Holding Her Heart by Melissa Tereze


Aster eased into her seat,swivelling as she looked around the bright white room. This place was something else, and she had full reign over it. Okay, kid! You landed on your feet this time around. She smiled, eyeing her camera bag sitting next to the iMac. When she was positioned in this spot, she had a panoramic view of the Three Graces. It was an astonishing sight. When she arrived early enough, she was in time to catch the sun rising and breaking through the sandstone buildings. They always looked so perfect next to one another. None of them matched, the symmetry completely non-existent, but they looked ideal side by side.

She sighed, rocking back in her office chair. Yesterday, this room had been unveiled to Aster, and Eden’s eyes had lit up as much as her own. Aster truly couldn’t believe her luck. “How the hell did you end up here?”

She truthfully had no idea. While she’d spent her life making sure she had what she needed, this was entirely different. And to have gotten this position on her own merit…she’d never felt so proud of herself before today. I should call Dad. Ted would be thrilled to hear Aster’s news. They hadn’t spoken in a couple of weeks, but Aster had been busy with scheduling. Not too busy to check in with him. Lily had moved back home almost two years ago when her relationship ended, and Rose visited every weekend. So, he wasn’t completely alone. Still, Aster knew she should make more time for him. She made a mental note to call over at the weekend.

And then her phone buzzed in her pocket. When she removed it, she was thankful to see Grace’s name.

G: Tired of waiting for an answer so I’ve booked your flight for Pride.

Shit. Aster had completely forgotten about Gran Canaria Pride. She wanted to go, but it wasn’t the wisest of choices she could be making. Two weeks had passed since she heard Eden’s incredible voice at the bar. Throw in this new editing suite, and Aster was struggling more than ever before. Nothing good could come from Pride. Nothing at all.

A: I don’t even know if I can get the time off work.

G: Eden is coming. Why wouldn’t you be able to?

A: She may need me for a job while she’s away.

G: And you’re being a miserable arse. Have a look at the accommodation. If you don’t like it, book somewhere you do.

Aster sighed, lowering her phone for a moment. Could she go on a trip to a hot country where her boss would likely be lounging around in a bikini? You’re making a huge mistake…

A: Fine. I’ll look tonight.

G: Come over. I’ll help you. Mia is at her parents tonight.

A: I’ll come straight over from work. Love ya!

G: See you tonight. Love ya!

Well, that was that. Aster couldn’t back out now, Grace had already put the final nail in that coffin. But maybe it would be good. Aster sure could do with some sun on her skin, so what’s the worst that could possibly happen?

A gentle knock on the door caught her attention. She turned in her chair to find Eden staring back at her. “Hi. How’s the suite?”

“Um, amazing.”

“I’m sure you have all your own stuff at home, but this is here if you ever want a change of scenery, okay? I had it all fitted a year ago with the hopes of finding someone permanent…so here you are. It needed a few bits and pieces finishing before I could show you.”

“I didn’t think I’d be working in a room like this, so if it’s okay with you, I’m going to take full advantage of it.”

“It’ll be nice to see a friendly face around the office. You’re more than welcome to spend as much time as you like in here.”

Aster smiled, her eyes almost straying to Eden’s chest. She managed to keep them where they should be, but it was a struggle. “Thanks. You’ve set me up with everything.”

“Good.” Eden pushed off the doorframe. “Maxine is going out to lunch now. Can I have her bring you anything back?”

“Oh, don’t worry. I’m fine.”

“She’s only going to come in here and ask you herself anyway…”

“Okay, I’ll have a coffee please. Cappuccino.”

Eden quirked an eyebrow. “That’s it?”

Aster nodded. She’d been so excited to get into work this morning that she’d prepared a packed lunch last night. “I have lunch with me.”

“Okay, well I’ll be in my office if you need anything.”

“I think I may have some images for you to take a look at soon from last week’s wedding. Should I pop in to you?”

Eden’s eyes lit up, sending Aster’s entire body alight with nervous energy. “Yes. Absolutely. I’m looking forward to it.”

Aster glanced over Eden’s shoulder, wearing her best poker face as a smart, handsome man walked towards them. “I…think somebody is here to see you.”

Eden’s forehead creased, and then she glanced behind her. “Oh, for the love of God!”

“Everything okay?” She noted the disinterest in Eden’s eyes as she focused back on Aster. “Eden?”

“Yeah. It will be. Ex-boyfriend…Liam.”

Aster was taken aback. She didn’t know Eden had left Liam. “You split up?”

“Two weeks ago. I’m surprised it took him this long to show up here.” She backed out of the room. “Hopefully, this won’t take a minute. Come and find me when you have some things to show me. I’m more than happy to be interrupted.” Eden’s bright smile lit up the suite, but it quickly faded when Liam stepped up behind her, a controlling hand settling on Eden’s hip. “Have a good day, okay?”

Aster watched Liam intently. Did he have to be so…vile? “Sure. You too.”

* * *

“Don’t ever walk into my business again and take a hold of me like you own me!” Eden slammed her office door shut, the walls shaking as she marched across the floor. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

“Babe, I’m sorry.” Liam held up his hands, genuine remorse in his eyes. “I didn’t mean for you to feel like that. But I wanted to talk to you, and I’ve missed you.”

“Liam, I have work to do. A business to run. You can’t show up demanding that I talk to you.”

“Why not? I thought you loved me!”

Eden pursed her lips. Did Liam truly believe that? “I’ve never once told you I loved you.”

Liam frowned, taking a step back. Eden didn’t know why he was so shocked; they’d never discussed love. Not once. “Well, I mean…”

“No. You don’t get to assume you know how I feel. It doesn’t work like that.” Eden paused, running a hand through her hair. “Do you have any idea how busy I am here?”

“M-maybe I could see you tonight? Come over to my place, and I’ll order in.”

Order in. That’s all they ever seemed to do. Eden didn’t want someone who constantly ordered in. She wanted someone who would take the time to cook for her. She also wanted to return the favour. Liam, in the six months they’d been together, hadn’t once asked Eden to come over because he’d cooked dinner. It was takeout or it was a restaurant. And while Eden loved to be wined and dined in a restaurant that offered good food, she’d rather be at home with her…lover. She wanted—no, she craved, that intimacy.


“What do you mean no?”

“I mean…no.” Eden glared straight through Liam, willing the door to open and end this discussion. “I called you and ended this, Liam. Please respect that.”

“You expect me to walk away from you?”

“I do, yes. Surely you saw this coming. I mean, it’s taken you two weeks to show up.” Eden knew Liam had to be out of his mind if he believed they were happy.

“I…thought you were busy.”

Eden nodded, resting back against her desk. “I am busy. But this also isn’t working for me. I’m sorry.”

A light knock on the door almost produced an audible sigh of relief from Eden. If it was Aster, her legs may just turn to jelly. “Come in.”

“I’m talking to you,” Liam said, frowning. “Tell them to wait.”

Eden pushed off her desk, walked towards her ex, and stepped past him. “I think it’s time you left, don’t you?”

“Not really, no.”

“I’m not feeling this attitude; I don’t like it. I’m asking you to leave. Do so, or I’ll remove you myself.”

Liam snorted, folding his arms across his chest. He wasn’t intimidating in the slightest. Eden, herself, had more intimidating tendencies than Liam ever would.

“Please. Don’t make a dick of yourself.”

The gentle knock on the door from before was this time stronger. Eden gripped the handle and opened it. Relieved when she found Aster standing on the other side, a shy smile playing on her lips, she tilted her head and smiled. “Come in.”

“Oh, I can wait if this isn’t a good time.”

Eden took Aster’s arm and pulled her inside. “It’s the perfect time. Have a seat; I’m just seeing my visitor out.”

Aster slowly moved through the office, stopping as she stared out at the water through the window. Eden turned her attention back to Liam, clearing her throat. “Now, it was lovely to see you, but I’m busy.”

“Come over tonight. Please?”

Eden pinched the bridge of her nose, gritting her teeth. “Liam, what part of no don’t you understand?”

“All of it. None of this makes any sense,” He lowered his voice. “I thought we were good together.”

“If this, what we’ve been doing, is your idea of ‘good together’…then I had other expectations.”

“So come over and we’ll discuss them. Every last one.”

Eden was done with this conversation. Liam had never been this vocal in the six months they’d been together; why was he now demanding one thing or another? “Please leave. And don’t come back here. This is my job; I don’t want to see you in this building again.”

Liam’s shoulders slumped, his phone gripped tight in his hand as he walked through the door. Eden should feel some kind of sorrow for how this was ending, shouldn’t she? She glanced back at Aster…that was who she wanted to be spending her time with.

Satisfied that Liam was actually leaving, Eden closed the door and turned back to her employee. She didn’t like to think of Aster in that way, but it beat thinking about her in other ways. Ways that could get her into a lot of trouble. “So…”

“Sorry. I heard you call for me to come in, but he didn’t sound like he wanted me to do that.”

“He’s…the least of my concerns. Did you bring me some images?”

Aster grinned, holding up a USB stick. “I did. Want to take a look?”

“Let me make us some coffee and then we’ll sit down and go through them together,” Eden said, busying herself away from Aster. When she beamed that smile, it was hard to focus on anything else. And those long, dark lashes…divine. “Cappuccino?”

“I thought Maxine was bringing me one back?”

“She is, but she’ll be gone for the hour. You can wait until then if you want?”

“No, it’s okay. I’ll drink coffee with you instead.”

Eden’s chest expanded. Aster was going to become a major issue in her life. If she allowed that, of course.

“You’re still going to Pride, right?”

Eden turned, allowing the coffee machine to work its magic. “I am. And I can hardly wait.”

“You know we spoke about it when I started working for you? Well, I was wondering if it was still okay for me to come along?”

Eden narrowed her eyes. “They’re your friends, Aster. I’m only tagging along for some sun.”

“I know, but I wasn’t sure if you needed me to work while you’re away.”

“We have no events for those two weekends. There is no reason why I’d need you here.”

Aster nodded slightly. “Okay. Well, Grace booked my flight earlier. I have no choice but to tag along, too.”

Okay. This changed everything. Eden had initially invited Aster to share a room with her before all these feelings came to light. Now that she found herself drawn to Aster, it made life that little bit more difficult.

“I can find my own accommodation. It’s no problem.”

Eden looked up to find Aster chewing her lip. Her silence wasn’t helping, that much was clear. “No. Sharing a room will be fun. I haven’t had a girly holiday in forever.”

“Right, well…”

The coffee machine beeped, and Eden took their drinks from beneath the spout. She set them down on her desk, getting comfortable in her seat. “Pride is going to be great. Now, pull up a chair and show me the work of art you likely produced.”

Aster blushed, handing the USB over.

Eden focused her eyes on the screen. Being alone with Aster was much more pleasing than being alone with Liam. Ordering in. She scoffed inwardly. Aster probably didn’t order in. No, she probably took the time to prepare dinner when she was dating. Or perhaps she didn’t and ordering in was just what couples did these days. Maybe Eden was setting her evening expectations too high. Suddenly, her interest was piqued. “Hey, I have a question for you…”

“Okay, shoot!”

Eden cleared her throat, enjoying the warmth of Aster’s body beside her. “How do you feel about ordering in?”

“Ordering in? Like, takeout…at home?”

“Mmhmm.” Eden didn’t stray from the computer screen. Sitting beside Aster was becoming painful. “Just a random question. I’m not expecting any kind of life changing answer.”

“I don’t mind it when I’m home alone. You know, if I’m not dating.”

“And does that happen much at all, or?” Eden should have clamped her mouth shut, but verbal diarrhoea was about to commence. “I mean, do you have a partner at the minute? You said you didn’t, but things change.”

“Nope. No girlfriend.”

“Okay, so ordering in works for you when you’re alone.”

“Yep. Absolutely. But if I had a girlfriend, I wouldn’t insult them with takeout. I mean, not regularly. I’d cook dinner. Whatever they wanted. I make some mean Italian dishes, and I’m a dab hand when it comes to putting some tapas together. But that happens very rarely. You know, cooking for someone else…” Aster trailed off, shaking her head. “Sorry. Way too much information.”

Oh, no. That was the perfect amount of information. Eden would love nothing more than to show up at Aster’s, dinner waiting with a glass of wine. God, she really would revel in that. “I asked.”

“But why?”


Aster cleared her throat, the file on the screen coming to life. “Okay, well…now that you know my takeout routine, should we do some work?”

Eden felt a swell of something unfamiliar in her chest. “Y-yes. We should do that.”