Smokey’s Turmoil by Erin Osborne

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I CAN’T BELIEVE I’m married to Smokey. When he told me there was going to be a cookout and party at the clubhouse with the Phantom Bastards, the last thing on my mind was for us to get married and to become his ol’ lady. I’ll wear his rag with pride as he wears his cut with pride on a daily basis. Phoebe and the rest of the women from both clubs explained to me how much of a big deal it is to be one of the men’s ol’ ladies. For the club, it’s the same as becoming married. On top of the level of protection and respect and ol’ lady has within the club versus being a girlfriend, a babe, or one of the other women who come in to spend a few days with a biker.

None of us were prepared for Colby to say his first word after our wedding ceremony. We’ve been working with him on a daily basis, and everyone I’ve talked to said with everything he’s been through in his short life, he might take a little bit longer to do some things. Especially when none of us really know what he was doing before his mom and him moved to the compound and then she was shot. With things his father could have possibly done to him, we weren’t expecting him to talk or anything else this soon. It’s his way of protecting himself. However, choosing the moment he did to call Smokey dada was absolutely perfect. It was one of the best moments of our day.

If anyone wants to give me shit for taking him back after everything he’s done to me, that’s fine. I can take anything they want to dish out. It’s my choice to make for my life. I’m happy with the decision and Charlotte is happy with it. As long as we’re happy and prepared to live our best lives, that’s all that matters as far as I’m concerned. Smokey makes us feel safe and protected along with being happy. The kids are happier with him in the house with us and stick to his side as soon as he walks through the door when he’s done with work or other club business. Now, Colby has two men he follows around anytime they’re near; Smokey and Ink.

I’m still not back to work yet. Corrinth wants me to relax and simply worry about spending time with my husband and children right now. The way she’s acting, I’m sure this is about more than just spending time with my family. I can work and spend time with them. Though, Smokey has the next week off of work too. We aren’t going on a honeymoon because of the kids. They’ve had enough upheaval in their lives and we don’t want them to stay with someone else in the club for a few days up to a week so we can go on a small vacation with just the two of us. We can do something like that later on when the kids are older if we choose to.

“Song Bird, you’re awake,” Smokey says, walking back in the bedroom with nothing more than a pair of shorts on his body and a tray in his hands.

“What’s this?” I ask him, sitting up in bed.

“Breakfast in bed for my beautiful wife. How are you feelin’ this mornin’?”

“Better than I have been. I’m still tired, but it’s the first time I haven’t felt sick to my stomach. Breakfast smells really good,” I answer him as he climbs in bed next to me.

Sitting on the tray is a plate of pancakes, some fresh fruit that’s been cut up, and a glass of milk. I’ve been drinking so much more milk lately. Though I miss my coffee in the morning. Smokey and I eat our breakfast and talk about what we want to do for the day after picking the kids up from Phoebe and Ink’s house. I’ve missed them so much more than I thought I would. I want to hang out at the house and just lounge around. Smokey lets me know about a party at the clubhouse to celebrate our wedding. We honestly didn’t stay long for our reception and there’s still so much more food leftover. So, with the Phantom Bastards still in town, we’re going to spend some time at the clubhouse.

“Are you gonna shower with me?” I ask Smokey as we finish eating our delicious breakfast.

“Of course. I have to wash your back,” he responds, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

“I’m sure that’s not all you plan on doing,” I mutter with a smile on my face.

Letting the sheet drop from my body, I stand from the bed as Smokey takes care of the tray. By the time I have the water to the right temperature, he’s in the bathroom with me minus the shorts he was wearing a minute ago. Wrapping an arm around my waist, Smokey helps me in the shower where the water proceeds to sluice down our bodies as we get wet. He washes my hair and helps me rinse it while massaging my head. It feels so good as I moan out.

“You keep moanin’ like that Song Bird and we’re gonna get dirty before gettin’ clean again,” he warns me as I open my eyes.

“That sounds like a good idea.”

Smokey groans out as he puts the conditioner in my hair. Grabbing my body wash, he doesn’t bother with my loofa as he washes every single inch of my body. He pays very close attention to my chest and pussy, rinsing his hand before sliding a finger in me. I reach out between our bodies to begin stroking his hard length. Another groan leaves him as he leans down to kiss me.

“Turn to face the wall, Song Bird,” he orders me, sliding his finger from me as I let go of his cock.

Turning around, I place my hands on the wall in front of me. Smokey’s body is instantly at my back, one arm around my waist as he bends down to line his cock up with my entrance. I moan out as he stays rooted within me for a minute as we both adjust. Just as I go to turn to let Smokey know I need him to move, he pulls from my body only to thrust back in. With the force of his thrust, I’m lifted up to my toes. Even minding my stomach, Smokey doesn’t let me slip and slide on the shower floor. He wraps his arm around me and holds me tight to his body.

“I’m so close,” I moan out, my voice low and husky as he continues to thrust in my pussy.

“Play with your clit,” he grinds out, his body tensing up as he gets close to his own release.

Reaching down, I begin to pinch and rub my clit as Smokey pounds into me. He keeps his feet braced, his arm around my middle, and his body as close to mine as possible. Placing a kiss where my shoulder and neck meet, it’s not long before he’s biting down on the spot to give me what I need to be pushed over the edge.

“Gabe!” I scream out, my voice echoing off the shower walls.

His body goes tense behind me before I even come back down from my release.

“Jasmine!” he groans out his release, not letting me go.

Smokey keeps me in his arms until our breathing has returned to normal. After making sure I’m steady on my legs, my husband washes my body again. When he’s done, I return the favor washing Smokey’s hair and body. We don’t get a lot of time to take a shower together with the kids so I’m taking full advantage of being able to run my hands over his body, feeling all of his muscles and ridges. My mouth waters as my gaze travels up and down him. Especially when it lands on his cock which is still hard.

“Song Bird, we have to get to the clubhouse to pick the kids up. Everyone will be waitin’ for us. That’s why I couldn’t take my time with you again this mornin’. You keep lookin’ like at me like you are and we’ll be late,” he warns me, his voice husky and filled with desire.

“Fine,” I pout, not being able to contain my laughter.

We finish washing up and rinsing our bodies off before Smokey shuts the water off. He helps me dry off before using the towel to dry his own body off. As soon as we make our way into the bedroom, I get dressed in a white lace bra and panty set before placing a summer dress on over it. Brushing my hair, I toss it up in a messy bun. It’s supposed to be hot as hell today and I don’t want to sweat my ass off while we’re hanging out with everyone at the clubhouse. Turning around, Smokey is dressed in his standard jeans, tee-shirt, and cut along with his motorcycle boots. Grabbing his wallet and everything else from the dresser, I pick up my phone and leave my wallet here. I don’t need it if we’re just going to the clubhouse.

“You’ll need your purse,” Smokey tells me as I walk by the bed where it lays.

“Oh, okay.”

Together we walk out of the house and make our way to the new SUV the club bought us. Smokey helps me in before walking around to get in the driver’s seat. Starting up the engine, he pulls away from our small house and points us in the direction of the clubhouse. I’d kill for a ride on his bike, but there’s no way in hell he’s going to let me go for one with the pregnancy. Plus, it’s still too cold for me to get on the back of it without him worrying about me getting sick. I already know the thoughts that would go through his mind. Still, it’s nice to sit in a vehicle with me because he places his hand on my leg and lets it rest there while we ride anywhere. It’s just that show up love and support I need at times.

Instead of pulling up at the clubhouse, Smokey walks around the building to where the houses are built. I am so damn confused right now about what’s going on. Before I can ask, Smokey pulls up to a beautiful log cabin home that hasn’t been here before. At least when I’ve been back here.

“Where are we? Did Ink and Phoebe move?” I ask him, not sure what to make of things right now.

“Nope. Look, they’re right there,” he informs me as another SUV pulls up next to us. “Follow me, Song Bird.”

I don’t get out of the vehicle until he comes around to open my door. Smokey is all about being a gentleman and helping me whenever he can. I’m not used to someone treating me with such respect or kindness. It’s taken a lot to get used to and most days I’m still not used to it. I do know it’s something Smokey needs to do so I give it to him when I can.

“Dada!” Colby calls out from Ink and Phoebe’s SUV.

Looking in the window, his little legs are kicking all over the place in his excitement. I’d like to get just as excited as he is right now, but I can’t when I have no clue what the hell is going on. I’m still waiting for someone to fill me in on the details. Smokey gets Colby out as Charlotte comes over to stand next to me. She wraps her arm around me as I look in her face. Charlotte is just as confused as I am right now.

“Smokey?” I question him, my face turning toward him as he stands with Colby in his arms.

“Song Bird, this is our new home. We’ve all been workin’ on it when we can. It got started just before I came back to you. Knew I had to have a bigger place for our family. Now, it’s finished, and I hope I got everythin’ right and how you want it. Everyone has been helpin’ me put things in place and ready to move in without havin’ to do a lot of anythin’,” he finally answers me, a smile on his face.

“This is ours?” I ask, needing to make sure I heard him right.

“Yep. Let’s go inside and check things out. Everyone else will be here shortly. Thought we’d have a cookout in our brand-new home today instead of at the clubhouse. There’s more than enough space here for all of us,” he tells me as he places a hand around my waist before handing a set of keys over to Charlotte so she can open the door for us.

Smokey walks us up the large porch holding a swing big enough for all of us to fit on. The porch wraps around the side of the house from the opposite side from what I can see. Charlotte opens the door and from what I can see, I can’t stop the tears from rolling down my face. Together, we step inside the door with Phoebe and Ink following us. The entire floor in the beginning of the house is hardwood that shines bright from the polish coating it. To the left is a large kitchen any chef would be envious of. An island separates it from the living room that’s directly in front of us. A couch, two recliners and a rocking chair already fill the room. There’s a large TV mounted to the wall with all sorts of DVDs placed on shelves.

I leave Smokey standing in the living room as I make my way to the left of the house. past the kitchen is a dining room with a large table waiting for us to sit around it as a family. One of the chairs already has a booster seat in it for Colby to sit with us. Walking down the hallway, I find an office for Smokey with all of his things already set up. A laundry room, bathroom, and guest room are down the hall. Carpeting lines the hall, guest room, office, and living room with the remaining rooms having the same hardwood flooring as the beginning of the home. Wood fills each wall instead of drywall and paint or wallpaper.

Smokey walks upstairs with me. His hand doesn’t leave my back as Charlotte meets us in the hallway. Tears are falling down her face and I wonder why she’s crying. She wraps her arms around him and buries her face in his chest. He simply holds her as she cries. Peeking in the doorway she was standing in front of, I gasp in astonishment. The room is painted a soft purple, her favorite color, with a canopy bed in white, a matching dresser, walk-in closet, and her own bathroom. There’s a TV mounted to the wall, a stereo system, and everything else a teenage girl could want. He went all out for our girl.

When Charlotte finally lets him go, she looks up and thanks him from tears still fall from his eyes.

“Thank you, Smokey. You didn’t have to do this, and I can’t thank you enough,” she tells him, her voice hitching with sobs.

“You’re my girl,” Smokey simply states.

When Charlotte walks back in her room, Smokey leads me down the rest of the hallway. The doors all stand open showing a bathroom, three more bedrooms, and at the very end of the hallway, a master room. One of the rooms sits empty. Smokey lets me know this will be for the nursery. Walking into the room on the opposite side of the hallway, I once again gasp in shock. This room has been completely fitted for Colby. The walls are painted a light blue with motorcycles are painted all over the walls. His bed is actually designed to look like two motorcycles parked next to one another. Each end of the bed is one end of the bike. I’ve never seen anything like this before in my life. There are two toyboxes sitting along one wall with a large closet and a dresser. As Colby gets older, we can add to his room whatever he needs.

“Smokey, I can’t believe you did all of this for us. We don’t need anything this grand,” I tell him honestly as we walk through the room and back to the hallway.

“Yeah, I did. You’re my family and my family deserves the best. I’m gonna make sure all of you have not only what you need, but what you want too. If I can make it happen, it’s gonna happen,” he tells me, opening the door for our room.

Sitting against the wall directly opposite of the door is a King-sized bed. Our room is painted in a light grey. There are two walk-in closets, a master bathroom that’s the same size as my bedroom in the house we’ve been staying in. A TV is mounted to the wall at the end of the bed along with a lounging chair. I can’t contain the tears as they flow from my eyes. This is the best house I’ve ever had in my life and it’s all because of my husband. No words will ever convey to him what this means to me. To our family.

“There’s room out back for Colby to play. We can put a fence around the yard if you want to,” Smokey informs me.

“No. A fence already surrounds the compound. He can’t get away from us. Plus, at this point, he won’t be out there without one of us,” I let him know, wrapping my arms around him.

“Okay Song Bird. Let’s get downstairs to spend the day with the rest of our family,” he tells me, placing a kiss against my forehead.

We make our way down to find the house filled with everyone from both clubs. Hell, they’ve even spilled out into the backyard. Smokey sets Colby down as he makes his way to Ink. This time, he’s not looking for Smokey’s best friend, he wants to see Caine as Ink lifts him up in his arms to lean over the couch where Phoebe is holding their son.

The rest of our day is spent laughing, talking, and enjoying good food with everyone. Music plays as we spread between the inside of the house and the yard. As any day spent with everyone, it’s a great day. By the end of the night, we’re sitting around a fire pit making smores for the kids and hanging out around a few fires. I lean into Smokey’s side, more than ready for bed. When Colby begins to get fussy, I make my way inside to put him to bed. He’s excited to sleep in his new bed as I bring up the side of the bed Smokey rigged so he can’t fall out. Making my way into our room, I lay down on the bed for just a minute. My eyes close and I’m out like a light.