Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 30


Emmalyn was smiling as she rode Beauty at Kell’s side.  She loved nothing more than riding with Kell, but the independence Beauty gave her was priceless.  It showed that Kell considered her as more of an equal than a damsel in distress.  Every once in a while, Kell would catch her grinning and smirk at her while his men shook their heads and chuckled.  Everything was going as she hoped, and she was pleased to be allowed to remain with Kell.  The idea of Kell leaving broke her heart and she was thankful to have gotten her point across to him.  The poor man held Emmalyn for a good while afterwards before he calmed down enough to pack up camp and move on.

Minutes later they cleared a thicker section of trees and popped out into a small field.  The sight took Emmalyn’s breath away and all she could do was gasp.  Wild flowers of every imaginable colour filled the space and the sun’s warm rays shined down on them.  But it was the dozens of bright butterflies settling on the numerous petals that caught her attention.  She pulled on Beauty’s reins to halt.  If she could dream up a magical place in her head, this would definitely be it.

Emmalyn watched in fascination as the butterflies suddenly rose as a group and danced in perfectly choreographed synchronization across the sky.  Rising and falling with the air, they danced to her side to surround her.  Butterflies fluttered all around her and lightly brushed against her skin.  It tickled and Emmalyn couldn’t help the giggle that escaped.  They were all different colours and much brighter than the butterflies from home.  She wished she had a camera to capture the magical moment.

“Are you doing that?” Kell questioned curiously as he leaned across Zephyr to study the butterflies.

“I don’t think so,” Emmalyn admitted.  “I didn’t call them.”

As she raised her arms and swayed them over her head the butterflies matched her movements perfectly.  A couple even landed on her fingers.  The feeling was surreal.

“Jesus, she’s got quite a gift,” Behr declared with more than a little awe in his voice.  “They must be drawn to her.”

“My powers increased at our union, so maybe yours got stronger as well,” Kell stated.  “It makes sense.”

“Maybe,” Emmalyn shrugged not at all caring.  She was too fascinated with the tiny creatures.  Their iridescent wings sparkled in bright sunshine.

A strong wind came up out of nowhere for only a second before everything went quiet once more.  The butterflies instantly rose as a group and left her side to disappear into the trees.  The loss saddened Emmalyn but the look on Kell’s face scared her.

“Everyone down,” he shouted just as a single arrow pierced the field and flew towards them.  It thankfully missed and like the butterflies, disappeared into the trees.

Emmalyn didn’t have time to react before Kell threw his body across the horses and knocked her to the ground.  She grunted from the impact as Kell landed on top, but she successfully managed to keep his bulk from suffocating her.  His large frame covered her completely and she had to wiggle slightly to see around his shoulder.  Just as she peeked out at least a dozen arrows rose from the trees in an arc before descending towards them.  She watched in horror for a second, then cried out in fear as Kell jumped to his feet and raised his arms.  The arrows were almost on top of them as he whispered something into the sky.  Almost immediately the wind picked up once more.  It was an unnaturally strong gust that hit the arrows head on, sending them sailing off to the side.  Emmalyn watched as they dropped harmlessly to the ground, swallowed up by the wildflowers.

“Bows out.  Send your own arrows into the trees in that direction,” Kell bellowed at his men.

He was still standing and Emmalyn was frantic.  She knew Kell could be struck at any moment.  Emmalyn pushed up intending to go to his side when both Zephyr and Beauty shuffled into position to stand above her.  With massive bodies blocking her view, she was trapped by their hooves.  All she could do was peek out from between their legs and listen to the whoosh of more arrows released in their direction.  Once more Kell raised his arms and deflected the influx with a massive gust of wind, but Emmalyn knew he couldn’t keep it up.

When the shooters changed their tactics, Emmalyn realized they were in serious trouble.  Instead of sending all the arrows simultaneously they were scattered from several directions.  Emmalyn screamed as one whizzed past Beauty’s head and imbedded itself in Torin’s saddlebags.  His horse cried out as it reared up and dropped to its front legs.  The arrow didn’t appear to be sunk too deep, but the blood dripping from the poor animal had inflicted damage.

Emmalyn jerked her head around at the sickening cry of one of Kell’s men.  His name was Cain, and he was one of the more seasoned warriors.  She watched the man fall and without thinking, scrambled from the cover of the horses to crawl to his side.  Cain was bleeding from the shoulder and the arrow was deeply imbedded.  She glanced to Kell but he was straining to deflect the rest of the arrows.  Emmalyn looked at Torin, Behr and Oryn but they were all concentrating on shooting back and didn’t spare her a glance.

“You will be all right,” Emmalyn whispered to Cain.  She reached down and tore at the bottom of her dress. Bunching the ripped material up, she pushed it against the sides of the arrow desperately trying to stop the flow of blood.

“Get back under the horses,” Cain grunted as sweat dripped from his brow.

“No,” Emmalyn refused watching the terrifying scene unfold around them.  The men fired back, but the trees camouflaged their intended targets making it almost impossible to hit anyone.  Kell’s men had no idea where the enemy was and continued to shoot blindly into the trees.

Emmalyn felt the tears starting to flow as she realized how dire the situation was becoming.  More men grunted as the arrows grazed their skin and a horse toppled over when it was struck in the neck.  The animal’s vacant eyes stared back as it fell.  Desperate, Emmalyn closed her eyes and pictured hundreds of birds in her mind.  She couldn’t see the men shooting the arrows, but knew they were hiding in the woods.  She envisioned the birds swooping down and pecking their arms and heads.  Almost instantly a cloud of black shot out of the woods from behind and dove into the surrounding trees.  Then the screaming started.  The arrows abruptly stopped as the men fought the attacking birds.  Some frantically ran into the clearing and Kell’s men easily picked them off one at a time.

“I want a couple left alive,” Kell demanded as he searched the clearing for his wife.

“I’m here,” Emmalyn called as she kept her hands pressed on the cloth.  Kell twisted and his eyes turned furious as they locked upon hers.

“You should have stayed under the horses.  I saw them trying to protect you,” he growled as he stomped over.

Everything went quiet suddenly and everyone stopped to stare into the woods.  Emmalyn gasped as the birds rose from the trees and took to the sky.  They disappeared in seconds and it was almost as if they never existed.

“Check for survivors,” Kell demanded.  “I want to know every injury you or your horses suffered.”

Kell dropped to the ground beside Emmalyn and pulled her into his arms.  His warmth beat back the cold she hadn’t even realized she felt and she collapsed against him.

“You saved us once more my wee warrior,” Kell proudly stated.  “I couldn’t deflect all the arrows regardless of how damn hard I tried.”

“Cain,” she whispered as the tears flowed.  “You have to get the arrow out of him.”

“I’ve got him,” Torin called as he hurried over and dropped beside the fallen warrior.

“It’s just a scratch,” Cain grunted as he grinned in her direction.  She glared back at him.  She could clearly see the pain etched on his face with the embedded arrow contradicting his words.

“Fucking Neanderthals,” Emmalyn complained as she pushed out of Kell’s arms.

She was on the verge of losing it and didn’t know what to do.  She swiped at the tears and hurried to Torin’s horse.  Emmalyn sank to the ground and whispered soothing words as Kell gently worked the saddle off.  She hugged the horse’s neck and buried her face in the soft mane as Kell took hold of the arrow and yanked.  The horse reared its head, taking her with it, before dropping fully to the ground.

“It’s not bad,” Kell assured as he studied the wound.  “It just punctured the flesh.”

“Kell,” Oryn called attracting their attention.  “Besides Cain, Sven took an arrow to the leg and Rhys was grazed on the temple.  No fatalities except for Sven’s horse.  The animal stepped into an arrow that would have killed Sven.”

“Jesus,” Kell grunted.  “Do we have any survivors?”

“Emmalyn’s flock of birds did a tonne of damage, but we have two,” Behr interrupted as he joined them.  “Although one man might not survive long enough to be questioned.”

Kell nodded.  “Bring them into the centre of the clearing and set a guard.  We take care of our injured men and horses before dealing with them.  If one of them dies before we get to them, so be it.”

“Right,” Behr nodded as he quickly stepped away.

“Are you good?” Kell questioned as his tone softened and he pulled Emmalyn close once more.

“No,” Emmalyn admitted.  “But I will be for your men.  I can help Torin tend the injuries while you deal with the prisoners.”  Kell eyed her with worry so she reached out and cupped his cheek.  “Later tonight I will need you to hold me as I break down.  But I won’t do it now.”

Kell kissed her head and gave her a squeeze before nodding and letting go.  “I love you,” he declared fiercely before rising and stalking away.  Emmalyn would have replied but the ground suddenly started to shake and a deafening thunderous sound spread across the land.  Terror set in her tiny frame as Emmalyn scrambled to her feet and ran to plaster herself against Kell’s back.  Both Behr and Oryn flanked them as they looked to the trees and waited for the next horror to emerge.