Heartless Savage by Ivy Blake

Chapter Twenty One


Another week passed and I was glad to see that Austin was finally back at school again. I refrained from jumping for joy as I saw him walking in the lunch hall with Ross and Nate. Sophie nudged me, but I’d already seen him. The boy who had my heart and my attention during our 2am phone calls where we fell asleep chatting about stupid shit while wishing we could be in the same bed together.

“Have you told your mom about Austin yet?” asked Sophie as we sat in our usual spot.

“Not yet, I don’t know how to bring it up,” I said, shrugging as I took a sip of my water.

“How about, ‘hey Mom, I’m dating the hottest and most popular guy at school, I hope you don’t mind’?” said Sophie, making a poor impression of my voice.

“I do not sound like that,” I said, only half offended.

“Trust me, I’m great at impressions,” said Sophie, waggling her eyebrows. “But what’s taking so long? You guys seem pretty smitten to me.”

I looked up at Austin’s table and of course, his eyes were on me, gentle and curious, rather than filled with ice cold hatred as they had been when I’d first arrived.

“I mean, I don’t even think anyone at school knows except our friends, and Lola of course.”

“Firstly, people definitely know that something’s up, someone’s probably seen you guys hanging out somewhere. And secondly, you didn’t really think hat Lola would keep that secret, did you?”

Sophie had a point. I looked around the lunch hall, and sure enough I found a few students looking between me and Austin, whispering and pointing with their friends. Not slick at all.

“Ugh, I just wanted to figure things out before I became the talk of the school,” I groaned.

“Megan, you’ve been the talk of the school since you started, and going out with Austin means that the talk is not going to stop. You really should have considered that before getting involved,” Sophie took a bite of her French fry.

“It’s not like I went out of my way to get involved, things just happened,” I said, wanting to hide away from the stares. Sophie put her hand on my forearm.

“Look, you just focus on being happy and fuck what anybody else thinks, they’re probably just jealous. And fair enough, because you two make a very attractive couple.” I blushed because as I looked up Austin winked at me.

“Thank you,” I chuckled, returning my attention to Sophie. “I don’t think we’re officially a couple though.”

“I said what I said.” Sophie winked at me and we continued eating our lunch. “I’m looking forward to meeting your Mom tonight though!”

“I guarantee you it’ll be quite awkward,” I warned her.

“Lucky for you, I am the queen of conversation!”

* * *

Sophie and Lola met me at my car after school and the two of them spoke as I drove, introducing themselves to one another as they’d never really spoken to each other at school. I was glad to hear that they were getting along even though they had quite different personalities, they both loved to chat so they at least had that in common.

We got home and could smell the food cooking from outside the door. Lola, Sophie and I were practically salivating as we entered the house. Mom had taken the afternoon off work to celebrate my birthday with me because she was going to be working all weekend. She suggested that I invite Sophie over for a little get together, and begrudgingly I had. Not that I didn’t want her to meet Sophie, but again it was the attention thing and also parental meetings were always bound to be weird and awkward.

“Mom, we’re home!” I called as we took our shoes off in the hallway.

“Hey girls!” Mom walked out of the kitchen with an apron on and a smile stretching from ear to ear. “You must be Sophie.” She stretched her hand out to my friend and Sophie shook it politely.

“It’s nice to meet you,” they both said in unison before laughing together.

“I’m so glad you could come and celebrate Megan’s birthday, you girls get seated in the lounge and I’ll bring the food there!”

Mom turned on her heel and went back to the kitchen while Lola and I side eyed each other. We never ate in the sitting room, but we weren’t going to question it, so we lead Sophie there, switched on the television and got ourselves comfortable on the sofas that we barely used.

A few minutes later, Mom had brought out trays off food- buffet style and little party hats for us to wear. I groaned.

“Very cute,” said Sophie as she put hers on her head. Mom looked pointedly at me and by force, I slipped the tiny paper cone onto my head, cringing as the band snapped on my chin.

“You look great, Meg,” Lola snickered as she snapped a picture on her phone. Sophie leaned in closer to me and we made silly poses as Mom and Lola took more pictures of us. If I’d been on my own, I would have completely rejected the whole thing, but having Sophie, who seemed to be having a lot of fun, by my side made me feel comfortable enough to participate.

The four of us chatted away as we watched an old episode of America’s Next Top Model. It was makeover week and we ‘oohed’ and ‘ahhed’ as some contestants had their hair buzzed off or dyed crazy colours before promptly being sent home.

“Tyra is a savage!” said Sophie as she dug into her slice of birthday cake. While Mom was a great cook, her baking skills were subpar, so she had ordered a massive chocolate fudge cake from a local bakery for us to enjoy instead. And boy were we enjoying!

“Tyra could even make me cry,” said Lola as she put on the next episode. “But she does know what she’s talking about, to be fair.”

Sophie and I nodded in agreement and proceeded to rank our favourite contestants and argue over who should be sent home next. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door startling all of us. Who could be coming over at this time?

“Don’t worry girls, I’ll get it,” said Mom as she stood up from the sofa, a confused expression on her face as she walked to the hallway.

Sophie, Lola and I turned the volume down on the tv as we leaned in to hear who was surprising us with a visit this late. All we could hear was a muffled male voice, making our eyes open wide with suspicion. There was no way it was who I thought it was.

“Is it-”

“Megan, there’s someone here for you,” called Mom, her voice cutting off Lola’s. I put my plate on the table and hurried to the door, my heart beating incessantly as the familiar cologne seeped into my nose.

“Hey,” said Austin in that deep, velvety voice of his. I stood in shock, looking from him standing at my door with a bouquet of roses, to Mom who had her hands on her hips and an eyebrow raised.

“Hey, Austin,” I said, confused as to why he was hear and why he hadn’t told me he was going to show up. This was awkward beyond belief. But I couldn’t deny that he looked sexy as fuck in another button down that fit his body perfectly, smart trousers and loafers.

“I didn’t know you were dating anyone,” Mom said pointedly as she beckoned Austin inside.

“Sorry, I was going to tell you,” I lied to Mom as I shifted my weight between my feet. Austin looked oddly calm, happy even, as if he was revelling in my discomfort. I wanted to kill him.

“It’s nice to meet you, Austin,” Mom shook his hand and gave him a tight smile. I could tell that she was still trying to work out his deal. To be fair on her, Austin was the type of guy that looked like he would break your daughter’s heart in an instant, so I couldn’t blame her for being slightly suspicious of him.

“It’s nice to meet you too, ma’am,” said Austin with a killer smile. Ma’am? What the hell did this guy think he was playing at? “These are for you, Meg.” Austin turned to me, presenting the flowers.

“Thank you,” I said bashfully, as I accepted them. “I’ll put them in a vase.” I turned to the kitchen before anyone could stop me and heard Sophie and Lola chatting through the wall. I was glad that they hadn’t jumped up because then I would have had to seriously vanish into thin air. I couldn’t deal with everyone at once.

As I arranged my flowers, by following the instructions of course because no one had ever bought me flowers, I tuned in to the conversation that Austin and Mom were having.

“I actually came to ask if I could take Megan out as a birthday treat. I apologise for the short notice,” I could hear Austin speaking confidently and politely, adopting a tone that I hadn’t heard him use before.

“We were kind of in the middle of celebrations ourselves,” said my Mom, annoyance lacing her voice.

“I can see that now,” said Austin, “I swear, she’s in good hands, my parents will be there.”

Bullshit. I wanted to go with him, wherever it was that Austin wanted to take me, but I doubted that Mom would let me go, especially since she’d only just met him. I angrily trimmed the stems of the flowers with scissors, channelling my frustration into my work.

“I’m not sure, Austin…”Mom began.

“It’s also to say thank you,” Austin interjected. “Meg’s been tutoring me to help me get a scholarship. I was getting D’s and I got a B+ on my last essay!”

My heart soared. This was the first time I was hearing of this good news and I felt simultaneously proud of him and glad that my efforts to help were finally paying off.

“Megan!” I set down the vase and went to re-join Mom and Austin in the hallway.

“Yes?” I said coolly, as if I hadn’t been tuned in this entire time.

“Austin tells me you’ve been helping him out with school, is that right?”

“Yes, I have,” I said nervously.

“He also tells me that he wants to take you out tonight.”

“Okay,” I said slowly, looking between Austin and my mom, unsure of what to say. It’s not like I’d planned this at all, but I wish Austin had given me some sort of heads up.

“While I’m not happy that you didn’t tell me about him or that it’s so late, I’m going to let you go on this one occasion.”

Mom’s words took me completely by surprise, my eyes nearly popped out of my head from opening so wide. Austin smiled at me like he knew his persuasion skills were going to work from the beginning.

“On one condition,’ said Mom with a smile.

“What’s that?” I asked, wary that she was going to make me do extra chores for a month or something worse.

“If Sophie and Lola are okay with it, then I’m okay with it. And-”

“You said one condition,” I teased.

And,” Mom said pointedly, “you guys better be safe.” She gave Austin a serious look as if to say any-funny-business-and-I’ll-fuck-you-up. Austin gave her a salute and that charming smile once again.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good. Sophie, Lola, get in here, we know you’re listening,” said Mom. Sophie and Lola popped their heads around the door with knowing smiles.

“We’re cool with it,” said Lola. Even though she tried to hide it, I could tell that she was just as surprised as I was. Mom was always stricter with me and this had completely blindsided both of us. But I wasn’t going to question it, lest she suddenly change her mind.

“I’m cool with it too, if you drop me off on your way?” said Sophie.

“No problem, car’s outside,” said Austin.

“Right, since that’s all sorted, I guess… I’ll leave you to it,’ said Mom turning to me.

“Thanks,” I said calmly, even though my excitement was bubbling inside me, threatening to overflow. “I’m gonna get my stuff together.” I beckoned for Sophie to follow me up the stairs and as I turned back Austin gave me a look that I’d become all too familiar with, that he didn’t need to say anything. His look said, your mine, and if our last few encounters were anything to go by, he was sure as hell going to make sure that I didn’t forget it.

* * *

“How the hell did you convince Megan’s mom?” exclaimed Sophie as we drove down the road to her house. Austin shrugged and looked in the rear-view mirror.

“I just have my ways,” he said with a knowing smile. He turned to me and placed his other hand on my thigh. “I’m glad you were up for it.”

“I wish you’d told me you were coming,” I said. “We could have saved you more cake.”

“Your mom packed plenty for me, Coach is not gonna be happy but who cares?” Austin chuckled as we turned into Sophie’s street.

“It’s that one on the left,” said Sophie as she pointed out the window. Austin pulled up outside her house and unlocked the doors.

“Thanks for the lift. You guys have fun!” We all said goodbye as she walked into her house and then it was just me and Austin left on our own.

“You gonna tell me where we’re going then?” I asked, unable to keep my curiosity at bay for much longer.

“Let’s just say I’ve booked a nice hotel stay for the two of us,” Austin said, flashing his perfect teeth at me.

“A hotel?” I said, eyebrows shooting up on my face. I’d never stayed in a hotel and from the expression on Austin’s face I could tell that he knew.

“My treat.” He squeezed my thigh as we drove away from Sophie’s house.

We drove for about 20 minutes, taking us out of town in a direction I’d never been before. The signs were unfamiliar which only added to the mysterious element of the night. I doubted that Mom had a clue that we were going out this far, but for whatever reason she trusted Austin and me, so I wasn’t going to worry about her too much.

We pulled up outside a massive hotel that made me feel like an ant as I tried to count how many floors it had. Austin motioned for me to get out of the car as he handed the car keys to a man standing outside in a suit.

“I’ll get that parked for you, Mr Hunter,” said the man with a polite smile, before he ducked into the car.

I tried not to gape, but it was just so surreal. I was glad that Austin took my hand in his as we walked up the red carpeted steps to the hotel entrance which looked like something out of a movie. The doors opened automatically and we stepped into what I could only describe as paradise. The inside of the hotel was decorated in a very classy manner and the amount of chandeliers in the reception alone were enough to tell me that this was not a cheap trip.

“Booking for two, under Hunter,” said Austin to the lady at the reception.

“I’m glad that you’re joining us this evening, I hope you both have a wonderful stay. Just a reminder that the pool, sauna and spa facilities are open 24/7,” the receptionist said to us politely as she handed us two key cards. A pool, a sauna and a spa! If I was in a dream, I didn’t want to wake up.

“This way, Megan,” said Austin as he lead me to the elevator. We waited for it to arrive and stepped into the contraption that looked like something out of Black Mirror.

“We’re on the top floor,” said Austin as he pressed down on the appropriate button. “So we can be as loud as we want.” He smiled that wolfish grin as he pulled me close towards him. My heart beat frantically as Austin pressed himself closer to me. I couldn’t believe that he’d arranged all of this, I never would have expected it in a million years.

“You didn’t have to do this-” I began, but Austin placed his finger on my lip, silencing me.

“Wait until you see the room,” he said with a smile, replacing his finger with his lips. We kissed furiously until the elevator notified us that we had reached our floor. We stepped out together and walked down the wide hallway until we found the door leading to our room.

When Austin pushed open the door, I could not have prepared myself for what was going to be inside. There was a massive four poster king sized bed in the centre of the room which felt like it stretched out for miles. There were towels and matching white dressing gowns and slippers lying on top of the covers. A jacuzzi bath sat in the corner overlooking an amazing city landscape. The bathroom was gigantic and had another bath as well as a spacious shower with marble tiling in it. My eyes were overwhelmed by the massive flat screen TV, the plush sofas, the beautiful mirrors, not to mention the kitchen and walk in wardrobe. I wanted to cry with joy. It was more than I could ever have dreamed of. When Austin had said hotel, I never would have imagined this.

“I can’t believe you did all this, Austin,” I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. “But it’s so expensive.” I let go. Austin’s hands remained on my waist as he raised an eyebrow at me.

“You’re forgetting that I’m a Hunter,” he said with a chuckle. “Like I said, I wanted to treat the birthday girl.” I took in the space once again, thinking about how Lola and Sophie would want to hear about every detail.

“Thank you, I really appreciate it,” I said honestly, feeling like my words were no match for this amazing place. Austin lifted my chin with his finger and kissed me like the world was going to end. Before I knew it, we were on the bed, struggling to get our clothes off, hungry to be closer to each other.

“You’re perfect,” breathed Austin as he traced kisses down my body. I arched my back as his mouth met my wetness and I grabbed his hair as he began licking my pussy and fingering my clit. We moaned together as he pushed me further to the edge, his tongue working magic on all my sensitive spots. My legs began to shake with pleasure and I was glad when his head popped up because at least I could have a break.

We gazed into each other’s eyes as he lowered himself on top of me, his warm hands kneading my breasts gently. I brought my hand to his firm cock and rubbed it gently, smiling as his face contorted with pleasure.

“Fuck, Megan,” he growled as he bucked his hips. I sped up and jerked it quicker, loving the way his eyes rolled back into his head as I pleasured him. Austin looked at me and I saw that hunger take over his eyes.

“Get on all fours,” he commanded me.

“Make me,” I teased. Austin growled again and in one swift motion he had grabbed me by the hips and flipped me over into his desired position. I heard him open a condom wrapper and slide the condom on himself. I was now dripping wet from his touch, anticipating his next move. I arched my back as I felt him rub his throbbing erection against my slit.

“Please,” I begged.

“Mmm, I love when you beg for it,” Austin purred.

“Please put it in,” I moaned as I tried to back myself onto him. Austin chuckled darkly to himself and held my hips firmly in his hands. I gasped as he plunged himself deep in my pussy, moaning as I spread around his girthy cock. “Thank you,” I moaned as he began pounding me, slowly picking up the pace as we both got more and more into it.

“Good girl!” Austin said as he pulled my hair and spanked my ass. It felt so good to be handled by him, to lose control to the guy who held my heart. I fucked him back, reaching in between my legs to fondle with his balls as he drove himself into me over and over again. I could feel my orgasm building up within me and decided that I wanted to be looking at him when I finished.

“I want to see your face,” I said. Austin reacted immediately. This time I guided him to lie on his back and climbed on top of him, lowering myself onto his cock as he held onto my hips. Austin moaned as his dick disappeared inside of me and I started riding him like my life depended on it. Faster and faster, I moved my hips back and forth until neither of us could take it anymore and both erupted into spasms of pleasure. We kissed each other as we came, caressing each other’s bodies as we rode out our orgasms.

After we cleaned up, we jumped in the shower and rubbed soap suds over each other’s bodies, laughing when we gave each other bubbly beards. Austin cupped my ass with his hands and planted a kiss on my forehead.

“I love you,” he said gently.

His words took me by surprise, I searched his eyes for any signs that he could be lying or even slightly unsure, but I couldn’t find any. As I stared into Austin Hunter’s eyes I felt a rush of warmth as he held me close to him.

“I love you too,” I replied, the words coming out before I’d even had a chance to think about it. A smile spread across Austin’s face and we kissed again, allowing the warm water from the shower to fall on us.

“You up for another round?” he breathed in my ear.

“I could be convinced,” I teased. “As long as we also check out the sauna.”

“Deal,” said Austin, his mouth already on mine again.