Willow by Erin Osborne

Chapter Fourteen

Timothy ‘Crave’ Bennett

TRINITY IS GIVING us the silent treatment. After seeing her strip the nightie off, I thought that was the end of her strip tease and believed I could handle her dancing. When she took her bra and then panties off, Breaker and I lost our shit. It took almost every guy from the club to hold us back from knocking the fuck out of every single customer in the club. We were still straining against them in our attempt to get to the stage and pull Trin down off there. Not a single person let us go and even Bounce stood on the stage enough for me to see him in the background as a red haze filled my vision. There is no way in fuck she’s going to strip naked on stage for a bunch of drunk, perverted fuckers to see a single inch of her body.

“The fuck is goin’ on here?” Blood bellows as Tonya and him rush to our side.

“She’s fuckin’ naked,” Breaker says, his voice hard and low.

“Yeah. She’s dancing in a damn strip club,” Tonya states, placing her hands on her hips. “What right do either one of you have to determine what she does?”

“Since the second my cock was in her,” Breaker says, his voice going even harder.

“And the second I learned that’s my baby she’s fuckin’ carryin’,” I add in as everyone stops moving and stares at me.

Breaker is the only one who knew of the pregnancy and that I’m the father. Though, looking around, Tonya doesn’t look all that surprised to hear this piece of news. Trinity must have told her she’s pregnant but not given my name as the father.

“I don’t want her strippin’ and that’s all I’m gonna say,” I state, my voice going harder as all the men begin chanting for the last dancer to come back on stage. “Tonya, I never ask anythin’ of you. I’m beggin’ you to fuckin’ put her on as somethin’ else. I’d even settle for a waitress and that’s goin’ too far for me. Too much of her fuckin’ body on display and wearin’ heels all fuckin’ night long. That can’t be good for her durin’ the pregnancy.”

“You sure you’re the father?” Vanish asks me, his voice laced with concern and confusion.

“She told me I’m the father. While I went off on her and told her I didn’t believe her, Trin’s story has never once changed. And, a condom did break when we were together. Not to mention the timin’ is spot on,” I answer him, speaking more about the situation than I ever have in the few weeks since learning of the baby. “Besides, Trinity doesn’t seem like the type to lie about somethin’ like this. Hell, I’m not sure what I fuckin’ want. All I can see is that skank and hear all the lies and bullshit she spewed not so long ago.”

“I’ll see what I can do. For now, I’ll go talk to her and let her know you two are pissed as fuck and tell her about the switch in position within the club. You guys better be prepared to be in the dog house with her,” Tonya tells us, knowing she’s put Blood through this on more than one occasion when he’s fucked up.

After talking with her briefly in the dressing room of the club, I know there’s no way in hell we’re going to get out of the dog house anytime soon. Trinity is seriously pissed at us, and she has proven it over the last few days. When we’re at home, she talks to gram only. Unless Paislie and Vanish are there. She’ll talk to both of them too. When she goes to bed at night, she locks her door and doesn’t let either one of us in. Breaker and I can pick the lock and get in her room if we really want to. Neither one of us want to piss her off any more than she already is though.

I know what I can do to help thaw the ice between us, I’m just not sure if I can bring myself to bare my soul the way I need to in order for Trinity to understand why I’m acting the way I am. Not just about the pregnancy, but toward her as well. Breaker and some of the guys in the club know what’s happened to me, but that’s about it. No one really saw how broken I became though. Other than Breaker because he knows everything about me. The only thing they really saw was my drinking and avoiding anyone with a pussy. Except for Tonya because she’d have beaten my ass if I avoided her and didn’t talk to her when she said something to me.

“How long are we gonna let her give us the silent treatment?” Breaker asks, stepping out onto the porch of Trin’s house.

“I don’t know what the fuck to do. Well, there’s one thing I can do. I’m not even sure if it’ll work to thaw the ice and get us out of the dog house though. Today, she gets her first and only ride on my bike. You stay here with gram and Paislie and I’ll get her to work. I’ve never had a woman on my bike, and we don’t have the SUV here to take her. When is her car gonna be done?” I ask him, looking up to find him leaning against the house.

“No clue. All they said was it would be better to buy her a new car then fix everythin’ on her old beater,” he responds to me, looking at the door to make sure she’s not listening to us.

“If we get her a car, she’ll really keep us in the dog house. What are your thoughts on her?” I question, needing to know where his head is on her.

“I want her for the long term. Trin is everythin’ I’ve ever wanted in a woman. What about you?”

“I’m still all sorts of fucked up over everythin’. But, I’ll figure it out and soon. I better go see if she’s ready to head to work,” I tell him, standing from the chair I found and put on the porch with gram’s permission.

I smoke out here and needed something to sit in according to grams. She doesn’t want me leaning against the house or sitting on the steps in order to smoke. There have been a few times she’s wheeled herself out to sit with me while I smoke even though I told her I come out here out of respect. The last thing I want is to make her sick or have something happen because of me smoking. Grams doesn’t care. If she wants to come out and talk to me, she does.

Walking inside, I head up to Trinity’s room. Knocking on the door, I listen for her to answer me. Other than movement coming from inside, there’s no response. This shit is getting really damn old.

“Trinity, we have to leave. If we don’t leave now, we’ll be late,” I tell her through the door.

“I’m coming,” she growls out, her voice muffled through the thick wood.

After a minute, the door opens to reveal Trin standing before me wearing a short black dress that barely reaches mid-thigh. Instead of wearing the heels she’ll need to for work, she’s got a pair of sneakers covering her feet. The heels are dangling from her fingertips as she stares up at me. My eyes are riveted to her chest though. Her dress has a deep V cut into it showing the side of her tits it’s cut so low between them. I want to demand she change and wear something else, but it would only earn me more time in the dog house with her.

“My eyes are up here,” her voice almost a growl.

“I know they are. Your tits bein’ on display is what’s pullin’ my attention though,” I tell her honestly. “You look gorgeous. Though, too much fuckin’ skin is showin’ if you ask me. Let’s get headin’ to work. You’re on the bike today. We don’t have another way to get there.”

“I can’t ride a bike like this,” she says, waving her hands down over her short dress.

“Yeah, you can. Put a pair of shorts on under the dress and you won’t flash anyone. Are you even wearin’ fuckin’ panties?” I question, my voice going hard at the thought of her not wearing anything under the dress.

“Yes I am. I’ve got a G-string on. I have to wear somethin’ but I don’t want to have panty lines. Can you see the strings?”

My eyes roam over her body. Paying attention to the area her panties would be, I don’t notice anything.

“You’re good. Let’s get a move on.”

Turning on my heel, I don’t try to stop rushing down the stairs. Breaker is gonna lose his shit and I need to warn him about what Trinity’s wearing. He’s sitting in the living room with gram, and I motion toward the door with my head.

“Good night gram,” I tell her, standing in the hallway.

“Good night, Crave. I hope you have a good night at work.”

Breaker follows me to the door, and we step just outside. I let him know what Trinity’s dress looks like and how much skin she’s showing. Just as I finish alerting him, Trin steps through the door. She closes it behind her and gives a little twirl for Breaker to see.

“I know Crave is close to losin’ his shit so you might as well see too. I’m wearin’ panties so don’t think I’m not. The only reason the shorts are on is because of asshole’s bike. It’s short and my boobs are visible. You can’t see my nipples or much of anything more than the side,” she says, her voice showing how pissed she is.

“I love it. I think it’s too much skin, but I’m not gonna make a comment about it if there’s no reason for me to believe you’re gonna be strippin’ out of it. You’re wearin’ what the rest of the ol’ ladies wear essentially,” Breaker tells her as a small smile appears on her face. “You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen in my life.”

“Yeah, right,” she snorts out her disbelief. “Let’s go Crave. We don’t want to be late.”

We walk to my bike as it sits in the driveway. I straddle it before helping Trinity on behind me. Pulling my helmet from the handlebars, I turn in my seat and put it on Trin’s head. Making sure the strap is tightened up, I turn back around in my seat and start the engine. Pulling Trinity’s arms around me, I make sure her hands are clasped around my middle before leaving the driveway. I’m going to take it easy with her on the back of my bike. If there were any other way to get her to work, I’d be doing it. I don’t want to risk anything happening to her and the baby.

Riding down the road, I take it nice and easy with Trin on the back. Her thighs are plastered to the outside of my legs and her arms are wrapped tight around me. Trin’s chest is crushed against my back, and I can feel the heat from her body through my cut. Reaching down with one hand, I place it on her leg and simply hold her for a few seconds. She squeezes me slightly and turns her head to rest against my shoulder. I have to say, having her on the back of my bike makes me want her here every single day. Trinity wrapped around me is one of the best feelings I’ve ever experienced on my bike.

For me, it’s always been about the freedom of riding and letting my thoughts get taken away with the wind. Now, with her on the back of my bike, it’s about making sure she enjoys it as much as I do. I want Trin to fall in love with riding our bikes. This way we can take her on long rides, and she can head out with us on the club rides the ol’ ladies can go on.

Just before we get closer to Legacies, I notice a blacked-out SUV following us. It’s not exactly riding my ass, but it’s too close for comfort. My eyes go back and forth between the mirrors and the road in front of us. Turning on my signal and slowing down when we get to the parking lot, I notice the driver’s side windows roll down and two guns emerge from them. Looking to make sure no other cars are coming, I rev the engine and speed up to cross into the parking lot and find some sort of shelter from the bullets getting ready to fly. I’m cursing at myself for letting Trinity be vulnerable on the back of my bike.

The back end slides on the gravel as I try to make it along the side of the building. Instead of driving away, the SUV follows me into the parking lot. Trinity’s body is beginning to tremble as I speed up even more while trying to get control of the bike at the same time. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the front door flung open as men begin to file from inside Legacies. Bullets are flying all over the place as I put the kickstand down and quickly pull Trin from the back of my bike. Tossing her down on the ground, I cover her with my own body not giving a shit if I get hit or not. As long as the bullet doesn’t go through me and hit her.

“Fuck!” I roar out as pain fills my arm just by Trinity’s head.

She’s still got the helmet on her head as I try to move my body to cover even more of hers. The squealing of tires as a final hail of bullets flies at our bikes, Tonya’s truck, and the club itself are hit multiple times. I’m surprised one of them haven’t exploded yet. It would take them to hit our bikes and the truck just right. Waiting an extra minute, I finally raise my body off of Trinity and stand before pulling her up into my arms and against my chest. Wrapping my arms around her, I breathe her in and simply hold her. The sound of multiple feet rushing toward us don’t even cause me to back off and let go of her.

“Are you both okay?” Blood asks, rage filling his voice.

“I’m hit in the arm. Trin, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?” I question her, pulling back but not letting her out of my arms.

“I-I-I t-t-think I’m okay,” she says, her voice wavering as tears fall down her face.

Tonya steps up and wraps her arms around Trinity, but she doesn’t pull her from my arms. The only thing she does when she finally pulls away from Trin is take the helmet off her head to make sure there’s no cuts or anything on her face and neck. We probably should leave her helmet on because there could be other injuries with the way I threw her to the ground.

“We should take her to the hospital to be sure the baby is okay,” I say, my own voice shaking with the panic and fear filling me.

“No, I don’t need to go to the hospital. I’m okay. The baby is okay too. It’s scary as hell what happened just now. Are you okay Crave? You need to go to the hospital,” she rushes out, her voice breaking several times as she keeps her eyes locked on me.

“I’m okay. I’ll have one of the guys look it over and probably just put some stitches in it before a bandage. Blood, I don’t give a fuck. This isn’t how I wanted to do this, but Breaker and I are claimin’ Trinity. I’m done takin’ chances and we’re not gonna play this game. She is to be protected at all times and we’re gonna work everythin’ out while she’s already our ol’ lady. Trinity, don’t fight this. Breaker and I need to do this,” I state, my body beginning to shake as I pull her closer to me.

“I don’t even know what that means,” Trin says, her voice still breaking from her emotions being all over the place.

Tears continue to roll down her face as she buries her face in my chest. The men continue to surround us as I lead her inside the club. There is no way in fuck she can work tonight with how upset she is after the close call we just had. I pull out a chair at one of the closest tables and sit down with Trinity in my lap. I’m not letting her go anytime soon. Blood sits down next to me and looks at my arm.

“You need maybe five stitches in this. Tonya, grab the first aid kit from your office please, I want the rest of you to check out the bikes and the buildin’. We’ll decide if we have to close for the night or what. Trin and Crave aren’t workin’ tonight,” he orders as everyone except the three of us leave the main floor of Legacies.

“I can work,” Trinity says, trying to make her voice stronger than what it actually is.

“No, you’re not,” I growl in response, pulling her still trembling body closer to me. “You need to go home and rest. We need to make sure the baby is okay, and nothin’ is gonna happen.”

“He’s right honey,” Tonya says, coming back to the table we’re at. “You go home and get some rest. You’re gonna get paid for today still. You’ve had quite the scare and we can’t be too careful with you being pregnant.”

“Fine,” she says, her voice a whisper as Blood works on my arm.

I grit through the pain of him stitching up my arm before placing a bandage over it. Pulling my phone, I call for a Prospect to bring an SUV to pick us up. I’m not putting my ol’ lady on the back of my bike again. Not until she’s had the baby and these fuckers are put to ground. The Prospect lets me know he’ll be here in a few minutes. Trinity and I don’t move from the chair I’m sitting in. She’s curled up into my body with her arms wrapped around me and her head buried in my chest. Breaker is going to lose his shit when we get to the house and he hears what’s happened. Not about claiming her though because he’ll be happy as fuck about that. I think.