Smokey’s Turmoil by Erin Osborne

Chapter Twenty-Five


THE LAST WEEK since the air was cleared between Smokey and Charlotte has been amazing. He’s here every single night, still sleeping on the couch, playing with Colby and helping Char with her homework. We have dinner together, Smokey helps me put the kids to bed, and then spends some time with me on the couch as we watch a movie. I go to bed alone, listening to him toss and turn on the couch trying to get comfortable. It drives me crazy, and I want nothing more than to fall asleep in his arms. Something is stopping me from making that last step though.

Smokey asks about my day and really pays attention when I let him know what’s happened and how we spent our time. He talks to me about the crazy home owners who are making one demand after another on the house they’re remodeling. I can’t believe how crazy some people are. Yeah, I understand wanting your home to be what you want, but at the same time, there is a limit for everything. Including what you’re putting your construction crew through. They’re ready to walk off if they don’t stop making demands the way they are.

I’m followed to work every single morning by Smokey and then home by Jason. Today, I have to go to the clubhouse instead of heading straight home or to the store on the way there. Something came up and Phoebe can’t bring Colby to me. I don’t really have anything against heading to the clubhouse per se, but without someone walking in with me, I feel some type of way. Especially when Jason is a Prospect and can’t say or do much if something happens. Not that I’m saying something is gonna happen in there. I just don’t trust the babes because they’re territorial and I’ve been told others have had issues with them in the past. It’s just not something I want to deal with.

Jason holds the door open for me as I step inside the warm interior. Colby immediately races to my side, wrapping his arms around my leg as Jason and Phoebe laugh at him. It’s the same way he always greets me, and I’ve learned to brace so his little body doesn’t knock me flat on my ass. Picking him up, I walk over to Phoebe who’s sitting on one of the couches with Caine in her arms. He’s already grown so much since she had him. Caine is a spitting image of Ink with a few small pieces of Phoebe thrown in. He’s going to be a charmer for sure when he gets older.

“How was work?” Phoebe asks as I sit down next to her for a few minutes.

“It was busy this morning. On top of the regular customers, I swear there was a tour bus that pulled in there today. I’ve been run off my feet and I’m ready for a nap. Did Colby already take his?” I ask, hoping we can take one when we get home.

“Yeah. He got up not long before you got here. I’m sorry Jas. I can keep him longer if you want to take a nap for a little while. I remember how tired I was when I was pregnant with this little guy,” she tells me, looking up from her son.

“No, thank you. I got some stuff to do at the house before I have to go get Char from school. Smokey’s bringing over dinner so at least that’s one less thing I need to do,” I answer her a smile on my face.

“How are things going with you two?”

“I don’t know. He sleeps on the couch every single night. I toss and turn because I want him in bed with me, but he won’t until he knows I’m ready. I’m scared of him disappearing again and leaving us all behind. He swears he won’t and so far, he’s been there every step of the way. But a week versus a lifetime are completely different.”

“I know. But you have to decide if you’re with him or if you’re gonna cut him loose. It’s the same thing you’d expect of him. If Smokey is sleeping on your short ass couch every night just to be in the same house as you guys, he’s gonna be there for the long haul. I’ve never seen him the way he is with you. Even the babes know he’s not touching them. I haven’t seen or heard about him taking a random piece of ass either. Smokey’s all in this time,” Phoebe says, never taking her eyes away from me so I can see the truth in her words.

“You’re right. I know you are. I want him by my side and to be with us every single day. It’s just hard letting people in. You know this.”

“I know honey. You can’t live your life only letting people in on the surface and never developing relationships with anyone though. That’s not what you want for Charlotte or Colby and they’re going to learn by watching you. Let us in, Jasmine. We won’t let you down. I promise,” my friend vows to me as I look at her with a smile on my face.

“I will. I’ll get better. Maybe I need to get enrolled in counseling to so I can learn how to let others in.”

“If that’s what you feel you need to do, go for it. No one’s gonna say a word about it. As long as you’re good and you have what you need, you’ll be a better person for it. We’ll all back you up. Colby’s cup is in the kitchen. I washed it when he was sleeping.”

“I’ll get it.”

Standing up, Colby remains sitting by Phoebe. He looks at Caine as he kicks his little legs all over the place. Walking in the kitchen, I’m grabbing Colby’s cup when someone comes up next to me. Looking over my shoulder, I notice one of the babes. I’ve seen her in here on the few times I’ve been in here. Even though I have never once said a word to her or looked in her direction if I can help it, she still glares daggers at me.

“You think you’re hot shit, don’t you?” she questions me, letting her gaze rake down my body.

“No, I don’t. Look, I don’t know what your problem is with me, but I have done nothing to you. There is no reason for you to be talking to me. I’m in here to only get my son’s cup before leaving here,” I state, trying to move around her.

“Smokey is my man. I suggest you stay the fuck away from him and stop chasing him around like a little lost fucking puppy dog. He doesn’t want your fat, skanky ass. The sooner you fucking realize that, the better we’ll all be. Leave him the fuck alone,” she yells out, shoving me in the shoulder.

“You really don’t want to touch me. If Smokey really wanted to have you, he’d be here with you. I know he doesn’t because he’s not here with you every single night. Is he? Now, you can leave me the hell alone. We’ll never have to talk again,” I state, again trying to walk around her to leave the kitchen.

Before I can move more than a step from her, her hands are tangled in my hair and I’m being pulled backward. I try to grab onto the counter to stop myself from hitting the floor. It doesn’t work as my back hits the floor with a thud. Before I can blink, the bitch is on top of me scratching my face and pulling my hair. Her weight is centered on my stomach where our baby rests. Fear fills me as I try to buck her off of me. Squirming and bucking, I finally manage to get her off of me as several people rush the kitchen to find out what’s going on.

The woman who attacked me immediately begins crying as she buries her face in her hands. She’s putting on quite the act as I’m covered in scratches and bleeding from my face and neck. I won’t be surprised if I’m bleeding from my head where she’s pulled hair out.

“The fuck is goin’ on in here?” Ink bellows out, rushing to my side and bending down to help me.

“She attacked me for no reason. I was just in here minding my own business and she started talking shit to me. Ink, I don’t know what I did so wrong,” the woman cries while looking up at the men surrounding us.

“Really? That’s the story you’re gonna go with?” Psycho questions her as she continues to cry.

“That’s what happened?” she says, finally stopping the fake crying.

“No, it’s really not. Heard you talkin’ shit about her. When Jasmine started to walk away, Reese here yanked her back by her hair and then jumped on her stomach. I couldn’t get in here before she put all of her weight on Jasmine’s stomach. One of the other babes must have been standin’ guard because she blocked me from gettin’ in here,” Psycho says, his voice lethal as Jason brings in the other woman.

“Smokey’s been tellin’ you if you didn’t cut your shit, you’d be out on your ass. Now, you lied to us, you attacked his pregnant woman, and you had one of the other bitches help you out,” Renegade states, his voice even more lethal than Psycho’s. “Reese, get the fuck outta here. None of the other clubs will take you and I’ll make fuckin’ sure of it. You’re to leave Shadowville and don’t ever think of comin’ back here. If you do, I’ll make sure you suffer a slow, painful death at the hands of a woman who tortures assholes and skanks like you on a daily basis. Take this other twatwaffle with you. Neither one of you are to come back here.”

“You can’t do this to me, Renegade. Smokey really loves me and is going to come to me. He’s just trying to make sure he can get his kid from here before that happens. Now it all makes sense. He hasn’t told me about the baby just yet, but now he can. We’re gonna have it all. A family of our very own,” Reese says as if she didn’t hear Renegade just tell her to get out of here.

“Jason, get her the fuck outta my sight. We need to get Smokey here now and make sure Jasmine is okay,” Renegade states. “I want you to take her to the bus stop in the next town over and make sure she gets on the fuckin’ bus before it leaves. Don’t leave there before it takes off.”

“On it. I did find out some information on her, Prez. Another club from Texas is on the lookout for her. Apparently, she stole a ton of money from them and tried to get several of them arrested for rape and abuse when they wouldn’t fuck her,” Jason states, his voice full of venom as he looks down at Reese.

Looking at her, I notice her body drain of color with the words he’s saying. I’m not sure how he knows, but she’s terrified as her body begins shaking uncontrollably. Her tears this time are real as she looks around the room for someone to help her. none of these men are going to be her savior as Ink and Renegade stand next to me and Psycho stands next to the other woman.

“How do you know this?” Psycho asks him.

“It’s my brother’s club. The one I told you about when I came here to Prospect. He’s one of the guys she tried to get arrested for rape and abuse. Planted drugs on him too. The club and cops are both lookin’ for this bitch,” Jason says, his voice hard as hell.

I’ve never heard his voice hard like that. Jason is a good guy and has helped me on more than one occasion. Still, today he’s showing me a different side of him; one I don’t ever want to be on the other end of. Jason looks at me and his gaze instantly softens as he takes in all the marks on my face and neck as unshed tears fill my eyes.

“Put them on a bus to Texas and then give your brother a call. Let him know she’s on her way back to them. The other bitch too. Wouldn’t surprise me if they both came up here together since they both came here together. They don’t get to grab any of their things either. I’m sure the rest of the babes will take care of it. Now, we need to get Jasmine to the hospital,” Renegade states, his voice softening as Ink and him help me up from the floor.

I’m dizzy as I stand up, but neither man lets go of me or steps away from me. Reese shrieks and screams the entire way through the clubhouse. Ink and Renegade walk me through the common room, making sure Phoebe is good to keep Colby and will pick up Charlotte while I’m at the hospital. If I weren’t pregnant, I wouldn’t be going, but I want to make sure she didn’t do anything to our unborn child.

“Smokey is on his way to the hospital. He’s pissed as fuck so I’m guessin’ it’s a good thing Jason’s gettin’ Reese out of here before Smokey lays eyes on her. He’s goin’ to make sure no one gets close to your ass from now on,” Psycho lets us know as Ink helps me in the backseat of an SUV.

“How are you feelin’?” Ink asks as he slides in next to me while Psycho and Renegade get in the front.

“I’ve been better. My head and back hurt from the fall and her pulling my hair. I don’t feel any pain in my stomach right now, but I know Smokey won’t rest until we know nothing’s wrong with the baby. I’m sorry all of this started in the clubhouse today,” I answer him.

“You got shit to be sorry for Jasmine. That bitch has been obsessed with Smokey since she came in. He has never touched her and never would. No one else has even entered his radar since you came into the picture,” Psycho says as Renegade drives us to the hospital.

By the time we reach the emergency room entrance, Smokey is already standing there and he’s pacing with a pissed off look on his face. As soon as the SUV pulls up, he’s opening up one of the back doors. It just so happens to be mine. Smokey pulls me into his arms bridal style before carrying me inside the doors.

“I need help. My woman needs to be seen. Now,” he bellows out, his voice echoing off the empty waiting room.

A nurse rushes into the waiting room and takes a look at me. Within seconds, I’m being carried back to the exam rooms. Smokey carefully sets me on the gurney as the nurse puts on a pair of gloves. As she asks questions about what happens, Smokey answers her. Psycho must have told him what happened to me. She cleans up my face and neck where the scratches are letting us know I won’t need stitches. Then she lets us know a doctor will be in shortly.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Smokey asks, taking a seat on one of the hard plastic chairs and holding my hand.

“I hope so. There’s no pain in my stomach. My back and head hurt though, and my face burns where the scratches are. I’m sorry Smokey. I tried to protect our little one. I bucked her off of me as soon as I could,” I answer him, my voice wavering.

“I know you did baby. There is nothin’ for you to be sorry about. Reese is the one who chose to confront you because I won’t give her the time of day. This is my fault,” he tells me, his head dropping onto the bed next to me.

“No. It’s her fault. She’s the one who chose to come in and pull this shit,” I tell him as I run my fingers through his hair.

I’m in the emergency room for a few hours before I’m finally released to go home. I’m on bed rest for the next week or so until I can get into see my doctor. She’ll make the call about what happens next. Right now, the baby looks fine, and we got to hear the heartbeat again. Corrinth was there when I got told about bed rest and she gave me the next two weeks off to ensure I’m okay. There’s a knot on my head from hitting the floor and my back is bruised. It’s going to be a little while before I can move around without pain filling me. Smokey is pissed as hell, but doesn’t leave my side at all. He makes sure I have everything I need and helps take care of the kids while I rest.