Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 29


Kell stood at the bottom of the stairs with his warriors and watched as Emmalyn walked towards them.  They were all out of disguise, and to their relief, back in their own clothes.  Kell hated hiding his identity.  It felt like deceit.  While he preferred to meet the enemy head on, on Fairrest lands it had been necessary.  Now it was time to push home to his own turf, where there were no unknowns.

Tears filled Emmalyn’s eyes as she stepped close to him and tilted her head back.  Kell framed her face with his large hands and used the pads of his thumbs to wipe them away.

“I am ready to go,” his wee warrior stated straightening her back and attempting to push her emotions aside.

“Don’t do that,” Kell admonished.  “I know this is hard, but you don’t have to put on a brave face for me and my warriors.”

“If I don’t put on a brave face, I’ll simply fall apart,” Emmalyn replied.  “I’ve grown to love them both.  It’s hard to say goodbye.”

“This nonsense will be over soon,” Kell vowed as he kissed her head affectionately.  “You will see them again.”

She nodded but said no more, so Kell felt a change of subject needed.

“I have a present for you sweetheart.  Would you like to see it?” Kell questioned with a raised brow.

He almost laughed as her face lost the forlorn expression and was replaced with one of open curiosity.  Kell gave a sharp nod and his warriors stepped aside to reveal a horse tucked behind in hiding.  She was a beauty, and Kell knew the minute he had spotted the animal that she was meant for Emmalyn.  Her coat was a gorgeous cream colour and her mane and tail were a couple shades darker.  She had a strong frame and a gentle personality, just like his girl.

Emmalyn squealed completely forgetting Kell and giving the horse her full attention. She raced to its side and immediately threw her arms around its neck.  Soft words were whispered, stroking ensued, and Kell knew Emmalyn was in love.  When she finally lifted her head and sought him out, Kell could see only happiness.  With tears in her eyes, the sadness was gone and a huge smile lit up her face.

“What is her name?” Emmalyn questioned.

“Her previous owners simply called her Beauty, but you may pick a new name for her if you like,” Kell grinned.

“No,” Emmalyn denied.  “Beauty is perfect. It suits her.”

Emmalyn darted to the saddle and lifted her dress as she grabbed the saddle horn.  Kell watched in amazement as she hefted her tiny frame onto the huge horse’s back.  Beauty dwarfed her, but Emmalyn looked in complete control.

“I love you Kell,” she shouted in front of all his warriors eliciting grins from them all.  “She’s absolutely perfect.  Thank you.”

Emmalyn gently nudged the horse forward and stopped beside Kell.  She leaned over and Kell met her halfway, but instead of giving her the kiss she clearly wanted, he dragged her off Beauty and onto his lap.  He pulled her close and ravished her mouth like a desperate man.  When he pulled away a minute later, she wore a pretty blush and was blinking up at him.

“You’re welcome honey,” Kell grinned.

“For what?” Emmalyn asked with a dazed look on her face.

“The horse,” Kell chuckled as all his men laughed with him.

She looked confused for a minute, then turned to Beauty.  It took only a second before she was alert again and smiling up at him.

“We’ll continue that later,” Emmalyn promised.  She climbed off his lap and dragged herself clumsily back on the horse.  Kell could only shake his head and be thankful she hadn’t fallen.  The girl had no fear as she proved time and time again.

Emmalyn turned to wave at her parents and Mathias, who watched from the top of the steps.  The minute they waved back she took off, pushing Beauty into a dead run.  Kell cursed as he and the warriors had to push their own horses to give chase.  They were skilled riders, but it still took a minute to catch up to his wee warrior.  Altogether now, Emmalyn simply threw back her head and laughed, thankfully slowing to a decent speed.

For hours they twisted and turned, moving through the forest at a good clip.  With Emmalyn healed and riding her own horse, Kell knew they’d reach Knightshire much faster and he was greatly pleased.  The tension eased out of him and he felt a lightness in his heart once more.  No other royal would be happy on her own horse.  Like Seraphine, they would have insisted on riding in a carriage which would have slowed the pace considerably.  Kell knew without even asking that Emmalyn would have hated that.  His wee warrior looked right at home on Beauty, and despite riding for hours on end she was practically glowing.

Kell slowed as they came to a small clearing near a lake.  They ate a hearty breakfast, but after hours of riding, they needed to rest and have a warm meal.  In no time at all the horses were tended and a small fire burning.  Emmalyn insisted on seeing to Beauty, but Kell overruled her.  It was the first day riding on her own and Kell understood that she would be tired and sore.  Torin would take good care of Beauty and after a small argument, Emmalyn finally gave in.  Kell set out a blanket and she curled up and fell asleep right away.

“She’s a tough one,” Behr declared as he sat beside Kell and sharpened his sword.  “She pushed herself hard today and still tried to do more.”

Kell nodded, agreeing with the man.  “She surprises me every day.”

“What do you make of Seraphine’s declaration?” Behr questioned.

“Of having a lover?” Kell clarified, huffing when Behr nodded.  “Her eyes didn’t show a lie, but Seraphine, her parents and the Council have been pushing for a match between us for so long that it’s difficult to see her suddenly give up.  Honestly it baffles me.”

“I agree.  She clearly expressed affection when she spoke of the man, but it seems there is no more to it.  Seraphine stated that this man is of her station and that the match would be a good one.”

“He must be a royal then,” Kell decided as he rubbed at the back of his neck.  “Or a close relative.”

“That doesn’t narrow it down much,” Behr sneered.  “There are numerous male royals as only the females are lacking in number.”

“Right,” Kell sighed.  “And it was clear she hadn’t spoken to the Councilman recently.  She came to the castle for her own reasons.”

“Perhaps she wanted to get a look at Emmalyn?” Behr shrugged.  “Many will be curious about the missing princess.”

“True, but Seraphine is devious.  That can’t be her only reason for showing up,” Kell denied.  “She’s got something up her sleeve.”

Behr nodded and said no more, leaving each of them to their own thoughts.  Kell had too many unanswered questions, and he didn’t like it.  Before Emmalyn, he would have simply detained Seraphine and locked her away until he got his answers.  Kell wondered if it was time to revert back to such barbaric tactics.  He just hoped Emmalyn would understand.  She preferred to step in and smooth things over.

“What are you thinking?” Emmalyn inquired as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.  It was clear she only just woke and hadn’t overheard their conversation.  Kell smiled as he pulled her into his arms and played with her long braid.

“I’m not the feared warrior I used to be since setting eyes on you sweetheart.  If we want to end this, I need to use force.  I believe it’s time to get some answers.  And to do that I need to bash in some heads,” Kell patiently explained.

Emmalyn studied Kell for a minute before sighing and laying her head on his chest.  “You fear my reaction?”

“You have only really seen the gentle side of me, but I am more than that.  The threat is still out there and needs to be taken out.  I have no leads and no idea how many people are involved.  I need to use violence to get answers and take back control of the situation,” Kell admitted.

“And what of me?” Emmalyn softly asked.

“You will remain at my castle under guard.  My men are numerous and they are mighty.  No harm will come to you while you stay there,” Kell promised.

“We got married just yesterday,” Emmalyn sadly declared.  “And you want to leave me.  How do you think I’ll feel with you gone?  We share a special connection and it will break me to be without you.”  Kell huffed, seeing no other way to ensure her safety, but she wasn’t finished.  “We are stronger together and everything that has occurred proves that.  Your powers are greater since our marriage and I have just discovered mine.”

Emmalyn pushed out of his arms and stood with a furious expression.  She turned a scowl on Behr and Torin who had been standing quietly by.

“Hold him down,” she ordered as she placed her hands on her hips.

Kell could have killed his men as they moved to do her bidding.  Behr sat on his legs and Torin pushed him down and straddled his chest.

“Don’t fight them,” Emmalyn growled.  “I have a point to prove.”  She turned to the rest of the warriors who had gathered around to see what was going on.  “I need all of you to follow me.”  Emmalyn addressed Kell once more as she spoke.  “There is no threat close by and I have a ton of capable men surrounding me.  You have no need to worry.  I’ll see you soon.”

Kell watched in stunned silence as she simply walked away with his warriors trailing closely behind.  The foolish girl disappeared into the trees and he lost sight of her.  Immediately his chest started to burn and his vision got hazy.  Then he broke out in a sweat and his whole body started to tremble.  He tried to stay still but couldn’t handle being out of her sight.  It was killing him and every part of him was breaking down.

With a battle cry and a mighty heave, he threw off Behr and Torin and surged to his feet.  Kell ran through the woods at a deadly pace, trampling any bushes and trees that slowed him down.  He could hear Behr and Torin giving chase, but the sole focus was on finding his bride.

Not five minutes later he found Emmalyn.  He punched at anyone blocking his path, ignoring the grunts of pain as he charged forward.  He lifted Emmalyn off the ground and wrapped her up in his arms.  His whole body finally settled as he breathed in Emmalyn’s scent and held her close.

“You may want to look behind you,” Emmalyn whispered as she peered over his shoulder.

Kell slowly turned and actually gasped at what he saw.  The men were laid out and bleeding on the ground, showing the clear path Kell had cut through in his desperate need to reach Emmalyn.  The ground was flattened and trees were knocked over.  Both Behr and Torin stood a good distance back with wary expressions.

“I think she made her point,” Behr huffed.  “Clearly she needs to stay with you.”

All Kell could do was sigh, deciding maybe they were right.