Smokey’s Turmoil by Erin Osborne

Chapter Twenty-Eight


TODAY IS A huge day. It’s Charlotte’s seventeenth birthday. We’re having a huge party at the clubhouse for her. Renegade has allowed her to have a few friends over to help her celebrate. This is not normally done, but he’s making an exception just for her. We all have a soft spot in our hearts for the young girl. Me more than any of them because I consider her my daughter. Even if she’s not my blood; Charlotte is the daughter of my heart. Just like Colby is the son of my heart.

The last few months have been interesting to say the least. Every single day I watch my wife get rounder with our child in her belly. Her cravings haven’t been too bad. All I’m going to say is I’m happy the Prospects have no problem running out in the middle of the night to get what she wants because I’m still not leaving them home alone if I can help it. Jasmine has been emotional because she no longer works at the diner. Corrinth will welcome her back at any point in time, but her main focus should be her family and growing our baby. So, that’s what my woman is doing. She loves being home with the kids if she’s being honest with herself.

Charlotte has been getting used to my overbearing ways. She knows I don’t like any boys who try to talk to her. As soon as they see me or one of the guys from the club pull up to the school, they back away from her. That only lets me know none of those fuckers are good enough for my girl. If they can’t stand with her with a bunch of bikers surrounding her, not knowing our intentions, they don’t need to breathe the same air as her. We’ve had many arguments about it. Including Jason. He spends as much time with her as possible. I’ve been assured he only sees her as a friend and will never betray us like that. She’s too young for him. We’re also working on her driving. I think I’ve aged about ten years since getting in a car with her. Each of the guys has been in a car with her and we all kiss the ground when we get back out. Charlotte has a lead foot and doesn’t ease into braking. It’s a work in progress.

Colby is also blossoming under our care. He’s talking and communicating more than ever. He’s also almost potty trained. Still, Ink is his favorite person on Earth. I don’t exist when he’s at our house or we’re all at the clubhouse. Part of me hurts while the rest understands it’s my own fault. I wasn’t there for a few weeks and Ink was. Now, Colby splits his time with both of us, but mainly runs for Ink. I’ll get there at some point. I simply care that I’m in his life now. That’s what’s important. He’s also growing like a weed. The kid is going to be tall as hell as he continues to grow and age. There is no way he won’t be over six foot by the time he’s in high school.

These are my thoughts as I drink a cup of coffee first thing this morning while my family sleeps soundly in our home. The thought of almost losing time with these amazing people guts me. Knowing I was letting my demons haunt me to the point I almost pushed them away for good is something I have trouble accepting and getting past some days. That’s when my Song Bird steps in to remind me exactly why I’m the luckiest fucker alive. They are mine and nothing is going to take them away from me.

I leave my family at home so I can help the guys set up the outside of the clubhouse for the party. We have tables to set up, the Prospects have to set up the canopies that will cover the food and drinks, and I have to head out soon to get Charlotte’s gift. Renegade bought a small pool for the kids to play in since it’s supposed to be hot as hell today. We’re also getting the fire pits ready because we’ll be lighting them as the sun goes down. It’s what we always do, and the kids will have their smores tonight before going home.

“How’s Jasmine doin’?” Ink asks walking up to me as I set up the tables we’ll be putting Charlotte’s gifts on.

“She’s gettin’ miserable. No matter what she does, she can’t get comfortable and swears she’s havin’ twins with how big she feels she is. I feel horrible because there’s nothin’ I can do to help her. I mean, I rub her feet and back all the time. Still, it’s not enough,” I answer him.

“It’s almost time. She could go any day now,” he states.

“Yeah. Plus, she’s on some cleanin’ spree. I walked in the house yesterday to find her usin’ a damn toothbrush to clean the floors and back splash in the kitchen,” I tell him, trying not to laugh because of the look on her face when I walked in.

“She’s gettin’ ready to have your baby. Let’s get this done so you can go hang out with your family until it’s time for them to come down.”

Nodding my head, I get back to work. It’s going to be a long as fuck day and I can’t wait to see Charlotte’s face when she gets her gift from me. I got things with Jas for her, but this one is all on me. Yes, I talked it over with my wife before doing anything. Well, there are actually two things I got her. For now, I need to focus on getting this shit done and picking up what I need to before I get home to my family.

Everything is ready to go for Charlotte’s party, and everyone is already at the clubhouse waiting on us to show up. Walking upstairs, I find Jasmine sitting on the edge of our bed. She looks ready to head out, but I’m not sure. When she looks up at me, her eyes are wide as she breathes in and out several times.

“Are you okay?” I ask her, rushing to her side.

“I’m okay. Just having those damn Braxton Hicks things. I’ll be fine in a second,” she answers me, her voice tense and filled with pain.

“Are you sure that’s all it is?”

“Yeah. I’m not due for almost two weeks still,” she assures me, her voice still strained.

Getting on the bed behind her, I rub her back where her hands are digging into the skin there. Moving her hands, I rub her back slightly harder than normal. She moans out in relief or pain as Charlotte steps in our door with Colby on her hip. Char looks at me with a silent question in her eyes asking if she’s okay. Giving her a slight nod, I continue to rub her back for a minute.

“Alright,” Jasmine says, letting me help her stand up. “Let’s get to the clubhouse. Happy birthday Char. I love you so much.”

“I love you too,” she responds, handing Colby over to me.

I walk in front of Jasmine down the stairs in case she gets tripped up or anything. She’s not going to get hurt when I’m right here and can help her. It’s still an adjustment for her to accept my help, but it gets a little better each day. We walk out to the SUV where I place Colby in his seat before helping Jas in the passenger seat. As soon as she’s in, I shut the door for her and race around to the other side to drive us the short distance to the clubhouse. Right now, Jasmine will not be walking there. I’m too scared of her delivering our baby in the driveway or some shit for it to happen.

Pulling up behind the clubhouse, I jump out to help my wife out of the SUV. She accepts it as Phoebe rushes over to help her to the lounge chair someone brought out for her. At the same time, Jason walks over to her with a bottle of water and a plate of snack food from somewhere. Corrinth must have seen us pull up and got her something to eat. It wouldn’t be the first time she’s made sure Jas has something to eat as soon as she sits down. They want to keep my girl fed and in a good mood. We’re all on baby watch right now and ready for anything to happen.

With a smirk on my face, I watch on as the ol’ ladies swarm Jasmine and move a bunch of chairs over to sit with her in the shade of one of the few trees left out here. I make my way over to the grills where Renegade and Grave are already cooking a ton of meat. The smells are carried on the wind, making our entire compound smell of chicken, steak, burgers, sausage, and hot dogs. I can’t wait to get some damn food in me. With everything we had to get done today, I didn’t have a chance to eat lunch and coffee was my only breakfast.

As I accept the beer Jason brings over to me, the rest of the Prospects are busy making sure the ice is filled in the tubs of drinks and everything else is set up the way Corrinth wants them. Kids of all ages are either running around the yard or in the pool. Charlotte is sitting in a small group with her friends while keeping an eye on Colby as he walks around splashing in the pool. He’s having the time of his life with his little floaties on his arms. All the kids are having a great time playing in the cool water as we all keep an eye on them.

“Jasmine looks like she’s not feelin’ the best today,” Renegade remarks as I let my gaze wander over to her.

The plate of food Jason brought her is sitting in her lap untouched. That’s not like her. Even if she wants to wait, she would have sent the plate back inside to be put up for now. From across the yard I can see pain flickering in her eyes.

“She said she was havin’ those false contraction things but I’m not sure. Happened when I went up to check on her to make sure she was ready to go,” I let him know.

“Man, I know the false contractions are painful as hell,” Ink states walking up to us. “That doesn’t look like those though.”

Turning to look at him, I wonder why he’s saying that. I know Phoebe just had their baby and all that shit, but he acts as if he knows without a doubt it’s real contractions. With my beer in hand, I make my way over to my wife. She looks up at me with a small smile on her face. It doesn’t reach her eyes and I can see the pain filling her tense body.

“Song Bird, do you think we need to call the doctor?” I ask her, leaning down so no one else can hear me.

“No. Can you help me up so I can go to the bathroom babe?” she asks, setting the plate aside and holding her hands out for me to help her.

Helping her out of the chair, I walk into the clubhouse with her. Just as we get to the bathroom, Jason and another Prospect walk around the corner coming at us. Water splashes all over the floor and Jasmine’s feet, getting on my boots too.

“Did she just piss on you?” the one Prospect asks, his voice filled with laughter.

“Fuck,” I growl out, wrapping my arm tighter around her as she bends over in pain.

“No, she didn’t piss on him,” Jason states as all of my attention is on my wife. “Her water just broke.”

“Smokey, today is Charlotte’s day. This can’t be happening,” Jasmine says, her eyes filling with tears as Jason rushes past us and out the door to get help.

“Song Bird, our little one wants to come today and celebrate his or her birthday with Charlotte. There’s really nothin’ we can do about this now,” I tell her, keeping my voice gentle as I debate what to do.

“She’s gonna hate me so much for this,” Jasmine cries out as another contraction hits her. “I need to change.”

Picking her up in my arms, I carry Jasmine to our room here at the clubhouse. As quickly as possible, I help her get a new dress on and dry panties. Once she’s dressed, I pick her back up in my arms and carry her out to the SUV. Charlotte is already waiting in the backseat for us. Phoebe and Ink have Colby as the rest of the adults have the kids out of the pool and are drying them off to get them dressed. It’s not like it will be warm in the hospital.

“Charlotte, I’m so sorry,” Jasmine cries out as I get in the driver’s side of the SUV.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about Jas. You didn’t choose to go into labor today. My gifts and everything will be here tomorrow. Or when you get out of the hospital,” Charlotte answers, making me proud as fuck of her.

The rest of the fast ride to the hospital is fast. Charlotte calls Doctor Voight while I race there followed by Ink, Grave, and Jason. Everyone else will be here as soon as possible. It’s what the club does. We’re all there for one another and will give our strength and support in any way we possibly can. At the end of the day, we’re a family and will do whatever we can for one another.

My wife is quicky placed on a gurney an rolled up to the maternity ward. Charlotte and I remain by her side as the guys wait out in the waiting room. I stand back as she’s changed into a hospital gown and monitors are attached to her. As soon as the nurses back away from my wife, Charlotte and I get on either side of her. Jasmine wants Charlotte in the room with us since she’s been with us every step of the way through the pregnancy.

“Doctor Voight will be here soon,” one of the nurses informs us as she leaves the room.

I sit down next to my wife and wait until our son or daughter makes an appearance. The only horrible thing about this experience is I can’t take the pain Jasmine’s in away from her. She is a fucking champ though as she breathes through each contraction and doesn’t complain or scream once. The only time I leave the room is to check on Colby when we’re told it’s going to be a while still.

“How are things going?” Corrinth asks, noticing me first.

“Slow,” I answer. “We’ve still got a while to go. Just want to check on my little man here.”

Colby is in Ink’s arms fast asleep. Looking down at my son, I smile knowing I’m about to have another little baby to hold and love on soon. Without another word, I make my way back to the room my wife and daughter are in. She’s in the middle of a contraction when I enter. Charlotte helps her breathe through it. Taking my spot at her head on the opposite side of the bed.

“Jasmine, you just couldn’t wait until our next appointment, could you?” Doctor Voight says, lightening the mood as she enters the room. “I’m gonna check you and see where we’re at.”

Charlotte and I make sure to remain at Jasmine’s head while the doctor checks her over. She lets us know it won’t be much longer until Jas will be able to push and deliver our baby into the world. Excitement and fear fill me at the knowledge our child will be here very soon. All we can do for now is sit back and help my wife through each contraction that brings our child closer to being in our arms.