Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 24


Kell was absolutely livid as he walked away from the castle and his wee warrior.  He could scarcely believe what had just happened.  The goddamned councilmen had twisted things and made Emmalyn doubt him.  He understood it had been wrong to keep things from her, that much was for sure, but it was definitely not the way he wanted her to find out.  His plan was to tell her each thing individually and let her get used to it before adding another thing.  He thought it was a solid plan.  Now things had been thrown at her all at once and just as he predicted, she couldn’t handle it.  She was strong, but his girl could only take so much.

Kell reached the bottom of the stairs and raised his arms to look to the darkened sky.  “Wind hear my words,” he softly requested so no one close would overhear.  “Hide me from view and protect my identity.”  As soon as the words were out, Kell dropped his arms and looked to the ground.  Dust began to swirl at his feet and slithered up slowly to cover him from head to toe.  He was completely invisible to anyone passing by but could see clearly himself.  It was extremely effective.

Kell walked through the village cautiously without anyone glancing his way.  He still wore the ridiculous disguise but didn’t stoop or carry the cane any longer.  He also felt sure the murderous expression on his face would be his undoing.  As soon as he cleared the houses and made it to the trees, he spotted Oryn.  Immediately Kell headed the warrior’s way.  He waited to thank the wind and asked it to dispel once he was safely beside his friend.

“Jesus,” Oryn shouted grabbing his chest.  “Maybe you could have stomped your feet to let me know that mini tornado was you?”  Once he got a look at Kell’s face, his own expression turned wary.  “What happened?” Oryn demanded.  “Did you raise dark clouds and thunder in the skies above us?”

“The councilman showed up and had several things to say to Emmalyn,” Kell sneered.  “All the things that I of course had not yet explained.  It was a terrible blow as you can imagine and Emmalyn demanded I leave.”

“Heaven help us all,” Oryn grunted just as Torin joined the conversation.  It was clear the warrior had overheard.

“Emmalyn knows the danger she is in.  There is no way King Lorcan can keep her safe.  Our leaving will surely result in her death,” Torin furiously added.

“My thoughts exactly,” Kell nodded sharply in agreement.  “Which may be why the ass revealed the things he did.  He still demanded that I wed Seraphine.  With Emmalyn out of the way, Seraphine would be my only option, although not one I plan to take.”

“So, we stay and protect her regardless. But what will become of the two of you?” Oryn questioned.

“Nothing has changed,” Kell declared as he rubbed the back of his neck.  “I will give her time, but not space.  I told her we were destined to be together and that I love her.  That is the truth and she will remember it soon.”

“So, you will smother her and drive her to a point where she will take you back, if only to get you to stop?” Torin grinned.

“It is a sound plan,” Kell defended as he stretched his back.  The damn thing was still bothering him.

“So, the clouds will remain until that time?” Oryn questioned warily eyeing the sky.

“I will rein in my emotions and not allow the rain to fall, but that is all I can promise,” Kell grunted.  “Until my wee warrior is back in my arms, I make no other such claims.”

“And your mood?” Torin stupidly pushed causing a clap of thunder to sound overhead.  “Never mind,” he huffed.

“Gather the men,” Kell demanded.  “I want every one of them dressed as the Fairrest guards.  If need be, pull Boris aside and explain why it is needed.  Reveal only what you must and swear him to secrecy.  He is trustworthy and loyal so should be easy to convince.”

“I will explain only that the kingdom is in danger.  No one but the King and Queen are aware Emmalyn is inside, and until you reveal it, none will,” Oryn vowed.

“Excellent.  Station men around the castle and yourself inside,” Kell ordered as he shrugged out of his disguise to reveal his true clothes underneath.

“And if our future Queen sees me?” Oryn questioned with a raised brow.

“Smile and wave,” Kell snorted as he strode away.  He could hear both men laughing but had other matters that required his attention.

Kell found Colin tending to the horses and setting up camp.  Colin was one of the privileged few to be in Kell’s trusted inner circle.  He was a lean and fast warrior.  He was also smart and strong which is a deadly combination.  Colin nodded as he came closer and stopped mid-task to give Kell his full attention.

“All is not well,” Colin voiced in greeting as his eyes glanced at the sky momentarily.

“Not even close,” Kell confirmed.  “Short version is that the councilman showed up and set Emmalyn against me.  I am trying to get her back.”  Colin frowned but nodded so Kell continued.  “I need you to head back to Knightshire.  Gather at least a hundred of my best warriors and bring them here.  I want men at my back that I can trust.  If you run into anyone suspicious you feel could be plotting against us, take them out.  If you run into the councilman, steer clear, but advise me where you saw him when you return.  I do not expect he will head for Knightshire, but with him I can never be sure.”

“Done,” Colin vowed.  “Do you fear that one of us, yourself or Emmalyn will be discovered?”

“It is only a matter of time,” Kell sighed.  “Make haste as I need my warriors here immediately.  And please take a minute to check on Darrow.  It would do us all well to get some good news.”  Kell placed a hand on Colin’s shoulder.  “May the souls of fallen warriors protect you and give you strength.”

“May the souls of fallen warriors protect me and give me strength,” Colin acknowledged dipping his head.  Then he turned and headed for his horse.  It took the warrior only a minute to mount and ride off.  Kell watched until he was out of sight.

“You have sent for more men?” Oryn questioned as he too looked in the direction Colin had disappeared.

“It is imperative.  I fear it is only a matter of time before someone learns of our presence.  And I can bet it will be Councilman Gelding that reveals us,” Kell growled.

“Of course,” Oryn sneered.  “That man needs to be removed from his position.  I am surprised he is allowed to stick his nose into as many things as he does.”

“When this is over and I have time, it will be the first thing to happen,” Kell vowed.  “He went straight to the castle knowing I would get word to Emmalyn’s parents.  He was waiting to find out how the rescue turned out.”

Kell went to Zephyr after Oryn had stepped away.  He made sure the horse was comfortable and had sufficient food and water, then caught up with Behr who had just returned.  Behr raised a hand as Kell started to speak, cutting him off.

“Word is travelling through the men.  There is no need to explain again,” Behr revealed.  “Councilman Gelding headed toward Kilharbor.  He is either working with the King and Queen of that Kingdom or wishes to keep them informed.”

“It is looking more and more like the origin of the threat,” Kell fumed.

“I will send two of my men after him,” King Lorcan interrupted stepping out from the trees.  “They can follow at a safe distance and keep an eye on him.  Your men need to be here, mine can go in their stead.”

Kell eyed Emmalyn’s father but saw no threat.  The King looked exhausted, but in no way appeared angry with Kell.  Instead of disagreeing, Kell consented.  The guards of Fairrest could certainly handle this simple task.

“I appreciate that,” Kell nodded.  “Have you come for my head,” he questioned.  Believing that may still be the case and wanting to confirm if his original assumption was right.

“I have not,” the King denied.  “Although the thought has crossed my mind.  I just got Emmalyn back and already I am nursing her broken heart.  That is not what a father wishes to do on the day he reunites with his long-lost daughter.”

“I apologize,” Kell reluctantly acknowledged.  “I mistakenly kept things from her.”

“I would have done the same thing.  And it is my fault the situation has come to a head,” King Lorcan huffed in aggravation.  “I thought it best to keep Emmalyn ignorant of our realm.  The world in which we sent her was much more advanced.  I was led to believe that people took unkindly to strangers.  I wanted her to fit in, so I asked Mathias not to say anything.  It was foolish.  Because of my decision she has turned you away.”

“There is no need for apologies,” Kell sighed.  “I am sure no matter how my Elemental powers became known to her, it would have gone badly.”

“No, but once her powers were revealed things would have changed,” King Lorcan smirked.

The statement surprised Kell and he narrowed his eyes at King Lorcan.  Behr also moved closer.  “I am the only one known to have powers on this world.  You knew her only as a baby, so how could you know she has powers.”

King Lorcan chuckled.  “It came as a surprise to us as well.  I honestly do not understand how it unfolded but she can speak to animals.  She would lie in her bassinet and the castle cats would surround her.  If the window was open, Emmalyn would be surrounded by fireflies at night and butterflies during the day.  It was astounding.”

“And she knows of this ability?” Behr questioned before Kell had the chance.

“She was just a baby and could not even talk when we sent her away.  I am doubtful she knows,” King Lorcan admitted.

“She seemed surprised when Zephyr followed her command,” Behr reminded Kell.  “But we witnessed her do it on several occasions.”

“So, we can add that to the list of oddities,” Kell sighed.  “Another thing that ties us together.”  He turned to face King Lorcan.  “Do you have time to sit and talk?  There are many things to discuss and some things I need your help with.”

King Lorcan grinned.  “I have all the time in the world.”