Hellbent Hero by Naomi Porter



I ENTERED THE clubhouse with the biggest cheese grin I might’ve ever had. Damn, it felt good to be home after being gone so long.

Like the dirty fucker I was, I sniffed my fingers. Jesus, I loved the smell of Roja’s pussy. Following our shower, I couldn’t stay away from her. She let me play with her while she put her makeup on and did her hair, collecting her honey on my digits like a souvenir. Roja was priceless.

It blew my mind how fucking incredible sex was with the right woman. Sex in general, getting a release, was always good. The kittens did their jobs well…. Some better than others.

What made intimacy with Tara next to none was the emotional connection we had. From that moment in Sugar Bliss Bakery, she called to me like a fabled mermaid in the ocean. She was hauntingly beautiful. I’d seen right through her sassy mouth and attitude. Knew it was all a front to hide the brokenness in her. She hadn’t fooled me when I stared into her dark brown eyes. I’d been transfixed at that moment, and I knew… She was like me. Sad. Empty. Lonely.

She was meant to be mine.

Everything about Tara felt like home to me. Her taste, smell, and touch were all I wanted, all I needed. I couldn’t explain these overwhelming emotions swirling inside me. I wasn’t sure what to make of it, but I wasn’t about to overthink it. I’d embrace the peace that surrounded me when I held her in my arms.

Tara and I couldn’t linger in bed like I wanted. She’d refused to call in sick so we could have sex all day. I respected the fuck out of her for holding her ground and being the responsible adult while I let my pecker guide me.

When I drove her to school, I told her if I couldn’t pick her up, to hitch a ride with Madeline. I didn’t know what the day would bring as I caught up on my own work. I was confident Storm would make sure his woman got home safely, so he could do the same for mine in the event I couldn’t get Tara myself. But I’d try like hell to be there for my woman.

My first stop inside the club was the kitchen, where I knew I could find coffee. Tara was a tea drinker. Not me. I could drink coffee all day. Later today, I’d send a prospect out to buy a Keurig and some high-octane coffee pods to keep at her place.

“Well, look at you smiling like a fool. How are you, honey? Everything good?” Tina gave me one of her famous bear hugs while Raul kept a close eye on her. He was a possessive fucker. Couldn’t say I blamed him. Tina was beautiful. I wouldn’t want my woman hugging my brothers either.

“He looks like a man who made up with his girl.” Sugar nudged my arm, popped up on her tiptoes, and planted a kiss on my cheek. “How’s Roja doing? I assume she forgave you since you didn’t come back last night.”

“What’s with you ladies and all the questions?” I accepted the mug of joe Tina passed me and took the barstool next to Raul.

Sugar leaned on the kitchen island with a mischievous smile. “We love you, is all. And we like Tara. She’s a good woman.” She pushed a plate of caramel rolls toward me. “You gonna claim her? Inquiring minds want to know.”

“You trying to sweeten me up, Sugar?”

Raul snorted. “It’s what these women do to get intel, brother. They talk sweet to us and feed us sugar, thinking they’ll make us talk like babbling fools.” He rose from his seat, looped his arm around Tina, and kissed her. After he broke away, he eyed me. “Storm’s waiting for you in his office.”

“Dang it, Raul. Always ruining our fun,” Sugar chided him, then waved him off. “When are you bringing your girl over?”

“She’ll be here for Storm’s party. Maybe before.” I collected my mug and a roll as I stood. The only people I’d share Roja with were her students. After that, she was all mine.

Art entered the kitchen. “Hey, brother, good to see you.” His gaze traveled the room and stopped on Sugar.

“Art. How’s it going as secretary?” He’d been voted into Justin’s position. I still couldn’t believe my brother turned in his cut and took his daughter Emilee away from the club after the Hunters debacle. I disagreed with Justin leaving the way he did. Especially given the fact that Emilee was an adult and pregnant with Dodge’s baby. But then, I probably would’ve beaten the crap out of Dodge for knocking up my daughter. Leaving the club was so extreme. A good beating would’ve made me feel better, then I could’ve gotten over it.

“It’s going. I like being around the clubhouse more.” Art flicked his gaze at Sugar again. What was that all about?

Sugar brought him a cup of coffee. “And we like having you around more.”

Okay, this was weird as fuck. Were my eyes and ears playing tricks on me, or were Art and Sugar flirting? Christ, a lot had happened during the time I’d been gone. Funny Storm never mentioned his aunt hooking up with Art. Art, who was at least fourteen years younger than Sugar. Not that I cared about their age difference. Age was just a number, and Sugar didn’t look a day over thirty. She was sassy, sweet, and oh-so-sexy. And from what I thought, off-limits. Not that I ever considered her. She wasn’t my type, but I could appreciate her beauty.

My only concern was her boys and how they felt seeing their mom with one of the brothers. After all, Sugar was the original queen of the Knight’s Legion MC. Her husband, Matt, Storm’s uncle, was the founder of the Minnesota chapter. He’d saved me from self-destructing. Got me clean and sober then sponsored me to prospect. And as the saying goes, the rest was history. So it was weird even for me to see Sugar with one of the brothers in the club. It felt like a betrayal to Matt.

Whatever. It wasn’t my business, so I’d leave it alone.

Raul jerked his chin toward the exit. “Let’s go.”

“I’ll be seeing ya, Art. Ladies.” I winked at Sugar and Tina.

“It’s good to have you home, honey!” Tina hollered.

“Yeah, we missed you,” Sugar added.

“Damn, you’d think I’d been in the slammer for decades,” I told Raul as we strolled down the hallway.

“You’re family, brother. We all missed you.”

I gave Raul a look of appreciation. No words. Most of us weren’t talkative in the club. Track and Lynx were the big talkers. Boxer joked on occasion.

Stopping at Storm’s office door, I rapped my knuckles on it.

“Enter,” Prez shouted.

I opened the door, motioning for Raul to go before me, and closed it.

“Prez,” I took the seat next to Raul.

Storm rocked in his chair with a smirk. “Your woman was late for school. Already a bad influence on her, aren’t you?”

Raul chuckled.

“She wasn’t late. I got her there five minutes before the bell rang.” I couldn’t resist taking her a second time up against the tile wall. It wasn’t the easiest thing to do in her small shower, so it took a little longer.

“Angel was worried something had happened. I assured her all was well, considering you never returned yesterday.”

“You’d be correct about Tara and me. But not all is well. I need Grizz to look into a Paul Walsh.” Just saying her dad’s name made my skin crawl. Rage ignited in my chest after learning how he’d burn her when she was a kid. And used her as payment. It was fucking sick.

To burn anyone, young or old, was insane. Shit, each time I saw the fresh scars on Tara’s stomach and thigh, my stomach churned.

Raul hiked a curious brow. “Who’s Paul Walsh?”

“Her fucking psycho, drug addict father,” I hissed. “He crawled out from under the rock he’d been hiding under. He called the other day. She’s terrified of what he might want.”

Storm dragged his hand over his face. “Son of a bitch. So much for quiet on the homefront, aye?”

“Knew it was too good to last,” Raul muttered.

“Yeah, well, I doubt we have much to worry about. He’s one man.” I exhaled a tense breath. “I don’t want him fucking with my woman. He’s the reason for…” I let my words trail as I cut my gaze at Storm.

He nodded, resting his elbows on his desk. “I’ll get Grizz on it.”

No words were needed for my prez to get my meaning. I’d promised Tara I wouldn’t tell anyone she hurt herself. I didn’t need to tell Storm, since he was the one who informed me about what Grizz had discovered. Raul didn’t need to know. It wasn’t club business. I’d handle Paul Walsh all on my own, to avoid getting my brothers involved.

“Appreciate it. So what’d you want to see me about?”

Storm’s steely eyes darkened. “Two things. Miller and Morrison.”

I slumped in my chair. “Christ. I’ve been home all of one day and you’re dumping these guys on me. I haven’t even been to the gun shop.”

Raul snorted, punching my shoulder. “It’s your job, Sergeant. No need to worry about the gun shop. Track’s been managing it.”

“Well, that’s a relief.” I never doubted Storm would make sure my shit stayed in order. “What’s up with Morrison? I talked to him yesterday. He’s straight on everything, knows I’m back.” I took a massive bite of caramel roll. Damn, it was delicious.

Storm drummed his fingers on the wooden desk. “He called first fuckin’ thing this morning. His brother-in-law wants a meeting.”

I thought for a second as I chewed and swallowed. “Who, Ciro?”

“That’d be the one. Along with his father, Alessio. They want us to go up to Canada.”

“Fuck.” I shook my head, licking some glaze off my thumb. “I just got out of jail. I won’t leave Tara again.” Neither of us could handle a separation. We were in a delicate spot. It was too soon to leave.

Storm scowled. “I held him off as long as I could. You, Raul, Track, and Dodge will leave a week from Sunday night.”

“Christ. I can’t leave Tara for three fucking days.” Assuming the meeting would take a full day in addition to the long drive to and from Canada.

Storm relaxed in his chair. “I know. I called my cousin, Cobra. You guys will drive up to Fargo. From there, he and Hustler will fly you to Canada for the meeting. You should be home by supper Monday evening.”

Well, I’d be damned. Storm calling in a favor like this with his cousins meant a lot. He would’ve never done this before Angel came into his life.

“Okay, fine. What about Miller?”

Prez’s jaw twitched, eyes darkening. “The other night, Madeline mentioned a cabin he owned west of Duluth. It’s near a lake. Got Grizz verifying if that’s where he’s been laying low. If so, I want the fucker gone before the holidays.”

I smelled the hunger to kill rolling off Storm, like the pungent odor of death when gutting a deer.

Raul cleared his throat. “We’re doing this clean. Don’t want any blowback on the club.” Raul was a bossy motherfucker when he needed to be. The only one to ever tell Storm what to do. Hell, the only one Storm let tell him what to do besides Angel. It showed how much Storm respected both of them. And I was willing to bet his Uncle Matt had talked to him and Raul before he died to let them know his expectations. Like taking care of each other. Raul had a couple of decades of experience on Storm. He earned respect and was level headed, compared to Storm.

Storm growled like a furious bear. “I fuckin’ hate that I can’t torture that motherfucker after what he did to my woman! I want to chop him into pieces!”

Oh damn. I’d never get on Storm’s bad side. Wasn’t worth the wrath of such a typhoon of a man.

“It’s the only way, Prez,” Raul told him. “If he goes missing, it’ll come back on us. His death has to look like an accident.”

“And how do you plan to do that?” I needed to be clued in because Storm and Raul had clearly gone rounds over this while I was at county.

Raul turned toward me. “Hunting accident. Season opener begins Sunday.”

“Clever. So what, we go down there, mistake him for a deer, and shoot him?” That seemed too easy.

“No. We make it like he stepped in a trap and froze to death.”

“Freezing to death. I like it.” Last night the overnight low was nineteen degrees. Not nearly cold enough for Miller to die right away. Especially if he was bundled up properly. We’d have to make sure no one came looking for him before the deed was done.

I ran my tongue over my teeth, licking away some of the sugar from the roll. “It could take a while for the bastard to die. Subzero temps aren’t in the forecast for a few weeks.”

“At least,” Raul mumbled.

“I’ll make sure he hits his head, so I know the fucker dies. Even that’s too fucking civilized for the cunt,” Storm hissed.

I finished off the rest of the roll, shoving it in my mouth. “So when do we go up to Duluth and take out the cunt?”

“If he’s in Duluth,” Raul muttered. “We still don’t know.”

Storm snarled, no words.

My eyes darted between my Prez and VP. “Soon, I assume?”

“If I have my way, next week,” Storm muttered.

I rubbed my hands on my thighs since I forgot to bring a napkin. “Great, so I still have to leave my woman again.”

Storm pinched the bridge of his nose. “Just for the day. I’ll make my final decision for when we take Miller out before next Monday’s church.”

“Well, then. If we’re finished here, I have a shit ton to do before I pick my woman up after school.” I stood from my chair. “Get Grizz on Paul Walsh.”

Storm issued me a short nod.

I made a quick exit. Raul didn’t follow, probably having more to say about Deputy Miller’s up-and-coming death. Better to leave Prez and the VP to their business. They could spend hours disagreeing before they came to a compromise.

I hopped into my truck after dropping off my mug in the kitchen. My phone had vibrated in my pocket.

Roja: I’m still tingling after that shower. Think we can do it every morning?

Hero: abso-fucking-lutely

I smiled like a horny teenager who just found out he was getting sex later.

Roja: We’re really a thing, right?

Her question disintegrated my joy. I wasn’t sure how to deal with this side of her, the uncertain, afraid-the-floor-would-fall-out-from-under-her side. In public, she was made of steel. In private, with me, her vulnerability came out as she revealed her many layers. I loved each one, even her scars.

Hero: you doubting me, baby?

Roja: I wasn’t sure if last night and this morning were a dream.

Hero: a dream come true, Roja.

I looked around the parking lot, feeling cheesy as hell for typing that out and worried about one of my brothers suddenly appearing and seeing what I texted Tara. But, fuck if it wasn’t true. Being with Roja was all I dreamed of, since meeting her in July. Now I finally had her and would never let her go. She was mine.

Roja: If it were anyone else, I’d laugh and think that was cliché. But not with you, big guy. Thank you

Goddamn, my chest burned. I wanted to go to the school and kiss the hell out of her in front of her students. Then introduce myself as her man and meet some of her teacher friends. I would do anything to help her feel secure in us.

Us. I loved the sound of that.

Hero: Anytime. See you at 3

I prayed Tara didn’t hand me my ass about leaving on another run after the last one nearly destroyed her.

The MC was my life. I was the SAA. If she was going to be with me, and I prayed to God she didn’t change her mind, she needed to accept my part in the club.

Something told me she’d put up a fight about staying at the clubhouse while I was gone, but she didn’t have a choice.

If I wasn’t here to keep her safe from that Paul Walsh, she sure as fuck wasn’t staying at her place alone.

The bell above the door rang as I entered the gun shop. Upon first sight, everything looked in order. I shouldn’t have worried, but I was set in my ways. Ran the place the way I saw fit and trained the prospects to do shit my way.

“Was wondering when you’d grace us with your presence.” Track met me halfway with an outstretched hand. “Late night with your woman?”

“You know it.”

We clasped hands and pulled each other in for a brotherly hug.

“Good to see ya, man. Sorry I missed your arrival yesterday.”

“I didn’t stick around long anyway.” I pulled back first, eying one of the shelves. I ran my finger across it, studying it to see if I’d picked up any dust.

“Asshole,” Track scoffed. “I’ve had a prospect dust the shelves twice a week just like your schedule says.”

The corner of my lip curled. “Perfect.” I noticed Dodge leaning against the counter. “How is he?” I jerked my chin.

“An angry cuss. But he’s following Storm’s orders to not reach out to her.”

“Any word on how she’s doing?” I kept my voice low so Dodge couldn’t hear us talking about Emilee. She was in her second trimester now. Probably had the ultrasound where she’d find out the gender of the baby. That all too familiar ache in my heart appeared, recalling when I’d seen my boy on the monitor. Dodge was missing everything.

“Naw, nothing. Justin hasn’t checked in with my dad in a while.”

“That sucks.” I headed toward my office. “I’m gonna check shit out, then head over to the gym. Wanna go?”

“Yeah, I can break away. Dodge manages the place pretty good.”

I tapped the glass counter to get Dodge’s attention. “Good to see ya, man. Congrats on getting patched.” I’d forgotten he wasn’t a prospect anymore. He was a patched brother.

“Hero.” Dodge gave me a short nod. “Glad you’re back.” He was never much of a talker, but the vacant look in his eyes revealed how empty he felt. I knew that cold, dark place. For his sake and Emilee’s, I hoped Justin came around and soon. Keeping a baby from a man who wanted it was cruel as fuck.

I entered my small shoebox of an office. It was spotless, just the way I left it. Slowly I dropped into my chair and opened the center drawer. Reaching my fingers toward the back, I felt for the picture I kept hidden.

My heart raced as I removed it. I squeezed my eyes shut, thankful Track didn’t follow me so I could look at my late wife, pregnant with my son. Monica spent a lot of time outdoors working in her small garden when she wasn’t at the beach. Her long black hair was always in a ponytail, and her bronze skin shimmered even after the sun went down. She was a gorgeous woman who grew up set in her ways, deep into our culture. She cooked, cleaned, and took damn good care of me. I missed everything about her. My chest ached, sorrow choking me up.

I wished I’d taken better care of her. I kissed the photo and tucked it into the pocket inside my cut. Tonight I’d tell Tara about Monica and my son.

Then vow to do better by her.

After sorting through invoices and inventory sheets for an hour and a half, Track and I arrived at the Boxer’s gym. I absorbed the energy the second my foot crossed the threshold. I loved working out here with my brothers. Missed the shit out of it the last couple of months.

During the day, the place wasn’t usually busy. Today was no different.

“Hero! How the fuck are you, brother?” Boxer trotted over with a face-splitting grin. He wrapped his sweaty arms around me and squeezed the air out of my lungs. “Missed you, man.” He released his hold, his grin wider.

I took a couple of steps back to steady myself. “Asshole, you’ll get me smelling like you.”

Boxer wiggled his eyebrows. “Then your girl will want me and not you.”

I issued him the bird. “Don’t fuck with my woman.”

Boxer elbowed me. “I’d never touch a brother’s woman.”

Track and Boxer burst out laughing. Damn, it was good being with my brothers again. Track headed to where Ire was training.

When there weren’t any threats to our livelihood or family, my brothers and I lived uneventful lives. Well, if you can call partying, screwing around on our hogs and fucking kittens uneventful. We had it damn good here in Minnesota.

Boxer cracked his neck, rolling his shoulders. “So whatcha doing here and not with Roja?”

I twisted my lips. “She’s a responsible woman who takes her job seriously.” I raised my hands.

“Bummer. Someone who doesn’t play hooky, aye? She sounds too good for you.” The asshole snorted, then fake punched me in the gut.

“Fuck, if that ain’t the honest truth.” I jerked my chin toward Ire. “How’s he doing?”

Boxer put his hands on his hips and shook his head. “All he does is work, sleep, train. He doesn’t hang in the bar anymore. Libby told me he only lets Rhonda into his room twice a week. The brother’s not doing so hot.”

“Sounds like it.” Jesus, from the outside, Ire appeared normal. But it was easy to tell when one of us was off when we stopped doing our normal activities.

“How’s he in the cage?”

“Distracted. I’m worried he’s going to get the crap beat out of him on Black Friday.”

I watched Ire and Track talking, or more like Track talking to Ire. I understood my brother’s pain. When you fail to protect someone—in his case, the young server who was raped—guilt ate at you from the inside out. It didn’t give you a chance to breathe or get your head straight. No matter how many people tried to tell you it wasn’t your fault or whatever shit they said, you were utterly destroyed over the suffering the victim experienced. To ease our burdens, we found a numbing agent. Mine used to be drugs. Ire’s was the cage.

The longer I watched him, the more I saw the man I used to be. The man I was no longer. The man that I had transformed away from.

Sadness didn’t ravage me from the inside out anymore. I’d never stop missing Monica and my son. After seven years of hating myself for my stupid mistakes, I learned to deal with my failures in a healthier way.

But once an addict, always an addict. When your demons come out to play, you’ll crave the high. Need it like your life depends on it.

No! Not anymore. I’ve changed.

Finally, my dark, arid life had new meaning and purpose, thanks to a crimson haired, magical mermaid who brightened my anguished soul. I was happy. Wanted to live more than anything else… with Roja by my side.

The flicker of heaviness in my chest faded, my mind focusing on the good instead of the sad. A stirring in my lower region had me shifting from one foot to the other. Just like that, I’d moved past the angst when I thought of Roja. I couldn’t wait to get my girl and take her home, then fuck her until we both passed out.