Smokey’s Turmoil by Erin Osborne

Chapter Twelve


LEAVING EVERYONE IN the courtyard of the compound, I make my way to the clubhouse. We’ve got the fucker who opened fire and shot the woman simply because she left him. Ol’ ladies were there, kids, and other staff. We don’t take kindly to someone coming on our property to shoot the place up because they’re pissed as fuck about a woman leaving their cheating ass. There is more than one woman up there who are sporting injuries because of the gunshots fired. Now it’s time to torture him. We don’t need to get information from him or anything else; today is simply about making sure he knows his mistakes before we send him to hell.

The only reason we managed to get there is because Jose made a phone call. We don’t ask how he knows things or finds them out, however he comes up with information when we need it. He let us know there was a man on the way to the compound in hopes of taking out his woman. Or the woman he believed his because she left him when the abuse became too much. She chose her life and son over staying with a man who tortured her for simply breathing some days. He’s a drug addict and was simply using her to get what he wanted. Including pimping her out when it suited him to do so. That woman has suffered for so long because of him. Now, he’s taken her out and managed to set the other women and children back in their own situations because of his actions.

Walking in the basement where our torture rooms are, I don’t say a word. On top of teaching him a lesson, I need to work out some aggression. With Jasmine taking that little boy in, memories of my past are at the forefront of my mind. Memories I’ve been trying to keep buried so they don’t haunt me and fill my nightmares. Something that’s been even harder since Charlotte began staying with us. During the day, I can keep my mind focused on work and other things. Except during the days I would have to be at the apartment for appointments with the social worker. Those days are harder than others. Still, I do it for the two women staying in my apartment. Girls who belong together because they are blood family. I won’t ever stand in the way of that for any deserving person.

Hanging my cut up on a hook so it doesn’t get covered with blood and other body fluids. Walking further into the room, I wait for Renegade to start things. He’ll speak and let him know exactly why he’s here. Then, comes the fun for us. We’ll all get our hits on him before Renegade ends him. These situations will always end with Renegade taking the final shot or putting a bullet in his head. His choice based on the situation that’s occurred.

“So, you think it’s okay to come on our property and exact some sort of revenge on a woman who chose not to be pimped out by you and beaten by you on a daily basis? To open fire when our women are there helpin’ others move on with their lives after suffering abuse and other horrible treatment by douche canoes like you. You’re damn lucky not a single one of our women were hit by a bullet. However, you’ve set back others in their recovery. For that, you’ll pay the ultimate price,” Renegade states, his face red as veins stick out on his neck from the anger coursing through him.

“That bitch is mine,” he states, his voice full of defiance.

“No, she’s a human who fuckin’ deserves to live her life without the fear of a twatwaffle like you hurtin’ her. You’re nothin’ but a scumbag bitch who can’t hold his own against a man, so he chooses to attack an innocent woman,” I state, thoughts of my own past situation filling my head.

Without waiting for anyone to say another word, I step forward and release the asshole from his binds. We’re going to see just how much of a man he is against me one-on-one. Squaring up, I let him take a few swings on me first. He misses wildly, running into Grave the first time. He’ll find nothing but rage from Grave considering his own ol’ lady went through her own abuse and got help at the compound when they met. Grave shoves him back at me, sticking out his foot so the asshat drops to the ground.

As he gets back up from the floor, I decide to put him out of his misery. Landing a few hits directly to his face, he drops to the ground once again. I don’t take any pity on him as I land one kick after another to his ribs until I hear them break. The bones crunching under my boot is music to my ears. When I’m done with him and he’s curled up on the floor in a fetal position, I step back. Glancing at Renegade, he looks at me with confusion. No one really knows my past or why I would take this so hard. The only saving grace in my opinion is that little boy now has someone who will love him and make sure he’s taken care of for the rest of his life. Even if someone takes him from Jasmine, she won’t let him leave her life. She’ll always be his champion and fight for him. That’s just who she is.

With me stepping back, the rest of the men begin taking their turns in beating the fucker. By the time Renegade gets to him, he’s almost dead on the floor. I’m almost sorry not to get another go at him, but there are other things I have to do. With the boy and Charlotte at the apartment with Jasmine, I will no longer be staying there. I’m going to move into the clubhouse full-time now. I can’t sit there with them and pretend I’m okay. I’m the furthest from okay a person can be.

Renegade gets a few shots in before pulling his gun and aiming it directly at his head.

“Rot in hell fucker!” he says before pulling the trigger and placing a bullet directly between this asshole’s eyes. “Let’s go get a drink. The ol’ ladies will be here soon. They’re makin’ sure everyone is okay and providin’ extra counselin’ and shit.”

“Where’s Jasmine?” Ink asks me, looking at his phone he just pulled from his pocket.

“I don’t know. Either shoppin’ or at the apartment with the kids,” I answer him, my heart racing in my chest. “Why?”

“Phoebe was lookin’ for her. Wanted to make sure she’s okay after what happened. Corrinth is lookin’ for her too,” Ink informs me as I slide my arms back through my cut and pull it up my back. “I’ll be back later on. Need to take care of a few things.”

Walking upstairs, I head straight through the common room and out to my truck. The air is becoming frozen as the sun sets and darkness overtakes the world. It suits my mood perfectly right now. I’m lost and there is no end in sight. The only way I can become even part of my former self is to let Jasmine and the kids have the apartment while I remain at the clubhouse. I can go back to fucking the babes when I need to find release or go to a bar in town to find a piece of strange for the night. A quick fuck is all I’ve had in the past and it’s been good enough for me until Jasmine walked into my life. It’s time for me to get back to who I was before her and put all of my walls back up higher than they ever were in the past.

Leaving the clubhouse, I make my way to the apartment. Her car is still gone as I park my truck and don’t hesitate to get out and walk upstairs. I don’t pay attention to anything other than heading to my room. My clothes will need to be packed along with a few things in my office. Then I can lock my door, so no one goes inside while I’m away. I’ll eventually let her know why I’m not coming around. It’s not her; this is all me and how I can’t handle the situation she’s now in. The reason I told her I didn’t want a family of my own.

Clearing my thoughts, I make my way into the bathroom to pack up my shower things. I need to make sure I have everything, so I don’t need to come back here and risk running into the kids and Jasmine while they’re here. You can call me a fucking chicken or an asshole because I’m leaving here, I don’t mind. It’s not anything I haven’t called myself every single day since seeing Jasmine. However, with my demons and past haunting me, there is no room for anyone else in my life. Especially when someone is taking care of children who are not their own.

I walk through my room and office more times than I can count, part of me needing to see Jasmine before I leave here. When I can no longer stall, I pick up the four bags of things I’ve packed and head out of the apartment. Taking the stairs back down to my truck, I toss them in the backseat before climbing in the driver’s seat and heading straight back to the clubhouse. Well, after stopping at the diner to grab a burger and fries. If I don’t eat now, I know I won’t. My plan once I’m back at the clubhouse is to put my bags in my room before getting completely wasted. It’s the only way I know I’ll not head back to the apartment to make sure Jasmine is okay with the way her world has just changed.

She’s going to struggle. Not only with watching a woman get shot to death in front of her, but taking said woman’s son home with her. The little boy is going to be scared and undoubtedly wake up with nightmares from today’s events. Someone should be there with her other than Charlotte. Instead of manning up and standing by her side, I’m going to hide like a fucking coward because I can’t stand to be around kids who aren’t mine. The kids of the club are different because they have a loving mother and father to go home to at the end of the day. Charlotte and the little boy have no one other than Jasmine now.

Parking across the lot where the SUVs and our trucks get parked, I heft my bags out of the backseat before grabbing my dinner out of the passenger seat. Walking across the lot, I take in the rest of the vehicles here. Every ol’ lady is now inside the clubhouse. I wanted to have my things put up before they showed up, so the questions weren’t asked. They’ll ask me things I have no intention of answering. Things that are none of their business. If I were going to tell anyone, it would be Ink since he is my closest friend. Or if Renegade asks me since he is my President. I will not lie to anyone about my past; they’ve all simply let it rest since I joined the club.

Opening the door, a warm blast of heat hits me square in the face. It’s almost enough to take my breath away. Pushing through the heat, I make my way inside to find the men, ol’ ladies, and babes all mixing in the common room. Well, they’re all in the common room. Reese smiles as she makes a beeline straight for me. I don’t miss her pushing her chest out or her pulling up her skirt so more of her skin is on display. It’s not attractive at all in my mind. Making a mental note, I remind myself Reese is too desperate and needy to ever spend any time with.

“Smokey, can I help you with your belongings?” she asks, her voice dropping a few levels in her attempt to be seductive.

“Nope. Get out of my way,” I tell her, not sparing a glance in her direction as I continue walking.

“Baby, let me help you. I can make sure all of your needs are met. Better than anyone else here,” she tries again, pulling on one of the bags.

“Reese, stop. I wouldn’t fuckin’ touch you with another man’s cock. You’re too desperate and it’s not attractive at all. All you’ve done is cause problems since walkin’ your fake ass through the door. I. Don’t. Want. You,” I state, pulling my back away from her and making my way toward my room.

Reese’s temper tantrum being thrown behind me would rival any petulant child. She’s not getting her way and hates it. This is one of the reasons I will never touch her. When I told her I wouldn’t touch her with another man’s dick, I wasn’t lying. She’s hideous in her attempts to attract one of the men in the club. In fact, from what I’m told, no one gets anything more from her than a blowjob and she’s not very good at those. Still, the babes are dwindling down as each man settles down and finds his ol’ lady. Those of us who are still single, have become pickier about who we take to our bed. Reese will never get what she wants here; it’s better she learns it now instead of later on.

Unlocking my door, I make my way inside before kicking the door shut behind me. The scent of vanilla hits me, reminding me of bringing Jasmine in here to worship her body on more than one occasion. At this rate, I’m never going to get away from reminders of her no matter where I go or who I’m with. Setting down the bags at the end of my bed, I sit down and eat the burger and fries Corrinth made me. I don’t need a drink right now because I plan on drinking plenty of alcohol as soon as I’m done eating.

It doesn’t take me long to finish the food since it’s one of the only meals I’ve eaten today. Between work and learning of the actions at the compound, I haven’t had a chance to do anything. Taking care of my garbage, I don’t waste any more time in heading out to the common room to begin drinking my night away.

“Smokey, what are you doing here?” Phoebe asks me, meeting me in the hallway.

“I’m here at the clubhouse. I do stay here sometimes,” I answer her, not wanting to have this conversation.

“I know you do. Lately, you’ve been spending more time at the apartment with Jasmine and Charlotte though. Why aren’t you there when Jas needs you more than ever?”

“Phoebe, leave it be,” Ink says, walking up holding their son in his arms.

Nodding my head in appreciation, I listen to their murmured words as I enter the common room and pull up a seat at the bar. One of the newer babes is standing behind pouring drinks and flirting with all the men sitting in front of her. I don’t even know her name, and I don’t care what it is.

“What can I get you?” she asks, her voice sultry as she bends down offering me a view of her chest

“Beer and shot of whiskey. Leave the damn bottle with me,” I tell her, not falling for her attempts to lure me into taking her to bed.

Or fucking her anywhere I choose. Including the middle of the common room. I’m not going to say I haven’t fucked a babe out here in the open where anyone can watch or join in. It’s been a long time since I’ve been that desperate to fuck a loose hole everyone else has already tried. That’s why I more often head to a bar to find a piece of strange for the night. No strings or expectations on either end other than a good time.

Pulling out my phone as I take the shot of whiskey, I pull up Jasmine’s name.

Me: I’ll be stayin’ at the clubhouse for now. The apartment is yours with the kids until further notice. I’ve grabbed all I need so I won’t be returning in the near future. If you need anything, get a hold of Phoebe or one of the guys. You’ll still have the Prospects watchin’ over you at all times.

Closing the message window after pressing send, I shut my phone off and slide back in my pocket. There will be no interruptions of my drinking as I get wasted. No one else bothers me either. They know when I’m like this to leave me the hell alone. I’m lost in my head with dark thoughts. I’m not good company for anyone. With that thought in mind, I grab the bottle of whiskey and head straight to my room. No one needs to watch me get drunk or sink into despair.