Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 27


Kell stood at the front of the tiny chapel in Emmalyn’s family home.  He was surprised by Emmalyn’s proposal and furious that he hadn’t been the one to pop the question.  He’d grabbed her, kissed her passionately, and declared the wedding would take place later that day.  Now here he was with Behr by his side waiting for his bride to enter.  He had only been standing there a few minutes, but it felt too long already.

When the doors opened, Kell stood straight and breathed a sigh of relief as his wee warrior walked through on her father’s arm.  The sight of her took his breath away.  She left her hair down and it shimmered as it flowed around her.  A string of tiny white flowers kept it from brushing her face.  The pure white gown fell to her feet.  The skirt was adorned in lace and the top had short capped sleeves.  The bodice was tight and a soft silk.  The top carried the same hint of lace that adorned the skirt.  She wore no jewelry except for the locket, and really didn’t need any.  Kell would be rectifying that later.

Emmalyn caught his eyes and looked down.  When her head shot back up, her eyes were shimmering with tears.  She was happy and Kell could clearly tell.  When she remained standing in the same spot for too long, Kell took one step toward her.  Looking surprised, Emmalyn tugged her father’s arm and once more head his way.

Kell didn’t register any of the priest’s words or the kiss Emmalyn’s father tenderly placed on her cheek.  All he felt was her tiny hand placed in his much larger one so the ceremony to bind Emmalyn to him could start.  He was ready to start a life with her.

Kell glanced around as the priest began.  The ceremony was small because Kell wanted to keep it a secret.  He wanted no one except the most trusted of his warriors along with Emmalyn’s parents to know of it.  If he needed to use his powers down the road, he would be vastly underestimated.  He had a feeling things would get worse before getting better.  And it would take all his powers to keep his bride safe.  Kell had no intention of letting any harm come to her.

When the priest stopped talking and glanced at Kell, he understood it was time to repeat his vows.  He squeezed Emmalyn’s hands and tenderly kissed her forehead.

“I pledge myself to you.  I promise to stand by your side in this life and the next.  I promise to put you above all else, to love you unconditionally, and to protect you with my life.  I am yours as you are mine,” Kell vowed.

Emmalyn beamed up at Kell as tears slid down her cheeks.  She gasped as he slipped on her finger the ring he had commissioned the blacksmith to make that very day.  The ring was sterling silver and the band was heavily textured.  It split on either side as it reached the pronged solitaire framed by dozens of smaller diamonds.  Kell raised Emmalyn’s hand and kissed the ring, then waited as she recited her vows.

“I pledge myself to you.  I promise to stand by your side in this life and the next.  I promise to put you above all else, to love you unconditionally, and to protect you.  I am yours as you are mine,” Emmalyn vowed.

She spun around to accept the ring her father slipped in her hand.  Kell had both rings made at the same time.  Like Emmalyn’s, it was sterling silver with a textured band.  The rings fit together perfectly, just like the two of them.  Then as Kell had done, she raised his hand and kissed his ring.

Just as the priest was about to pronounce them husband and wife the doors flew open.  Kell turned in that direction in a defensive posture and Oryn, Behr and Torin all assembled to shield them.

“Are you seriously having a wedding without me,” came a bellow from the other side of the door.  A limping and seriously pissed off Mathias hobbled into the chapel.

Emmalyn gasped and then squealed in delight.  Kell stopped her before she could leave his side and dart back down the isle.  He turned to the priest and glared at the man.

“Say the words,” Kell growled as the priest visibly swallowed.  The warriors and Emmalyn’s father didn’t even attempt to hold in their laughter.  Kell ignored them all and scowled.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife.  May your love carry you through this life and into the next.  You may kiss your new bride,” he finished.

Kell didn’t waste a second.  He wrapped his arms around Emmalyn’s back, dragged her against his body and slammed his lips down on hers.  She melted against him and gave as much as Kell did.  The kiss lasted a long time before they were forced to break apart and take a breath.

“My wife,” Kell grinned as he gazed down at her tenderly.

“My husband,” she returned breathlessly as her eyes still shimmered with tears.

“I have never in my entire life laid eyes on a bride as beautiful as you.  You absolutely take my breath away,” Kell declared as he ran his fingers across the lace bodice.

Emmalyn visibly shivered as she whispered her thanks.  “You look pretty good yourself,” she replied as she gripped the front of his tunic.

Kell wore a pair of black leather pants and high black boots.  His shirt was also black and long sleeved.  It was soft cotton with a leather strip running through the three button holes at the top.  The leather wasn’t tied, and the top fell open a bit to reveal his chest.  His hair was freshly washed and hung untamed around his face.

“Can I say hello now please,” Mathias suddenly yelled impatiently from the back of the room.

When Kell glanced his way, he saw the warriors had blocked Mathias so the ceremony could continue.  Kell gave a sharp nod and they stepped to one side.  Without hesitation, Mathias continued his slow trek up the isle. At the same time, Emmalyn remembered about Mathias.   Kell let her go, and watched as she hiked up the sides of her dress and ran down the isle.

She hit Mathias head on.  If Mathias had not been braced by Kell’s warriors, they both would have tumbled down.  Kell watched as the pain ripped across her guardian’s face.  But when Mathias pulled back and looked down at Emmalyn, it was gone.  The man would never let her know she had hurt him, and Kell respected him for that.  He listened to his bride sob for only a minute before he’d had enough.  He strode down the isle with the King and Queen at his back.

“Mathias, it is wonderful to see you again,” Emmalyn’s mother gushed sincerely as Kell pulled his bride close.  As soon as she was out of the way, both her parents hugged Mathias tightly.

“You kept our girl safe.  We are forever indebted to you.  It is obvious we made the correct choice in picking you to look over her,” King Lorcan declared.

Mathias nodded in thanks and hugged them back just as fiercely.  It was clear Mathias was more than just a trusted guard.  He was family.

“I see things have progressed between the two of you,” Mathias announced as he studied Kell.  “I watched the end of the ceremony.  It is clear you love my Emmy and I am happy she has chosen such a fine warrior to be her husband.   You will keep her safe.  Of that I have no doubt.”

Kell nodded as he pulled his bride closer.  The wedding had gone off without a hitch and he couldn’t be happier.  Kell had wanted it completed quickly before the Councillor returned or any uninvited guests turned up to disrupt the proceedings.  The staff didn’t even know the ceremony had taken place as only Boris was in attendance.  They had dressed in private and used a back staircase to ensure it remained a secret.  The couple would head back to their room the same way.  When Emmalyn took off the dress later, it would be safely wrapped and placed in a trunk for her.

Kell listened to them talk a minute longer and accepted congratulations from his warriors.  With soft eyes Kell glanced at his bride.

“I think it is time for us to say our goodbye’s sweetheart.  I’d like some time alone with my new bride,” Kell announced huskily.

He watched with barely contained patience as she hugged each and every person present.  Emmalyn blushed as she took Kell’s outstretched hand and allowed herself to be led away.  When they reached the back stairs, he bent down and easily lifted her into his arms.  The dress was long, and he was worried she might miss a step.  They could also move faster if he carried her.  He took the steps two at a time as she wrapped around him and held on.  Kell kicked the door to their room wide open and whisked her inside.

Kell crossed the room in two strides and laid her on the bed.  He hastened back to the door and flicked the lock, doing the same with the main door and the balcony doors.  He wanted privacy tonight and to ensure nothing interrupted them.  Kell stalked over to the bed and looked down at Emmalyn.  With a small smile, he closed his eyes and concentrated on the logs piled up in the fireplace.  Turning his palms upwards to face the unlit fire, he spoke quietly as he opened his eyes once more.

“I call on the element of fire.  Bring the fire to me and let me warm my bride,” Kell requested.  He felt his hands warm and saw tiny sparks shoot from his palms.  A second later he pushed out and fire shot out to hit the logs.  They caught instantly and flared up sending a soft glow throughout the room.  “Thank you for honouring me with your graciousness,” Kell finished as he dropped his hands and turned back to his bride.  Emmalyn was staring at him wide eyed with a look of pure awe.

“Could you always do that?” she questioned pointing at the flames.

He answered as he prowled towards her.  “No.  I could move a flame or enlarge it if it was already there, but never start one on my own.  And I definitely couldn’t shoot one out of my hands.  That was a surprise to me as well as you.  It appears my powers have indeed increased.  It will be interesting to see what else I can do.  But that is something to discover another night.  Tonight, I’d like to discover my new wife,” he gruffly declared.

Emmalyn opened her arms in invitation and everything else was forgotten.