Protector Daddy by Taryn Quinn


It was latewhen we dragged ourselves to his house. I had to admit I’d never been more comfortable in a space. It felt like our home all ready.

He held me all night. And I held in a secret that considering his past, I was duty bound to tell him if I even had an inkling.

But I didn’t. Not because I didn’t trust his response. Right now, I didn’t trust myself.

I’d taken an early test. It had been negative. So, technically, as of now, there was nothing to tell. It wasn’t as if I felt any different. Those wives’ tales that ‘a woman could just tell’ so far seemed to be BS. All I could tell was that I really wanted more chicken tortilla soup.

And that sometimes there really was nothing better than being held. I’d never been someone who craved cuddling but along with being built for a woman’s pleasure, Christian was a grade-A level snuggler.

“What was her name?” I asked late in the night after I used the facilities and came back to bed.

“Who?” His voice was thick with sleep.

“Reagan’s mother.”

“Oh. She doesn’t matter, Honey.”


He sighed. “Penelope.”

“Did you love her?”

“I thought I did.” Even in the darkness, his eyes were direct on mine. “I didn’t have a clue.”

I curled into his side and traced a heart over his chest before I pressed a kiss to his warm skin.

Boomer snuck his wet nose under my arm to stick his head between us. I laughed and looped my arm around his big head to plant kisses all over his snout. He licked my face excitedly, clambering onto Christian while he groaned and tried to cover his important parts with his hands.

Boomer dropped down between us and lifted his enormous head for more kisses. When he turned his back on Christian to block him from reaching me, I laughed even harder.

“Glad to see where I rate,” he muttered.

“I didn’t know how to tell you I only wanted you for Boomer.” I rolled onto my back and Boomer laid his head on my stomach adoringly.

“Think it’s obvious the feeling is mutual.”

I smiled but the warm haze from the night was already fading. “What time will Reagan get here?”

“Around ten.” He turned onto his side and propped his head on his hand. “I’m not forcing you into some mom situation. I realize how awkward this is for you. She’s almost eighteen.”

“As if I’d have more of a clue what to do if she was a baby.” Slowly, I stroked his dog’s downy soft head. “I want to meet her. Then we can go from there. Is that okay?”

“It’s more than okay.” He shifted toward me and leaned over to kiss me—until Boomer nudged him away and licked my cheek. “Hey, dude, she’s mine. Get your own woman.”

I laughed and kissed his pup’s nose again before leaning up to wrap my arm around Christian’s neck. Boomer made a disgusted noise and jumped off the bed with zero finesse, trampling half of my internal organs in the process.

I cradled my ribs, wincing through another laugh. “Ow. That hurt.”

“Let me kiss it better.” He peeled up my tank and did indeed kiss it better with soft butterfly kisses that verged on ticklish. Then he rolled my shirt upward, finding my hard nipples and giving them the same treatment.

I wasn’t at all ticklish anymore.

“I wasn’t going to do this.” He lifted his gaze to mine as he cupped my breasts. “I was just going to hold you tonight.”

“You did a fine job of that earlier. Now feel free to continue as you were.”

He sucked my nipple between his lips, grazing the tip with his teeth just right so that I arched under him. “We aren’t just about this, Honey.”

“Stop talking.”

He slipped his hand into my boxers. His boxers, that he’d left over here one time or another and I’d immediately stolen. “You like when I talk. Like when I say you’re so wet around my fingers, I never wonder if you want me. Getting my boxers all wet no less.”

“Mine now.”

“Yours.” He nipped the other tight tip as he circled my clit with his broad thumb, teasing me while his gaze roamed my face. “How do you want to come?”


His chuckle rumbled in his throat as he slid down my body and tugged down my waistband with his teeth. “As you wish.” He drew them down my legs and tossed them aside, spreading my thighs eagerly as if he was about to dive in headfirst.

And that was exactly what he did, clamping his strong hands around my upper thighs and hauling me upward until he could explore me exactly as he pleased. From front to back and all over again, his lips and tongue and fingers driving me out of my mind.

I quivered around him, under him, my hips bucking helplessly every time he speared his tongue deep.

He groaned against me, tasting every drop, the gleam of wetness on his overnight scruff one more thrill as he came up for air. And when I grabbed his face and dragged him up so I could feast on his mouth, my own taste on his lips made me nearly feral. I scraped my nails over his scalp as I bucked against him, the thin material of his boxers between us annoying me.

I knew full well what I was doing but it didn’t stop me from twining my legs around his hips and riding up against his length until he knotted his fingers in my hair and drove me back into the pillows.

“Honey,” he gasped as if he was trying to force some sense into me.

Too late. I was too far gone.

Some part of me felt wild, reckless. Desperate to make him mine. Not that this would do it. I wasn’t that stupid. But I needed him. Needed to know he was crazy for me in a way he’d never been for someone else, as silly and ridiculous as that seemed.

I needed to be wanted beyond all reason. No matter what that meant.

“You don’t want this,” he insisted as I yanked down his boxers.

“I do. I want you. All of you.” I lifted my mouth to his and he poured himself into his kiss, filling me up in a way I craved like air.

His hunger for me was the most seductive drug. I wanted more, more, more. I didn’t want to ever come down from this high.

“You have all of me. And while I’d give you anything you asked for, I’m not giving you this.” Gently but firmly, he gripped my hand and drew it away from his length. “You’re just feeling possessive. I get it. But I’m not going to let you ruin your future on a momentary whim.”

“Ruin my future? That’s what you think of it as?” I knew I was pouting. Playing a game I couldn’t win.

Some childish, spiteful part of me wanted to taunt, what if my future is already ruined?

But I’d never be that cruel, especially after what he’d gone through with Reagan. More than anything, if I was pregnant, I wanted him to see our baby as a gift. A second chance. Not to replace his first daughter because he would have a future with her too, God willing. But a chance to do it right from the start with ours.

If that was what was meant to be, and that remained to be seen.

“No. Of course not. But I want you to have every possible option.” He lifted my hand and kissed my knuckles. “And if we someday make that choice, we’ll talk it out beforehand, not do it just to prove something.”

“What does it prove if you don’t wear a condom other than I really want to feel you bare inside me?”

He tipped back his head on a long groan. “You are supremely terrible, do you know that?”

This whole conversation proved one thing for sure. I was being a selfish brat who should be telling him what I suspected might be true already instead of making him demonstrate something he shouldn’t have to.

He’d told me he loved me already. He showed me he loved me in a million different ways every day. I hadn’t even given him those words yet.

Chagrined, I pressed my face into his throat where his sharp citrus scent was strongest. A refreshing reminder of exactly who he was—and who he wasn’t, even if that meant he had to tell me no. I loved him more for it. “I’m sorry. I’m being a brat.”

“Glad you said it so I don’t have to. Though shit, why did you have to put that in my head?” Roughly, he kissed the top of my hair. “I should flip you over and make you pay for your sins.”

My heart started being faster. “Please? Can you?”

He laughed unsteadily. “You undo me, Honey.”

“Does that mean I’m not going to pay? I really feel like I should.”

“I just bet you do.” He tucked me in his arms and rolled me until I was on top of him. “I wanted to make love to you and you want me to rut into you like some kind of uncontrolled beast.”

“You can make love to me as an uncontrolled beast?” I straddled his hips and tilted my head to smile at him under the curve of my hair. “Compromise.”

“Seems like you win regardless.” He gripped my hands and lifted them to my breasts. “Give me a show.”

I rocked against his sizable erection. If I wasn’t mistaken, he was getting harder every minute that passed. Although that might’ve just been my extremely horny imagination. “Since you asked so nicely…”

Cupping my breasts, I bent down to take his lips, slowly. Surely. We had all the time in the world. He let me lead while I twisted the tight tips and sipped from his mouth, delving deep and then slipping back to gauge his reaction to how I was touching myself.

Blown wide pupils, rough exhalations between kisses, his cock bobbing between us…

Sometimes I couldn’t understand how it was so easy to be so free and open with him. Here I was completely naked, rubbing against him without worrying what was jiggling too much or not bouncing enough.

It had only been weeks since our first night together and he’d already become my safest place.

I never had to wonder if he wanted me. His glazed expression as he studied every movement of my fingers only made me bolder. I sculpted my breasts and then I meandered down my torso, taking my sweet ass time, finally stopping at the little landing strip above my pussy.

“What do you want me to do?”

“I wanted to watch you make yourself feel good. But I can’t be this close and not have your taste in my mouth. It’s been too long.”

I had to grin. “I’m still wearing your scruff marks from a few minutes ago.”

“Still too long. Come sit on my face.”

I didn’t even hesitate. The Honey before Halloween would’ve shied away, at least for a bit longer. But now I was so eager, his murmured praise had me gripping the headboard above his head and teasing him with needy little swipes against his mouth that he only tolerated for a minute before he locked his hands around my thighs to hold me where he wanted me.

His tongue didn’t stop circling my clit as he rubbed his overnight scruff against me, setting off little sparks that pushed me into madness. If that wasn’t enough, his fingers slipped in and out so easily that there was no denying how aroused I was.

“Sure you don’t want to fuck me raw? You could get me even wetter. Fill me up, Christian.”

I couldn’t help myself. The mere idea nearly made me come.

He growled against my soaked flesh. “You couldn’t hold me.”

“Then make a mess of me. I’m yours to use.”

“Damn you, Honey.”

Crazed, he bumped it up a notch by lifting me until every part of my pussy and farther back was at his command. His fingers delved into me from behind, going where no one had ever gone before, pushing my limits without asking, without going slow.

There was no pain, just desperation. And he stoked it effortlessly.

His name was a chant on my lips. In my head. But he only continued on.

No mercy.

I was so ready for him, I whimpered and clenched around his finger, the pressure in back only amplifying my urge to just let go. He wouldn’t let me. Every time I was nearly there, he lessened the intensity, stopped sucking on my clit, and slid his mouth away.

He wanted me to beg. I didn’t have any shame left.

“Please. Don’t make me wait. I need you.”

He stared up at me with his steely blue eyes avid in the watery moonlight from the skylight above us, his lips soft and swollen from exploring me. “Are you my good girl?”

“You know I am. Please let me come. Make me come.”

He ground the heel of his hand against my slit and the sudden contrast in sensations made me rocket upward as I finally orgasmed, so hard that my vision went bright around the edges before going dark. My body shook through my climax and then I rolled right into another as he dumped me onto the mattress, hiked my leg high above his shoulder, and plunged inside me.

He’d done what I asked. No condom.

No rules. Not for us, not anymore.

He felt so huge inside me, his strokes so frenetic that all I could do was bow into them in the hopes he wouldn’t break me in two.

I almost wanted that. I wanted to be the source of his madness—and his salvation.

Then in the center of insanity, he slowed way down and pulled out. He hadn’t come inside me. Instead, he jerked himself off over my belly and breasts. His hand shuttling his length was so mesmerizing, I couldn’t look away.

I couldn’t stop myself from shimmying down the bed, reaching the right spot just in time for the last spurt to hit my tongue, sending me into another climax just from the thrill of him spilling himself over my lips and chin.

He’d made a fine mess of me, all right.

His big body loomed over me as he dropped his head back to haul in air. I reached up to milk the final drops from his cock, sucking the tip until he had to grab me by the hair to get me to stop.

“You almost got your way.”

Looking up at him from my prone position, I licked my lips. “Almost?”

He dragged me up to my knees. “You’re covered in me.”

“Mmm-hmm.” I collected a few droplets on my fingertips and then painted my nipple, encouraging him to taste himself as I had.

He latched his lips and teeth around my nipple while I arched into his lingering kisses. My thighs were on the verge of quivering again.

Making him lose all control had quickly become one of my favorite things.

“I could fuck you again right now,” he rasped. “My sweet, dirty Honey.”

From his half mast erection, he wasn’t kidding.

I desperately needed a shower, but I didn’t want to wash him away just yet. “I could let you again right now.”

He lifted his head, a grin lifting his lips. “I think we permanently scared off Boomer.”

“Oh.” Dizzily, I looked around. It had been awhile since he’d run off. “Probably a good thing. Don’t want to traumatize your poor dog.”

“Or me, if I can’t have you one more time before we clean up.”

I spread my thighs wide open for him. “Well, if you insist…”