Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 22


Kell had reservations about sneaking into the kingdom in disguise, but the look on his wee warrior’s face as she zigzagged through the cobblestone streets quashed his thoughts.  She was alight with anticipation and he had to catch her arm several times as she sprinted ahead.  He was supposed to be an old man, and old men didn’t run while carrying a cane.  Each time he stopped Emmalyn, her glare became fiercer.  It didn’t help that Behr was encouraging her by teasing him.

“Hurry up old man,” Behr pushed once more as the warrior glanced back at him.  “The sun will be long down before we ever make it to the castle.”

“For fuck’s sake, shut up,” Kell grumbled under his breath as he whacked Behr in the back of the leg with his cane.  “I am old, remember?”

“Yep, old not dead,” Emmalyn shot back.  “People are staring.”

“People are staring because they recognize Behr, not because of my speed,” Kell impatiently pointed out.  He watched Emmalyn lift her head and glance around.

“Oh,” she gasped realizing he was right.  “But isn’t that a bad thing?”

“Why?” Behr questioned as they moved to the side so a man pulling a cart could pass.  The man nodded in thanks and eyed Behr with surprise.

“I thought the idea was to sneak in unnoticed.  We aren’t exactly stealthy,” Emmalyn pushed.

“No, but I am sure the spies are here, so seeing Behr carrying a missive will hopefully make it appear as if we moved on without him.  Most of the time, the warrior assigned a missive will deliver it on his own and catch up with me afterwards.  Anyone who has been following my moves, or knows me well, will expect that,” Kell patiently explained.

“That makes sense,” Emmalyn agreed.  She reached back and took his free hand.  “I’m nervous,” she admitted.

“I know sweetheart but you have no reason to be.  Your parents most likely are not expecting you, so your visit will bring them a joy they have not felt since you left.  They will be beyond themselves with happiness,” he promised.

Emmalyn beamed at his words, then tugged at his hand impatiently.  Kell sped up a small bit, knowing if he didn’t, she’d likely pull his arm off.  He couldn’t blame her.  He would be just as anxious to see his parents if he had been sent away at such a young age.

It took another ten minutes to reach the steps leading up to the castle.  As soon as they moved to the first step, one of the four guards magically appeared to block their way.  Kell dropped Emmalyn’s hand and moved slightly in front of her to protect her and to block her from view.   The guards were focused on Behr and didn’t even glance his way.

“Behr, a pleasure,” Boris, one of the older guards, greeted.  Kell had met him several times so he made extra sure to keep his head down.  If anyone was going to recognize him, it would be Boris.  “I was not told to expect you.”

“It was a last minute decision.  Kell has been traveling close to the Kingdom and while in the area, sent me with a missive for the King and Queen.  I must hand it to them personally.  It contains information they are waiting on,” Behr explained, easily telling enough of the truth to avoid raising any further questions.

“Of course.  Your companions can stay with me while you deliver it,” Boris consented.

“That will not do,” Behr denied with a quick shake of his head.  “The lad is a future knight and I have been ordered not to let him out of my sight.  The old man is the boy’s father.  I do not wish to anger Kell as I’m sure you don’t either by disregarding his orders.”

“No sir, I do not,” Boris grinned.  “It may be best if they accompany you.”

“That is what I was thinking”, Behr cheekily replied.  Kell tightened his grip on the cane and Boris lost the smile.

“Up you go,” Boris grunted as he glared at Behr.  Kell had to hand it to Boris for not saying anything further.  He simply stepped aside, whereas Kell might have said something more in reply.

As they made their way up, Kell was forced to hold his tongue.  It wouldn’t do for Boris to see him chewing Behr out.  Emmalyn took his hand again pulling his thoughts away from Behr.  Kell turned to assess her.  Finally she was slowing, and again seemed scared to death.  He gave her small hand a squeeze of encouragement and pulled her closer.  When he glanced back at the guards, they had all moved away once more.  The difference between the two kingdoms showed.  At Knightshire, the warriors were clearly visible.  They stood protectively at the entrance and remained so fully armed.  If there was trouble, Kell wanted them ready to take action not hiding in the trees somewhere close by.  If Emmalyn spent any amount of time in this Kingdom, she would need to understand his logic.

As they moved up the steps and neared the entrance, the man standing by the door stepped forward to open it.  Behr nodded as he stepped inside followed closely behind by his companions.  Emmalyn lifted her head as she cleared the door and Kell felt a small amount of pain as she squeezed his hand.  She was in awe and he understood the squeeze most likely replaced a squeal.  The entrance was magnificent.  The walls were painted a soft cream colour, a grand staircase with marble steps graced the far side, and stunning tapestries of soft pastel covered most of the walls.  The staircase rails were carved into intricate knots swirling all the way up the steps.  The second floor was adorned with large decorative arches embellished with the same knotted pattern.  He could understand why Emmalyn was so taken in.

“Please follow me,” a maid daintily requested, turning and walking up the stairs.

The three of them followed.  The only sound emanating was from their booted feet clicking on the marble steps.  When they reached the top, the maid stepped over to a doorway adjacent to the steps and pushed it open.

“The King and Queen will see you in just a moment.  Please make yourselves comfortable,” she explained motioning the small party inside.

As they stepped in, Kell watched his girl closely.  Her eyes darted everywhere taking in the same cream coloured paint, the ornate mouldings, tapestries and patterned throw rugs on the floor.  He motioned to the hand carved, flowery velvet lounges but she shook her head.  She was obviously far too nervous to sit.  Emmalyn let go of his hand and started pacing while he propped his cane up against the fireplace mantle and straightened.  His back was bothering him from all the stooping so he stretched it to work out the kinks.  Behr chuckled and Kell narrowed his eyes at his best friend, causing the ass to laugh harder.

“Maybe it’s too soon to meet them,” Emmalyn suddenly exclaimed.  “I don’t know if I’m ready for this.”  Kell looked over to see her wringing her hands and heading for the door.

She didn’t reach it before the King and Queen made their way inside, stopping Emmalyn’s retreat.  The poor girl froze and stared at her parents with tears in her eyes.  Startled, the couple stopped as well and stared right back at her.

“Emmalyn,” King Lorcan whispered in wonder triggering Queen Katerina to jerk her head in his direction.

“Emmalyn?” she gasped in surprise.

“Yes, my dear, Emmalyn,” he repeated motioning in her direction.  “Even in boy’s clothes hiding your hair under that silly hat, I know it is you.  She looks just like you honey,” he said to the Queen.

Kell watched as King Lorcan quickly moved across the room and pulled a stunned Emmalyn into his arms.  He cradled her against his large body.  Emmalyn stood still as a statue for only a moment, then lifted her arms and clutched at his shirt, burying her face in his chest.  Sobs rocked the girl’s tiny body as her father held her and Kell’s heart sang.  When he glanced at Queen Katerina, she was crying softly as she clasped her hands tightly together near her chest.  She only gave them a couple minutes before stepping forward and pulling Emmalyn from his arms to get her own hug.  Emmalyn was pulled close again and wrapped in a tight embrace.  Kell glanced to the King to see him wiping at his damp cheeks.  He must have felt Kell’s eyes because he looked his way.

“You got to her in time,” King Lorcan sighed.  The disguise had not worked at all on the man.

“No,” Kell denied.  “Mathias and Emmalyn were locked in battle with Warrick and several other men I did not recognize when we stepped through the portal.  Mathias sustained a serious injury and remains on our side of the portal with a healer and one of my men.  Emmalyn also suffered an injury to her arm, but is since healed.”

“My God,” King Lorcan cried sailing back to Emmalyn’s side and pulling her away from the Queen.  “You were hurt?”

“Just a scratch,” Emmalyn assured her father as she glared at Kell.  Clearly, she would give him grief later if he breathed a word of the truth so he remained silent.

Kell wasn’t surprised to see both parents adjust so they were still touching Emmalyn as they talked.  Just as Kell had hoped, both were unbelievably happy to see her and keeping her close.  The reunion had turned into the heartfelt one he had hoped for.

Queen Katrina couldn’t take her eyes from her daughter and Kell grinned as the regent pulled off Emmalyn’s hat and removed the pins holding the braid in tight to her head.  Once free, the braid fell down her back hanging to her waist.

“Beautiful,” Queen Katrina declared.  “You are even more beautiful than I remembered.”

“As I said, she looks just like you,” King Lorcan added.  “There is no doubt who she is.  She will be in terrible danger once she is discovered.”

“She already is,” Kell regretfully imparted.  “We were attacked by assassins at an inn where we stayed the night.”  Kell moved across the room to pull Emmalyn into his own arms.  “Emmalyn fought by my side, just as she had at Mathias’ side and we defeated them.”

King Lorcan narrowed his eyes as Emmalyn leaned back into the embrace.  Kell had no intention of hiding their relationship from the regents and wanted his feelings clear from the beginning.

“Do I need to ask?” King Lorcan questioned as he crossed his arms and raised his brow.

“We were drawn to each other from the first moment we met.  I will not hide the fact that I have fallen in love with your daughter,” Kell admitted.

“We have a lot to talk about,” King Lorcan sighed dropping his arms and sinking into a lounge.  He pulled the Queen down beside him as Behr settle into a lone chair.

“Indeed, we do,” Kell agreed.  He too sat, and pulled Emmalyn close to his side.