Willow by Erin Osborne

Chapter Seven

Timothy ‘Crave’ Bennett

WATCHING TRINITY START to go down, I didn’t think before racing to her side and catching her before she could hit the floor. Her eyes started to roll back in her head before sliding closed as Breaker and I sat mere feet away from her. Trinity’s body began to shake, and she just started to fall as if her legs couldn’t hold her body weight any longer. It was as if seeing her loved one on the floor the way she found her was too much for her body to comprehend. When we walked into her home and found an older woman lying on the floor with blood pooling under her, my thoughts went straight to the worst possible scenario. I wanted to know who broke in and hurt this woman who means something to our newest employee. This wasn’t about the woman I can’t stop thinking about or anything other than needing to help someone who lost all train of thought because a person close to her was down and she had no clue if she was alive or dead.

My thoughts when Trinity started to collapse in the waiting room of the hospital did absolutely nothing to prepare me for the news we were about to hear from her. I was scared for her and wanted to make sure nothing happened. Instead of the bombshell, I thought it was from stress or all of the emotions flooding her system when she found her grandma on the floor after being at work. Stress and other emotions can make a person’s body do some strange things. Not to mention we have no clue how she is as far as sleeping, eating, or anything else. Dancing and working her body the way she did this morning with Heaven can make someone lose sweat and other shit their body needs. If Trinity isn’t eating and sleeping properly, there’s no way she won’t end up collapsing or something.

Hearing she was pregnant, I had to get out of the exam room. Not only do I hate hospitals, but I know in my gut the news I’m about to hear is going to change my life forever. Trinity wouldn’t meet my eyes and didn’t verbally answer the question. If I had my back turned to her, I never would’ve known what her response was. At least not until she said ‘home test’. My thoughts immediately turn to our night together and the possibility I’m the father of her child. I have no clue how many men she’s been with since the night we were together, but I see her trying to pin this child on me. More than likely just because I’m a member of the Kings Vengeance MC. It’s happened before and Trin would just be one in a long line of bitches to use the pregnancy card to gain ol’ lady status.

Leaving her room after her confirming for me she’s pregnant because I can’t be in the same damn room as her right now, my thoughts turn to earlier today. Yeah, I was at Legacies because I wanted to see Trinity. I needed to see her. Watching her body move and sway to the music is hypnotizing. Especially watching her dance with her eyes closed, imagining it’s me she’s thinking of when she dances. Breaker couldn’t take his eyes off her either. We both sat with our brothers and their ol’ ladies and stopped paying attention to them as soon as she got up and the music started playing. We waited when she went back to see Tonya in her office just so we could see her again. It wasn’t long after she left the club that Breaker and I also left. Seeing the SUV parked in the lot still pissed me off. Breaker and I jumped on our bikes and found her jogging down the street, not paying attention to anything surrounding her.

Following her home, Breaker and I didn’t hesitate to follow her inside because we wanted to know why she wasn’t using the club’s SUV. Finding her on her knees next to an elderly woman crying out and screaming ‘Gram’ gutted me. Breaker wasn’t doing much better as I looked at him before we both jumped into action. He made sure she was still alive while I called for an ambulance. Trinity didn’t move from her side until I made her. I’m not even sure she heard us talking or anything else she was so lost in her own mind about her grandma. Everything was put on hold until we could figure out what was going on. Breaker already told me he plans on being there to help Trin do whatever she needs to do right now, and I’m honestly not surprised. He’s as hung up on her as I am. I’m just not looking to be trapped into any type of situation, so it looks as if the days of sharing women with my best friend are over with. It’s okay for them to be over with. We’ll still be best friends and hang out. On a regular basis.

Instead of pacing the hospital room as I was, now I’m pacing outside the hospital doors. Pulling out my smokes, I light one up. Taking a deep drag, I let the smoke fill my lungs before exhaling and trying to calm my thoughts. It’s not going to happen but before I can go back inside to find out the answers I need, I have to calm down. Trinity doesn’t need my fucking rage and anger directed at her when she’s lying in a hospital bed and worried about her grandma also in the hospital.

My phone begins vibrating in my pocket as I pace the parking lot, ignoring everything and everyone around me. Not the best move, but it’s where I’m at right now.

“Yeah?” I bark into the phone, not caring who’s on the other end of the line.

“What crawled up your ass?” Blood asks me, his voice not filled with anger but concern.

“At the hospital. Followed Trinity home to find out why she turned in the club’s SUV we dropped off to her and her grandma was down on the floor. She was surrounded by blood. When we got here, Trin went down and she’s waitin’ to be checked out too,” I tell him.

“Fuck!” Blood roars out, slamming something down wherever he’s sitting. “Needed you and Breaker to come in, but you’re right where you need to be. What’s goin’ on with Trinity?”

“No clue. The only thing I’ve learned is she’s pregnant. I left before the doctor made his way in there,” I tell him, my voice laced with anger as it ramps back up.

“The fuck? Why would you leave the fuckin’ room just because she’s pregnant?” he questions me, confusion filling his own voice.

“I fucked her almost three months ago. No clue who she is or anythin’ about her. She coulda fucked half the town and now wants to pin the baby on me because I’m here. Not playin’ that fuckin’ game, Blood.”

“I’m sure this is bringin’ up some painful memories for you. All I know is that girl hasn’t asked for a fuckin’ thing and returned the SUV after lettin’ her borrow it. What I know is she’s independent as fuck and doesn’t want to feel indebted to anyone. She told Tonya today she’s goin’ to give the money from her check each week over for the payment of the car. I’m havin’ the guys dig into her past to see what we can find out. When you and Breaker can, need you back at the clubhouse. Got some shit goin’ on. Not gonna tell you now because you need to focus on what’s goin’ on there. I’ll see ya soon. Let us know if we’re needed there,” Blood says hanging up the phone.

Crushing my cigarette out on the bottom of my boot, I toss it in the bin closest to me. While sliding my phone back in the pocket of my jeans, I take several deep breaths in an attempt to further control myself. When I feel somewhat in control of myself, I make my way back inside. Bypassing the nurse’s station, I head directly for the exam room I know Trin and Breaker are in. He’s still sitting by her bed with her tiny hand engulfed in his much larger one. Her eyes are closed, and they’ve started an IV in her. Someone covered her up with a blanket and it makes her look even smaller than she really is. Don’t get me wrong, Trin is tall as hell but she’s small compared to Breaker and I.

Her eyes open when I close the door behind me. Again, I try to take a few deep breaths so I can control the pounding of my heart and my racing breath. Anger still fuels my veins and there is no way I’m going to be able to be rational during the conversation we need to have. However, it needs to happen now.

“Trinity, are you awake?” I question, her eyes instantly snapping open to look at me.

Fear and guilt fill her eyes. Yeah, that’s what I was expecting. She’s going to try and pin this baby on me. Rage replaces the anger in a heartbeat as my hands clench into fists at my side. Breaker silently shakes his head no as tears begin to fill her beautiful eyes.

“You tryin’ to say the baby’s mine?” I bark out, my voice harder than I intend.

“The baby is yours. Remember, one of the condoms broke. I hadn’t been with anyone for a long time before you. Haven’t been with anyone since you either. Now you know about him or her. I don’t want anything and I’m not asking you to be a part of the baby’s life. Whatever decision you make is for you to deal with. I’m fully prepared to be a single mom and raise this little one without a damn thing from you,” she says, her voice harder than I’ve heard it so far.

Yeah, Trinity lets you know in a hurry she doesn’t want help or anyone in her life. I’m not sure why. When she told Tonya she was only at Legacies for a job and not to ride biker cock, not in those exact words, I wanted to snort out in disbelief. I don’t know a single woman alive who doesn’t want a walk on the wild side with one of us. Then, to find out she’s pregnant. There’s definitely an agenda there no matter what she says. Been fucked over more than once in the past and I’m not about to let this woman do it to me again. No pussy is worth that shit.

Before I can say a word though, the door opens and in walks a young man in a white lab coat. Blue scrubs are under his coat as he has two charts in his hand. Looking up at Trinity, a smile instantly covers his face. However, he’s got that look in his eyes letting me know he doesn’t have good news to give the young woman in front of me.

“Trinity, I’m Doctor Stan. I’ve been looking over your grandma since the ambulance brought her in. I’ll also be checking you out as well. We need to find out why you almost passed out in the waiting room a little while ago,” he informs her, stepping around me and closer to the bed. “I’ve had the nurses start an IV just to make sure you’re not dehydrated. We’re going to need to do some blood work and have a urine sample. I’d also like to do an ultrasound since you haven’t seen a doctor yet.”

“That’s all fine. All I want to know is how my gram is doing,” Trinity responds, her voice full of emotion.

“Your grandma suffered a bump on the head. I’m not sure if she got weak and fell or if she got tripped up. She’s awake and alert, but she can’t remember what happened. That’s the only thing she can’t remember so please don’t worry about that. I’m about to go back in to see her and put her leg in a cast. She broke her ankle somehow during the fall. Twisting her ankle could have started her fall and everything else just happened as a result. The break is clean so there is no need for surgery or anything of that nature. I want to keep her overnight to make sure she’s doing okay with the bump on her head,” the doctor informs us as Trinity begins crying.

“Thank you. Um, why was there so much blood?” she asks, not sure she’s going to like the answer.

“With a head wound, they tend to bleed more than any other body part. There’s a small cut on her head which is why she was bleeding. I assure you, she’s okay and other than the cast and an overnight stay for observation, your grandma is going to be just fine. Are you going to stay with her tonight?” he asks, not looking at Breaker or me.

“Yes. I’ll be with her until she leaves here. I just need to make a few phone calls to arrange a few things.”

“Okay. Let me go get her cast on and make sure she’s still resting comfortably. In the meantime, I’m going to have the nurses come in to get a sample and then get your bloodwork done so we can make sure there’s nothing going on with you. Stress and other factors can lead to passing out the way you did. We need to rule out what’s going on before proceeding with you,” he answers her, his voice soft and soothing as Trinity looks at him as if he hung the moon.

I’m getting even more pissed the longer the good doctor is in the room. He’s not being very professional in my mind, letting Trin look at him as if she’s half in love with him. Breaker remains sitting by her side, holding her hand, while shaking his head no at me. I don’t know what the fuck is going through his mind, but he doesn’t need to shake his head at me. I’m not doing a fucking thing wrong.

“I’ll be back soon,” the doctor says, placing a hand on her leg before leaving the three of us alone in the room again.

The door no sooner closes behind him then I walk closer to the bed where Trinity is laying. She’s crying silently as I walk up next to her.

“I don’t believe for a second this baby you’re carryin’ is mine. We were together for one fuckin’ night. No names or complications. It’s what we agreed to. Now, you all of a sudden get a job at the strip club my MC owns and then drop a bomb that you’re pregnant. Do you think I can’t see through your bullshit and lies? I’m not playin’ your fuckin’ games,” I ground out, my voice low and lethal as I don’t give a single fuck about the woman laying here. “You try to come after me for any reason, best believe I’ll be takin’ you to get a paternity test done. Bitches like you all lie and try to get whatever you can from men. You fuckin’ disgust me.”

Breaker stands up as I finish speaking. The anger he’s feeling is clear on his face as he glares at me. I’ve done nothing fucking wrong. No woman is going to trap me by claiming to be pregnant with my child. A child I don’t want any part of. Breaker knows my past and shouldn’t believe a single word Trinity is saying right now. He has been by my side as a woman completely ripped me to shreds and tap danced on my heart before she was done. Now, a woman I don’t know anything about is trying to do the same thing. It’s not going to happen.

“Don’t worry Crave, I’m not going to come at you for anything. I told you because you have a right to know and that’s it. Now, you’ll never have to talk to me again about a damn thing. You do your thing and I’ll live my life no matter what. I needed a job for reasons you wouldn’t know a damn thing about. You can leave now. Both of you can leave. You’ve made sure I’m okay and now I don’t need either one of you here,” Trinity says, her voice full of exhaustion and emotions I don’t want to explore.

“I’ve got nothin’ to worry about because I know that baby isn’t mine. The sooner you leave Legacies, the better off we’ll all be. I don’t want to fuckin’ see you on a regular basis. I never wanted to see you again after a more than forgettable night.”

Turning on my heels, I storm from the room. I don’t wait to see if Breaker is going to follow me as I make my way from the back where the exam rooms are out to the waiting room. Tonya, Blood, and a few guys are sitting in the chairs on one side as the rest of the patients or family members sit on the opposite side, giving the members of my family the side eye. Without saying a word, I bypass them all and head straight outside. I’m not in the mood to talk or sit down with any of them right now. My anger is through the roof and there is no reason for me to be here. No reason for any of us to be here.

Trinity may be an employee of Legacies, but she’s not part of the club. She’s not an ol’ lady, related to a member or ol’ lady, and she’s not even fucking a member. All Trinity is, is an employee and I hope she’s not even that for very long. The sooner I can get away from her, the better I’ll be. The better off we’ll all be.