Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 26


Emmalyn woke the next morning to find Kell’s side of the bed empty.  She reached over, and felt the spot he’d been lying in was surprisingly still warm.  He must have left the bed a few minutes before.  She hoped Kell had fled when he sensed her stirring, as it was a sign he was taking her feelings into account.  She was still mad at him but grateful he’d spent the night.  She slept like a baby curled up against his chest.

Emmalyn threw back the covers searching the room and the adjoining bath area.  The bathroom was as far behind in the times as everything else in Kell’s world.  It contained a metal tub, a crude wooden table holding a basin, a pitcher of water and towels along with a chamber pot.  She eyed the chamber pot with disgust but gave in with little other choice.  She had a quick wash and drew on the pretty pink dress laying on a chair.  She assumed Queen Katerina had left it out and she smiled at the sweet gesture.  The dress was long and made of soft material.  The top looked like a white corset and was extremely flattering.  Short sleeves billowed out and lace trimmed the top.

Emmalyn headed for the balcony.  The glass doors were locked but Kell could still be out there.  Throwing open the doors she stepped outside and grinned as the sun bathed her face and a slight breeze tickled her skin.  After being outside constantly for the last little while, she missed it.  Sleeping inside had been both a comfort and a burden.  A minute later she turned her attention to the tree.  She studied the limbs figuring it was a good thirty feet away.  The tree had bent and touched the railing but the distance was crazy far.  The next time she saw Kell, she’d have to ask how he coaxed it to bend like that.

Emmalyn decided now was as good a time as any to try out her own powers.  The cat had come to the room last night as summoned, but that wasn’t anything to brag about.  Closing her eyes, she concentrated on Zephyr and thought about him galloping up and stopping just below her balcony.  She kept concentrating and a few minutes later Emmalyn heard the pounding of hooves coming from the north side of the castle.  She opened her eyes and turned in his direction, giggling as he broke through the trees.  He was running flat out and would be under her in a second.

Then she heard a loud curse and a painful grunt.  Warily, she leaned over the railing and peered down.  She couldn’t contain the gasp that escaped her lips when she saw a man pinned against the side of the castle.  Zephyr was pushing against him and staring up at Emmalyn.  She could swear the horse looked happy to see her.  But the castle guard who was trapped and pushing against the unmoving horse was shouting obscenities.

“Uh oh,” she cried in a panic as the horse refused to move.

“Emmalyn, seriously, call him off,” the guard shouted as she narrowed her eyes at him.

“Oryn?” Emmalyn called and huffed when he nodded.  “Why are you dressed like a castle guard and what are you doing under my window?”

“Following orders,” Oryn grunted in reply.  A laugh sounded behind her causing her to scream in surprise.  She turned around to see Behr standing there dressed in a similar outfit to Oryn.

“Well, you don’t see that every day,” the ass smirked.  At the same time, Kell came barreling out of the trees as both men turned to see him stop and stare at his horse.

“What the ever-living hell?” Kell shouted eyeing Zephyr and Oryn.  Oryn simply pointed up with a scowl and Emmalyn thought it best to step out of sight.  Behr of course chose that moment to step forward, effectively blocking her retreat.

“Hey honey,” she stupidly called waving at Kell.  He immediately lost the furious expression and grinned up at her.

“Trying out your powers my wee warrior?” Kell chuckled.

“I was,” she confirmed.  “It turned out well until Oryn got in the way.”

Kell laughed.  “I was brushing Zephyr and feeding him some hay when he took off like a bat out of hell.  I thought something scared him so I gave chase.”

Emmalyn nodded and finally remembered she was mad at him.  She placed her hands on her hips and glared down.  “Why am I surrounded by your men?  And why are they dressed so oddly?”

“Hello, a little help,” Oryn bellowed.  “I’m losing the feeling in my legs.”

“Zephyr,” Kell called.  “Step back.”  He raised a brow in surprise as the horse ignored him.

“Zephyr my beautiful horse,” Emmalyn sighed.  “Please move away from Oryn.”  Immediately the horse neighed and stepped to the side.  “Thank you,” she smiled down at him.

“I’m not leaving,” Kell reminded Emmalyn even though he’d already told her last night in answer to her question.  “And that means my warriors don’t leave either.  They will protect you but need to blend in so as not to alarm the villagers.”

She huffed, remembered the tree and decided now was as good a time as any to get some answers.  “How did you bend the tree last night?”

“I can control the elements my wee warrior.  I’ve admitted to this.  All I need to do is concentrate on what I want and ask politely,” Kell explained.

“Can you show me?” Emmalyn requested trying to hide her excitement.  Kell smirked, and she knew the man could see right through her.

“Behr, how about you retrieve that pitcher of water inside the bath?” Kell requested.  Behr immediately turned and disappeared into the room, returning a minute later with the pitcher clasped in his hand.  “Hold it up,” Kell ordered.

Emmalyn watched Behr raised the pitcher as she turned back to Kell.  He raised both arms and closed his eyes, whispering a few words.  He opened his eyes again and pointed his hands at the pitcher.  Emmalyn gasped as the water rose from the pitcher in a swirling stream.  It rose over the railing and headed over to Zephyr.  The water hovered in the air as the horse took a tentative sniff.  Zephyr must have found it enticing because he lapped the entirety of it up.

“That’s unbelievable,” Emmalyn cried as she clapped her hands.  “What else can you do?”

Kell laughed.  “I thought you were mad at me?  You seem awfully interested for someone who wants nothing to do with me.”

“I’m still mad,” she quickly assured him.  “But this is entertaining and after everything I’ve been through, I think I deserve a little fun.”

Kell quickly lost his smile and his face turned furious.  “Behr,” he growled.  “Toss her down.”

“What?” Emmalyn screamed as Behr picked her up and threw her over the railing.  She thought her heart would burst with fright.  Luckily, she landed safely in Kell’s arms and he made no grunt from the weight.  The man was showing his superhero abilities again.

“You could have killed me,” she yelled up at Behr.

“But I didn’t,” Behr snorted before turning and disappearing into the castle.

She glanced around and noticed Oryn had snuck away as well.  Only Kell and his horse remained.  Sighing, she leaned her head on his shoulder as he sat down and got comfortable leaning against a tree.  Immediately he pulled her closer and started running his fingers through her hair.

“Things will get better sweetheart,” Kell soothed.  “We’re destined to have a long life together.  I can feel it.”

Emmalyn nodded but said nothing, fearing her emotional state lately would lead to crying again.  Instead, she lifted her hand and placed it against Kell’s heart.

“You need to focus on the positives.  You found your parents, who you thought were dead, and they absolutely adore you.  Even I can see the love in their hearts.  You traveled to another dimension and back, which no one else can say they’ve done.  You battled assassins and came out victorious.  Let’s not forget you have several huge and ferocious warriors at your beck and call,” he teased.

She laughed at that one.  She’d come to know his men well, and despite being scary at first, she now thought of them all as big teddy bears.

“And you found a man that will move heaven and hell for you.  A man that will love you for eternity.  A man that will be by your side even after his death.  A man that lives only to see you happy,” Kell swore.

Emmalyn eased back and cupped his face in her small hands.  The tears she tried to hold in streamed down her cheeks.

“I forgive you,” she whispered.  “It hurts too much to stay mad at you and I understand why you kept things from me.  I would have done the same thing.  But I need you by my side.  I’m lost without you.”

Kell leaned forward and kissed her.  It was a soft kiss.  An assurance that things would work out.  But she didn’t want soft.  She wanted to feel.  She wanted passion.  Emmalyn reached her hands to his hair and pulled him closer, then slipped her tongue out to trace his lips.  A growl tore from Kell and he took over.  He pushed his tongue inside and his taste exploded in her mouth.  It was consuming and exactly what she needed.  He eventually pulled back, and she was dazed, but deliriously happy.

“Marry me,” Emmalyn softly demanded.

Kell’s eyes grew wide and he stared in shock. “What?” he whispered just as softly.

“I don’t care about the extra powers you gain from taking a bride.  And I certainly don’t care about becoming a queen.  I want the man I fell in love with.  The man who holds me when I need him to.  The man who shows me colourful fish just to make me smile.  The man who brought me back to my parents even though it likely isn’t safe.  And the man who catches me when I fall,” Emmalyn grinned.

Kell threw back his head and laughed as she dabbed at her tears.  His eyes turned serious and locked on hers.

“You are my everything.  I would give it all up for you,” he growled.  “I’ll marry you my wee warrior.  I’ll marry you today.”