Giving Away by Lola King


‘Something about you makes me feel alive

The only one that makes the dark turn to light’

superstars – Christian French


Jamie turns around, her green dress swinging and showing more of her legs. I want to grab her right here and now and fuck her against the car, but I guess it’s not okay to do that in front of all our friends as we embark limos to get to the ball. My dick twitches, thinking of making her come in front of everyone. Just to show she’s mine. Just to show I’m the only one who gets to do that.

“I forgot my purse!” As she finishes her spin, I catch her. She’s flushed from the two drinks she shared with me and I find it cute that she’s such a lightweight. When Camila would get drunk, I’d find it annoying. It took my ex a lot and she would be the kind to hit on other guys to make sure I knew she could do better. That was her thing. Then we would argue and she’d cry or throw up or both. Jamie becomes this relaxed, giggly girl that I can’t get enough of.

“I’ll go get it,” I say, holding her hips tight and spinning her back the other way. “Just get in the car.”

She giggles and Emily grabs her hand. “She’s coming with me. Our limo is leaving now. You can have Luke.” She starts walking away, dragging Jamie with her before I can say anything, and I can’t help a growl.

Luke and Emily have been arguing on and off in the past days because my best friend has finally found a girl that won’t take any of his attitude and he’s struggling with it.

I look at the car Jamie just got in and check who’s in it. Chris, Emily, Rachel, and some of Ella’s friends. That’ll do.

“Dude, tonight we’re getting fucked. And I mean I don’t want to remember anything tomorrow,” my best friend exclaims.

I laugh as Luke slaps my shoulder and agree with him. We’re leaving for the break legendary style.

I run back inside to grab Jamie’s purse but it’s nowhere to be found in the living room. I hurry to my bedroom and find the door ajar and the light on. That’s weird, I always close my door.

As I push the door, I see Camila is sitting on my bed, drinking from a bottle of champagne. Her long white dress has a slit on the side and one of her legs is completely uncovered. Her dress is a look-alike to the dress Jamie was wearing at the last ball, but she could buy the most expensive dress in the world, she just doesn’t compare.

Her deep brown hair is displayed around her shoulders and she’s looking up at me, blinking her full lashes in a seducing way but I can’t seem to react to it. My body completely refuses to be excited about anything or anyone other than Jamie. Camila is smoking hot but she’s not for me. She’s the only girl I know that can look classy while desperate. That’s a trick only the truly rich and powerful like her know.

“Fuck, Cam. Get out of here,” I huff.

“How many times did you fuck her on this bed, Jake?” Her words are slurred, and I know that the bottle in her hand must be near empty. “Does she get to sleep over? Cause we both know I never got that chance.”

“This isn’t cute anymore. You’re just making a fool of yourself.”

“She’s got condoms in her purse,” she says as she lifts her hand that’s not holding the bottle. She’s holding Jamie’s golden purse upside down, the contents displayed on the bed. “That purse is the same one she took to the Halloween ball and it was bought on Asos by the way. It’s not even a brand. You’ve stooped down pretty low.”

I can’t help the growl that escapes my mouth. I want to fucking smash her head in for talking shit about Jamie, but I know I have to rear myself back.

She knows me, she knows I’ve got tons and tons of built-up anger in me and she wants me to snap. She wants me to get angry and out of control and then she wants to offer herself as a means for me to grasp back that control. That’s her thing, she knows me really well and that’s the power she always used to have on me; knowing what makes me snap, knowing how to get what she wants out of me. Fuck, she really thinks I’m that fucked up that I wouldn’t realize what’s she’s doing right now.

“Beth is waiting for you outside. You should really go.”

“I think she was planning on fucking you at the ball. Look at that.” She picks up two condoms that have fallen out of Jamie’s purse and my cock wakes up at the thought of fucking Jamie at the hotel where the winter ball is held.

A lot of students book rooms at that hotel for post-ball fun but I doubt Jamie would have done that. I shake the thought away and try to focus back on the bitch that’s now laying down on my bed.

“I miss this bed. Remember when you’d text me at crazy hours because you needed me?” She lays on her side, facing me, and rests her head on her hand. “You needed me to get the anger out. A good spanking, that’s what you’d give me when you made me come here in the middle of the night. I’d sneak out of my house and come to you just so you could spank me and call me a bad girl. Have you done it to her yet? Does Jamie know all your kinks, Jake? Or are you scared she would judge you? Are you scared she’d leave?”

I can feel the heat of anger boiling in my chest. I need to remember she’s just trying to get a reaction out of me. Think of Jamie, think of her golden-green eyes. Think of her soft skin. Of the sound she makes when she giggles.

But she’s right, Jamie doesn’t know any of your kinks.

“I’d never judge you, Jake,” Camila says as she drops the empty bottle to the floor and grabs her dress to open up the slit a little more.

She goes on her front and uncovers her backside completely, revealing black lace panties covered by suspenders that are tightly holding her stockings.

“Stop it,” I growl.

“Do you still have your handcuffs? The rope? I want to play, baby. Please.”

She starts grinding against the sheets and her hand drops between her legs. “Will you be mad if I touch myself?”

I slowly approach her, and I know she can see the rage on my face because she starts touching herself harder and a soft moan escapes her lips.

During our time together, I would have pinned her to the bed. I probably would have tied her hands as a punishment for touching herself without my authorization. I would have teased her until she begged and couldn’t take it anymore and jerked myself off over her, come on her tits just to show her who is in control. And then, maybe then, I would have allowed her to orgasm. I lose myself in those memories for a second as I approach her.

I put a hand on the bed next to her shoulder and my knee next to her hip. She automatically raises her backside to grind against my crotch but before she can touch me, I grab her by the nape of her neck and drag her out of the bed as she shrieks. I keep pulling her until we’re by my bedroom door.

“Don’t ever come in this room again, you hear me? Fuck, you think you’re so great because you’ve got money and a great ass? Take both to someone who fucking cares.” I stop for a split second. “Oh and if I find one more of your threatening notes in Jamie’s stuff, I’ll send some of those nice pictures we took to your dad. You know, the ones where you’re all tied up and covered in my cum?” I don’t wait for her answer. I push her out of the room, a little too hard, and slam the door in her face, way too hard.

I let out a groan as soon as I’m alone. I fucking hate this girl, but what pisses me off the most is she’s got money and power. If she truly wants to make Jamie’s life hell, she’s perfectly capable of it. And I wouldn’t be able to do shit about it. I don’t even have those pictures anymore. I might have access to the Murrays’ money, but true power only belongs to Stoneview’s finest, and Camila is one of them. All I have is my fists, my anger, and a fucked up past that drives me. I can keep threatening Camila, but if she wants Jamie out, she’ll get what she wants.

I try to calm myself down as I pick up Jamie’s stuff and put them back in her purse. I try but I can’t. I can feel my teeth clashing, grinding, and cracking against the other and my jaw straining as I think of how this all started. Me. I’m the one who was too stubborn to take no for an answer when Jamie was avoiding me. I blackmailed her, I bullied her into being interested in me.

It all hits me at once and my legs give up, forcing me to sit on the bed.

Is Jamie with me because she wants to?

Or because she’s scared that I’m going to bully her if she says no? She’s scared I’m going to call the cops on her and her mom. I’d never do that, but she doesn’t know that.

My heart is beating too fast for me to control it. I’m in a genuine state of panic because Jamie is slowly teaching me to feel again, and I’m realizing I care for her so much more than I thought. I was most certainly not in love with Camila and I’ve never taken the time to get to know any other girl other than to stick my cock in them. But Jamie? If she’s not into this as much as me it’s going to break my heart.

I’m going to show her I’m serious about this, that it’s not about the games we played at the beginning of the year, this isn’t about Nate. This is about us. I won’t let anything else get in the way. And I’m going to start by deleting everything I had on file regarding her work at the Bakers. Luke’s dad is going to go ape shit if he learns what they did, and he won’t hesitate to call the cops. He’s the kind of fucker that doesn’t care if he’s underpaying his employees and gives them no benefits whatsoever. He probably has no idea what kind of situation Jamie and her mom are in.

I move over to my desk and hover my mouse to wake my computer. For some reason, the screen is already on. I don’t think too much of it. I’m full of weed and vodka right now, I might have moved the mouse while I was talking to Camila. What I’m truly focused on is deleting a certain document, so Jamie can never get in trouble. I find the document I had made of everything missing at the Bakers’ café, and my notes on the potential employees who could have stolen from the shop depending on their shifts.

I delete it. And once I’ve double-checked I’ve emptied the trash properly, I grab Jamie’s purse and head out. A weight falls off my shoulders, and I can’t wait to tell her it’s all gone.

Actually, I can’t wait to tell her I love her.

As soon as our limo gets to the hotel, I hurry to Jamie. She’s still waiting outside with everyone that left before us.

Luke heads to talk to Ella’s date and I can’t help but chuckle. This girl’s dating life is so fucked with all of us looking after her. Ozy seems to be trying to cheer up Chris who’s been in a foul mood all evening, God only knows why. I suspect it’s got to do with his secret girlfriend he still hasn’t introduced to any of us and thus can’t bring to the ball with us.

“What took so long?” Jamie smiles at me and my world suddenly lights up.

How I managed to live my whole life without her in it until this year is a fucking enigma.

“Here,” I say as I hand her her purse.

“Thanks,” she takes it and looks for her student ID then looks back up at me. “Everything okay? Did you drink too much already?” I must have been staring at her.

I grab her hand tightly in mine and drop a kiss on the top of her head. “Everything’s perfect,” I reply.

We take time having our pictures taken just the two of us before we join the others inside. I straight up go to Emily. I’ve come to know she always manages to sneak in flasks wherever she goes.

“Aaah, here they are. Can I borrow my best friend for a minute if you don’t mind?” she tells me.

“Mm, I don’t know. I like to keep her close.” I squeeze her between my arms, her face buried just below my chest.

“I’m right here you know,” Jamie groans, her words drowned against my shirt.

“Where’s my best friend,” I ask back.

Emily rolls her eyes in a huff before grabbing Jamie’s hand. “Who knows what the fucker gets up to behind my back.”

She drags her away and I watch as they both head to the hall, probably to the bathroom. This hotel is huge, and I don’t want to lose them, but I also can’t really follow them to the girls’ room.

I decide to join my friends instead, as I spot Chris and Ozy man-talking Luke. They’ve complained so much lately that I don’t spend time with them anymore. I love them, they’re my family, but they don’t understand that I’m addicted to Jamie.

I don’t call her Angel as a mockery anymore. I think she’s fallen from heaven and was meant to be in my life. The way she keeps me happy and in check is forcing me into believing someone up there sent her for me. Not once since we’ve been together have I lost my shit over some unimportant stuff that makes me feel out of control. Or maybe once, which I have failed to mention to her, but it was anything but unimportant. Beating the shit out of Nate was long overdue not only because he’s been harassing Jamie but for all the things we never solved in the past.

That won’t happen again because I have Jamie now and she teaches me to let go of what I can’t change. She reassures me when Rose comes back home stinking of Sam’s cologne. She takes all the horrible thoughts away and replaces them with pure bliss. She even chased the nightmares away. I used to get Camila over to my house in the middle of the night to take the anger out, now Jamie wakes up to calm me down with her soft lips. That’s how I know she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

“…she’s a great girl, Luke, why do you always want to fuck things up?” Chris finishes as I approach.

“You’re fine, she’ll come back,” Ozy says lazily, typing a text on her phone at the same time.

“I don’t think you’re in a great place to give girlfriend advice,” I taunt my sister.

“Oh, look at that. He remembers we exist,” she replies with a lopsided smile. She puts her phone in her purse and I look up and down at her.

“Yeah, you’re seeing right. She’s wearing a dress,” Luke cuts in before I can say anything. Her long black silk dress touches her ankles, and I can’t help but smile when I notice the white Nike sneakers she’s sporting proudly.

“So you are a girl after all.” The tone in my voice makes her chuckle but she doesn’t let me walk all over her.

“Not as much as you but yeah.” She nudges Luke in the shoulder. “Nice change of topic by the way.”

“What’s wrong with you and Em?” I ask as my friend runs his hand through his pale blond hair.

Luke has always had any girl he wanted but it was mainly them who wanted him. He doesn’t often go out of his way to hit on girls and it happens for him to just take whoever falls on his lap - literally sometimes. But with Emily? Boy, has she made him work for it. He’s acting like he can move onto someone else anytime but if he really could, he would have by now. No, he’s too into the stubborn hellraiser to let her go.

“They’ve entered an unofficial competition as to who can make the other the most jealous. I think Emily is winning,” Chris mocks.

“No, she’s not,” Luke growls. “I am, which is why she’s mad as fuck. Shouldn’t have let Jason hit on her after practice if she didn’t want me to talk to her cheer teammate.”

“Jason?” I ask. “He hit on her? I swear he’s never mentioned her before.”

“Oh, he has,” Rose says before taking a sip from a flask. Where did that come from?

She rolls her eyes when we all look at her with disgusted eyes. None of us want to hear of her sexual adventures with Jason. “I won’t go into more details but just know it includes a time where he told me his ideal threesome. And it did not include Beth.”

We all laugh as she passes the flask around. I take a sip after Chris and almost choke on pure vodka.

“Hey, pass me your phone,” she nudges Luke. He does it without asking any questions and I roll my eyes at him, letting my head fall back in a groan.

“Luke.” I snap the phone from Ozy’s hands. “Times like this are when I wonder if you know her at all.”

“You’re a dick,” she huffs before I can even ask her why she needs his phone.

“You own a very nice phone, why do you need Luke’s?” I smile but she perfectly knows she’s angering me. Does she think I like checking out everything she does?

“Why do you act like a big brother when you’re the exact same age as me? You’re not wiser. If anything, we both know I’m smarter. Give it back.”

I give the phone to Chris, offering her my most innocent smile and he takes it gladly.

“Here. He’s older, wiser, and smarter,” I taunt.

She looks daggers at the both of us. “You two are shit.”

“Why do you need Luke’s phone?” Chris repeats my question as Luke looks at her with a sorry face that says, ‘I tried’.

“Because Roy and Carlo won’t sell to me and we all want to have fun tonight,” she replies casually. “What are we gonna do, score from Volkov? Can you imagine if he knows we’re related to Nate? I don’t want to die, do you?” She completely ignores Chris’ disapproving look and speaks only to me. “Come on, Jake, as if you wouldn’t drop on the last day of school.”

It pisses me off that she’s right. I do wish we could all take pills together tonight. I wouldn’t be against doing it with Jamie and having the best sex of our lives.

“Only in Stoneview do you hear seniors complaining they can’t score ecstasy for their winter ball. This is rich people problems, Rose,” Chris scolds her, cutting my thoughts short.

“You are rich people Chris, my friend,” she replies. “And thanks to your angelic parents, so am I. That’s the kind of problem I’m happy to have.”

“It’s not your only problem though, is it? They won’t sell to you because Sam told them not to, and having Sam’s attention is a real problem,” he bites back and, sadly, he’s right.

She doesn’t say anything for a few long seconds. I love when Chris deals with her because he always knows how to outsmart her, and she rarely finds a way out of it.

Chris gives Luke his phone back. “If you want to score with Luke’s phone, fine. But I don’t want to hear you complain about Sam making your life hard after that, especially when you should be focusing on people like Rachel.”

“Oooh…” Luke and I release at the same time. He hit home.

Ozy opens her mouth to say something but closes it straight away. “Whatever, let’s get drunk,” she snatches the flask from my hands and drinks a few sips at a time.

“Alright soldier,” I grab the flask back and put my arm around her shoulders before messing up her hair. “One sip at a time, shall we?”

As I start walking with her in my hold, I spot Jamie and Emily coming back to the ballroom. I let go of my sister to give a kiss to Jamie as soon as she reaches me.

“You’re so beautiful,” I whisper.

“I took drugs,” she replies straight away. I practically choke on air as Emily explodes laughing.

“You smoked three puffs of a joint, Jamie, chill out,” Emily manages to squeak past her throat. Jamie follows her friend in an uncontrollable laugh.

I can’t help but smile at her reaction, who wouldn’t? She’s so fucking cute.

“She’s too good for you,” Ozy throws my way before going hers.

She really is.

“You’re the cutest,” I say as I cup both her cheeks before giving her another kiss.


I open the taxi door for Jamie and help her in before following. After giving Cal’s address to the driver, I turn back to the beautiful girl next to me and grab her hand.

“How are you feeling?”

“I’m feeling fine, Jake. I can’t even feel it anymore.”

I don’t know why I started worrying about her smoking weed. She seemed fine during the whole ball, but I know she barely ever drinks, let alone smoke. I know I’m in no place to judge seeing what Luke, Ozy, and I usually take on nights out, but Jamie is different. I don’t want anything to happen to her.

“Why did you want to take a taxi? Everyone’s left in the limo.” She slides closer to her side of the car just to lay down, her head on my lap. My heart is beating hard against my ribs and I have to take a deep breath before I raise a shaky hand to stroke her hair. I’ve never felt anxious around a girl and fuck do I feel anxious around her.

“Because I wanted to tell you something,” I almost whisper. She sits back up at my words and I can read the fear on her face.

Does she think I’m going to break up?

“Is everything okay?” she panics.

“Yeah, no, everything’s fine. I just thought you’d want to know that I…” Why can’t I get myself to say it? Am I that scared she’s gonna realize she’s way too good for me?

“Want to know what? You’re freaking me out.” She lets out a chuckle, but I can see she’s getting scared. She shouldn’t be, I’m the one who’s terrified.

“I know it’s not a big deal, but I wanted to let you know I’ve deleted everything about, you know, your mom and you…regarding the Bakers.”

Her brows narrow in confusion, but I know she knows what I’m talking about.

“Why would you do this,” she whispers.

“Because I–”

“I wasn’t mad at you, Jake. It wasn’t holding me back.” She cuts me off before I can say the end of my sentence.

Love you.

Because I love you.

Why would she cut me off? Did she know what I was going to say? Does she not want to hear it? Is it too soon? Or worse, is she still in love with Nate? Shit, how does this fucking thing work? I thought loving someone was meant to be simple, why does it come with all that stress?

I scratch my throat and try to put up a brave face. “I didn’t want you to think I had something on you.”

She chuckles and puts a hand on my cheek. “I know you’d never do that. You’re good. Deep down I know you’re good.”

My heart stops at her words before exploding completely in my chest. She believes in me. She believes I’m a good person. I don’t remember the last time someone has truly believed this deep down.

My friends are like my family and I know they love me, but I also know Chris keeps an eye on me like I might flip any minute. The same way he does with Ozy.

Jamie drops her soft lips on mine and murmurs on my mouth, “I appreciate what you did. It means a lot.”

I grab her hips and drag her on my lap. She rests her knees on either side of me and I capture her lips in a loving kiss.

“My angel,” I whisper.

Her warm core against my pants is making my dick hard but I don’t do anything. Not only because we’re in a taxi, but mainly because this is not what it’s about right now. I’m dying to tell her that I’m in love with her, but I don’t want to ruin the moment. If she can’t reciprocate my feelings, I don’t think I’d get over it.

“I want to go home,” she whispers sensually in my ear and my cock strains against my pants painfully. She grinds a couple of times on my hard dick.

“Jamie,” I warn. “If you keep doing this, there’s gonna be no time to get home. I’ll just rip your clothes off in this taxi.”

She giggles and gets off me to sit back in her seat.

“We’re here,” the driver says in a hurry.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he sped to our destination to avoid two horny teenagers having sex in the back of his cab.