Smokey’s Turmoil by Erin Osborne

Chapter Eleven


IT’S BEEN TWO weeks since Charlotte moved in with me at Smokey’s apartment. He’s been gone more than he’s there once again. I’m not sure what the problem is, and I haven’t asked him about it either. That’s not our relationship. We don’t have a relationship. Other than having sex. Smokey is definitely letting me learn what I like and don’t like when it comes to the opposite sex. I can explore as much as I want and try every single position out there. Some of the things he’s done to my body has shocked me. Including beginning to play with my ass. I’m not too sure about that though. Smokey never forces me to do anything I don’t want to or I’m not ready to. It’s a massive plus to being with him because not all guys are like that.

With the help of the club, my paperwork for being a foster parent has been pushed through all of the usual red tape. This is the first step in the process so I can officially adopt Charlotte. We’re doing things so she can stay with me until we can get in front of a judge. With my paperwork through, I can now foster any child who needs a home. I’m not anticipating taking in a bunch of children, but the option is there for me if a situation arises and there is nowhere else for someone to go. Eventually, I’ll adopt my cousin so no one can take her from me. Since my dad can legally claim her, the club has been helping me do what is necessary to keep her away from him. Including making sure she’s assigned a good caseworker who will check on things until we go to court. I’d be lost if it wasn’t for all of their help. Especially Cassidy who has an in with all sorts of workers because of the compound.

Today is a big day for me. I’m going to the domestic violence compound with Charlotte. She’s been going to there to see her counselor and attend meetings on a regular basis. Cassidy has been on me to go there and check things out so today is the day I go there. Smokey already knows because we go over schedules on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter if he’s here or not, I get a message first thing in the morning about the plans for the day and what’s going on. Jason and the other Prospects switch out throughout the day, but Jason is normally on babysitting duty for my cousin and me. It’s nice to have someone with us even if we can’t always see them. The feeling of safety is what’s most important to me.

Walking out of my room, I’m dressed in a new pair of jeans with a hoodie on over my tee-shirt. My hair is tossed up in a messy bun as I knock on Charlotte’s door. When she answers me back, I open the door up and find her sitting on her bed putting on the make-up we bought her. She’s been practicing and trying out different looks on herself. I always offer up to be her Guinea pig because I have no clue what to do when it comes to make-up and all that shit. In a way, she’s teaching me to do different looks on myself I end up liking. I haven’t gone out to get my own stash of make-up just yet, but she has plenty for me to use if I ever decide to do something.

“You almost ready kiddo?” I ask her, smiling down at her.

Charlotte is such a girly girl. She wears dresses, skirts, fancy shirts, and sandals and dress shoes. Hell, she wears more heals than I do and I’m six years older than she is. Yeah, she wears jeans and shit like that too, but she’s more comfortable wearing things that make her feel pretty and like a girl. I just choose whatever is comfortable and available. It’s never really mattered to me before now. Now, there are sometimes I want to wear pretty clothes and feel like a woman. Maybe it’s time I start thinking about going out once in a while instead of always staying home. Corrinth has made the offer to watch over Charlotte on more than one occasion when I’m at work.

“Let’s go,” Charlotte says, excitement already showing on her face about heading to the compound. “We’re gonna follow Jason to the back entrance so you don’t have to go through the clubhouse part of the place.”


Leaving the apartment, I make sure to arm the alarm before heading down the stairs. Since we rarely use the elevator, that door is already locked so no one can get in that way. Walking outside, Jason is already in an SUV waiting on us. I’m not sure why we all just don’t ride together, but it’s okay. If we’re ready to leave and he’s not, Jason can stay longer to do his job and take care of things at the compound or clubhouse. Plus, I have to work later on. One of the ol’ ladies is going to keep Charlotte for a while. Before I get out of work, someone will bring her to the diner. It’s not an ideal situation because of it being a school night since it’s Sunday, but it’s the best I can do right now.

The radio plays on as we drive to the compound. I’m paying close attention because I’ve never been the way we’re going. Still, Charlotte and I sing along as each song plays through the speakers in my car. It doesn’t take long before we’re pulling up to a building with only one other car parked outside. Getting out, we head in the main building of the compound. Cassidy is standing just inside the door with a woman who is badly beaten looking as if the world is weighing heavy on her shoulders. They’re whispering as we pass by and head down a long hallway filled with offices. Charlotte leads me to one of the last doors. Knocking on it, she opens it after a second leading me inside.

“Charlotte what are you doing here today?” a young woman asks getting out of her chair.

“Hi Penny. I just wanted you to meet my cousin Jasmine. She’s the one I was telling you about. I’m living with her now that we’ve regained contact with one another.”

“Right. Jasmine, it’s so nice to finally meet you. I’ve been working with Charlotte since she was rescued. I run one of the therapy groups she attends too. Working with her has been so good. I’m glad the club lets her come see me to work out everything done to her and that she witnessed,” Penny tells me, sticking out her hand for me to shake.

“Me too. I’m glad they found her before more damage was done. I’ll always regret not being there for her for so long,” I state, meaning what I’m saying.

“There’s nothing you could have done. They would have taken you right along with her. I’m here if you ever need to talk, Jasmine,” Penny informs me, her face softens as she looks at me.

I feel as if she’s looking into my soul, finding all of the things I’ve buried for so long. Nodding my head, Charlotte looks at me for a second before saying there’s other things she wants to show me here. Apparently, she volunteers a few days a week in the daycare to help with the children as their parent is in different classes or simply needs a little bit of time for themselves. It’s so nice of her to come hang out with the kids so these women can take a break and do what they need to in order to heal and get back on their feet.

Walking through the building, I take in all the different rooms. There are a few classes in session as we make our way to a room reminding me of the gym in high school. Several kids are running through the room as Natasha and Callie play games with them. One little boy comes running over to us. Without hesitation, he launches his little body at me. Bracing myself for impact, I catch him and pull him up farther into my arms. This little guy can’t be more than one or two years old. He’s got dirty blond hair and the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen. They sparkle with life and excitement as he buries his head in my neck and wraps his little arms around my neck. Instantly, my heart belongs to him.

“Jasmine, it’s good to see you,” Natasha greets me, her face lighting up with a smile. “This little guy here is Colby. He hasn’t been here that long, but he loves coming to play. Honestly, you’re the first adult he’s gone to like this. He’s usually very reserved and shy with adults.”

“Well, he’s a cutie for sure. Is his mom in class?” I ask her, holding Colby to my body as his breath fans out across my neck.

“Yeah. She’s with Vanessa right now. They’re outside working in the garden Vanessa has been helping them with. Then she usually takes an hour to relax and just be alone before coming to get him.”

“I’m glad you guys are here so they can do that. I’ll hang with Colby for a while,” I assure her as she heads back over to the kids she was with a few minutes ago with Charlotte following her.

Colby and I sit off to the side in a chair as he remains pressed against me. We watch the other kids laugh and run around after the adults and Charlotte. Their little shrieks and laughter fill the room, echoing off the walls. Even with all of the horrible things they’ve been around in their young lives, these children are choosing to embrace life. We, as adults, could really learn a thing or two from them. I can learn from them as I’ve hidden for so long. Now, I’m choosing to live.

“Natasha, since Colby doesn’t want to play with the other kids, do you think it would be okay if I take him out back to walk around in the sun for a few minutes?” I ask, walking up to her.

“Of course. One of the Prospects is out there. He’ll keep an eye on you guys. We want everyone to feel safe at all times; surprisingly the guys make the women feel safe despite the situations they just got out of.”

“Thank you.”

Walking through the side door, I find myself in a courtyard of sorts. There are walls on three sides with the end facing a road open. Setting Colby down on his feet, he toddles over to a small plot of wildflowers. I’m not sure if they grow naturally here or if they’ve been planted. He bends down to pick one as I look on at Vanessa with a small group of women along a garden. Turning my attention back to him, I watch as he makes his way back over to me holding out a small purple flower. I accept it as Colby’s face fills with a smile showing me teeth coming in. He’s got two teeth so far letting me know he’s as young as I believed him to be. This kid is so damn cute it breaks my heart to know he has had a rough beginning to his life. I’m happy his mom got away and is getting the help she needs to get back on her feet and provide a good life for her son.

Suddenly the air fills with screeching tires against the pavement as I look up. A car is barreling into the small courtyard directly at the women gardening. The Prospect jumps up racing to the women while motioning for me to get back inside. I’m frozen to my spot until Colby begins screaming and crying. Scooping him back up into my arms, I frantically look around for cover as gunshots begin to explode in the air. Women are screaming. All except for one woman. She’s got the same dirty blonde hair as Colby. Staring at him for a second despites bullets ricocheting off the building and trees surrounding us, she gives her son a smile before turning her attention back to the madmen racing toward her still firing the guns in his hands.

“I warned you what would happen if you fucking left me!” he screams out, getting in her face. “You’re never going to be free of me you bitch!”

I race to a large tree, hiding Colby from the bullets as they begin firing again and so he doesn’t see what’s about to happen to his mom. Using my body, I keep his back against the tree as we remain as low as possible. Peeking around the tree, I watch on in horror as the man finally points the gun at Colby’s mom pulling the trigger for a final time. Just after the bullet hits her in the head, he’s tackled to the ground by several members of the club. I didn’t even hear them pull up on their bikes. They seem to have appeared out of thin air.

Still, I don’t step out from behind the tree. Colby is screaming and crying, not letting me set him down to look over him and make sure he doesn’t have any injuries. I don’t want to cause any further trauma to him, so I let him wrap his small body around mine and keep my arms tightly wrapped around him.

“Jasmine!” Smokey yells out, his voice full of panic.

Stepping out from the tree, he sees me before I can say anything. Rushing to my side, he takes in the little boy hanging onto me. Smokey’s eyes widen as they roam over my body.

“Are you hurt?” he finally questions me.

“No. I’m not sure about Colby though. He won’t let go of me long enough to look at him,” I answer him, my voice clogged with emotion as I try to keep from crying.

“I’ll look at him. I won’t take him from you, but I’ll check him over. It doesn’t appear he’s hurt though. At least not his back,” he assures me, stepping closer to us.

Smokey takes a few minutes to look at as much of Colby’s body as he can. When he doesn’t see any injuries, he lets me know with a shake of his head. The yard erupts in chaos as all sorts of compound personnel filter out into the courtyard to see what’s going on. My caseworker is among them as she races over to me.

“Are you okay?” Marilyn asks me, her voice frantic with worry. “I saw Charlotte inside, she’s perfectly safe.

“I’m okay. This is Colby. His mom was the woman . . .” I trail off not wanting to finish the sentence.

Marilyn nods her head in understanding. When she tries to take Colby from me, he screams and clings to me even tighter. Smokey simply stands back and watches on. Honestly, with the way his eyes are glazed over, I’m not sure what he’s seeing right now. He’s lost in his own head as Marilyn finally begins to pull away from the little boy.

“You have your paperwork in order. At this point, I’m not sure the best thing would be to take Colby from you. Is there room in your current home for him?” she asks, looking between Smokey and me.

She’s had to meet Smokey because we live in his apartment. He’s been there for every visit with me, taking time from the club and away from work in order to ensure my cousin stays with me. I can’t thank him enough for helping me the way he has with Charlotte.

“Smokey, the call is yours to make,” I tell him, not sure if he’ll allow me to bring Colby into his apartment.

“He doesn’t want to leave your side. I’m not gonna make him. We have another bedroom at the apartment that’s empty. It can easily be made to fit him,” Smokey responds, still not fully with us. “Why don’t you and Charlotte go shoppin’ and get him what he needs. Everythin’ here can be brought over to the apartment in a little while. Check with Cassidy to make sure he doesn’t have any special requirements. She’ll know if he has allergies or anythin’ like that.”

Without another word, Smokey walks off. He bypasses everyone without a word and makes his way to his bike. Turning it on, he revs the engine for a second before taking off from the compound. With the help of Marilyn, I make my way inside to check on Charlotte and find Cassidy. Everyone is in tears and scared to death from the scene that just happened. Still, Cass answers all my questions and lets Marilyn know she’ll make sure I have all of his paperwork for doctors and that kind of thing. Leaving the compound with Charlotte, we borrow a car seat from Natasha for Colby until I can buy him one.

We have just enough time to get to the bank as Jason follows us with a second Prospect. Withdrawing money to get Colby what he needs, Charlotte and I make our way to the local chain store that has everything. We’ll be able to get his bed, bedding, clothes, toys, and food all in one spot. It’s the best I can do for now. On the way home, we stop at the diner so I can talk to Corrinth about what happened and how I’ll have Colby now. She gives me the next few days off so we can figure everything out. I can’t help but be grateful to her as she works with all of us whenever something happens.

Getting back to the apartment, Jason and Martin the second Prospect, help us get everything inside. Charlotte begins to wash his new bedding and clothing while Jason and Martin put his bed together. I got him a toddler bed with the rails on the side since that’s what Cassidy told me he was sleeping in at the compound. When we’re not in the car, Colby is still clinging to me. Since I can’t cook dinner with him in my arms, Jason runs to the diner to grab us some takeout.

After eating a quiet dinner, I bathe Colby so he can go to bed. I remain in his room with him until he finally falls asleep. Turning on the baby monitor I got to hear him, I make my way back out to the living room. Charlotte is sitting folding a basket of his new clothes as I sit down to take over for her.

“Go take a shower honey. If you don’t want to go to school tomorrow, you don’t have to. That was insane earlier today,” I tell her.

“Okay. I think I’ll stay home with you and Colby,” she says, breaking down in sobs again.

I hold her for a few minutes until she composes herself. Grabbing her pajamas, Charlotte makes her way into the bathroom to shower. Walking through the apartment, I make sure everything is locked up before heading to my room. Shutting my door most the way, I place the monitor on the stand next to my bed before changing into pajama pants and a tee-shirt. It doesn’t take long for me to fall asleep with the day we’ve had today. What was supposed to be a good day, quickly turned into tragedy. Sleep claims me quickly as Charlotte closes her bedroom door. I always try to wait up for her to go to bed before I do.