Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 23


Emmalyn sat beside Kell and leaned in, but her sole focus was the King and Queen.  They looked exactly like the picture in her locket, if not a little older.  Kell promised that they would accept her with open arms and she was relieved to discover he had been right.  She had worried for no reason.  They were loving, kind people and she mourned the lost time together.  Her life would have been vastly different had she stayed here with them.  She couldn’t fault Mathias.  He was a dedicated guardian and had done all he could for her.  They had shared a good life back in her home world.

“It is clear Emmalyn is being targeted not me,” Kell began interrupting Emmalyn’s musings and bringing her back to the conversation.  “Warrick’s sole purpose for going through the portal with a contingent of men was to take her life.  When we were attacked at the inn, the dagger was driven through her pillow and not my own.  No one has taken advantage of the many opportunities during my travel both to and from the portal to make an attempt on my life.”

“Warrick is a soldier in the Kingdom of Kilharbor.  Do you think that is where the attempts are coming from?” King Lorcan questioned.

“I am unsure,” Kell truthfully admitted.  “I did not recognize the rest of the men and I know most of Kilharbor’s soldiers.  Warrick was killed.  I had no chance to question him.  He could have been sent by request or could be working for someone else.  We have no definitive answers.”

King Lorcan nodded in acceptance.  “Whoever it is must have been at the meeting where we revealed Emmalyn’s existence.”

“I agree,” Kell conceded.  “But many were present including the royals and dozens of councilmen.”

At the mention of the councilmen Emmalyn’s mother jerked away from her husband.  “Oh my God,” she gasped.  “I forgot he was even here.”

Emmalyn had no idea what man her mother was referring to.  The doors were suddenly thrown open and a short, rather robust, slimy looking fellow entered.  Kell rose quickly from the chair and stood protectively in front of Emmalyn.  Given the rigid position, Kell clearly considered him a threat.

“Councilman Gelding.  Why am I not surprised to find you here?  Lurking in the hall outside were you?” Kell growled.

The slimy man narrowed his eyes at Kell as his complexion took on a reddened shade. Gelding clearly didn’t like Kell’s words and his anger caused Behr to rise and move closer to Kell’s side.  The man’s head snapped in Behr’s direction before instantly shifting back to rest on Kell.

“The council has been patiently waiting for word on whether you secured the princess.  I came directly here knowing you would get some sort of message to the girl’s parents.  It is a pleasant surprise to find you both here in person,” Gelding smugly declared.  “And I can clearly see that the Princess is unfit to wed and rule by your side, as I assumed.  You will go at once to Kilharbor and retrieve your bride.  You and Seraphine will wed immediately,” Gelding ordered as he eyed Emmalyn up and down with revulsion.

Emmalyn’s mouth dropped open at his words and she could do nothing but stare in shock.  She did not know who Seraphine was, but the man’s word made it sound like Kell had already agreed to marry this woman.  Emmalyn stood and placed her hand on Kell’s shoulder.  He didn’t turn around though.  Behr glanced quickly at Emmalyn, then turned back to face Gelding again.

“Never speak of my daughter that way again,” Emmalyn’s father furiously demanded also standing up.  “We allowed you to stay here, even though we disagreed with it.  There is no reason for you to remain here any longer.”

“She is dressed like a boy, not a princess,” Gelding fumed.  “She has dirt on her face and it is clear she is a mute.”

Emmalyn gasped, but Kell spoke before she had the chance.

“We have been attacked many times.  I dressed Emmalyn like that for her safety.  I can assure you she has all the qualities a princess and a bride of mine requires,” Kell sneered.  “I will be marrying her and not Seraphine.”

“Seraphine was approved and Emmalyn was not,” Gelding sneered in protest.  “We gave you sufficient time to choose someone appropriate and you did not.  It is time the council stepped in.  You are only considering Emmalyn because you do not wish to marry Seraphine.  You made that more than clear at the meeting.  And now you need the marriage to increase your Elemental powers.”

Emmalyn’s head was pounding as she tried to make sense of the conversation.  She didn’t understand what they were arguing about, but she knew it had to do with a lot more than just her.  She dropped her hand from Kell’s shoulder and stepped to the side, away from both him and Behr.  Kell had been keeping secrets from her and important ones no less.

“I am marrying Emmalyn because I love her,” Kell growled turning to lock his darkening eyes on Emmalyn.

Gelding threw up his arms in frustration and practically roared in anger.  “You are not in love with her.  You are only saying that to win her over.  The real reason you want to marry her is for the Elemental power you will gain.  Be honest and stop lying to the girl.”

As Gelding’s words came out, Emmalyn saw the sky darken and a loud clap of thunder shook the room.  Terrified, Emmalyn stepped towards her father just as he took a step towards her.  Instantly his warm arms wrapped securely around her.  At the same time, the Queen surprised Emmalyn by moving towards Kell and placing her palm on his massive chest.

“Please Kell,” she softly pleaded.  “Calm yourself.  You put our kingdom at risk by calling on both the air and water elements.  Many will be caught in the storm, including your own warriors.”  Kell looked down and the sky immediately began to lighten.  “Thank you,” the Queen acknowledged removing her hand and stepping back.

Emmalyn pushed out of her fathers’ arms but remained safely across the room from Kell.  She couldn’t believe all the things that Kell had lied about.

“You just did that?” she questioned pointing to the sky.  Kell closed his eyes for a minute and took a deep breath before opening them again and focusing back on Emmalyn.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” Gelding huffed.  “You have to be one of the stupidest girl’s alive.”  Emmalyn turned back to face the man who was once more back to shouting and actually froze.  “Did you not just hear that Kell has powers?  He got mad and released a burst of energy.  Once he takes a bride of royal blood, his powers will increase.  He was supposed to marry Seraphine, but for some insane reason he refuses.  He is settling for you because you are the only other royal of age.”

“Shut up,” Kell roared at Gelding continuing to face Emmalyn.  “If you do not, I will damn sure make you.”

“You have no right.  This is a council matter,” Gelding countered.

“I have every right given that I hold more authority than you.  As first-born son and the future King of Knightshire, and the first Elemental born in a hundred years, I have control over the entire realm,” Kell sneered.  Emmalyn lost his eyes as he turned to Behr.  “See him packed and escort him and the others in his party off the property immediately.  Make certain he is aimed in the direction he came from.”

“As you wish,” Behr grinned striding across the room.  He caught Gelding by the arm and dragged him out the door.

Emmalyn could hear him cursing as they moved down the hall but she had no compassion to give.  She remained focused on Kell.  Not only had he lied to her, but Kell appeared to be pushing to marry because of the power he would be granted.

“You lied to me,” Emmalyn accused.  Kell’s face actually fell at her words.  “You’ve had plenty of time to reveal the reasons for marriage, and yet you did not.  And you have crazy powers,” she practically shouted.  “What the hell is that?”

“I never lied,” Kell denied as he took a step in her direction.  She moved away from her father and raised a palm.  Instantly Kell stopped.

“No, you’re right.  You just kept me in the dark,” she cried.  “If that awful councilman hadn’t walked in, I bet you never would have said a word.”

“I had planned on telling you but I wanted to find the right time,” Kell huffed, clearly starting to lose patience.  But she didn’t care.  There was no way in hell he could justify it.

“Bullshit,” Emmalyn shouted.  “You were waiting until after we married so I couldn’t leave you.”

“Bloody hell,” Kell yelled back.  “You were out of your element.  I had no desire to put more weight on your already struggling shoulders.  You broke down once on me already and this news could have caused you to snap.  I was only thinking of you.”

“So, you don’t have to marry?” Emmalyn threw back at him.

“I do,” Kell conceded.  “The kingdoms are at odds.  I need to take a bride so my powers will reach the full potential and I can take my rightful place as ruler of the entire realm.”

“And how long have you known this?” Emmalyn questioned.

“Emmalyn,” her father cautiously soothed but she ignored him and glared at Kell.

“How long have you known?” she repeated.

“Four years,” Kell admitted as he glared back.  “But I have not met anyone I wanted so badly before.  Someone who matched me in every way.  I could have married a commoner if I so chose.  My powers are strong enough without a royal union and I need not marry to take full control of the realm.”

Emmalyn brushed at the tears that fell from her eyes but her resolve hardened.  “You’ve kept me in the dark this whole time.  You say it was for my own good, but do you know how that feels?” she whispered.  “I told you how I’ve been treated unkindly by everyone except Mathias.  You were the one person I thought I could truly trust in this world but you didn’t trust me back.  You even agree that we are destined to be together.  All the signs point to that, yet you hold me at arms length.  I gave myself to you, both with my heart and my body.  I was yours,” she cried.

Kell stepped away as his face shut down.  “I understand and see that you need time,” he remarked.  “I will leave and give you that.  However, I will remain close and fulfill my promise to your parents to keep you safe.  You never need to fear for your life.”

With that said Kell turned and strode from the room.  She heard his boots click on the marble stairs followed by the slam of the front door and then silence.  It was at that point that she collapsed, dropping to the ground as a sob tore from her.  Emmalyn didn’t remain there for long.  Her father’s strong arms wrapped around her and lifted her up.  She was placed in her mothers’ arms.  She broke down and unleashed all the feelings she had fought to control since coming through the portal. Emmalyn feared the break would truly destroy her.