Smokey’s Turmoil by Erin Osborne

Chapter Fifteen


WE’VE BEEN IN the new house for a week. Charlotte has been amazing helping me unpack, wash things, and make sure the house is in order. At the same time, we’ve gotten on a pretty good routine for Colby. He spends the days with an ol’ lady while I’m at work. Since I leave just after the lunch rush, him and I go home where he takes a nap. While he’s sleeping, I do any cleaning around the house before starting dinner. Depending on what we’re having that night. When Charlotte gets home, we work on her homework before dinner.

Colby has been doing really good. He doesn’t have a problem going with the ol’ ladies to the clubhouse, their home, or to the compound. We were a little worried he’d not handle going there so soon, but he hasn’t acted any different than a rambunctious, fun-loving, little boy who loves to play with others and gives his affection freely to anyone around. When it’s nice out, we spend as much time outside as we can so he’ll sleep better at night. Overall, the routine is great for the kids. Me, I’m not so sure.

He’s been doing really well wearing a pull-up instead of a diaper. I’ve been using them instead so he’s ready to start potty training in the next few months. Charlotte picked out a really cute chair for him to go to the bathroom in. Colby actually loves sitting on the potty chair even if he doesn’t always use the thing. It helps the ol’ ladies have been working with him no matter where they are too. We’ve all formed a great team when it comes to taking care of him and remaining on the same page.

Charlotte, I feel is trying to take on too much responsibility. She wants to help me with everything. I really appreciate her want to help, but she’s sixteen and should be out having fun with friends and getting into trouble. Not a lot of trouble, but the normal things teenagers do. Honestly, I’m not sure either one of us would know what to do since we’ve never been allowed to do much of anything. The only person I ever really see her talking to, besides me, is Jason. He helps here as much as possible when he’s on guard duty. We even eat dinner with him at least once or twice a week.

There is so much to do, and I don’t have enough hours in the day to get everything I want to done. I think that’s pretty much the feeling every single parent has on a daily basis though. Corrinth and I have talked about me cutting back my hours at the diner, but I’d rather not. I’ve already touched more of my money than I want to. It’s not like I’m going to run out anytime soon, but I want to keep it in tact and save in case something happens. Or to put the kids through school. It’s important to me they don’t start out life in debt because of college.

Marilyn has approved of the house, routine, the ol’ ladies watching over Colby so I can work, and everything else. She’s gone through every single inch of the new house and helped me get a few things for Colby to play with outside. She is helping me adopt the kids too. We have a hearing coming up very soon. To say I’m nervous about it would be a definite understatement. Marilyn doesn’t see any reason for me not to get the kids though. No one has been found as a blood relative for Colby and I’m already a blood relation to Charlotte.

The only thing that’s really gotten me down about my life right now is everything with Smokey. I have no clue why he would choose to move out when I brought Colby home. He didn’t tell me the little guy couldn’t come stay with us, but I didn’t anticipate him moving out because of it either. And everyone has noticed me being withdrawn too. The women of the club have invited me several times and I refuse. If Charlotte wants to go there, I allow her though.

Sleep is not my friend these days. I’m worried about the kids and making sure they have everything they need and want. At the same time, I can’t stop thinking about a certain blond-haired biker. Then, as the house settles at night, I hear every single little creak and groan as my imagination runs wild. It’s insane to realize how many things a person can think about at night when it’s time to go to bed instead of actually being able to close their eyes and fall asleep. It’s bad enough I have circles under my eyes and I don’t bother covering them up with make-up.

“Jasmine, where are you?” Phoebe calls out, walking in the house.

“In the laundry room,” I answer her, knowing she’s here to get Colby while I work.

In a minute my beautiful friend is standing in the doorway with Caine in her arms. I lean down and brush a light kiss against his little cheek as he sleeps safe in his mom’s arms. Colby rushes to me, wrapping his arms around my legs. Bending down, I pick him up and give him cuddles. I love Colby’s still in the stage he wants to cuddle and give hugs. I’ll miss the days when he grows out of it.

“No sleep again last night?” Phoebe asks.

“Nope. I’m tired as hell but when I lay down I can’t fall asleep. If I do, it’s tossing and turning all night long. Something has to give soon,” I tell her, smiling down at Colby.

“Maybe you need a dog to give you an extra sense of security. I mean, you have an alarm system and Jason and other Prospects are outside at all times. Maybe having a dog in with you would make you feel safer,” she suggests.

“It’s all I can do to keep the kids and me on a schedule right now. The last thing I need is to add a dog in right now. There’s training and all of that to add on top of everything else I would have to do.”

“I know. Think about it though. In the meantime, I’m gonna take this little handsome man to the clubhouse with me. Ink is working there on a few of the guys to get out of the shop for a little while. I’ll be there with him and Hadliegh. If you need anything, call me. And one of us will bring him home instead of you coming there. We never know if Smokey will be there.”

“Okay. Thank you,” I tell her, walking out to grab the bag I’ve already packed up for him.

Helping Phoebe out to the car, I give Colby his kisses after putting him in his seat and grabbing his cup from the bag. He takes it from my hand before waving bye to me. Before Phoebe even pulls from the driveway, Colby’s attention is already on Caine in the backseat. He loves hanging out with the other kids so I’m glad the ol’ ladies approached me about taking care of him while I was working.

Pushing my thoughts aside, I walk back into my small home to finish getting ready for work. I’ve already showered so it’s just a matter of getting dressed and tossing my hair up. Honestly, I’d rather climb in my bed and sleep the rest of the day away. However, Corrinth has been amazing and let me have time off to move in and get a routine in place, she’s switched my shift so I can work days, and has taken care of Charlotte for me. She’s a great woman and I’m not going to take any more time off from work unless I absolutely have to.

Making sure I look okay, and I have my purse, phone, and keys, I head out to my car. Jason is patiently waiting on his bike for me. giving him a small wave, I start my car and head to work. I’m even closer now at my new home than I was at Smokey’s. It takes mere minutes to get there. Parking at the back of the lot, I sit after shutting the engine off for a minute. I just need a minute to myself. Taking a deep breath, I make sure to grab everything I need before heading in. Jason meets me at the door, holding it open for me.

“Thank you,” I tell him, looking around the diner.

No customers are inside yet as I get things ready.

“Morning Jas,” Corrinth greets me. “How are you doing this morning?”

“Same as normal,” I answer with a small smile on my face.

“Wanna try that bullshit on someone else? You haven’t been good for a while now,” she tells me, not letting me get away with anything.

“It’s hard as fuck. I’m still not sleeping the best and I want to make sure the kids have everything they need,” I tell her honestly, continuing to make coffee for the breakfast crowd.

“You’ll get there. Those kids have everything they need with you. You love them as if they’re yours and have gotten them whatever they need. You’re continuing on with Charlotte’s therapy and will do whatever Colby needs as he gets older.”

I nod my head at here. There’s really nothing else I can do as I make my way through the tables on the floor to make sure they have napkins, condiments, and everything else. With that done, I begins wrapping silverware so I can just grab and go during the busiest times of my shift. Plus, whatever is left over will be there for the lunch shift. If I can get them ahead of the game, it’s less work for them to do. Plus, it helps to keep my mind busy, so I don’t have to think of everything waiting for me back at home. Or not waiting for me to get back home.

Corrinth turns on the radio as she begins cooking some of the food for our regular customers who will be in as soon as our doors open. I sing along to the music playing as Jason sits with a cup of coffee at the counter. As soon as it gets brewed, he gets the first cup. It’s not long before the aroma of breakfast foods cooking fills the air. I have to stop and breathe deeply a few times because it’s turning my stomach. This is weird. It must be the stress and lack of sleep making me more sensitive to things because it’s not the first time this has happened.

Looking at the clock on the wall, I notice it’s almost time to open. I take one more walk through the floor and then check the bathrooms. Grabbing a glass of water to keep under the counter where our drinks are kept, I turn to look at Corrinth through the window.

“You ready to open?” I ask her, still not feeling that good.

“Yep. Whenever you’re ready.”

Nodding my head, I head to the door to turn the closed sign to open and unlock it. There are a few of our older customers already waiting to come inside. They’ve been sitting in their cars against the cold of the morning. The sky is grey as it looms over us with barely any glimpses of the sun to warm the world around us. Holding the door open, I let the cool air wash over my flushed body. I feel warmer than normal for some reason. Maybe I’m getting sick and that’s why my stomach has been off.

After greeting the customers as they walk to their normal tables or the counter, I make my way around with coffee cups and the carafe of coffee to get them started as Corrinth begins to set plates of food up on the ledge for me to grab. For the next two hours, it’s nothing but back and forth as I run from one table to the next before heading to grab plates of food. The entire time, I’m trying not to get sick. Corrinth and Jason have already asked me multiple times if I’m okay or need to take a break. Carrie’s not here yet so I’m not leaving the floor unless I absolutely need to.

It’s not long before Grave and a few of the guys from the club make their way inside. They head directly to their booth in the back while checking to make sure Jason is keeping watch over me. Giving them a nod, I begin to fill mugs with coffee and a few glasses of orange juice. These guys usually order the same drinks every morning they come in here on their way to work. Thankfully, Smokey is not with them. Today it’s Grave, Ink, Psycho, and Renegade. The men who have helped me the most since moving out on my own from Smokey’s apartment.

“Hey guys. Let me know when you’re ready to order and I’ll back over,” I tell them, setting their cups down in front of them.

“We’re ready,” Renegade informs me as I pull the pad from my pocket to write down their orders.

Dropping their ticket off with Corrinth, I start more coffee to fill the carafes with before making my way around to the tables to refill the customer’s cups again. I make small talk as the low hum of customers talking fills the diner along with the music Corrinth has playing in the kitchen. It’s like this every single morning and I love it. Even though we’re busy as hell, most of the work is easier because it’s mainly the same crowd on a daily basis. We definitely notice when someone is missing or not here for their breakfast.

I’ve gotten to know some of the customers because breakfast isn’t the only time they’re in here to eat. The people of Shadowville come into the diner for several meals a week. Personally, I believe it’s to catch up with other people in town since they don’t strictly sit with their family. People mix with one another to catch up on gossip and share news of their life with others. Shadowville is a really tight community I’ve learned since starting to work here. It makes me miss my mom even more if I’m being honest. She would have loved living here and getting to know everyone. Including the men and women of the club.

“Jas, order up,” Corrinth calls out as I make my way back to set the carafe down.

Grabbing the plates, I make my way over to the guys from the club. Just as I get to their table, I once again trip over nothing more than air spilling a full plate of eggs, bacon, and homefries all over Grave. Looking with mortification filling me, I remain still for a minute before moving to set the remaining plates down. Turning around, I quickly grab a cloth to help Grave clean up the mess I’ve made.

“I’m so sorry, Grave,” I tell him, handing him the cloth to wipe up his cut and clothes.

“It’s okay sweetheart. It wouldn’t be a good day if one of us weren’t covered in food. You’re fine, don’t worry about it,” he tells me giving me a smile as he cleans himself up.

Jason helps me clean up the mess I’ve made on the floor as Corrinth makes him another plate of food. I feel absolutely horrible for covering him with food. For the rest of the morning, I continue walking from one table to the next serving customers. I don’t get tripped up again this morning, but my stomach isn’t feeling any better either. All I want is to finish my shift so I can get home and take a nap. Colby will be ready for his so maybe today I can get him to sleep in my room so we can both take one.

As I walk out to my car, followed by Jason, I pull out my phone to find no messages or calls. Pulling up Phoebe’s name I type out a message to her asking if she can keep Colby for a little while longer so I might get an hour nap in because I’m really not feeling well at all. She immediately texts back that she’ll keep him until dinner time for me so I can nap and do whatever else I have to. Thanking her, I get in my car and start it up so I can head for home. The couch is calling my name for a nap. Hopefully it will be all I need to start feeling even semi-normal again.