Smokey’s Turmoil by Erin Osborne

Chapter Thirteen


GETTING SMOKEY’S MESSAGE about him moving out of his apartment because I now have Colby living here with us broke something in me. I know he has a past that haunts him and understand completely he doesn’t want to get married or have children of his own because of that past. However, to completely move into the clubhouse because of my decision to bring Colby home with me after the tragedy he suffered is completely ridiculous. This is his home he pays for and no one should be here more than him.

It’s been a week of making decisions and trying to sort out babysitting for when I’m at work. The ol’ ladies are going to watch Colby during the day since Corrinth has changed my shift at work. I’ll now be home with the kids at night so we can have dinner together and get into some sort of routine. It’s important for Colby to have a routine put in place and keep to a schedule of some sort. His life has been turned upside down on more than one occasion lately and I’m going to do everything in my power to make his life easy from here on out. At least for as long as I can keep him with me.

Surprisingly, Phoebe, Corrinth, and Jason have been my rock over the last week. I’m tired as hell and have been going insane making sure the children have everything they want. There is no resentment from Charlotte as we take care of Colby. She’s on board with me raising him. Char has told me she’ll do whatever is necessary in order to keep him with us. Including babysitting for me if I’m working and she’s not at school. My cousin is older than her years after everything that’s happened in her life up to this point.

Marilyn is also a source of strength I wasn’t counting on. She seemed so mad when Colby wouldn’t let me go at the compound. That’s not the case at all. As the rest of us, she was upset over the events of what had just taken place and wanted to calm Colby down as much as possible. She wasn’t going to take him from me when it became evident to her about his attachment to me. Since we’ve been at the apartment, Marilyn has been by several times to visit and check in on us. Nothing other than adding Colby to our small family of three has changed.

Honestly, the little guy keeps me on my toes. He wants to play and eat more than anything else. The only time he sits down is when he’s tired. I’m not sure if he’s had ample opportunity to play and run around free with his mom. Not that I’m knocking the woman who raised him the first year and a half of his life. Together, we’re learning as we go. Thankfully, he has no allergies or health issues to worry about at this point in time. The only thing I have to worry about now is what’s going to happen moving forward. It’s something Marilyn and I have talked about more than once on her visits after I explained about Smokey moving out and that’s why he no longer attends her meetings here.

A knock on the door pulls me from my head. I’m expecting Renegade, Psycho, Phoebe, and Ink to show up. There’s something I need to talk to them about. Checking on Colby as he sleeps soundly on the couch, I make my way over to the door to let them in. Phoebe is the first one through as she grabs me up in a hug before looking around for Colby. When she spots him sleeping on the couch, she looks at me with care and understanding shining in her eyes. I’m doing the best I can and will not make him sleep in his room for a nap if he’s upset or doesn’t want to. At least right now.

Ink follows his woman with their son in his arms. I give the men a slight smile as they enter the living area as it immediately feels smaller with the three men surrounding us. Nodding toward the table, we make our way there to talk where I can still keep my eyes on the little boy. Colby just went to sleep, and he normally sleeps like the dead; not hearing a single thing unless he’s having a nightmare.

“What’s goin’ on, Jasmine?” Renegade asks after I grab us drinks and take my seat at the table.

“I’m not sure if you all realize that Smokey moved out of here after I brought Colby home with me. I’ve been talking to Marilyn about the situation, and I’ve made the decision to move into a place of my own. She’s given me the listing of a few different places. I have the money to move on my own and furnish the place with everything the kids will need. I will not be taking anything from here other than what my money has bought. I was just wondering if you guys would help me look at the places and make sure they’re stable and in a good neighborhood for the kids. The rest I’m pretty sure I can handle on my own,” I tell them, looking at the men before turning toward Phoebe.

For a few minutes, no one says a word. They all look at me as if I’ve grown a second head or something at my talk of moving out of Smokey’s apartment. I’m not sure what any of them are thinking right now.

“Why would you move out of here when Smokey has obviously decided to let you and the kids stay?” Psycho asks, not taking his eyes off me.

“This is his home. He’s paying the rent and other bills. The only thing I do is clean and bring groceries in here. I’m not going to stay where I’m clearly not wanted because I brought a little boy home who was clinging to me so bad Marilyn didn’t even hesitate for me to gain custody of him as a foster parent. She’s making sure he has no family that can take him in with his mother’s death. So far there is no one. If things go my way, I’ll be adopting him when I adopt Charlotte. It’s time for me to move on and get out on my own. I’m not leaving Shadowville. Charlotte is thriving here, and I know Colby can too. So, I’ll worry about my father and the situation he’s put me in. I appreciate you allowing the Prospects to remain my guard from anything happening. And to all of the ol’ ladies for helping me with babysitting when I have to work. It means more than you know.”

“He’s a fuckin’ idiot,” Renegade mutters, not trying to hide what’s on his mind right now.

“No, he’s a man who has told me he will not have a wife or children of his own. I brought not one, but two children into his apartment. This is his space and I need to get out of it so he can move home.”

“Okay. Give me the locations and I’ll personally go over them,” Renegade promises me as I turn to the counter and grab the paper Marilyn left me.

After looking over the list, Renegade smiles wide.

“There’s no need to check over any of the properties. This one here is one we’re tryin’ to sell. We used to have it for when we started the domestic violence program. It’s perfectly safe, has a state-of-the-art security system in it, and is just down from Bear and Callie’s home. As long as you take this house, you will not need to do any work to it at all. It’s the only one I’d let you move into from this list if I’m bein’ honest. Since we currently own it, you don’t have to wait to move into it either. We can start movin’ you in as early as tomorrow. Go with the ol’ ladies and get everythin’ you need, and we’ll put it together and make sure it’s where you want it tomorrow afternoon. Early afternoon,” he tells me, pulling out his phone.

Renegade steps away from the table as he talks to someone on his phone. We can’t hear him as he talks just above a whisper. Phoebe looks at me with a smile on her face though it doesn’t reach her eyes. I give her one in return because there’s nothing else I can do. Charlotte already knows about the possibility of moving and is quite upset with Smokey. She doesn’t understand why he can’t just be here with us. See, she’s become attached to him in the weeks she’s lived here with the two of us. Smokey has helped her with homework, and they’ve sat watching programs on TV they both enjoy. Now, there is none of that and she misses him.

“Alright everythin’ is set. Ink, need you to pick up the keys from the realtor. She’s takin’ the listin’ down for us and the house will be sold to you instead. We’ll meet with the lawyer tomorrow to draw up a contract and hand over the down payment,” Renegade says, walking back over to us as Colby begins to stir on the couch.

“I’ll be paying in full. I don’t want to have a house payment hanging over my head,” I tell him as his mouth drops open in shock. “Yeah, I have more money than I know what to do with. I’ve always said I’m not going to spend a dime of it and work for everything I have. Now, the situation has changed, and the kids need a home. That’s the only time I’ll touch the money if I can help it. We’ll get everything we need and then have it delivered tomorrow afternoon. Thank you, guys. For everything.”

“You don’t need to thank us,” Psycho states, standing up from his chair. “I don’t know what the situation is between Smokey and you. It’s none of our business as far as I’m concerned. What matters is you’re family, Jasmine. You’ve been family since our sister decided to bring you into the fold. Phoebe doesn’t let just anyone in. So, for her to bring you into our family speaks volumes about who you are as a person. You are more than welcome at the clubhouse for our cookouts and family functions. Not only that, but we’re also all only a phone call away when you need somethin’. Don’t push the rest of us away because of his actions. We’re not all like him. Yeah, we all fight our own demons, but his apparently run deep. He’s been drunk as fuck every single day since leavin’ here. Jas, I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

“I’ll get Charlotte from school. She can help me watch Caine at the tattoo shop until you’re ready to get her,” Ink tells me, a smile on his face.

Renegade, Ink, and Psycho all make their way out the door. Caine will not be coming on our shopping expedition today. Colby will because I need him close. Today is another step in the beginning of my life. One that will change my life forever for the better. I may have gone about making a family in a conventional manner, but I have one now as long as everything stays on track. Charlotte and Colby will be my children in every way that matters to me even if they aren’t mine by birth.

“I’ll call the women and have them meet me at us at the mall,” Phoebe tells me, pulling out her phone.

Nodding my head, I make my way to Colby’s room so I can pack his diaper bag. We’re working on potty training right now. Grabbing a couple sets of clothes, some small toys, his wipes, and pull-ups, I put them all in the bag I bought the night I brought him home with me. Walking into the kitchen, I grab a cup and fill it with some juice he’s been drinking. With everything ready to go, I carefully pick Colby up from the couch and place his coat on his small body. He doesn’t stir as we make our way out to my car sitting in the driveway.

Jason is already in his truck waiting for us as we make our way to the bank before heading out of town and toward the mall. The furniture store there is more than good enough for Charlotte, Colby and me. While Colby doesn’t need a bed or any other furniture in his room, my cousin will need new furniture. Smokey ended up buying what’s in his apartment now even though I argued with him for the longest time about it. Now, I get to buy what I want and not worry about anyone else saying a single word about it. Including the groceries and decorations I buy for our new home.

I want to fill the walls with pictures of us and those who are the closest to us. Charlotte and Colby will grow up knowing they’re loved and cared for by more than just me. The ol’ ladies will be among their family members and some of the men of the club. Especially Ink since I spend my time with Phoebe the most.

We stop at the bank just before leaving Shadowville. Phoebe and Jason wait outside for me since Colby is still knocked out from his nap. Walking inside, I immediately feel as if eyes are on me as I get in line for the next teller. Looking around, I see my father standing over at the edge of the bank. He’s got a sinister look on his face as he stares me down. This is not going to end well. Pulling out my phone, my finger hovers over Smokey’s name. At the very last second, I move down to Ink’s name and press send.

“What’s goin’ on, Jas?” he answers the phone with muffled music in the background.

“My father is here at the bank right now. I stopped to get money out of my accounts and he’s here. Jason is still outside with Phoebe since she’s waiting in my car with Colby,” I tell him, keeping my voice lowered so no one else overhears my conversation.

“I’m on my way,” Ink immediately states, hanging up the phone on me.

Looking straight ahead, I notice it’s my turn to walk up to the counter.

“How can I help you today?” the young teller asks me.

“I’d like to withdraw some money. Here is my check and ID,” I inform her, handing over the check I write out along with my license.

She looks at the check and doesn’t bat an eye at the amount I’ve written down. Pulling up my information, she gets me the large withdraw I’ve asked for and counts it all out before me, so I know I’m not getting shorted. After placing them in the envelopes, I turn to leave the bank just as Psycho, Renegade, Ink, and Smokey walk through the doors. They don’t look around or move anywhere other than over to my father. Without a word, he goes with them, anger and rage on his face as he looks at me. He’s going to blame me for this even though it’s his own fault. Shaking my head, I continue on outside as they haul him away in one of the vans the club owns.

“Are you okay?” Ink asks me, staying behind to talk to Phoebe for a minute.

“I’m okay. I don’t care what happens to him, Ink. As long as he can no longer hurt anyone else. And calls the price on my head off,” I tell him, knowing they will make sure everything is taken care of without me saying a word to them.

The men of the club might run legal businesses, but when it comes to their family or anyone they perceive as their family, they’re ruthless. I don’t honestly care what happens to my father at this point in time. He’s dug his own grave and now it’s time for him to pay the price of the sins he’s lived with his entire life. The lies he’s told, the damage he’s done to countless lives, and the theft and other illegal scams he’s pulled. My father will know what it’s like to live in fear for a few more hours before he’s sent on his way to hell. The best place for him if you ask me.

Part of me feels guilty for not wanting him to be saved. A very small part. He’s the one who has tormented and tortured me my entire life though. I didn’t choose the path he did or ask to be brought into this world. My mom and him created me and I paid for those decisions. Shaking my head, I enter my car so we can get on with the shopping spree we’re about to go on.

I’m glad the ol’ ladies are coming with me. We’ll get everything we need in a fraction of the time it would take me to get these things done on my own. I’m glad it’s Friday too because it means Charlotte can help me at home to pack our things.

“What do you need for your new place?” Phoebe asks me as I drive out of town.

“Everything. The things at Smokey’s all belong to him. Other than our clothes, toiletries, and Colby’s belongings, Charlotte and I don’t own anything. I’ve seen pictures of the house and know what colors are in the room so I can pick things out accordingly. I might end up changing a few things here and there, but for the most part, the house is good.”

“Okay. So, furniture store, somewhere to get kitchen items, and everything else. We’ll hit the furniture store at the mall, make sure you guys get some more things you’ll need, and then we’ll hit one of the chain stores for everything else. Tomorrow you’ll have to get groceries and things, right?”

“Yeah. I plan on going there first thing in the morning after the three of get ready for the day. We can load up the boxes and things in my car and drop them off before heading to the grocery store. I also want to stop to get a cell phone while we’re out. I’ll make sure you and the ol’ ladies have my new number. I wouldn’t like it to get to Smokey though. I’ll be leaving his phone behind. It’s not mine to keep,” I tell her, as we pull into the parking lot of the mall.

With all of us working together, it didn’t take long to get everything we’ll need for the new house. I made sure the furniture store will be able to deliver tomorrow at noon. Even if the guys aren’t there to help me yet, the delivery men can unload the truck and then it will be a matter of putting everything where it belongs. Everything else we bought was put in the trucks, car, and SUVs that were brought today. They’ll remain there until tomorrow when I go to the house. The guys will bring everything else over when they get there and unload them.

I don’t believe we forgot anything as we went from one store to the next getting everything on the list I’ve been keeping in my head. Colby was a champ the entire time we spent shopping. He watched on from the stroller I ended up buying him as we were like miniature tornadoes going through each and every single store. Including when we ate at the food court. He took to our new tradition of ordering a ton of different things and splitting them up amongst ourselves. Colby ate what I did and drank his juice from the stroller.

When I picked Charlotte up and explained what was going on, she was extremely understanding and helped me pack for the next several hours while Colby sat with us. His room had the most to pack up as Charlotte and I were only taking our clothes and other things. Jason was a tremendous help as well. He carried the bags and boxes down to my car making sure there was enough room for Colby and us to sit inside comfortably. We could have made a trip over there to unload the car tonight, but I’m exhausted. Charlotte is too. We all fall asleep in my room without changing our clothes into pajamas. Colby is in bed between the two of us as we let sleep claim us. Tomorrow is another busy day.