Smokey’s Turmoil by Erin Osborne

Chapter Eighteen


THE GUYS HAVE been checking on Jasmine for the last week. I’ve listened to them talk about how worried they are about her and how shitty she looks. She’s been getting sick and Corrinth has given her time off from the diner because of it. Jasmine’s been playing it off as stress and not sleep, but I don’t think that’s the case. From what I’ve seen of Charlotte and Colby, they’re amazing kids and wouldn’t be causing her all this stress to the point she’s sick.

Yes, I fully admit I could be the cause of some of her stress after bailing on her the way I did. Instead of being with her to help with the kids, I left her all alone with a new little boy and a teenager. I can imagine all of the thoughts running through her head about what’s going on in her life right now. She’s thinking Charlotte is taking on way too much for a girl her age. At the same time, she wants to make sure Colby is getting every single thing he needs to help him through the life he’s had so far. Her hope will be he doesn’t remember much of it as time goes on and she’ll help him in any way he needs.

This morning on the way to the construction site I’m working on, I drive by Jasmine’s. Her car was parked in the driveway with someone other than Jason sitting out front. He’s the main one watching over her so that lets me know he was the one escorting Charlotte to school, so she made it there on time. Instead of heading straight to the site, I pull into the diner parking lot for the first time in weeks. I’ve missed the food and seeing Corrinth in here. Hell, I miss the diner period.

Parking my truck next to Ink and Renegade’s, I shut it down and make my way inside. Opening the door, the smell of her homemade food instantly hits me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before walking inside to join the guys at our normal booth in the back of the diner.

“What brings you in?” Renegade asks, his eyebrow in question.

“Thought I’d stop by. Miss eatin’ in here,” I answer him, my voice never wavering.

“And you know Jasmine is off work right now. Are you ever gonna man the fuck up when it comes to her?” Ink asks me, shaking his head.

“I don’t know. She’s got a lot goin’ on right now and doesn’t need my shit. I need to figure out what I want to say to her and if I even want to continue what we were doin’,” I answer my smile for Corrinth as she places a cup of coffee in front of me.

“Ain’t seen you in here in a while,” she states the obvious. “Don’t think you can come in here just because Jas isn’t working. Either you’re gonna come in every single way or you’re gonna stay the hell away.”

I wouldn’t expect Corrinth to be anything less than blunt. She won’t let me hurt Jasmine more than I have in the last few weeks. At this point, Jasmine is the only one she’s concerned about. Yeah, she’s got her kids and the members of the club. Jasmine, Charlotte, and Colby are members of her family and will protect them with everything in her. I’m not going to tell her anything I won’t tell the guys or Jasmine to her face. Yes, I’m worried about her and I’ll do what I can to make things between us right. At the end of the day whatever happens is between Jasmine and me. No one else gets a say in what we do or don’t do in the future between us.

“I’ll be in here from now on,” I tell her, meaning it. “I’m gettin’ out of my head and my shit straight. It’s just goin’ to take time and I need to do what’s right for the both of us. Not just for myself but for Jasmine and the kids as well. There is a lot to take into consideration.”

“You just do right by her, and we’ll be good Smokey. You’re one of the best men I know, and I do know you. You let your past rule you and dictate what’s going to happen for your future. At the end of the day, we only have one chance at this thing we call life. You’ll do the right thing when it comes to her. No matter what’s happened in your past, you deserve to be happy and be loved in return for loving Jasmine and those babies. For once, do the right thing for yourself Smokey. Don’t push everyone away because of some idea in your head about what is and isn’t supposed to happen,” Corrinth tells me, placing her hand on my shoulder as she speaks to me.

“I’m tryin’ to get there Corrinth. It’s just goin’ to take some time,” I tell her honestly.

“Don’t take too much time. Jas needs your strength right now. She needs you more than she’ll ever let on. Jasmine is an amazing woman who will not be alone for very long. I hope you don’t miss out on the best thing that’s ever happened to you. I’ll get your usual and leave you to it. I’ve said my peace. For now,” Corrinth states, her voice has that motherly edge she’s perfected over the years.

Nodding my head, I sit back in my seat, taking a sip of my coffee. Ink and Renegade don’t say another word to me. They eat their breakfast in silence as Corrinth brings mine over to me. I’ve got my standard eggs over easy with toast and homefries. Usually, I’d have sausage or bacon but not today. That’s how she lets me know she’s mad at me. Corrinth knows to hold food back when one of us upsets or pisses her off. This morning and for the foreseeable future I’ll be missing something from my plate every single time I come here.

“You gonna be at the clubhouse later on?” Ink asks me.

“Nope. Gonna go to work and then head to the apartment. I got the next run to plan out for you guys. I’ll be in the office there if you need to stop over.”

“We’ll see. I know Phoebe and Corrinth plan on goin’ to see Jasmine today or tomorrow. She’s not gettin’ any better. The way she’s sick is unlike anythin’ I’ve ever seen before. It’s not good Smokey,” Ink tells me more information.

“Why the fuck hasn’t she gone to the doctor yet? Or the damn hospital?”

“She refuses to go to the hospital and has a doctor’s appointment tomorrow I believe it is. We’ll make sure she gets there and gets checked out,” Renegade promises me.

Nodding my head, I know I’ll be checking it out for myself. I’m not going to stand by and do absolutely nothing while she could have something terribly wrong with her. These guys are never going to have Jasmine’s back the way I will. There is no way I’m going to stand back any longer while Phoebe and Corrinth do nothing more than listen to her pacify them. That’s exactly what they’re doing as far as I’m concerned. If she won’t listen to them and go get seen, I’m going to make sure it happens. I just don’t know how I’m going to do that right this second.

Finishing my breakfast, I pay the bill leaving a generous tip for Corrinth as usual. She hates us leaving her tips and all that shit, but we still do it. Heading out to my truck, I make my way back past Jasmine’s house. Jason is sitting outside in his truck to keep warm. If I were smart, I’d have stayed by her side and not let her out of my sight. Especially when she’s now sick as fuck and won’t take care of herself.

Making my way to the site, Renegade and the guys are all here. I’m the last one here. Again. It seems to be something I’m constantly doing these days. With Jasmine constantly on my mind, I can’t sleep or wake up on time. I’m lucky if I fall asleep before five in the morning only to try and wake back up at seven thirty to get on the road for breakfast and coffee before heading out to whatever site we’re working on. My routine has been off the last few weeks since I haven’t been going to the diner. I’ve been skipping breakfast and finding other places to go to for lunch.

Heading over, I find out what Renegade wants me to get started on at the house we’re working on remodeling. It would be easier to tear the house down and start from scratch instead of doing the amount of work the client wants us to do. Renegade and I talked about it, but this is what the client wants us to do so we’re gonna do it. One room at a time we go through and fix every room.

“Want you in the master bathroom today,” Renegade informs me, looking up from the paperwork sitting in front of him.

“How much of it’s been done so far?” I question him, trying to prepare for his answer.

“Not a fuckin’ thing. With the Prospects and shit helpin’ watch over Jasmine, we’ve been light handed. You’ll have to do a total demolition and then start rebuildin’ it. The plans should be up there already. If they’re not in there, let me know and I’ll get them up there,” he tells me, his voice distracted and shit as he continues looking over the new ideas the homeowners have emailed him.

These people not only want every single one of the rooms re-done in their home, but they also continuously change their mind about what they want. Walking up into the master bathroom, I search for the plans Renegade has drawn up. There is nothing here. Pulling out my phone, I let Renegade know they aren’t up here. For now, I’ll be tearing everything apart. That’s the least I can do so I’m not wasting my day until Renegade can get the new plans up here for me to follow when it comes to putting everything back together.

This is turning out to be a shitty day. I’ve hit my leg more than once with the damn sledgehammer, my hands are covered in blood and cuts from the pieces of shit flying all over the place as I tear down every single piece of this bathroom. By the time I’m done with the demolition, I’m more than ready for a hot shower and bed. There will be no more work on the run after work or going over to check on Jasmine and the kids today. I’m so damn exhausted I can’t do anything but drive directly to the apartment. After taking a hotter shower than normal so I can try to ease the aches from my body, I promptly crash in my bed without drying completely off.