Twist Me by Mia Monroe


In the morning I open my eyes, happy to see Grey sleeping beside me. Last night was monumental for both of us, and I practically carried him to my bed, exhausted and spent. The memory of him tucking his body into mine, of him kissing my jaw and neck and whispering sweet words of happiness and satisfaction, fills my soul. I didn’t know until Grey entered my life how depleted my romantic well had become, but it’s replenished now.

I stroke his blond hair from his face, admiring his features. Even as he sleeps, he is stunning. Like a Renaissance sculpture or a Classical Greek statue, he is the personification of male beauty. And he is mine. I hope he feels the same.

His eyes flicker open and, as he focuses on me, a sweet smile spreads across his full lips. “Not dreaming.”

“No, my sweet. You’re awake.”

“In your bed?”


A contented hum leaves his lips. “Nice.”

“You can stay as long as you like.”

“What time is it?”

Twisting my head, I look at my phone on the nightstand. “Almost nine.”

“Ugh. I have a client at eleven.” He stretches. “I should go, but it’s so nice here.”

I brush my fingers over his cheek, feeling the soft stubble there. “Is there anything I can do to make your morning nicer? A cup of tea? A shower?”

Grey smiles. “A kiss?”

I chuckle, leaning close to press my lips to his. He wraps his arms around my neck, pulling me down to him, and we snuggle together.

“If we can do this for, like, ten minutes, I think I’ll be good.”

“I think I will be too.”

* * *

“Hey,” Nix says as he enters the garden. He bows before joining me on the pillows. “How are you?”

“Extremely well. You?”

“Yeah, I’m good.” He tilts his head, studying me. “Something’s different.”

“What do you mean?”

“You. You’re always chill, but there’s a peace or calmness over you that’s even more palpable. Something good happen?”

I laugh softly, filling two cups with green tea. “You are very perceptive.”

“Learned from the master.” He sips the tea I hand him. “So, what’s up?”

“I never thought these words would come out of my mouth, but I am in love.” I smile as the words leave my lips, filling me with their truth. “Absolutely and completely in love.”

Nix grins but gives me a quizzical look. “In love? That’s amazing, but how? I didn’t even know you were dating someone.”

“Neither did I.” I sip my tea, leaving my friend in suspense for a few seconds. “It’s Grey. We’ve been spending time together, and it’s been wonderful.”

“Oh.” He nods. “Grey. I guess I’m not totally surprised. You guys definitely seemed to hit it off.”

“Yes, but he thought we had too many differences. Age mostly. He feared the ropes. He believed it was a requirement to spend time with me.”

“It’s not?” Nix asks with a smirk.

“It’s not. However, he worked up the courage to try it. Just last night.”

“Did he like it?”

“He did.”

“Um, so I guess I didn’t know you dated men. Not that I care, obviously. I just figure it would’ve come up when I came to you about Tate.”

“Why would it? We were talking about you and your feelings, not mine.”

“Yeah, true, but often people share their own experiences to, I don’t know, empathize?”

“It wasn’t on my mind at the time. I have dated men in the past. I’ve dated women too. As you know, I’m attracted to energy, but now you know that energy is more important to me than gender or sex.”

“Right. Pansexual.”

I tilt my head. “If I must. Sure.”

“No, sorry. I just attended a workshop at one of the youth centers to help support it. They did this whole presentation on sexual orientation. I thought I might be that until they got to demisexual. Kind of aligned with my experience with Tate.”

“Is that how you identify now?”

“Yeah.” He laughs. “It was interesting, but you know I don’t give a damn about labels. I’m in love with Tate, and that’s all that matters to me. But now I know what it means.”

“As you know, labels have never been important to me either.”

“Right. I’m all for them if a person wants to use them for themselves, but I don’t need one. It’s freeing once you stop caring how other people will categorize your life. We went to the museum a few weeks ago and this woman was like, ‘Oh, I have a gay cousin who is getting married next year. I just love that gay couples can legally marry now.’” He chuckles. “The Nix from a couple of years ago would have corrected her. Instead I wrapped my arm around my man’s waist and kissed his cheek. Growth is good.”

I nod, smiling. “It is. It’s amazing to see how far you’ve come personally and in your relationship with Tate. You’re very suited for each other.”

“Yeah. He’s everything.” Nix exhales. “So there is an age difference with you and Grey. Not a big deal?”

“Hasn’t been an issue so far. We talk, spend a lot of time just learning about each other. He’s like a sponge. He wants to know everything. He’s been shy most of his life.”

“Ah. Have you told him about your travels?”

“I have.” My thoughts shift back to last night. I would never reveal intimate details about Grey, but I feel such a strong desire to talk about him. “Grey is amazing. His presence brings me joy. I thought I was centered and at peace with my life until he entered my world. He has brightened it. Added something I was desperately missing.”

Nix smiles. “That’s awesome. It’s a match, then?”

“For me, yes. I haven’t told him how I feel yet. It’s been just a few months, and he’s in need of reassurance still. I believe I made progress last night.”

“What kind of progress?” Nix waggles his eyebrows at me, making me laugh.

“Yes, we’ve made love. It was magical on so many levels. I haven’t shared my history with you, but it’s been years for me.”

“Years? Because of work or…?”

“Work. Reluctance to get out there. I’m not...typical. Could you honestly see me engaging with a stranger on an app and meeting to fuck somewhere?”

Nix nearly chokes on his tea. “No. Definitely not.”

“Right. So then what? Linger at bars? It’s just not me. So I focused on building my life in other ways.”

“Were you lonely before Grey?”

“I didn’t think I was, but now, when he’s not here, his absence is felt.”

“It’s amazing you found that connection. When will you tell him?”

“I don’t know yet. I’ll let the moment guide me.”

Nix smiles. “So funny. I was falling in love and losing my shit over it. You’re like super chill, ‘the moment will guide me.’ I still have a long way to go to enlightenment.”

“It’s a journey, not a—”

“Destination. Good reminder.”

“I will say, though, that I felt some internal hesitance. Still do a little bit. He’s so much younger; I don’t know if he wants more than what I can give.”


“Children. A higher-end lifestyle. My life suits me fine. I don’t need or want much, but I’m me. He’s so beautiful. I wish I could shower him in the finest things. He deserves it.”

“But is that what he wants? Does he want things, or does he want you?”

I exhale slowly and smile. “Excellent point. I don’t know exactly, but I have to trust in our connection. Thank you for grounding me.”

He pulls his head back with a grin. “Did the student just become the master?”

“Let’s not go that far.”

We both laugh.

Later that day as I’m folding ropes after my last private lesson, my phone rings. I cannot contain my smile when I see Grey’s name on the screen.

“Hello, my sweet.”

“Hi, Mitsu.”

His soft voice sends flutters of joy and desire through me.

“How was your day?”

“Good. I had a few clients. Made some good cash.”

“Always helpful.”

“Yeah. Um, I know I just left there this morning, but would you be interested in coming over? I can order dinner and we can hang out here. If you’re not sick of me yet.”

The nervousness in his voice warms my heart. “I don’t think I could ever be sick of you, Grey. I would love to come over.”

“Really? That’s great.”

“I’d love to see you again.”

“Same.” I can hear the smile in his voice. “Maybe like an hour? Does that work?”

“It’s perfect. I’ll see you soon.”


After that call, there’s a sense of happiness radiating through me that I haven’t felt in a very long time. I close my eyes for a moment. I will let the moment guide me, and when it’s time to tell Grey how I feel, I’ll know it.