Kite In The Snow by Karla Lopez


I place Carter in his baby carrier in front of my chest while I try to be as quick as possible. He suckles on his thumb while he watches me struggle to put him inside of it with one hand.

“Let’s go, little man. We have some work to do and since you love waking up so early, I’m putting you to work. You hear me, man?” He looks at me and grins. At three months old, he’s still tiny, but he’s growing so fast.

Every day, he changes a bit, or he learns something new. This week has been grinning. He grins at everyone, and every customer eats it up. He’s great for business.

I walk into the kitchen after I start the coffee pots, and I see James is already starting prep for our baked goods.

“You’re here earlier than usual.” I look at him, confused.

“Just wanted to help a little. I know how much you’ve been working for that little guy and for the cafe.”

“Thanks, man.”

He shakes his head. “Yeah, don’t sweat it. Now, let me see my favorite nephew.” Carter grins at James as he takes him out of the carrier I spent so much time putting together.

“How’s Mae?” James asks while he lets Carter play with flour.

“She still has a nasty cold. The doctor said it should clear out in a couple of days, but we don’t want to risk Carter getting a cold too.”

“Awe, look at you being such a protective dad.” James and I both chuckle at Camila as she walks in.

She immediately walks over to Carter and snatches him up. I swear, this kid is a chick magnet. As if James notices too, he smirks at me.

“You should let me borrow your kid?”

“You mean, babysit?” I laugh.

“Sure, we can call it that. I say, operation pick girls up for Uncle James.” We both start laughing and Camila’s head snaps toward both of us.

Her face looks uneasy, and I feel bad for her, but there’s not much I can do. James has his mind set that he doesn’t need nor want love. Camila will find someone to love. She’s one of the best humans I know, who wouldn’t love her.

The awkward silence makes me cringe, and I step out before I’m caught in the middle of it. “Give me my baby. Thank you for making him dirty when we open in two minutes.”

James laughs behind me and Camila follows me out. She opens the door and there’s already customers flowing in for their first coffee of the day.

I look outside and see the sun start to rise and it makes me excited to know we’re finally getting that sunshine that has been away for the last few months. It’s now May and today is the first day of sunlight.

I can’t believe that Mae has been here for seven months. My life has changed in the past few months, but for the better. I gained the family I’ve always dreamed of.

I set Carter in one of the tables while I clean his face and hands with a wipe. He just grins at me while I do it. For a moment, I stop what I’m doing, feeling my senses go somewhere else.

Uneasiness settles in my stomach. The feeling of being watched grows, and I turn to look around the shop. I catch a man I have never seen before standing on the outside of my cafe.

He watches me for a few seconds before he disappears down the road. I grab Carter and feel my blood boil for some reason. I have never felt this way before. This town is safe, always has been, but I can’t help my gut telling me there’s danger lurking around.

After a few more hours pass, customers just keep overflowing the cafe. Everyone wants to celebrate the best way they know with coffee, now that the sun is finally out. Tonight, I’m sure there will be bonfires and drinking to celebrate more. People around here always find ways to celebrate.

Carter is such a good baby; he doesn’t fuss, not even after being on my chest for most of the day. I turn toward the customer that just walked in and my blood boils once again.

It’s the man from this morning, and I instantly feel my primal side hit me. “How can I help you?”

“Just a black coffee.” He stares hard at me and at Carter.

“Coming right up. Anything else?”

“Cute kid.” His eyes flick over to Carter. “You his dad?” Adrenaline kicks when I hear the southern drawl in his voice.

“Yup.” At my tight tone, Camila looks over at me and her eyebrows crease in concern. She knows something is wrong.

“He must look like his mama then.” He smirks and walks out with that last sentence floating in the air.

“Who was that?” Camila asks as I watch the man leave once again.

“I think I just met Carter’s father.”