Smokey’s Turmoil by Erin Osborne

Chapter Ten


THE LAST THING I expected to learn is Charlotte and Jasmine are related. When Jasmine let us know her father could put a claim on Charlotte, my blood boiled. There is no way in hell he’s going to get his hands on her. On either one of them. I also knew there was no way in hell I could keep the two apart. It would be cruel for Jasmine to know someone else had her cousin living with her and only being able to see her once in a while when someone could go to Corrinth’s with her. Not to mention Jasmine working and Charlotte being in high school. The easiest solution was for her to move in with Jasmine.

I was not expecting her moving in to cause me to relive my past the way I have been either. Instead of falling into bed to sleep, I was tormented by my demons. They plagued me, making me wake up screaming and sweating as if I’d run a marathon instead of having a nightmare while I slept. All I can see is my brother’s face, hear my mom’s tortured screams, and know I couldn’t do a damn thing to change the events in my life that cause me to keep everyone around me locked out. Like Jasmine, I don’t let anyone in. If they know my past, I’ll see the looks of pity filling their eyes and they’ll act different around me. It’s happened in the before and I can’t stand it.

Waking up today, I walk out to the kitchen to find the two females in my home cooking breakfast with the table set for the three of us. Grabbing a cup of coffee, I make my way to the bathroom for a quick shower and to dress for the day. I’m not sure what all we have going on, but things will have to be bought for Charlotte to stay here in the apartment. I’ve only got two beds. While I wouldn’t mind sharing my bed with Jasmine, I’m not sure if she’d be okay with it. It’s something we’ll have to talk about after I decide what I want to do. Especially with the way my nightmares were last night. She’s not someone who will let it go without asking questions. This isn’t about us sharing and getting closer to one another; it’s only about sex. Pretty damn good sex, but just sex.

After getting ready, I make my way out to the kitchen so we can have breakfast. The girls are already sitting at the table eating as I take my spot, digging into the eggs, toast, and sausage they made. When they’re done eating, Charlotte and Jasmine get up to take care of the dishes. This time they rinse them off and load the dishwasher. I don’t say a word until I’m done.

“We need to head out soon. There are things we need to buy if Charlotte’s gonna be stayin’ here. I don’t have enough beds and I’m sure she’ll need other things too. Is that good with you guys?”

“Yeah. Um, I opened a bank account here last week with some of the money I inherited. Do you mind if we stop by the bank before we head out?” Jasmine asks me.

“We’ll do whatever you want. Today is about making sure you’re both comfortable and have what you need. The first stop will be the bank, then we’ll hit the furniture store for a bed, dresser, and desk for Charlotte. After that we’ll get some lunch before makin’ sure we have whatever else Char needs. The mall is callin’ our names, ladies. I’m ready when you are,” I tell them, dreading the day already.

The last thing I want to do is walk around the mall. Or go shopping for anything. However, I know this is what we need to do. Charlotte is going to feel comfortable here in her new home while getting to know her cousin once again. From the conversation I overheard yesterday, it seems as if they haven’t seen one another since they were both very young. It’s horrible to learn their family kept them apart because of Jasmine’s father. It’s just one more reason I hate the man. He took the only other person who truly cared about Jas out of her life because of his lies and hatred of her. A hatred no one should ever feel toward her.

Charlotte and Jasmine disappear into her room. When they emerge a while later, they’re both dressed in jeans, sweaters, and have their coats over their arms. It’s cold as hell out. Jason has been outside all night in my truck. I couldn’t let him stay in the cold. There’s enough gas for him to run it with the heat blasting him as he stood guard over the apartment. One of the other Prospects took the SUV back to the clubhouse in case someone else needed it after bringing my truck here. Jason will go shopping with us and help me put any furniture together we buy today.

“We’re ready,” Jasmine says, sliding her arms through her coat sleeves.

“Thank you both for this,” Charlotte says before we even leave the house. “It means a lot to be back with you Jas. As long as I can continue on with the therapy and things, I don’t want to give up the chance to be in your life.”

“Whatever you need I’ll make sure you have. We’re in this together for the rest of our lives Char. I love you and couldn’t be happier about us being together again,” Jasmine says, pulling her cousin into her body.

“Let’s get on the road. I think we’re supposed to get some weather moving in later on and I want to be home before it hits us. Don’t want to be out on nasty roads with the two of you and a bunch of things in the ass end of my truck,” I tell them, walking over to the door after putting on my coat.

Since I’ll be in the truck, I’ve got my cut over my arm. I don’t wear it inside a cage. Even with my coat on over it, I know it’s on. Not all the guys take them off inside a vehicle, but I do. When Phoebe went into labor, that was different. There was no time for me to worry about my cut with her water breaking and needing to get her to the hospital.

Opening the door up, I let the girls walk out before me. We’ll use the elevator when we get back with all the bags and everything we’re gonna be carrying up. I’m sure the girls will be ready to ride in that instead of walking up the steps. Locking up the apartment and arming the security system, we make our way down to the truck. It’s already warmed up thanks to Jason. Helping the girls in, Jasmine is up front with me while Charlotte is in back with the Prospect. My eyes are glued to them because they’ve been close since we saved Phoebe and Charlotte. Now that she’s living in my apartment, I feel the overwhelming need to protect her and make sure he’s not going to do anything to harm her or things before she’s legal. Charlotte is only sixteen.

Stopping at the bank, I go in with Jasmine. I want to give her space to do her thing, but the last thing I need is for something to happen to her while she’s in the bank and I’m sitting outside with Jason and Charlotte in the truck. So, I stand close to the entrance watching everyone around me as she walks to the counter. For several minutes she talks to the teller. I watch on as she gets handed two envelopes bursting at the seams and sticks them in her purse before turning to walk back to me.

“You good?” I ask her as we make our way back out to the truck.

“I’m good. I just feel as if I’ve always got a target on my back and like someone is watching me. I can’t for sure say if it’s because someone actually is watching me or if I’m just being paranoid,” she informs me, her eyes darting around the area as we head to the truck.

“Do I need to call in more guys to go with us?”

“No. We’ll be careful and won’t linger in any stores or anything. If I learned anything from the ol’ ladies when I went shopping with them, it was to get in and out in a hurry,” I tell him, laughing at the memory of going shopping with everyone.

Nodding my head, I shut her door behind her and walk around the front of the truck to get in the driver’s side. The entire time I’m looking around for anyone getting too close or following us. Jason is up to date on the situation and knows what’s going on. He’s also remaining vigilant as we head out of town on the highway. There’s a furniture store at the mall we’ll be able to find what we need. The less stops we make, the better we’ll be.

After spending hours and who knows how much money at the mall, we’re finally home. Jasmine is helping her cousin wash her new things while Jason and I put her room together. The delivery truck followed us home with the furniture after I offered to pay a generous fee. They’ve unloaded everything for us to move into the room across from Jasmine. The desk will have to be put together though because Charlotte and Jasmine didn’t want to spend the money on the expensive ones at the first store when she only wants something simple.

Poking her head in the door, Jasmine watches us for a minute. I don’t have a shirt on as we work to get the room ready for Charlotte to use tonight.

“Thought I’d order pizza if you guys are good with it,” she says, her eyes not leaving my chest.

Walking up to her, I lean in close before whispering in her ear.

“See somethin’ you like Song Bird?”

“I plead the fifth,” she returns. “Pizza?”

“If that’s what you guys want, order it and Jason will go get it when it’s ready,” I state, looking back and getting a nod from the Prospect.

“Then I thought the four of us could watch a movie while we’re eating. There are things we still need to do, and I’ll be ready for bed early, but it’s something to kind of unwind after the day we’ve had.”

“Sounds good. Do your thing and we’ll be done here soon,” I tell her, smacking her ass on her way out of the room.

Turning my attention to Jason, I look him dead in the eye. We need to apparently have a conversation.

“What’s goin’ on in your head about Charlotte?” I ask him, being extremely blunt.

“Nothin’. She’s a minor. When we rescued her, she’s clung to me. Now, we’re friends. I see her as a little sister, that’s it,” he responds, not taking his eyes from mine.

“Make sure it stays that way,” I tell him, not wanting him to believe there’s anything he can do about Charlotte now. “At least until she’s eighteen. Then see where you’re at.”

The looks I’ve seen passing from one to the other aren’t ones shared between friends or siblings. They’re heated and full of longing. About the only positive in the situation is Jason already knows her past and won’t hold it against her. She won’t have to explain to him if she has nightmares or is scared of sex; he’ll already understand what her feelings are on the subjects. From what I’ve seen, she’s healing mentally extremely well. Better than a lot of others I’ve seen. Myself included.

Charlotte walks in her room a half hour or so later. We’ve just finished setting the desk up where she said she wanted it. After letting us know the pizza will be ready soon, she turns away and heads back out to help Jasmine. Jason and I make our way out there to find clean clothes piled up everywhere. On top of the other things Jas insisted on buying her. I think Char is now the proud owner of every electronic device a teenage girl could ever want. Including a cell phone from me. She’s got everyone’s number programmed in it already too. It’s the first thing we do with a new family member. They have a phone, and all of our numbers are put in it.

I help them begin to cart everything in her room as Jason leaves the apartment. Charlotte wants to put everything up on her own. To really make the room feel as if it’s hers. I can’t blame her there. Other than helping her make the bed, Jasmine and I let her have at it. She works in there until Jason brings back our food. He’s got several boxes of things in his hands. Setting it all out on the counter in the kitchen, Jasmine gets plates down and grabs us drinks. None of us are drinking alcohol tonight. Instead, we have either soda or water with our pizza, wings, garlic bread, and fried mushrooms.

Sitting down on the couch, I pick an action movie to watch as we eat in silence. Jasmine is next to me, her vanilla scent washing over me. I can’t concentrate on the movie as I lean in closer to smell her. She’ll be in my bed tonight for sure. We’ll just have to remain quiet with Charlotte in the apartment now. I don’t care what we have to do as long as I get to feel her body under me. Hell, maybe I’ll have her ride me tonight. She hasn’t done that before. It will be something new for her to try. Just thinking about it has my cock going hard in my jeans. I do nothing to hide it or drag anyone’s attention to my problem.

It takes a few hours before Charlotte’s room is clean enough for her to go to bed. After taking a shower and getting dressed in the bathroom, she walks out to tell us goodnight. I’m not expecting the hug she gives both of us before disappearing from sight. With Jason already outside for the night, I pull Jasmine’s body up against mine. Leaning down to kiss her, I pull back just as she’s getting into it. Together, we walk to my room and I close the door behind us. For the rest of the night, I worship Jasmine’s body and let her return the favor to me. The sun is coming up when we finally fall asleep in one another’s arms. It’s the first time I’ve fallen asleep so fast with someone else in bed with me.