Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 43


Emmalyn trusted the wolf as she followed it to an incline hidden from view.  Before it had a chance to run off, she approached it.  She could hear the men shouting, obviously worried for her safety.  Emmalyn tuned them out and continued toward the huge animal.  The wolf was wary but stayed in place as she closed in.  Tentatively, Emmalyn raised her hand and placed it on top of the wolf’s head.

“Thank you for helping me.  You are a beautiful creature.  I will never forget you,” she promised.

The minute she removed her hand the wolf darted off, but when it reached the tree line, it paused.  Emmalyn watched as the beast threw back its head and gave one last long howl before slipping into the trees and disappearing from sight.

The minute it was gone Emmalyn hurried down the incline, desperate to reach Kell.  The men followed and seemed just as eager.  They made quite a racket slipping and sliding down the bank, but no one cared.  Everyone understood that time was of the essence.

Emmalyn cried out as her eyes fixed on Kell.  His limbs were resting at odd angles, his head was bleeding, and blood trickled from his mouth.  She stopped short, as pain ripped through her heart.  He looked dead.  There was no way her husband was still alive.

Oryn reached the bottom and pulled Emmalyn into his arms as Torin dropped to his knees beside Kell.  She could only watch, frozen in place as Torin checked for a pulse.  After what seemed like forever, Torin finally turned his pain-filled eyes her way.

“He’s alive,” Torin confirmed.  “But he hasn’t long.  Given the amount of blood I suspect internal injuries, injuries that cannot be repaired.  You need to say goodbye while he can still hear you.”

Torin then leaned close and whispered something in Kell’s ear.  Emmalyn couldn’t hear the words, but she guessed he was saying goodbye.  When he was finished, Oryn transferred Emmalyn into Torin’s arms and did the same.  It killed her to see such strong men break as both were obviously hurting.  Tears wet their cheeks as they stepped away and gave her space.

Immediately she sank to her knees in the hard packed dirt.  Tears hit Kell’s cheek as she leaned over him and stared at his handsome face.  His skin was an odd grey colour and short raspy breaths came from his chest.  It took every ounce of strength she had to reach down and kiss the tear away.  She wanted to break apart, but refused to waste these last few seconds as she’d never get the chance again.

“Don’t cry, my wee warrior,” Kell whispered in a voice that she hardly recognized.  It was deeper than usual and gravelly.  He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at her.

“Kell,” Emmalyn sobbed as her heart soared.  She thanked the Elements for a few waking moments with him.

“You found me.  You must have heard my call?” he asked with a small pain-filled smile.

“I did.  Are you the one scaring everyone with all the lightning?” Emmalyn returned with a small smile of her own.

“No,” Kell denied.  “I can only assume the Elements are responsible.”

Emmalyn was surprised, but remembered that she hadn’t intentionally called the wolf either to help her.  Kell coughed then, and more blood splattered from his mouth.  Tenderly, Emmalyn raised her arm and used the sleeve of her dress to wipe it away.  More of her tears fell, but she didn’t even try to stop them.

“I’m sorry,” Kell whispered.  “I didn’t get to spend the time with you that I wanted.”

“It may not have been long,” Emmalyn whispered back, desperate to hold in her sobs.  “But it was everything to me.  You showed me a love I never knew existed.  You brought me to a world I have fallen in love with.  And you gave me a family I thought was lost to me.  You have shown me kindness, patience, and gave me your heart.  I will cherish it until we are united again.”

Emmalyn reached down and tore the chain from her neck.  It broke from the force and the ring fell into her hand.  Immediately she slipped it back on her finger.  Then as carefully as possible, lifted Kell’s head and slipped the chain from around his neck.  Her shaking fingers were painstakingly slow undoing the clasp, but she finally unhooked it.  Surprisingly Kell’s left arm wasn’t hurt, so she lifted it without causing any pain and slipped the ring on his finger.

“My wife,” Kell rasped, as his breathing began to slow.

“My husband,” Emmalyn returned, watching his bright eyes fade.

“Kiss me one last time,” Kell ordered, as his hand slackened in hers.

Emmalyn hesitated knowing that it would be their last kiss.  But she couldn’t deny him.  As carefully as possible, she leaned down so their chests touched and placed her lips against his.  Kell’s lips were chilled but still pushed gently against hers.  She relished the kiss and poured all the love she had into it.  When she finally pulled away, Kell was smiling.

“Love you,” Kell weakly breathed against her lips.

“Love you,” Emmalyn whispered back, returning the sentiment.

Kell’s eyes slowly closed and his hand slipped to the ground.  His whole body relaxed as his breathing finally stopped.  The sob she’d been holding broke free and she collapsed on top of him.  Emmalyn felt as if she was dying right along with him.  All the light in her world came from Kell, and the darkness seeping in was suffocating.

Then strong arms wrapped around her and lifted her away.  She had no fight left and went without complaint.  The tears flowed fast and furious and her whole body trembled.

“The lightning stopped,” Abrielle whispered, and all eyes turned to her.  Emmalyn looked up to see the sky had turned completely black.  There was no moon, no stars, no clouds, nothing at all.

“Maybe it was meant to be,” Torin huffed and Emmalyn looked his way in horrified surprise.  He was wiping at his face with a broken expression.  “Maybe an Elemental Prince just wasn’t meant to be.  Kell was the first in over a hundred years.”

Emmalyn hated the words and her whole body locked.  Something inside her shifted and it felt like a fire was raging through her blood.  She tore from Oryn’s arms and turned furious eyes on Torin.

“How dare you,” she shouted.  “Kell was meant to be.”  She looked at Kell’s still body then turned angry eyes to the sky.  “You mourn his death but did nothing to prevent it.  He’s the Elemental Prince, yet you never gave him the chance to use his full powers.  When he needed you most you abandoned him,” Emmalyn hissed.

“Sweetheart,” Darrow placed a soothing hand on her shoulder but she angrily shrugged it off.

“He was a good man.  He was a strong man.  And he deserved those powers.  He understands exactly how precious they were, and thanked you continuously,” Emmalyn continued, railing at the sky.

She turned her attention once more to Kell and the anger drained from her body.  He was gone but she refused to accept it.  She needed him.  The entire Kingdom needed him.  It wasn’t right that he had departed.  He was a warrior and should be fighting.  He should be rallying the men and taking back his Kingdom.  He should be King.

Emmalyn threw herself on Kell and clung to his chilled frame.  Her tears soaked his neck but she barely noticed.  She grabbed his hand and held it tight, desperately needing the connection.  She heard men cursing and arguing behind her but didn’t pay them any mind.  After a minute she lifted her face and stared down into Kell’s pale one.

“You are my life,” Emmalyn whispered.  She placed her free hand on his cheek.  “You are my everything.  I can’t go on without you.  I won’t go on without you.  I need you by my side.  I need you to come back to me.”

She lay back down and wrapped her small body around Kell.  She rested her cheek on his heart and thought about their time together.  She remembered the first time she laid eyes on him.  Kell had jumped through the portal with no idea that Emmalyn was the princess he sought.  She surprised him with her fighting skills.  She remembered when he took her to the stream to see the rainbow fish for the first time.  She remembered making love to him in the tiny oasis.  And she remembered reciting her vows in front of her family.  She’d been happier than she could ever imagine.

“Come back to me Kell,” Emmalyn ordered.

She concentrated hard and willed him to wake up.  She imagined all her strength leaving her body and going into his.

“Come back to me Kell,” Emmalyn repeated, more forcefully this time.

She held him even tighter and made sure there wasn’t even a whisper of space between them.  She imagined his body bathed in warmth.  She willed his heart to beat again.

“Come back to me Kell,” Emmalyn raged, pouring her soul into the words.

Her body started to heat and a bright light lit the area all around.  Tiny sparks flew into the air and the men jumped back.

“Come back to me Kell,” Emmalyn shouted as a gust of wind swirled all around them.

Then everything went quiet.  The wind disappeared, the sparks flew away, and the light extinguished.  Emmalyn held her breath as she willed herself to remain completely still.

Then she heard it.  A faint beating under her cheek.  Tears fell, but she remained still.  The beating slowly picked up and the sound grew louder.  Kell’s hand twitched.  Once, twice, three times, then his fingers tightened around hers.  She felt his breath as it stirred the hair resting on his face.  Then his broken arm straightened and wrapped around her.  His legs moved too and entwined with hers.

“I will never leave you,” Kell vowed in a voice that sounded strong and sure.  “You’re my wee warrior.  We are meant to be together.”

Emmalyn’s emotions surged once more, but for a different reason this time.  Kell was back.  He was holding her.  He was talking to her.  He was whispering words she needed to hear.

Then she was smothered as Oryn, Torin and Darrow all fell on top of her.  It seemed she wasn’t the only one happy to have the Elemental Prince back.