Twist Me by Mia Monroe


“Hey,” Casper says, flopping down in my chair at work while I stand in front of the mirror, trying to tame my hair. It’s humid as fuck today and it’s causing flyaways.


“We’re going out Saturday night. All of us. It’s Elliot’s birthday.”

I glance at him. “Elliot from the bakery?”

“Yep. There’s a new club opening and he wants to check it out. Supposed to be male go-go dancers and shit. Should be fun. You in?”

“Yeah. I’ll call Mitsu.”

“Cool. How’s it going with him? Are you guys a couple now?”

“I think so. We’re dating.” A thought clicks into place. “Saint is older than you, right?”


“Do you find any problems with that? Like, I don’t know, things you don’t understand about each other because of the age gap?”

“Good question. I think he worried about that at first. Plus, we come from really different worlds, right? He’s from Scotland and a pretty chill guy. I was this wild party boy when he met me. I think what happened, though, is he got a little from me and I got a little from him.”

I sit on my stool. “What do you mean?”

“He taught me a lot. He helped me see how staying home and doing low-key things could be fun too. I taught him that it’s fun to go out and have some drinks and dance every now and then. We go out once or twice a month now. It’s a nice balance.”

“Cool.” I nod. “Other stuff? TV shows, music, shit like that?”

“None of that really matters. Once you’re in love with somebody you try to like the things they do. He’s the best thing that ever happened to me. His age and experience in life were actually everything I needed. My youth and outgoing spirit helped him. We complement each other.”

I smile, feeling warmth settle in my chest. “That sounds nice.”

“You worried about the age difference with you and Mitsu?”

“A little, but when I’m with him, everything just falls into place. I feel so good. I’ve never felt like this before. I just wondered if long-term it would make a difference.”

“That’s why you gotta talk. Make sure you’re on the same page about what you want in life. From where you live to pets to kids to money. All of it.”

“That makes sense.”

“Saint, for me, was like this force I needed to be able to see my own worth. He had to do everything for me, at first, but slowly I saw that I could do it too. Our relationship is unique, obviously. I mean, I call him Daddy.”

We both laugh.

“But he is that for me. That’s what I needed. It’s not for everyone. You have to know what your needs are and communicate those to Mitsu. He should do the same. That’s how it works.”

“That’s smart. Really makes sense.”

“I know. I’m, like, so mature now.” He winks, flashing his gorgeous smile. “Seriously, though, I hope I helped.”

“You did. Thanks, man.”


After I finish with my last client, I walk outside for some fresh air and to stretch. Three tattoos in a row is great money, but I need to move. I pull my phone out of my back pocket and dial Mitsu.

“Hello, darling,” he answers, sending shivers through me from the tone and the sweet endearment. “How are you?”

“Good. Taking a short break in between clients. I had three already today.”

“Busy is good.”

“Definitely. We’ll never not be busy at Jude’s.”

“I’m happy for you.”

“Thank you. I’m calling because the guys are organizing a night out on Saturday. It’s Elliot’s birthday. He works at the bakery, if you remember him.”

“I do, I think.”

“Do you want to go?”

“I think that would be fun. We haven’t been out for a while.”

“Right. Do you want to meet there or go together?”

“Go together. I’ll pick you up?”

I smile. “Yeah, that sounds great.”

“I look forward to it.”

“Me too. Bye, Mitsu.”

“Bye, Grey.”

Talking to him puts a little skip in my step as I head back to the shop just as rain starts to fall like a bucket tipped over. All I have to do now is make it to Saturday.

* * *

When Mitsu knocks on my apartment door, I nearly run to answer it, brimming with excitement to see him again. I exhale slowly to gain a little chill before I open it, but when I see him, my breath hitches. Fuck.

“Hey.” He steps inside and kisses my cheek. “You look amazing.”

“Me?” I’m wearing jeans, a gray sweater, and black boots. Pretty simple. He, on the other hand, looks like a damn model in his tight black jeans, a form-fitting white shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows, and all that hair falling around his face. “You look hot.”

He bows his head slightly. “All I need is your high opinion.”

“You have it.” I grab my keys and my phone. “Ready?”


We walk out together and Mitsu holds the door open for me. It’s the coolest gesture. Old school and respectful. It makes me feel special and taken care of. It does make me wonder though...

“I have a question.”

Mitsu nods, kneeling. “Ask it.”

“On a date, do you treat men the same way you do women?”

He tilts his head slightly. “What do you mean?”

“Holding doors, cheek kisses, terms of endearment.”

“Oh.” His brow furrows a bit. “It’s been so long on either side, but I suppose I’m just behaving on instinct. I imagine I would do the same things, but I get doors for everyone, even friends. Am I making you uncomfortable?”

“No, not at all.” I smile. “I was just curious. You treat me the way my dad treats my mom.”

Mitsu pauses, reaching for my hand. “If my behavior is too traditional and heteronormative for you, I can adjust.”

“I don’t want you to adjust anything, Mitsu. I swear. I’ve just never really been on a date before, not really, so I wasn’t sure how it would feel or what to expect.” I squeeze his hand. “But it feels nice.”

He smiles. “Please tell me if I ever do something that doesn’t.”

“I will.”

While Mitsu joins me on the other side, I put the directions in the phone for the club so he knows where to go, then lean back in my seat. We drive for a few minutes until Mitsu bumps me with his elbow.

“I have a surprise.”

“Ooh. I love surprises. What is it?”

“Press play on the CD player.”

I reach over and hit play, waiting with anticipation. The beginning notes of NSYNC’s “Bye Bye Bye” fill the car, making me laugh.

“No way.”

“I read online this was their most popular album. I hope it meets your approval.”

I laugh. “This is honestly so cool.”

“It’s catchy,” he says, winking at me before returning his focus to the road. “Maybe this can be our karaoke song.”

“You’re on. Also, I can’t sing for shit either.”

“We’ll make a great pair then.”

We finish the ride to the club and Mitsu chooses to valet since the place is packed. It’s in South Beach, and every pretty person in the city must be here. It’s one of those high-end clubs, a place to see and be seen. Not my usual vibe, but I’d sit in a pile of shit as long as Mitsu was there. Well, maybe not that far.

We get in line, which moves surprisingly quickly, and then find ourselves wandering around inside the dark club looking for familiar faces. This place is nuts. Super-high ceilings with strobe lights and pounding bass you can feel inside of you. Everything is pink and purple, like stepping inside of some kind of adult candy store, and then it hits me. The club is called The Candy Shoppe. Well played. We approach an area with big S-shaped couches in dark-purple velvet. Above the couches are huge chandeliers that look like they're made of white feathers. I see Saint first.

“There they are,” I say to Mitsu, pointing.

We make our way over to the group. Mitsu sees Nix and the two pair off, talking, while I say hi to the rest of our friends. Jude and Briar came as well as Casper and Saint. Luca, Cairo, and Gen are chatting with Tate, Xander, and Elliot while Apollo and Felix chat with Felix’s brother, Lucien. Micah and Sam are talking to Jerica and another gal I’ve seen meet Jerica for lunch before. Her sister, I think. I was sure Jerica wasn’t talking to Micah anymore after a few tense interactions at work, but they’re laughing and looking friendly with each other. I smile, sitting across from Apollo and his friend. This huge group of people have become my friends. It’s pretty cool for a kid who grew up so shy he could barely speak.

“Hi, Grey,” Apollo says. “You remember Lucien?”

“I do. Hey.”

Lucien extends his hand. “Hey.”

“We ordered a bunch of shit,” Apollo says with Felix balanced on his knee. “Beer, shots, whatever your poison tonight, it’s probably on the table.”

I laugh. “Sweet.” I pour myself a beer.

We all chat for a bit about work, the bakery, Lucien’s return to Miami.

Mitsu comes over and sits in the spot next to me. “Having fun?”

I nod. “Yeah. How’s Nix?”

“Good. Do you want to dance?”


Mitsu leads me to the dance floor and pulls me close as if it’s a ballad instead of the thumping club music. His hands move up and down my back, twisting under my hair, and tugging just slightly.

“When I’m with you,” he says into my ear. “Nothing else exists. Just you and me.”

I smile, burying my face into his hair. “That’s how I feel when you touch me.” I never thought I could be so comfortable in someone’s arms.

Mitsu pulls back enough to meet my eyes. “That makes me happy to hear.”

Another song comes on and others from our group join us until we end up in a circle, dancing. Saint and Mitsu stick close by, swaying to the music and enjoying the twerking dance-off conducted by Gen, Cairo, and the birthday boy, Elliot.

When I feel hands around my waist, I twist around, expecting it to be someone from our group, but it’s another guy, leaning drunkenly on me.

“Fuck, man, you are gorgeous,” he slurs, trying to pull me into him.

“Let go.” I tug away from him, but he holds me tighter. “Dude, stop. I have a man.”

“Good. The more the merrier.” He pumps his hips into me, blasting my face with hot, beer-stale breath.

I grab his shoulders, but Saint and Mitsu quickly appear beside me. Saint’s arms are crossed over his chest as Mitsu grips the guy’s arm.

“Back off,” Mitsu growls, sending an unexpected surge of lust through me. My peaceful master has a tough side.

The guy raises his hands in surrender and backs off. I slump into Mitsu as he rubs my back.

“Did he hurt you?”

“No.” I look up and smile at Saint. “Thanks. He was just persistent. I didn’t want to punch him and get kicked out.”

“I mean, who can blame the guy,” Elliot says, grinning as he sips yet another cocktail. “We’re totally the hottest dudes here.”

“Cheers to that,” Xander says as he clinks Elliot’s glass.

I laugh. “Okay, crisis averted. Let’s dance.”

“I love that song,” Elliot slurs, referring to the Bowie classic.

Hours pass, blurred by drinks and dancing, until the early morning. Somehow, I end up in bed, smiling as I feel Mitsu kiss the top of my head.