Elemental Prince by Megan Fall

Chapter 44


With Torin and Darrow’s assistance, Kell slowly climbed to his feet.  He felt like a small boy, unsteady and unsure as he tried to get his balance.  Everything hurt and his body was still healing.  Emmalyn had somehow brought him back from the dead, but he still had a long way to go.  His breathing was good and Torin claimed his colour was improving.  The internal injuries and broken bones miraculously mended, but he still felt as if he’d fought a thousand men.  He was battered and every inch of him ached.  He needed rest before he returned back to normal.

“I can’t believe you’re standing,” Oryn admitted as he stared at Kell in awe.  “Ten minutes ago, you were dead.”

“Let’s not mention Kell’s death ever again,” Emmalyn ordered with an extremely pale face.

She pushed Darrow out of the way and shoved herself under Kell’s arm.  Emmalyn clearly needed the closeness, and so did Kell.  He leaned down and kissed her head as his arm closed tightly around her.

“You were in terrible shape,” Torin huffed, helping Kell sit on the same rock the dark stranger had occupied earlier.  “I’m amazed you held on so long.”

“I had company,” Kell relayed as he pulled Emmalyn down on his lap.  She complained to no avail, and he locked his arms even tighter around her.  She sighed and gave in, leaning her head against his heart.  She seemed content to listen to the steady beating.

Oryn narrowed his eyes.  “Who stayed with you?  I didn’t see anyone else down here.”

Kell breathed out heavily, unsure of what to say.  “I don’t think you’ll believe me if I tell you,” he admitted.

“Try me,” Oryn pushed, as he crossed his massive arms over his chest and sent a glare in Kell’s direction.

“Do you know who’s behind the attack?” Kell asked instead of answering.

“I saw your father drag you away,” Darrow explained.  “You were bleeding and unconscious.  He didn’t seem the least bit concerned.”

“Right,” Kell growled.  “Did any of you know he had a brother?”  All the gasps assured that they did not.  “Well, he did.  His brother Kelton was a warrior with no interest in ruling.  It seems he was a lot like me.  When they came of age to marry, Connor,” Kell paused then, calling his uncle by his given name, “chose a bride.  Kelton did not but he returned home for the wedding.  It was then that my mother and Kelton discovered a similar connection between them like the one that Emmalyn and I share.”

“And Connor didn’t like it,” Oryn declared with a scowl.

“Connor didn’t know.  They kept it a secret until Kelton confessed the secret just days before the wedding.  He asked for Connor to step aside so he could marry Aspen instead.”

“Connor said no,” Darrow declared.

“Connor brought him here and threw him into this very cavern,” Kell explained.

“Oh my god,” Emmalyn gasped.  “He killed Kelton.”

“He did,” Kell confirmed.  “And no one suspected any evil wrongdoing.  They all assumed Kelton rode off and suffered some sort of fatal accident.  His body was never found and the wedding went on as planned.”

“Your mother still married Connor?” Emmalyn choked in surprise.

“I’m sure she had a reason.  I will discover it when I see her next,” Kell assured.

“Connor imprisoned Aspen in the castle,” Darrow interrupted.  “Thane has gone to rescue her.”

“Goddammit,” Kell cursed.  His problems just kept adding up.

“Why are you calling your father by his name?” Abrielle quietly inquired.

“Because he is not my father,” Kell spat, pulling gasps from the group once more.

“His brother is,” Oryn correctly guessed.

“Correct, but Kelton didn’t know my mother was pregnant when he died,” Kell informed them.

“So, Connor wants his own son to take the throne,” Torin huffed.

“He always wanted the power.  Now he wants Thane to have it as well,” Kell explained.

“Thane doesn’t want it,” Torin sneered.

“No, he does not,” Kell agreed.  “But Connor won’t care.  He is putting in motion a plan to control all the Kingdoms.  If Thane doesn’t accept the crown, Connor will keep it for himself.  And he will rule the lands with a heavy hand.”

“So, it was Connor who ordered a guard to stay with you?” Oryn questioned bringing the conversation full circle.

“That was my understanding in the beginning, but now I’m not so sure,” Kell frowned.  “The man admitted that he would stay until my death.”

“Yet he didn’t,” Oryn pointed out.

“No, he told me help was on the way and that it was time for him to leave,” Kell said.  “I looked away for only a second, and when I turned back, he disappeared.”  Kell paused a minute and took in their confused faces.  “Connor told me what he did to his brother.  The man confirmed every word.”

“So, who was he?” Emmalyn whispered, sensing Kell’s thoughts.  She suddenly smiled and her whole face lit up in happiness.  “You got to spend time with your father.”

Again, the group gasped in unison causing Kell to chuckle.  “He didn’t admit it, but he called me son a couple times.  He also looked eerily similar to me. A loved one is usually by your side in the final moments of life.  Kelton was murdered in this spot so his body must be hidden somewhere beneath the dirt.  I can only assume I met his ghost.”

“His name was Kelton?” Emmalyn exclaimed.  “You were named after him?”

“My mother insisted on the name,” Kell explained.  “When all this is finished, I want to find his body and give him a proper burial.”

“I will see to it myself,” Oryn promised.

Kell nodded then sighed in agitation.  “I am not at full strength, yet I fear for all our safety should we remain here.  There are not enough of us to fend off any attackers.”  Kell studied the group.  He had Oryn, Darrow, and Torin, along with five other warriors.  Emmalyn could fight, but Kell didn’t want her to.  He couldn’t fight though and Abrielle would likely not be any help either.  “We need to find somewhere I can rest and we can formulate a plan.”

“Only your most trusted warriors know about the cabin you hid just outside of your Kingdom,” Oryn reminded Kell.  “My guess is Connor will be scouring the grounds for Emmalyn and will eventually discover your body is missing.  It makes sense to leave the Kingdom and hide someplace he knows nothing about.”

Kell nodded.  “It is a sound plan.  I can only hope the warriors who know about the cabin have not betrayed me.”

“We could go to my parent’s castle,” Emmalyn pushed.  “They wouldn’t turn us away.”

“No, they would not,” Kell agreed.  “But Connor amassed men from all the Kingdoms.  There is no telling who our enemies are.”

“And our own warriors,” Darrow hedged.  “I am proof we are all a threat.”

The statement made Abrielle rush immediately to his side.  She wrapped her tiny body around his much larger one and held on tight.

“We cannot predict the unknown,” Kell acknowledged.  “I only hope we can find some loyal men to join our side.”

“Enough talk,” Torin finally interrupted in agitation.  “We have a destination.  We need to get there.  Kell needs rest, and the longer we stay, the more chance we have of being discovered.”

The men nodded in agreement and without a word headed towards the incline.  Once more Torin and Darrow assisted Kell.  Feeling frustrated and like a burden, Kell tried to argue but both men glared in response.  It was slow going, and by the time they reached the top, Kell was exhausted.

“How do we get to the cabin?” Darrow questioned. “We traveled here by foot.”

The sound of a dozen hooves pounding through the forest gained everyone’s attention.  Kell was panicked.  If it was Connor’s men, they would be slaughtered.  He shouted to Oryn who instinctively tossed him a sword.  It wasn’t Kell’s, but it would certainly do.

“Hold them off long enough for the women to escape,” Kell ordered as he freed himself from the warriors’ grasp to stand on his own two feet.

“It’s not the enemy,” Emmalyn huffed, taking them all by surprise and skirting around them to stand out in the open.  “I called for help.”

Kell threw back his head and laughed loudly as Zephyr and Beauty broke through the trees.  Eight other horses were right on their heels.  Zephyr trotted to Kell’s side and nudged his shoulder.  The gesture almost knocked Kell on his ass, but luckily Torin was close enough to reach out a steadying hand.

“Easy my beautiful beast,” Emmalyn soothed, as she ran her tiny hand down his nose.  “Kell suffered some serious injuries and is not well.  You need to be cautious with him.”

Zephyr nodded as if he completely understood.  He stepped to Kell’s free side and snorted.  Kell took the snort for what it was and leaned against his horse gratefully.  Zephyr easily took the weight and stood completely still.  Kell had no doubt the horse would stand there as long as he was needed.

Oryn shook his head then nodded to Darrow.  Before Kell could protest, the warriors hoisted Kell up and secured him on Zephyr’s back.

“I will ride with Kell,” Emmalyn declared as she climbed up behind and took the reins from his shaking hands.  “Abrielle can ride Beauty.”

No one argued and Kell was not complaining.  He was in no shape to ride on his own.  His wee warrior had again read the situation correctly and taken control.  She absolutely amazed him.  Emmalyn leaned forward and whispered in his ear, sending him into a fit of laughter again.

“I don’t know where I’m going,” Emmalyn reluctantly admitted.  This time Kell took pity on her.

“Oryn lead the way,” Kell ordered, feeling Emmalyn relax against his back.  “I want everyone alert.”  Kell twisted around to look into Emmalyn’s eyes.  “Can you ask the horses to somehow signal us if they sense a threat?  They may hear something before we all can.”

Emmalyn nodded and closed her eyes.  A tiny frown appeared as his girl concentrated.  A moment later her eyes popped back open and she grinned.

“They will do as you ask,” she assured.  “Now it’s your turn.”

Kell stared at her in confusion.  “To talk to the animals?”

“No,” Emmalyn huffed in frustration.  “To ask the Elements for the same safeguard.”

Kell doubted it would work, but gave it a try.  Closing his eyes, he pulled all the strength his tired body could muster.

“Elements I call to you,” Kell softly beckoned.  “I ask you to provide warning of any threats that may harm our group.  See that we arrive at our destination safely.”

He waited, and a moment later a small rainbow appeared in the clearing to their left. His heart warmed to feel the power back in his veins, so he thanked the Elements and severed the connection.

“All will be well,” Kell assured Emmalyn.  The sky was still dark, but Kell knew the Elements were helping by hiding his resurrection.  The King would most likely spread word of his death.

“All will be well,” Emmalyn repeated.

Kell was forced to face forward as the horses began to gallop.  But he wasn’t worried.  Emmalyn was by his side and his faith was restored.  He would heal.  And then he would reign hell on all that had betrayed him.