Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 28


Emmalyn woke to the sound of Kell walking around the room and a small smile graced her lips.  It was her husband moving around the room.  The man she had pledged herself to last night.  She kept her eyes closed as the bed dipped and soft lips met her own.  Kell’s kisses were addictive and she wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him close.  Immediately he deepened the kiss and she moaned in contentment until he eventually pulled away.

“No,” Emmalyn protested as she opened her eyes and stared up into his dark ones.

Kell grinned and brushed a stray hair off her face.  “You need to get up my wee warrior.  News of our wedding could spread and I wish to be gone from here when that happens.”

“But I thought we were cautious and no one would know?” Emmalyn questioned as she pushed herself into a sitting position.  She wanted at least another day to celebrate her marriage before going back on the road.  It was quiet here, peaceful even, and the castle was comfortable.  She also didn’t want to leave her parents.  In a few short days she had grown to love them immensely.

“I am sorry but your safety will always come first.  And as cautious as we have been, there is always a risk.  I regret taking you from your home, but I am anxious to get you to mine.  I promise that once the threat is over, we can visit as often as you like,” Kell soothed.

Emmalyn understood so she gave a quick nod.  A surprised gasp escaped her lips as Kell slipped the wedding ring off her finger.  He closed his palm over it as he bent her head and swept her hair out of the way to unclasp the locket from around her neck.  Emmalyn watched in confusion as he slid the ring on the chain and closed it tight.  Her hands automatically wrapped around the ring protectively as she stared up at him with a question in her eyes.  She darted her eyes to his finger and noticed that his ring was no longer there either.  Kell smiled as he pulled a leather string from under his tunic and revealed the ring she had slipped on his finger the previous day.

“It is safer this way,” Kell apologized.  “I wish no one to know my powers have increased.  I am not happy about removing our rings, but I like the idea of holding them close to our hearts.  You are mine,” he growled as his eyes darkened even more.  “And hiding our rings in no way lessens our bond.  I married you last night and I plan on letting you know just how much I love you every day of your life.”

Emmalyn melted at his words and felt a flutter in her belly.  She knew Kell would do exactly as promised and a blush crossed her cheeks.  “I love you too and am excited to see where you live.  I can’t wait to start this new chapter of my life with you.”

Kell grinned and pulled her from the bed.  Emmalyn laughed at his enthusiasm.  “The men are ready and simply waiting for us.  I let you sleep in a wee bit after keeping you awake so long.”

Her blush deepened and she ducked her head.  Kell had made love to her all night.  It was slow and sweet, just as any bride would wish their wedding night to be.  Emmalyn thought it was perfect.  Just like the man she had married.

“Do what you need.  Wash up and get ready and we will take a minute to say goodbye to your parents,” Kell instructed.    “I’ve placed a day gown on the chair in the corner.”

Emmalyn nodded as she kissed his cheek and climbed from the bed.  As Kell left the room to give her some privacy, she headed for the small bathroom.  She appreciated all the small things he was always doing to ensure her comfort.  She cleaned herself up and braided her hair into one thick rope that hung down her back.  If they were traveling all day, she wanted it out of the way.  Glancing over, she found a pretty sage green dress lying across the chair.  Like all the others she had worn during their travels, it was made of a soft material and had an empire waist.  It was embellished with a small amount of white lace and it made her feel like the princess she was.  Kell definitely had good taste in clothes.

As Emmalyn exited the room and descended the steps she heard shouting.  Quickening her steps, she found Kell yelling at a stunning woman who stood just inside the main doors.  Behr and Torin flanked him and both men were scowling at the woman.  She was dressed elegantly in a beautiful red gown that hugged all her curves.  Her blond hair was piled high on her head and jewels shimmered from her neck and ears.  It was clear she was a royal and Emmalyn bit her lip as a sinking feeling began to form in her gut.

“I am not here because I wish to push a marriage with you,” the woman argued hauntingly.  “I am traveling this way and hoped to rest for a bit.  I haven’t even seen the Councilman.”

Kell sighed and Emmalyn clearly saw his frustration.  Without a thought, she hurried the rest of the way towards him and leaned against his back.  His arm immediately snaked out and caught her arm, dragging her to his front.  Kell pulled her snuggly against his body as he kissed the top of her head.

“Seraphine, I’d like you to meet Emmalyn Kensleigh.  She is the lost princess I was sent to retrieve,” Kell announced.

Emmalyn leaned against Kell realizing this woman was the princess the councilman had pushed on Kell.  Seraphine’s eyes darkened for a minute at the introduction and Emmalyn saw evil lurking before a mask slipped in place and the woman was smiling once more.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.  As I told Kell, I am not here to cause trouble,” Seraphine remarked as she raised her chin.

“You’re always causing trouble,” Behr sneered.  “There is an ulterior motive hidden somewhere.”

Seraphine frowned as she turned beseeching eyes on Kell.  “I found someone that I have fallen in love with.  I no longer wish to marry you.  I understand we were both being pushed in that direction but I wish to join with another.  If Emmalyn is who you want, I wish you a life of happiness.”

Emmalyn studied the woman as she uttered the words and surprisingly believed her.  A softness momentarily crossed her face as she spoke of falling in love.  It was the same expression Kell exhibited when speaking of Emmalyn.

“Who is this man?” Kell questioned placing a palm on the back of Emmalyn’s neck and gently caressing the spot right under her ear with his thumb.  Seraphine zeroed in on Kell’s hand momentarily then she looked away.

“It is not your place to question his identity.  I will tell you he is an equal, and a good match for me, but that is all,” Seraphine sweetly answered.

Emmalyn instantly felt the unease come back.  The woman appeared to be keeping his identity a secret for a reason, probably because Kell would disapprove of him.  Emmalyn turned and glanced up at Kell to see the furrow of his brows and knew he was having the same thoughts.

“I am happy and it appears you are happy.  Although she doesn’t seem like a suitable match for you.  The Council will not be content with your choice.  It is clear she is well beneath you,” Seraphine smirked.

Kell’s entire body locked at the cruel words and Emmalyn knew the woman was just trying to get a rise out of him.  Obviously, it worked.  Emmalyn bent over and slipped from Kell’s arms before he could stop her and stepped forward bringing herself right in front of Seraphine’s face.  She made a production of lifting her dress and pulling out the dagger Kell had given her.  Emmalyn twirled it in her hand catching the woman’s attention.

“I’ve killed three men since coming to this world,” Emmalyn declared smiling sweetly at Seraphine.  “One was an assassin.  I would say I fit perfectly beside Kell.”

Kell chuckled while Seraphine’s eyes got big.  “I thought it was two and a half,” Kell teased as he stepped up beside Emmalyn and ran a finger down her cheek.

“Well, I wounded one pretty badly and all you did was run him through with your sword before he died.  I think it’s fair to say my blow would have killed him,” Emmalyn argued.

“Fine,” Kell huffed as Behr and Torin both laughed.  “I’ll give you that one.”

“Who the hell are you?” Seraphine gasped in obvious affront.  “You’re barbaric.  Surely you don’t want to wed a girl like her?”

“Oh, I do,” Kell grinned as he hooked Emmalyn around the waist and pulled her back into his side.  “Emmalyn matches me in every way and I’m completely smitten with my wee warrior.”

“I think it’s time to show you out the door,” Emmalyn’s father bellowed as he popped out of a side door.  “Normally I would have no problem letting you stay, but I won’t tolerate any insults regarding my beloved daughter.  She is a treasure and everyone here has fallen for her charms.  You are most unwelcome.”

As Emmalyn watched, Behr and Torin shifted over to stand directly in front of her and King Lorcan ushered Seraphine out the door.

“I’m not after Kell,” Seraphine reiterated, but it fell on deaf ears.  “I was just stating the facts.”

Kell pushed Emmalyn behind him and stepped towards the door.  “Maybe so, but you still came with an ulterior motive.  Your reputation precedes you.”

Seraphine huffed as she headed to the coach waiting at the foot of the stairs.  The guards opened the doors, but before getting in, she turned to address Kell and Emmalyn once more.

“One day you will get knocked off that high horse of yours,” Seraphine sneered as she glared at Kell.  “And it will be from someone unexpected.  I just hope I’m there to see it.”

Seraphine ducked her head and stepped inside her coach.  Before she could sit down, Emmalyn closed her eyes and sent a message to the two horses tethered to the carriage.  They instantly reared up, jostling the carriage and sending Seraphine slamming to the floor.  She shrieked as her guards grabbed the reins and attempted to settle the horses.

“Evil,” Kell chuckled as he bent to Emmalyn’s ear.  Then he kissed her soundly, turning his back on a clearly furious Seraphine and led Emmalyn away.  “You are goddamned perfect Mrs. Hawthorne.”