Smokey’s Turmoil by Erin Osborne

Chapter Nine


WALKING OUT OF Smokey’s room was hard. Seeing his face when he realized he didn’t use a condom again was like a dagger through my heart. Yes, I should have stopped and made sure he had one on, but I didn’t think about it. After cleaning myself up in the bathroom in the hallway, I walked out to the common room where the men and ol’ ladies were still hanging out. Everyone is going to know we had sex, there’s only so much you can do to fix your hair afterward.

Sitting down next to Phoebe, she looks at me with questions in her eyes. Shaking my head, I accept the bottle of water from the Prospect with a smile on my face. I just sit back and watch everyone around me. Renegade and some of the guys are playing poker at a table close to us while Ink and Psycho play pool. There are some of the other women out here, barely wearing clothes covering their bodies as they search for a man to take them to bed for the night. I don’t see the appeal, but I’m not going to judge them either. These women are living their lives the way they want to.

Phoebe sits up straighter in her seat, her eyes searching the room for her husband as he continues to play pool. As if he can sense her eyes on him, Ink looks up and they lock eyes. I feel like a third wheel who’s interrupting something I shouldn’t be with the way they’re looking at one another. It’s intense and hot as hell. The way I want someone to look at me. I let my eyes search the room until they land on Smokey. He’s sitting at the bar with a woman trying to gain his attention. His eyes are on me. From where I’m sitting, I can’t decipher the look in the depths of his eyes. Something has to give though. I’m not sure how long I can remain in his apartment with the way things are between us.

“What’s wrong?” Phoebe finally asks me, rubbing soothing circles on her belly as she breathes in and out.

“I don’t know what to do about Smokey. He’s told me he can’t give me more of himself than his body. We’ve had sex twice now and both times he’s forgotten to use a condom. Yes, before you say it, I know I could have made him stop and put one on. I was so caught up in the moment and him that I didn’t think about it though. It’s stupid. I want a family more than anything, Phoebe. He’s not the man for me. Though he told me I could use him to find out what I like and don’t like. I’m just not sure it’s a good idea,” I tell her, letting her in more than I ever have before.

“I’m glad he’s being honest with you. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. We all have. He’s watching over you like a hawk right now not giving Reese the attention she craves from him. When I’ve been here with him, he hasn’t given any of the babes the attention they seek. He’ll drink, shoot the shit with the guys, play a few games of poker or pool, but doesn’t even look in their direction. Smokey is no monk; none of the guys were before they found their one. What I’m seeing right now is a man craving a woman for more than just a few times in his bed. He wants you with everything in him, but something is holding him back. I’m not sure what. I honestly don’t even know if Ink knows his past. Smokey is a private man on the best of days. Just follow your heart and see what happens if that’s what you really wanna do,” she tells me, her face becoming scrunched up with pain.

“What’s the matter Phoebe?” I ask her, placing my hand on her arm.

“I’m just having some pain in my stomach and back. It’s no big deal,” she says trying to brush off her pain.

“Are you sure it’s not more than that? You’re due any day now.”

“I think it’s just Braxton hicks’ contractions. I’ll be okay in a little bit. Maybe I should go lay down and rest for a few minutes. That usually seems to help them go away,” she answers, going to stand up from the seat she’s in.

Standing up with her, I help her gain her balance before taking a step back so she can move around me. As she goes to move, there’s a splashing sound. Water runs down her legs into a pool on the floor beneath her feet. At the same time, she bends over moaning out in pain. I frantically look around as the music continues to blare from the speakers. No one realizes Phoebe’s water just broke and she’s in labor.

“Ink!” I call out, trying to catch his attention over the music, laughter, and conversations going on throughout the room. “Ink!”

He looks up from his game. Dropping his pool cue, he rushes to Phoebe’s side.

“What’s goin’ on?” he asks, checking her over until his eyes land on the water between her feet.

“Did your water break?” he questions her.

“Yeah,” she pants out as her breathing becomes labored.

“Let’s go. Jasmine, you’re drivin’,” Ink states as if it’s the most logical thing in the world.

Nodding my head, I take the keys in his hand for one of the SUVs as everyone begins to rush around Phoebe. Renegade is helping Ink get his sister out to the vehicle. I go to jump in the driver’s seat when I’m lifted off my feet and tossed over to the passenger side. My body doesn’t even hit the center console as I’m placed on my ass in the seat. Turning my head, Smokey is in the driver’s seat, closing his door as Ink, Phoebe, and Renegade get in the backseat. The rest of the men and women are filing out filling cars and getting on their bikes to follow us to the hospital. I’m honestly kind of lost right now as to why I’m going with the club to the hospital.

“Someone call mom and let her know,” Phoebe pants out.

“I got it,” I respond as her brother and man try to help her focus on breathing and remaining calm.

Pulling out my phone, I find Corrinth’s name in the contacts. Pressing the button, I put it to my ear as Smokey races toward the hospital. Ink is also on his phone now calling the doctor to let her know they’re on their way and that Phoebe’s water has broken.

“Hey Jasmine,” Corrinth answers the phone. “I was just talking about you.”

“Hey. We’re on our way to the hospital. Phoebe’s water just broke at the clubhouse. Ink is calling her doctor I believe. She wanted one of us to call and let you know,” I tell her, rushing out my words.

“Okay. I’ll be there in a few minutes,” she answers, hanging up on me.

I can just picture her running through her house trying to find her keys and other items she needs before racing outside. I’m hoping she’s dressed and not running outside in her pajamas or something like that. She wouldn’t have been home long from the diner though. If it were my daughter in labor, I’d be losing my shit and not knowing what I was doing. At least that’s how I envision myself.

It’s not long before we’re pulling into the parking lot of the hospital. Smokey doesn’t try to find a parking space as he leaves the engine running and places the SUV in park. He jumps out to open Renegade’s door as I open Ink’s after jumping out myself. The rumble of engines and other cars pulling into the parking lot fill the air. I’m trying to keep my focus on what’s going on with Phoebe though. Especially once nurses and other hospital personnel come running outside to help her get in a wheelchair. Ink, Phoebe, and the staff disappear as we all follow them. Smokey holds my hand as we all get on elevators and head up to the delivery floor to wait for the newest member to join the family. Well, their family.

I’m standing in the hallway, letting the guys and ol’ ladies occupy the chairs and small couches in the waiting room. Corrinth comes rushing off the elevator as if her ass is on fire with a younger girl trailing after her. She looks vaguely familiar as Corrinth stops right in front of me.

“Do you know what room she’s in?” she asks, out of breath from rushing and running to get here.

“Room four sixty,” Smokey answers as he steps up to my back. “They’re waitin’ on you.”

“Charlotte, you wait out here and I’ll be out as soon as I can. Jasmine, this is Charlotte. Char, this is who I was telling you about,” Corrinth says as I look up in shock at the girl standing before me.

Charlotte’s staring at me just as hard as I’m looking at her. It can’t be. There is no way in hell this girl is who I think it is. Though she’s got the same long dark hair with big brown eyes I remember from my childhood.

“Jas, is that really you?” she asks, her voice filled with tears as Smokey moves to stand between us as if there’s going to be a fight or something.

“Charlotte, what are you doing here? Where are your parents?” I question her, looking up and down the hallway for my aunt and uncle.

Instead of answering, Charlotte throws herself in my arms. Not an easy task with Smokey still trying to stand between us. As I hold my baby cousin in my arms, both of crying, everyone from the club comes to surround us. We don’t pay them any attention as I hold my cousin away from my body to look at her. I haven’t seen her since she was so young.

“It’s really me,” she finally says. “Mom and dad sold me off when they got in some trouble. I couldn’t go back to them when these guys saved me, so I’ve been living with Corrinth. What are you doing here?”

“I’ve been here a little while. Phoebe found me sleeping in my car and I’ve been living at Smokey’s apartment for a while now. Do they know where you are?”

“No. No one does,” she tells me, her voice filled with the tears she’s trying to hold back.

“We need to keep you out of sight. My father is here looking for me,” I state, turning to look at Smokey and the other guys. “He can’t know she’s here if her parents already sold her off once. He’ll fucking tell them, and they’ll come get her. Please, don’t let them get their hands on her again. I’ll take her in and make sure no one finds her. Even if it means leaving here.”

“We’ll keep her safe,” Smokey vows. “If she wants to move into the apartment, she can. It might be good for you both to have one another.”

“My parents are no longer a problem. After raping me and torturing me in front of them, they killed them both. Your father could get his hands on me as my uncle though. I’d like to be with you, Jasmine. I’ve missed you for so long and I don’t want to not have you in my life anymore. That was always my parent’s decision. They hated your mom for pushing your father away. I know it’s not true, that’s the story he’s giving everyone. Or least he used to,” she tells me, staying close to my side as Renegade and Smokey usher us into the waiting room so we can sit together.

Sitting on a couch, we talk about our lives and what’s been going on while Phoebe is in labor. I still can’t believe they killed my aunt and uncle right in front of her. This is such a fucked-up situation. Charlotte and I are wrapped in our own little bubble as everyone surrounds us. They’re staying close by in case my father or anyone else tries to get to me but giving us our privacy at the same time. It’s a huge, welcome shock to see my cousin after so long. To find out she’s been so close to me since I got here, and I had no clue. If I did, I’d have seen her long before now. I can’t wait to thank Corrinth for taking such good care of her. For giving her a home when she had no one. I’ll have to thank the club as well for saving her from monsters. I’m sure they were planning to do vile, horrendous things to her. Things she wouldn’t be able to come back from.

It’s several hours before Corrinth walks into the waiting room to let us know Caine Michael is here and both mom and baby are doing good. She’s getting cleaned up before the doctor will let us in to see them. Walking directly over to us, Corrinth looks between Charlotte and myself. She has no clue what’s going on.

“Corrinth, I’m going to move Charlotte into Smokey’s apartment with me. She’s my cousin and we want to be closer to one another. I hope you don’t mind, but it’s been years since we’ve seen one another. It’s time for us to become a family once again,” I tell her, hoping she’s not mad at me for doing this.

“Of course. If she’s your family then she needs to be with you. As long as I can still see her,” she tells us, pulling us both in for a hug at the same time.

“I’d never keep any of you away from her. You saved her life and made it possible for her to have a home instead of going to my father or ending up in a foster home. Thank you for everything you’ve done for her,” I say as tears fill my eyes.

This is just one more thing the club has done to show me what truly great people they are. They don’t care about what people say and help those in need without a second thought. These men put their lives on the line for the women and children at the domestic violence shelter and of course for those in their lives every single time the occasion arises. I’d be stupid to take Charlotte away from them. Now I just have to figure out what’s going on with my father and this price on my head. Yes, I told Charlotte so she knows to be extra aware of her surroundings. I’m not going to hide anything from her if I can help it.

We all remain in the waiting room until Ink comes out to let us know the baby is back in the room and we can make our way there. Charlotte and I sit back with a few others so the ol’ ladies, Corrinth, and Phoebe’s brothers can get in the room first to meet the baby. I just plan on going in to say hi to them before leaving. It’s getting late and I know Charlotte is tired as hell. She’s been yawning and trying to hide it, so I don’t make her go to the apartment. Char will not go there alone since she’s never been there before.

Finally, it’s our turn to head in. When we walk in the room, Phoebe is laying back against the pillows with a tired smile on her face. Ink is holding their little one close to his body as she looks on at them. The three of them make such a cute family. Even if I haven’t caught a glimpse of the little guy yet, the love filling this room from them shows me all I need to know. He’s going to be loved and protected for the rest of his life. Not just by his parents, but from his extended family as well. Such a lucky little one.

“Phoebe, how are you feeling?” I ask as Charlotte remains by my side.

“I’m exhausted. And so happy to finally hold little Caine. Ink, let Jasmine hold him,” she answers as I begin to shake my head.

Ink ignores my silent pleas and hands his son over to me. I stare down into eyes so much like his fathers. Caine is absolutely adorable; the perfect mixture of his mom and dad. Lifting my eyes, Smokey is standing across the room staring at me. I’m not sure what emotion is in his eyes as he keeps his gaze locked on me. All I know is I need to get out of here. There is so much left up in the air with us and about the situation.

Walking to Phoebe, I carefully hand her son over to her. I hug her briefly before making my excuses to leave. Corrinth is still here and will help us get home. Honestly, all the guys are still here in the waiting room. Even though they’re exhausted and ready for bed, they’re going to hang out a little while longer.

“I’ll see you guys soon. I’m going to get Charlotte back to the apartment so we can sleep. If you need anything, let me know,” I tell her, stepping back to leave the room.

“Thank you for coming with us. I’ll call you when I get out. It seems we have a lot to catch up on,” she says looking back and forth between the two of us.

“Sounds good. I’ll see you soon.”

Leaving the room with Charlotte, we walk out to find Renegade standing just outside the door. Jason, a Prospect, is standing with him, his eyes locked on my cousin. Renegade lets us know he’s going to take us to the apartment and remain outside. If we need anything, we’re to call him. Or wait until Smokey gets home. I don’t expect him to get home, but who knows what he’s going to do. Nodding my head and thanking him, Jason follows us out to one of the SUVs in the parking lot.

As soon as Charlotte and I enter the apartment and lock it down tight, we enter the room I’ve been staying in. None of the other rooms are ready and I’m not going to have either one of us sleeping on the couch with the threat from my father hanging over my head. We don’t bother to change as we collapse on the bed, letting sleep claim the both of us.