Smokey’s Turmoil by Erin Osborne

Chapter Twenty-Six


LEARNING THAT BITCH Reese put her hands on Jasmine, and they were taking her to the hospital has my blood boiling. I should have kicked her out when I saw her the last time. Guilt consumes me as I watched Jasmine sleep that night. I sat in her room all night long and just watched her sleep. I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks of me doing so. For the foreseeable future, Jasmine won’t be out of my sight.

We’ve seen her doctor and she has cleared her to resume normal activity. There is no damage to our baby, and she can go back to work as soon as Corrinth lets her go back. She’s just as worried about her and our baby as I am. Every single day she makes a trip to the house to check on her. Food and drinks are brought in by her, so we don’t have to worry about that. Charlotte has been helping clean up the house and helping me with Colby while Jasmine does nothing. Even being cleared by the doctor, I’m not letting her do anything until we know for sure nothing is going to happen.

Jasmine is pissed at me and ready to leave the house. Today I’m making that happen. We’re going to the clubhouse for a surprise I’ve arranged for her. There is no way I can wait a second longer to make Jasmine mine in every single way. Plus, the Phantom Bastards are coming down for the weekend. Nothing is going on, we just want to get together with them and have a cookout.

“Song Bird lets go to the clubhouse for a while. The Phantom Bastards will be here soon, and I think you’ll like the ol’ ladies from the club. It will also get you out of the house for a little while. There will be other kids there for Colby to play with and Charlotte can hang out with you too,” I tell her.

“Okay. I need to take a shower before we head out,” she answers, getting up off the couch with a slight wince on her face.

“Gonna be in there with you,” I tell her, not wanting her to be in there in case she slips or something.

“Smokey,” she begins, but I cut her off with a kiss against her lips.

“Not happenin’,” I tell her, letting my voice convey how much I need this.

“Okay honey. I’ll give you this,” she finally tells me.

Together we walk back toward the bathroom. While she goes in to grab her clothes, I let Charlotte know what we’re doing, and that Colby is still taking his nap. After entering the bathroom, I start the water for her. By the time she gets in here with me, I’ve got my shirt off and the steam is billowing out into the small room. I’ll turn it down before Jasmine gets in; the water can’t be that hot for her. As she comes in and strips out of her clothes, my mouth waters at every new inch of skin she bares. It’s been so long since I’ve touched her skin with my hands or had a taste of her. I’m ready to taste her again and feel her wrapped around my cock. That’s not happening today.

“Let me adjust the temperature before you get in there,” I tell her, leaning in to adjust the water so it’s cooler than I originally had it.

Jasmine steps in the shower and attempts to pull the curtain closed. Putting my hand up, I climb in behind her. She didn’t see me strip out of my jeans to get in the shower with her. I’m not sure what she thought I meant because she looks up at me with shock written on her face. Turning her around, I help her get her hair wet. Watching as the water sluices over her body, I want to lick each water drop as it slides down her body. My cock is hard and aching as I try to get my mind on anything other than her naked body standing in front of me.

Washing her hair, I help her rinse the shampoo out before adding the conditioner to her long, wet strands. While it’s sitting in her hair, I pick up her body wash and loofah to wash her body. I pay close attention to her chest and between her legs. Jasmine gasps and shakes as I run the loofah over her body along with my hands. By the time I’m done, we’re both panting and ready to take this further. At least I am.

I help Jasmine dry off before running the towel over my body. We both get dressed and make our way to the living room where Charlotte is helping Colby getting his shoes on. His bag is already packed and ready to go next to her. Helping Jasmine into her coat, I slide my own coat on draping my cut over my arm. Walking out with my family to the truck, I help them all inside before getting in myself. If I had been thinking, I would have started it up, so it was warm instead of it being cold.

Pulling up to the clubhouse, the nervous energy flowing through Jasmine is palpable. Her body is vibrating as she sits next to me pulling at invisible strings hanging from the shirt she’s wearing. Jasmine’s leg is shaking as it bounces up and down in the passenger seat of the truck. Charlotte and Colby are sitting in the back talking. Well, Char is talking to Colby as he babbles back to her.

“Are you okay?” I ask her before any of us make a move to get out.

“Yeah. Just a little nervous to be meeting a bunch of new people. And I’m not sure how Colby’s going to handle things. He’s shy and cranky around a lot of new people. Maybe we should have stayed home,” she answers, her voice wavering as she keeps her eyes off me.

“Not happenin’ Song Bird. You’re my woman and you need to get used to bein’ at the clubhouse. The men and women of the Phantom Bastards are no different than anyone you’ve met from here. It’s just another club we help out and work with every now and then. You look amazin’, and they’re goin’ to love you just as everyone here does,” I tell her, running my hand up and down her leg in an attempt to calm her frazzled nerves.

Getting out of the driver’s side of my truck, I walk around to open Jasmine’s door and help her out before helping Charlotte out and grabbing Colby from his car seat. With him in my arms, I grab Jasmine’s hand and we walk in the clubhouse together. Already the common room is overfull of people standing and sitting around talking, sharing a drink, and listening to the music playing through the speakers. It’s not blaring as loud as normal because of the kids being inside right now. When we all head outside, it will get turned up.

I’m actually nervous as I set Colby down on his feet. He grabs onto my leg and holds tight as Charlotte leaves us to make her way over to where the ol’ ladies are sitting. They’re filling up three tables someone’s pushed together to make it easier for them to sit together and talk whatever they blab about. With my family by my side, Renegade cuts the music as we stand in the front of the room. Jasmine looks up at me with silent questions filling her beautiful eyes. It’s now or never for me. For us.

Turning to face Jasmine, I take a deep breath as I reach out for her hand. Colby still hangs onto my leg as I begin talking to her.

“Jas, my Song Bird, you have made me realize what I want in life. You’re strong, beautiful, an amazin’ mom to Char and Colby. I know I’ve fucked up on more than on occasion lettin’ my past rule how I lived my life. Until you, I wasn’t really livin’ though. I was simply here doin’ what I had to do. Now, I want you by my side for the rest of my life. Not only as my ol’ lady, but as my wife. There are still things we have to work out, but I want everyone to know you’re mine,” I tell her, holding out a ring as Ink brings over a box. “Will you do me the honor of bein’ my wife and makin’ us a family and becomin’ my ol’ lady?”

Jasmine looks up at me with tears in her eyes. She nods her head as a smile suddenly appears, lighting up my entire world as everyone breaks out in cheers and clapping.

Sliding the ring on her finger, I take the box from Ink’s outstretched hand and hold it for her to open. Jasmine rips the paper off, Colby laughing as pieces of it fall the floor in front of him. lifting the lid from the box, she pulls out the rag she’ll wear proclaiming she’s mine for the world to see. With tears in her eyes, I help her slip the rag on her shoulders. I’m instantly hard seeing my name on her back. Tonight, I’ll be fucking her with this on and nothing else.

“Yes, Smokey. I’ll marry you and be your ol’ lady. There’s nothing in this world I want more than that,” she gives me the words I didn’t know I needed until she spoke them.

“I’m glad to hear you say that. You’ve got to get ready. We’re gettin’ married today with our family and friends surroundin’ us,” I tell her, as whistles, clapping, and catcalls fill the air.



Phoebe and the rest of the ol’ ladies from both clubs surround Jasmine and escort her into the clubhouse. Everyone has helped me get ready for today. All we have to do now is get dressed and ready for the ceremony. After helping the guys put the chairs up for everyone to sit in, I head into Ink’s room to shower and dress in the clothes I bought for today. As soon as I’m ready, I help Colby get dressed in his new clothes too. Charlotte is with Jasmine and the rest of the women getting ready.

After waiting with the guys in the bar, Phoebe makes her way down to the common room. striding over to her man, she gives him a sweet kiss before letting us know it’s time to head outside. Grabbing Colby’s hand as he wears a pair of jeans, a white tee-shirt, and leather vest over it, we make our way out to where Renegade stands waiting to marry us. I’m more than ready for Jasmine to share my last name so eventually Colby, Charlotte, and our child will also share the same name as us. We’re a family and everyone is going to know it.

Standing at the end of the aisle, Speechless by Dan + Shay begins to play. The ol’ ladies from our club make their way down the aisle to stand up with Jasmine. Instead of having a man walk her down to me, she’s chosen Charlotte. Honestly, there’s no one else she could have chosen. Char is her blood and wants to be a part of our special day. Colby is standing just behind me and right before Ink. Both of them are going to share in our day because they’re our family and deserve to be a part of it.

Placing Jasmine’s hand in mine, I can’t take my eyes off my soon-to-be wife as Charlotte takes her spot as maid of honor. Jasmine is wearing a white summer dress with spaghetti straps. The neckline of the dress shows off just a hint more cleavage than what my Song Bird is used to showing. There are small blue flowers scattered all over the dress that hits just below her knees. White sandals cover her feet as he long red hair flows down her back and gently blows in the wind. I’ve never seen her look more perfect in my life. Especially with the shine of her eyes trained directly on me.

I don’t hear a word being said by Renegade until I’m nudged from behind. Our family all laughs as I look at Renegade.

“Say your vows Smokey,” he states not for the first time.

“Song Bird, I have loved you from the second I laid my eyes on you. Even when I didn’t want to admit it to myself, I wanted to let you and only you in. When I was an ass, there wasn’t a second you were ever off of my mind. Every single day I could smell your vanilla scent in my apartment and thoughts of the time we spent together filled my head. You’re the only woman I want to share every piece of my life with. I want to stand by your side as we raise our children together and help Charlotte figure out where she wants her life to go. I’ll be there to protect each of you as if my life depends on it. Jas, you are my laughter, my light, my air, and the music I need to fill my soul,” I tell her as a lone tear slides slowly down her cheek. “Colby, Charlotte, and any other child you bless our family with will fill our days with memories and more gray hair than we ever thought we’d get.”

“Smokey. You’re the only man who ever made me want to break down the walls I’ve built up to protect myself from being hurt. You see me for who I am and let me be that person without judgement or a lack of support. I love you more than I ever thought I’d love another person. Each day spent with you lets me open up even more to show you who I truly am. Without your love, I wouldn’t be surrounded by all of these amazing people who I consider my family. The only family who will ever matter. I’ll be your strength when you need it and the soft you need at other times. Smokey, you are my strength, my shield from the pain, support, and the love of my life. I can’t wait to raise all of our children together to be the men and women they want to be,” she tells me, giving me the love she does on a daily basis.

Jasmine and I exchange our rings promising to love and support one another for the rest of our lives. Without waiting another second for Renegade to pronounce us man and wife, I pull Jas into my arms and kiss her with all the love and passion filling me. I don’t hear a damn thing until there’s a tap on my shoulder. Ink lets me know we’re getting close to the line of decent and indecent. Pulling back from Jasmine, I pick Colby up in my arms as Charlotte steps between us. Wrapping my arm around the women in my life, the four of us walk back toward the clubhouse to have a minute to ourselves as everyone else begins to bring the food out to the waiting tables.

“Smokey, I love you so much,” Jasmine tells me, as we stand as a family. “You have made all of my dreams come true. I’ll never be able to thank you for that.”

“You don’t need to thank me for anythin’ Song Bird. I’m the one who’s thankful that you three are lettin’ me back in your life. I’ll never be able to make up the damage I’ve caused to each of you,” I tell her honestly.

“Smokey, you’re an amazing guy. We all love you and I’m glad to know our family is almost complete and you’re a part of it,” Charlotte says, wrapping her arms around my waist as Colby struggles to get down.

“Dada,” he says for the first time once I have his feet securely on the ground.

His little blue eyes look directly into my own as my emotions overwhelm me. This is the first time I’ve ever been called dad and my heart is close to bursting with love for this little guy. Looking up at Jasmine and Charlotte, they both have tears in their eyes as Colby wraps an arm around my leg. Ink walks back as Colby calls me dada again.

“Best feelin’ in the world?” he asks me, his own emotion shining bright in his eyes.

I can’t do anything other than nod my head around the lump in my throat. There isn’t a damn other thing I need today. Colby just made it the absolute best day here as I’m now married to the love of my life, I have a teenager daughter, an adorable son, and a baby on the way. The four of us stand together for a few more minutes before I lead my family to a table reserved for just us. Phoebe and the girls bring plates of food over to us as I help Colby eat while Jasmine and Charlotte eat their own plates of food.

As we eat our dinner, members from both clubs come over to talk to us and congratulate us on our marriage. Jasmine laughs and talk with the ol’ ladies from the Phantom Bastards. Even though they just met, these women are already thick as thieves and I can see the close friendships that will be built over the days and years we spend together.

A few hours after eating and talking to everyone, we stand up and I take Jasmine to the makeshift dance floor a few of the guys built. Pulling her into my arms, I wait until Perfect by Ed Sheeran begins to play. It’s the perfect song for us to dance to before I get her out of here. Thanks to Ink and Phoebe who are keeping Charlotte and Colby the night for us.

“Are you happy?” Jasmine asks me softly as I stare down into her eyes.

“I’ve never been happier in my life Song Bird. You give me that. The kids, you, and the club is all I need in my life to be happy. Are you happy?” I return as we continue gently swaying to the music playing.

“I am. You have given me everything I could ever want. We took the long road here, but it was worth it. Now I get to have you for the rest of our lives.”

“And I get to have you. Nothin’ else I want,” I tell her as I break from her to dance with Charlotte.

Jasmine dances with Ink before Jason steps in to have a dance with her. The two of them got close with all the time they spent together. Jason’s going to make a good addition to the club when he patches in. Before I know it, we’re cutting into the cake Corrinth made us. Jas and I place a small bite into one another’s mouth before Ink comes up and smashes some directly in my face. I can’t even be mad with the smile and laughter coming from Jasmine as she looks on at me. Instead of wiping the cake off my face, I lean down to kiss her and spread some of the frosting all over her face too. Our entire family laughs and celebrates along with us.

“Are you ready to get out of here Mrs. Burns?” I ask my wife as I hold her in my arms.

“Yeah. Let’s say goodbye so we can leave here husband,” she answers as we make the rounds to tell everyone goodbye.

Colby and Charlotte are the last ones we say goodbye to as they stand with Phoebe and Ink. After giving hugs and kisses, I hold Jasmine’s hand as I walk her to the front of the clubhouse where a brand-new SUV is waiting. The club pitched in and bought us one for the kids and Jasmine. Her small car isn’t going to be big enough for our family.

Going home, I can’t wait to get Jasmine inside so I can spend the rest of the night worshipping her body. That’s exactly what I do. Carrying her over the threshold of our home for now, I don’t put her down until we’re in our room. Laying her gently on the bed, I slowly strip her out of her dress before stripping my own clothes off. While I’m stripping down, Jasmine takes her bra and panties off. I don’t hesitate to begin worshipping every inch of her. We don’t stop until Jasmine can’t take another round and falls asleep on my chest with her hair fanning out over me. Sleep claims me as Jasmine’s hand rests over my heart with my hand laying on her stomach where our baby rests.