Willow by Erin Osborne

Chapter Twenty-Four

Timothy ‘Crave’ Bennett

THE LAST FEW days we’ve been up Trinity’s ass. She could literally go into labor any second and we’re waiting for it to happen. Trin’s doctor let her know she’ll feel Braxton hicks contractions and some twinges in her body as it prepares to deliver our baby. Every time she moans or groans in pain, I’m ready to jump up and get her to the hospital. No way in hell are we delivering our son in the clubhouse. Doctors, nurses, and everyone else needs to be there in case something happens to our son or Trinity. Breaker is no better than I am. Tonya, Blood, and everyone else laugh their asses off at us because we’re so panicked. We’re not even staying at the clubhouse anymore and they still hear everything going on.

It was the day after the funeral when Trinity wanted to move back to the house she’s shared with her gram. Neither one of us could blame her as we packed our things up and went back to the house. At Trinity’s insistence, we are leaving grams room alone for now. Our clothes are still in the bags because we have no room to put them. Until Trin is ready to deal with the house and making room for all of us to share a room, we’re living out of our bags. Breaker is even talking about renting his house out when we have other clubs in town or using it as a safe house. There’s no way our ol’ lady is gonna leave the house her gram raised her in to live in Breaker’s house. He completely understands it and wouldn’t dream of asking her to move when she doesn’t want to. We can always keep his house and use it to ensure our children have a house when they get older.

Trinity is having a hard time getting comfortable now too. We’ve added pillows to our bed, gotten her some pillow thing that takes up half the bed just so she can try to get comfortable. Breaker and I are big men, and we have a hard time sleeping next to her. It’s the only way she gets any amount of sleep so we’re not about to take it from her or say anything. She’s been sleeping more often than not, and we’ve been assured it’s normal for women who are going to give birth soon. Yeah, I might have the doctor on speed dial and I’m sure she’s sick of hearing my voice at this point. When it comes to making sure my ol’ lady and son are healthy and safe, I’ll do anything I can to make sure everything is as it should be.

Breaker and I are taking turns working at Legacies. One of us try not to leave Trinity alone for longer than it takes to go to the mailbox and get the mail. We don’t want her to fall or have something else happen to her. She’s yelled at us and told us off more times than I can count over the last few days. I’m happy as hell because it shows she has her fire back. We were seriously worried because of losing gram. For the first few days she laid in bed crying and only moved when we brought food into her or made her take a shower. Now, she lets us know how she’s feeling about shit. The same as before.

Today is going to be a hard day for our ol’ lady. I’m taking her to the lawyers office to go over her grams will. Last night she cried for so long because everything came right to the forefront of her mind. We held her and helped her in the tub when she wanted to take a warm bath. Breaker made all of her favorite foods and she managed to eat most of it. I wasn’t about to push her because her emotions are all over the place. We don’t want her crying more than she has been either. None of this is good for the baby.

“Trin, you ready to go baby?” I ask her, walking in our room.

“Yeah. I just finished. Do I look okay?” she questions me, turning around to face me.

Trinity is wearing a yellow summer dress. It stops just before her knees. Her hair is up in a messy bun and no make-up covers her face. Black flip flops cover her feet as she shifts from one foot to the other.

“Baby, you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever met in my life,” I assure her as I pull her into my body. “You look beautiful as always.”

She graces me with a small smile as she picks up her purse from the end of the bed and heads for the door. If Breaker were home, he’d be in front of her walking down the stairs while I follow behind her. Since he’s not, I walk in front of her in case she trips or anything. Trinity will not be falling down the stairs when we’re here. Her balance is so off right now and it’s one of the only times she doesn’t complain we’re overbearing or a pain in her ass.

Getting to the bottom of the stairs, she takes a minute to catch her breath from walking downstairs. There are times she has to stop and catch her breath from doing simple things such as walking around the house or trying to get dressed. She gets frustrated and we keep reminding her it’s not going to last forever. Just a little bit longer and we’ll have our little guy in our arms. Trinity is very emotional, and we know there’s a chance it will get worse after she has the baby. We’re not going anywhere and will be by her side no matter what she’s doing or going through.

“You got everythin’ you need?” I ask her as she looks around the room.

“Yeah. I’m ready to get this over with,” she responds, looking down at the floor.

Taking her hand, I lead her from the house and take her directly to the new SUV we got. It’s Trinity’s and Breaker and I bought it for her because her car needed to be replaced. We were expecting a fight when we had it delivered, but she cried and thanked us in bed later that night. Giving her a boost up in the passenger side, I take the opportunity to cop a feel of her ass. Trin looks at me with a knowing smirk on her face. I’m a man and she has a nice ass.

We’ve had to get creative in the positions we have sex in because of her belly. Trinity doesn’t care what position we put her in as long as she’s not super uncomfortable. Most of the time, she’s on her side with one of us on each side of her. No matter what we want to try with her, our ol’ lady doesn’t mind and will let us do anything at least one time. There hasn’t been anything she hasn’t liked so far which pleases Breaker and I to no end. We love trying new things with her. The only dark spot in our relationship at this point is Trin’s fear that we’re going to find someone else to be with, or go use the house bunnies, because she can’t have sex for six weeks after giving birth. We have no intention of being with another woman just because she can’t have sex. Trinity is the only one we want and we’re not about to lose her because we want to get laid. Breaker and I have hands and there’s no issue finding some relief when we need it.

Getting in the driver’s side, I start the SUV up and turn down the music. Trinity loves to blare her music and we don’t usually have a problem with it. Today, there is no way I want the music being the only thing you can hear on the inside of the vehicle. It’s a hard day for my ol’ lady and I want to make sure she isn’t going to need to talk or anything else on the way to the lawyers office. I’ll listen to anything she wants to tell us and give her all the support I have. No one is going to hurt her more than this is right now. It’s devastating to her and We’re not going to make things even worse by not listening to her or proving we’ll stay by her side.

Driving through town, we don’t stop until we’re at the office in the middle of town. I park close to the door and shut the engine off before we head inside. They have the air conditioning blowing colder than necessary as Trinity shivers in the cool temperature. Wrapping an arm around her, I pull Trin into my body so she can take some of my body heat.

“Can I help you?” the woman at the front desk asks, not looking up from the computer in front of her face.

“I have an appointment with Mr. Timmons,” I tell her, as Trinity looks down at the floor as her body begins to shake slightly.


“Trinity Walsh,” my woman finally speaks up.

“He’ll be with you in a few minutes. Take a seat,” the woman says, picking up the phone and still not looking in our direction.

Leading Trin over to the row of seats in the waiting room, I help her sit down just as an older gentleman in a tailored suit enters. Trinity groans when he lets us know he’s ready to see us. I reach out and help her up from the chair she just sat down in before we follow him down a carpeted hallway and inside a large office.

“Please have a seat,” he says, motioning for the two seats in front of his desk.

I help Trinity down in one of the chairs before taking the other one. Mr. Timmons pulls a folder from the top of the stack on the corner of his desk and opens it while laying it flat in front of him. He takes a minute to look over the papers in front of him.

“First I’d like to say how sorry I am for your loss. Edna was an amazing person, and she will truly be remembered for how sweet and funny she was,” Mr. Timmons says, causing Trinity to shed some tears.

“Thank you,” Trinity says, her voice small and wavering.

“Now, you were the only one named in Edna’s will. She’s leaving you everything. The house is all paid off and there is nothing you have to worry about. Taxes are all caught up and everything. There’s a trust in your name that’s a substantial amount. Everything is listed here in the paperwork. Your grandmother made sure you were going to be well taken care of,” Mr. Timmons says, sliding the paper across the table for Trinity to look at.

She doesn’t bother moving to take it, so I lean forward and pick up the paper. Sitting back in the chair, I read over the information on it. Trinity is now a very wealthy woman. She has more money than Breaker and I combined. There is nothing she will have to do to make her own money. Not that the two of us weren’t going to get her anything she needs or wants. The same goes for our babies. We might only be having one kid right now, but we’ve talked and all of us want more children in the future. I’m not sure when we’ll make it happen, but there will be plenty of money for any children we have. Along with anything we want to do in our lives.

“Baby, you need to see this,” I tell her, handing over the paperwork.

“Trinity, you’ll have to sign the papers so they can be filed. No one else can touch the money except for you. It’s set up in an account and you can go access the funds at any time. There is no waiting period for you. Do you have any questions?” Mr. Timmons asks her as she finally takes the paper from me.

“Not right now,” she says, her eyes skimming the paper in front of her.

“Okay. If you do, you can call at any point in time. I’m here whenever you want, or need, to reach out,” Mr. Timmons says, his voice full of sympathy. “If you could just sign where I put the marks, you’ll be all set for the time being.”

“Thank you,” I tell him, standing up to shake his hand as Trinity signs the papers and slides them across the desk toward him again.

I help Trinity out of her chair and lead her from the office. We don’t stop at the desk or for any other reason as I lead her straight out to the SUV. We’re not going home just yet. I’m going to take her out to lunch before we head back home. We haven’t had a chance to do much of anything on our own because we’ve been busy with the funeral and trying to get things settled in grams house.

Pulling out of the parking space, I head out of town and make my way to the outskirts. There’s a new steak house someone just opened up and none of us have eaten there yet. We’ll be the first from the club and I can’t wait to sample what they have.

“Where are we going?” Trinity asks, perking up in her seat.

“I’m takin’ you out to lunch baby girl. You’ve had some long, stressful days and I’m goin’ to treat you,” I tell her, reaching out to take her hand and hold it on my thigh.

“Oh. You don’t have to do this. We could eat at home, and I’d be happy,” she says, her voice almost a whisper as she leans over closer to me.

Well, she attempts to lean over closer to me. The center console and her belly get in the way of her getting any closer to me than what she is. She stares out the windshield as I continue driving with the music playing low in the background. We don’t talk or anything on our ride; it’s just the two of us are simply sitting together and enjoying our time without all the stress and shit we’ve been dealing with. It’s just one way we can limit the stress Trinity’s feeling, so it doesn’t put her into labor early. Not that the baby would be in as much jeopardy now. Still, we don’t want anything to happen that could cause our son any harm.

Pulling into the parking lot, it’s over half full as I try to find a spot that’s close to the door so she’s not walking across the large lot and around other vehicles. Walking inside the steak house, I look around and take in the décor. The walls and floor are all made of a light wood. All of the tables and booths are a darker wood with dark chairs. The seats of the booths are black and look extremely comfortable. Pictures and fake flowers adorn the walls. Vines cascade over the planters and drape down the walls. The atmosphere is very comforting and someplace I can see the club coming on a regular basis to eat and enjoy one another’s company.

“Can I help you?” a young girl asks, her eyes taking me in while ignoring my ol’ lady.

“A table for two,” Trinity growls out, stepping in front of me.

“Right this way,” she says, still not taking her eyes from me.

“You realize I’m standing right here with him? It doesn’t say very good things for business if you’re going to spend all of your time eye fucking the men who come in here with women. I mean, it’s not as if you can’t see my very pregnant belly. His baby by the way,” Trinity states, placing her hands on her hips and not moving from the small stand where the hostess waits for customers to come in.

“Trinity,” I caution her as her face turns red and I can see a vein popping out in her neck.

This is the complete opposite of stress free. Fuck! I’m not gonna lie and say it doesn’t turn me the fuck on watching her claim me to some random woman who doesn’t stand a chance in hell of capturing my attention. It’s one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen as her belly pokes out from the sundress she’s wearing.

“Is there a problem here?” an older man asks, coming over to the hostess stand. “I’m William, the owner of this establishment.”

“Yeah. Your hostess here has decided to hit on my man while I’m standing right next to him. Is this the kind of thing you condone at your place of business?” Trinity states, not taking her eyes of the young girl who still has not taken her eyes off me.

“No, this is not how I want business conducted in my steak house. Marissa, this is not the first time we’ve had this conversation. You no longer have a job here. You can collect your belongings and get out,” William says, as the girl finally takes her eyes from me and directs a nasty glare at her boss.

“You can’t be serious!” she screeches. “You’re gonna fire me over something a jealous cow says to you? That’s not fair or right. If he weren’t so fine and had a cow on his arm, I wouldn’t even be looking.”

“Excuse me!” Trinity states, stepping closer to this skank as I wrap my around her chest.

“You heard me.”

“And you heard me, Marissa. Get the fuck out of here. Ma’am, I’m sorry this happened. You will both be eating on the house and in the future, we’ll be comping your bills. Let me show you to your table,” William says, his voice full of apology.

I keep my hand on Trinity’s lower back as we follow the steak houses’ owner to a quiet table for two in the back. No one else is sitting here so we can talk and eat in silence. This is what I want for us; just some time for the two of us without the interruptions of anyone other than the waiter bringing over our food or more to drink.

“I’ll bring you over some water to get started. You can look at the menu and a waiter will be over soon to see if you’re ready to order,” William says, a smile on his face as he backs slowly away.

“Thank you,” Trinity says, sitting back in her chair slightly without letting go of my hand. “I love you, Crave. You and Breaker mean the world to me, and I’d be lost without you. Thank you will never be enough.”

“We don’t need your thanks baby girl. We love you and want to be there no matter what’s going on. Let’s have some lunch and I’ll take you home for a nap.”

“That sounds perfect. Is Breaker working all night?”

“No. He’ll be home before dinner. Why?”

“I just want a night with my guys tonight. Lying in bed, eating a home cooked meal, and staring at mindless television. Can we do that?”

“Anything you want, Trin. As long as we can make it happen, we’ll always give you what you need and want,” I assure her, squeezing her hand slightly in response.

We look at the menu and don’t worry about anything else right now. Nothing other than what we’re going to eat. It’s calm, peaceful, and one of the best days I’ve ever had after my girl spent the last few hours crying and being upset about the will reading and stuff. Now, we want her happy and resting like the doctor said to make happen.