home, then I walked her down the stairs and out the door, to where I had Mike waiting for her.

“Bye, Jackson,” she whispered. As I looked at her I could see that she paused with indecision, but she didn’t turn back and got into the car. Mike closed the door and she looked away from me. Outside the car, Mike and I had a discussion. “I’ll take her home. Did you need me to stay there and take her to school tomorrow?”

“Yes, please. Don’t fucking let her out of your sight!” Mike had gotten the message loud and clear. I needed him to protect my woman until I made it right with her.


I walked back inside the house that had once felt like a sanctuary, but now it felt like a mausoleum. I headed back into my home office to get some work done, but that shit wasn’t going to happen.

I walked into the kitchen and tossed the dinner I had ready for her into the trash. Eating was the last thing on my mind anyway. I was worried about the strength of my need to possess her, so I called my pops; he had his balls revoked by Mom for the past 34 years and has never wanted them back. It felt good to tell them that I was bringing my girl with me. I was hoping to stop by Vegas and get her tied to me forever and then head off to Maine, but she was mad at me. I had them on the speaker phone on my desk, so I could pace and get my thoughts out.

“Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you. I’m getting married.”

“What!” I could hear her scream with delight. I thought my dad was going to need a hearing aid after she busted his ear drum.

“I’m so excited! Who is she? Have we met her? When did you meet? How long have you been keeping her a secret from us?”

I chuckled at her joy. “I just met her on Friday, and I have not asked her to marry me yet. I know it’s soon, but you were right Mom, and you can rub it in all you want later because I couldn’t be happier. It hit me out of the blue. In fact, I saw her on Friday but didn’t even speak to her until Monday.”

Now, it was my pops turn to crack up, “That’s it my boy, once that bug hits, there is no cure for it. I’m not going to say I’m not worried, but you are a grown man and know what’s up. I assume we will be meeting the future Mrs. Blake this weekend?”

“Oh my, oh my, oh my. I can’t wait. I’m going to tell your sister, and we will have to get started on the wedding planning for your bride before you two arrive!”

“Not so fast Mom. I haven’t asked her to marry me yet, and I don’t plan on asking. I’m just not letting her go. But I called because I already mucked it up. She is upset because I’m an ass, and I need to know how to make it better. I never cared for someone like this. I haven’t got a clue how to fix it.”

“Fine, but I’m still going to get the books together, along with a list of the bridal shops to go to and catering companies, can’t forget that!” She left the room calling out for my little sister.

“Son, time is usually key, but I would say you are definitely lacking in patience. So, it depends on what you did. If it was another woman, then you are not ready to marry this woman, and I would cut your losses.”

“It wasn’t that, Pops. The thing is, she was a virgin. I wanted to jump for joy since I had just made her dump her serious boyfriend before they got too serious. We were intimate, and she seemed a little too experienced at... well, this is awkward…”

There was a long uncomfortable pause -- we have never really talked about my sex life, except when I was getting my first lecture on safety first, way back when.

“At blowing you?” Pops just came off with, matter-of-factly.

“Yeah, and I snapped because I’ve heard about women keeping their virginity by giving head, instead.”

“Son, you’ve been getting laid since you were a teen, and you are mad at her because she didn’t save every part of her for you?”

“I know it sounds fucked up.” But I just couldn’t help it.

“No, it sounds like you’ve got it bad. I fucking broke your mother’s first lover's jaw when I stole her from him, and I freaked out on her, too. I never hit your mother, but I lost it when I made her mine. So, we seem to be one in the same. I have spent the last 34 years with the most amazing woman. I still remember begging her to forgive me. It had taken a few days and lots of gifts but she came around, and I never made that mistake again. If this girl loves you, then she will forgive you. By the way, how the hell is she a virgin in this day and age? How old is she?”

“Um… That’s another thing Dad, Elizabeth is really young. She is seventeen.”

“Son, wow, you’ve gotten it so bad that you fell for a child.”

“Tell me about it. I’m losing it. I want to be with her all the time, and it’s only been four days. Tell me this insanity gets better after I have her legally bound to me.”

“It helps knowing that it will take hell and high water to end the marriage. It gets easier as the years go on, and the kids come. There are still days that I want to knock a motherfucker out for looking at your mother, but I know as long as I do what I can to make her happy, she only sees me. Best of luck, my boy. Now, it’s late over here, and I have to be in the office early tomorrow. So, get some sleep, and I can’t wait to meet her.”