Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 21


Emmalyn was reluctant to leave the delightful little glen.  It was like an oasis.  An escape from reality, and precious time together without Kell planning the next move out with his men.  She knew he was still working it out in his head, but at least he was keeping it to himself.  After making love for a second time, Kell pulled her back into the warm water and washed her.  He had placed her on his lap and made her relax for an hour.  He cautioned she would be sore and that the hot water would help.

After the hour was up, they dressed, ate some fruit, bread and cheese, and headed back towards the men.  Emmalyn was extremely embarrassed but they treated her the same as always, with respect and admiration.  She was instantly at ease.  When Kell lifted her onto Zephyr she protested.

“You said we’d be moving fast,” Emmalyn reminded him.  “It only makes sense that I ride behind you.”  Her remark brought a lazy smile from Kell.

“After what we’ve been doing, I don’t think it will be comfortable for you to ride that way.  You ride up front and get some sleep.  If you feel better tomorrow, we can revisit this conversation,” Kell replied softly.

A blush coated her cheeks and she had no doubt Kell’s men heard his words.  She didn’t move her eyes from his as she nodded and got comfortable.  There was no use arguing and he was most likely right.

Kell rode hard for hours and Emmalyn tried to sleep, but the pounding of Zephyr’s hooves and the jarring motion made it impossible.  Emmalyn was in and out, which made her exhaustion worse.  She made not a peep though, desperate to hide her discomfort.  She refused to be a burden.

At the crest of one of the steeper hills, Kell pulled on the reins and Emmalyn sat up a little straighter.  Eager to see why they were stopping, she twisted and took in the view.  She gasped for breath at the sight before her.  Beyond the hill was a massive valley with green meadows filled with an abundance of colourful wildflowers.  A large stream ran through the centre, surrounded by what appeared to be a cozy little village.  The houses were made of stone and also had thatched roofs, but the entire scene looked more regal.  The owners appeared to have taken great pains to make everything better.  Window boxes full of flowers littered every house and cobblestone streets ran between them.  Lush cherry blossom trees filled every open spot.  The entire village looked like it belonged in a Disney princess movie.

Her attention was mostly drawn to a stunning castle sitting high on an adjacent hill overlooking the entire valley.  It was majestic and a castle that dreams were made of.  The stone walls were an off-white colour and many of the roofs a pretty grey blue.  The main section stood ridiculously tall, surrounded by smaller sections jutting out in every direction.  The dozens of turrets all rose towards the clear blue sky decorated with cast iron tops.  The whole structure sparkled as the sun glinted off it.  It was a castle made with love, and one that called to her.

“It’s unbelievable,” Emmalyn breathed as she leaned her head against Kell’s shoulder.  “It’s utterly magical.”  She didn’t want to continue on to Kell’s home anymore.  All she wanted was to ride down the hill, cross the village and throw open the front doors to see what hidden treasures were held inside.

“This is the castle you were born in,” Kell whispered in her ear.  “This was your home.”

Emmalyn gasped and looked at the castle again with new eyes.  She didn’t remember it at all as she had been sent away so young.  She felt a sense of peace and belonging that brought tears to her eyes.  The insane desire to risk everything and race down the hill suddenly made more sense.  Emmalyn wanted to be closer so that she could reach out and touch it, and to know her parents.  She took gasping breaths as she tried to hold in the sobs.  Kell must have known she was struggling because he pulled her tighter against him and stroked her hair.  His warmth calmed her.

“I thought it would help you to see it.  To give you some peace,” Kell apologized.  “I was mistaken.  It was wrong of me to tempt you and not allow you near.”

“No,” Emmalyn assured him as she swiped at the stray tears.  “I’m glad you let me see it.  It’s turned a dream into reality.  I just want so much to step inside, to meet them.”

“I know,” Kell soothed.  “The danger is too great though.  I bet spies have been planted here, waiting to discover us.”

Emmalyn nodded knowing he spoke the truth.  Whoever was after them seemed to know their location.  Behr appeared at their side and shook his head in sympathy.  Emmalyn spared him a quick glance then looked back towards the castle.

“It is a shame you are unable to get in undetected.  There is no way to disguise yourselves and sneak in,” Behr snickered.  “And sadly we cannot spare a few more hours to make a pretty girl’s dream come true.”

Emmalyn’s head shot up to gage Kell’s reaction as hope took sprout.  He was glaring at Behr and that was a bad sign.

“You know the danger,” Kell growled.  “And yet you suggest something that puts your future Queen’s life at risk?”

“We are trained warriors, we are stronger than all and we know how to get in and out of places undetected.  You honestly think I would suggest it if I thought you could not pull it off?” Behr growled in return leaning in towards Kell.

“We need to get behind the safety of our walls,” Kell reminded him furiously.

“And that is exactly what we shall do after Emmalyn has a chance to meet her parents,” Behr pushed.

Emmalyn was sick of the back and forth and placed her hand on Kell’s warm cheek gaining his eyes.

“Please,” she pleaded.  “Both you and Behr can go with me.  We can circle around and enter the village from the side to be closer to the castle.”

“I will be in disguise and can only reveal my true identity to your parents.  How do you suppose we get past the guards?” Kell questioned irritably.

“I take a missive,” Behr interrupted. “Explain that I have a message from the Prince of Knightshire and that must be delivered to them personally.  The guards know me.  They will not deny me.  You both will accompany me.  We will disguise Emmalyn as a boy.  A knight in training that I picked up along the way.  You will be her father.”

Kell sighed and Emmalyn’s heart soared.  He was agreeing.  As much as he was against it, he would do it for her.

“Bring me my writing supplies and start a small fire to heat the wax,” Kell ordered.

Emmalyn squeaked in delight and Kell turned his harsh glare on her.

“You have me wrapped around your goddamned finger,” he grunted.  “I am going against all my instincts to see you happy.”

“I know,” Emmalyn whispered.  “And I’m sorry to put you in this position.  But you must have known this would happen when you brought me here?”

Kell kept his glare as he nodded.  “I did,” he conceded.  “But I was hopeful you would not be foolhardy enough to agree to this.”

She gasped in mock outrage.  “I was fighting at Mathias’ side when you first met me.  I fought with you against the assassins and let you make love to me knowing your men could hear.  What part of any of that suggests I would hesitate to do this?”

Kell shook his head.  “I am a fool.”

“You so are,” Emmalyn agreed with a grin before her expression turned serious.  “We can do this,” she told him with determination.

“We can,” Kell agreed.  “There is no such thing as failure.  We will get in so you can spend a small amount of time with them and be on our way again.”

“Okay,” Emmalyn replied not hiding her excitement at all.

She lifted herself up, wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him down.  Kell knew exactly what she wanted and slammed his mouth down against hers.  His tongue forced its way inside and she melted against him.  As usual, Kell’s kiss was intense.  He gave her every bit of himself and she did the same.  Moments later they were interrupted by a grinning Behr.

“It is time to get ready, as every minute we waste is a minute longer away from Knightshire,” he admonished.

It took almost half an hour to prepare their outfits and write the missive.  Kell was unhappy once more.

“You can see her ass,” Kell growled at Behr who was clearly frustrated.  The warrior was ready to walk away so Emmalyn had to ease Kell’s anger.

“It’s okay.  I’ll untuck the shirt.  It will cover my pants and hide my ass from view,” she soothed making the adjustment.

They dressed her in tight pants, high boots and a long-sleeved shirt.  Her hair was braided tightly and wound around her head.  A large floppy black hat perched low on her head and they dusted her face with dirt.  Kell motioned for her to spin and nodded when she turned back.

“Much better, but I will stay at your back at all times.  I am holding on by a thread so you must give me this,” Kell grunted.

She smiled and stood on her tippy toes to give him a quick kiss on his cheek.  Her man looked ridiculous.  They found a flower that gave off white pollen to cover his hair, beard and moustache.  He wore baggy clothes, a floppy hat of his own worn low to hide his eyes and was hunched over while walking with a branch as a cane.  Emmalyn bit back her laugh and looked away.

“Let’s go meet my parents,” she declared, as she sized up Zephyr.  “You’re too tall,” she complained as she eyed the high saddle.

As soon as the words were out Zephyr dropped his front legs and rested on his knees.  Emmalyn grinned, gave his neck a hug then climbed on and waited for Kell to join her.  When she looked back, Kell and Behr were eyeing her with similar looks of surprise.  They glanced at each other with an unspoken conversation going on between them.  Unfortunately, she didn’t have time to figure it out.

“Daylight is wasting,” she pushed as Zephyr climbed back to his feet and moved to Kell’s side.

Without a word, Kell swung on behind her and Behr mounted his own horse.  They were off.