Smokey’s Turmoil by Erin Osborne

Chapter Four


A GROUP OF us decided to take a ride tonight. Soon, we won’t be able to with how cold it’s already getting at night and throughout the day. I hate having to rely on my truck on a daily basis, as do most of us. For now, we ride as often as we can and dress warm as fuck to try and ward of the chill that sets in our bones from the freezing cold wind as it whips by us on our rides. We were almost back at the clubhouse when Ink called to see if we wanted to meet at the diner. Phoebe’s hungry and wants to eat before going to bed.

These days, Ink doesn’t do anything to piss his woman off. She’s overly emotional and ready to pop any day now. So, we all decided to get something to eat. Or at least grab a coffee to warm us up before heading back to the clubhouse. Whenever we’re around Phoebe, we all remain quiet and let her do her thing. For the most part. She’s not allowed to lift anything or do much because Ink’s scared to death of her going into labor when he’s not around her. We’re all on babysitting duty until they’re child is born.

All of us arrive about the same time to find it already filling up fast with people showing up for a bite to eat after the game. Parking toward the back of the parking lot where the employees park, we all head inside. My eyes immediately zone in on Jasmine as she makes shakes. A table full of punks are rowdy, talking loudly and laughing like it’s their job. They’re already annoying the hell out of me and we just walked through the damn door. This is going to extend my night by a lot more than I was anticipating. However, it’s the same each and every night there’s a home game.

Phoebe makes her way over to Jasmine as she finishes working on the milkshakes. I can’t hear what they’re saying over the boisterous group sitting too close for comfort. After Jas offers her a small, sad smile, Phoebe makes her way back over to the table to squeeze in next to her man. Ink lets Song Bird know he appreciates her not letting Phoebe work before she begins to make her way over to the table of assholes. I watch on as the lead ass purposely stands up and knocks into Jasmine. For what seems like hours she jostles and tries to maintain balance of the tray filled with glasses. She ends up losing her battle as the tray goes flying up in the air before landing with chocolate shake all over the little fucker.

Jasmine’s body is shaking as red tint fills her pale skin from the blush. She’s embarrassed as hell and upset. Still, I don’t move until I know what’s going to happen. I want to know if she’ll fight this battle on her own before I step in. Too bad the fucker shows his temper at his own fuck-up before anyone can say or do anything to help her.

“You fat fucking bitch!” he yells, causing all talking and laughter in the diner to cease. “Look what you fucking did. How can you continue working here when you’re nothing more than a fucking menace to society? Get the fuck out of here with that.”

“I’m so sorry,” she apologizes to him, her voice barely heard over the completely still air of the quiet diner.

“I don’t need your fucking apology. Get the fuck outta my sight and don’t ever try to wait on me again you fat fucking cow,” he yells once more as everyone begins laughing hysterically at the tears falling down her face now.

Jasmine races from floor of the diner as I begin to get out of my seat. She collides into the wall just behind the last booth on the opposite side of the floor. After bouncing off, the thud of her landing on the floor echoes in the room as no one is talking yet. Well, no one other than the motherfuckers at the table who just embarrassed her. They break out in laughter and high fiving one another as the bathroom door shuts. Jas is so upset; she wouldn’t dream of slamming the door though; it’s not in her to do so.

Jumping from the booth, I take a few steps in the direction of the punk ass bitches before arms wrap around me. looking back, Ink, Renegade, and Psycho are holding me. Anger fills their eyes as they look from me to the table of punks and back again.

“We’re just as mad as you are right now,” Renegade says, not taking his eyes off the group. “They’re fuckin’ minors and you need to keep your fuckin’ cool Smokey. Not lookin’ for you to do a stint in jail because you let your rage get the better of you.”

“Not gonna touch a hair on their fuckin’ heads,” I respond as they finally let me go. “You think that shits funny?”

The douche canoe covered in shake turns to face me with defiance in his eyes. He’s going to be a twatwaffles until the very end.

“It was fucking hilarious,” he states, turning his back on me to laugh and high five his friends some more.

“Really? It’s hilarious to hurt someone both mentally and physically. Do you not see the fuckin’ sign statin’ the floors are wet? Or do you get off on hurtin’ other people? It makes you feel like a fuckin’ King, doesn’t it?” I yell, getting in his face as the guys stand at my back ready to pull me back in a split second.

“Are you fucking dumb? I said that shit is hilarious. She’s nothing more than a fat piece of shit who doesn’t deserve to lick the bottom of my fucking shoes,” he tells me, completely serious as gasps sound throughout the building.

Phoebe pushes past me as I step up even closer to the fucker. I’m done playing games with him.

“Hey Mama Corrinth?” I call out, never taking my eyes off him.

“Yeah honey.”

“Don’t bother sendin’ the food they ordered to their table. We’ll fuckin’ take it. This bitch is gonna pay though. Before he leaves the restaurant and never steps foot in here again. Not a single one of you are to fuckin’ step foot in here again. We’ve got cameras all over the place and will show up in a split second if you do. You’re lucky you’re fuckin’ minors,” I tell him, meaning every single word coming out of my mouth.

“You can’t fucking do that,” he states as if he has any pull here.

“Really? I think I just did. See these two guys here?” I ask, pointing to Psycho and Renegade standing behind me. “Their mama owns it, and this place has the protection of the club. What we say goes for douche bags who believe it’s okay to hurt and humiliate others for sport. Mama, you want these twatwaffles and skanks in here ever again?”

“Nope. They’re done in here. Don’t need the business of their parents either. They can travel outside of town to cause their shit,” she answers, her voice going to that level of a pissed off parent.

“Didn’t want to eat your nasty ass food anyway,” the punk returns trying to save face in front of his friends.

“You got a few more years. I’m gonna keep a close eye on your punk ass. When you’re least expectin’ it, I’m gonna take your ass out,” I promise him.

“You can’t threaten me.”

“Not a threat. I’m gonna wait until you’re old enough before I fuck your bitch and make her mine. Then, I’m gonna take every single thing you own from you. I’ll be sure to have your kids callin’ me daddy while your ex-wife sucks my cock whenever I demand it. Before handin’ her over to the rest of the guys to use as they want,” I tell him, not meaning a single word coming out of my mouth.

It’s a good thing he doesn’t know who we are as men. This bitch believes every single word I’m spewing as his face pales. Before he can say a single word in response, the chairs are screeching out from under the weight of the kids sitting in them as they rush to stand up and pull him through the door. Tables are pushed out of their way as they move quickly through the door. Chairs tumble to the floor as the door slams closed behind them. They won’t be making a return trip here anytime soon. If they choose to be stupid, we’ll be here to kick them the fuck out.

At the same time, Phoebe walks back onto the main floor. Her face is filled with anguish and pain for her friend. Even if Jasmine isn’t ready to let her in, Phoebe doesn’t care. She’s going to stand by her side and have her back each and every second of the day. Especially when assholes like this pick on her and torment her. Her actions only let me know what I’ve already felt about Jasmine. She’s been picked on and hurt her entire life with no one to stand up for her. That shit isn’t going to happen anymore as long as one of us in the club are around.

“Smokey, please help her. She’s hurt and crying in the bathroom. Jasmine won’t let me in,” Phoebe begs me, tears falling down her face.

Nodding my head, I leave the main room as customers and members of the club put the tables back and set the chairs upright. Stopping at the bathroom door, I take a second to breathe deeply in an attempt to control the rage flowing through my veins. When I finally regain some sort of control over myself, I knock on the door. Harder than I meant to if I’m being honest.

“Song Bird, let me in,” I demand through the closed door.

“I’m okay,” her shaken voice comes back through the wood.

“I’m not playin’, Jasmine. Let me in,” I order her once more, letting my voice go harsher than before.

It takes a minute for her to open the door. Sliding inside, I don’t let anyone walking back this way see inside to witness her pain even more. My eyes land on her tear-stained cheeks as more tears silently roll down until they drip landing on the floor at her feet. She’s covered in blood, chocolate, and wetness from trying to help the kid clean up from the mess coating him. pulling her into my arms, I don’t give a fuck about the mess getting on my clothes or cut. All that matters is comforting the young woman standing before me who has a heart of gold and would do anything for those around her. Jasmine doesn’t deserve this treatment and I will do everything in my power to make people pay.

While she’s still in my arms, Jasmine takes several deep breaths. She’s trying to get herself under control in order to talk to me or simply leave this bathroom. I tighten my arms around her body to hold her close to me for a minute longer. It’s only a matter of time before she makes me let her go. Feeling her in my arms brings me peace it shouldn’t and I want to keep her here forever. Or wrap her up in bubble wrap so nothing can ever hurt her again.

“I need to get back out there,” she tells me, as she holds her body rigid in my arms.

“No, you don’t. You need to take a few minutes so I can look at your injuries. If I think you need to go to the hospital, you’ll be goin’ without complaint,” I tell her, my voice harsh at the pain I know she’s trying to hide in order to appear stronger than she really is.

“Smokey, I’m fine. I’ve definitely done worse damage to myself before and I know when I can work and when I can’t. Please excuse me,” she states, pushing past me to get out of the close confines of the small bathroom.

As I walk back out to the floor, Corrinth is ushering her in back. I know she won’t take Jasmine’s refusal for help. Walking back over to the tables with the rest of the club, I take my seat with Phoebe and Ink as they eat the burgers and fries those assholes ordered. My blood is still boiling at the scene they caused in here all to hurt someone who would never cause another person harm.

“Is she okay?” Phoebe asks me, her voice still wobbling in emotion.

“I don’t know. She holds everythin’ in and won’t let anyone get close,” I tell her honestly. “Jasmine has a dark past, of that, I’m sure. Until she trusts us enough to open up, there’s really not much we can do. Just try to be there for her and let her know she can talk to you when she wants to. Have you noticed anythin’ off about her in the last few days?”

“No. I really haven’t seen her though. Why?”

“I’m not sure. Just get a feelin’ somethin’ else is goin’ on. I’m goin’ to keep an eye on her for the next few days,” I tell her, standing up to make my way to Renegade. “I’m gonna need a few days off. Somethin’ is goin’ on with her and I don’t want to leave her alone. Jasmine won’t trust the Prospects to watch over her, so I’ll do it.”

“Need any help?” he immediately asks.

“I don’t know yet. I’ll let you know when I do.”

Nodding his head, Renegade doesn’t ask any further questions. Each and every single member here has a soft spot for Jasmine. She has wormed her way into our hearts without even trying to. In fact, for the most part, she wants to stay hidden in the shadows. It’s not going to work out for her here because these men and women will do anything to help her. She’s going to realize it sooner or later.

Sitting back down, I accept the plate of food Jasmine brings over to me. She’s forcing a smile on her face before turning around with a coffee carafe in her hand to check on the other customers. Even when the rest of the guys leave the diner, I remain in my seat. I’m not going anywhere until Jasmine is off of work and I can follow her back to the apartment. Corrinth and her are used to it though. Whenever I come in late at night, I stay until they’re done closing. We don’t like them walking to their cars in the dark.

Following Jasmine back to the apartment we share after they’re done closing, I let her inside. No words are spoken between us as she immediately walks to the bathroom and closes the door. I walk through the apartment and lock things down for the night. Grabbing a bottle of water out of the refrigerator, I take it to Jasmine’s room. As I make my way further down the hall to my room, I listen for the water running. She’s not taking a shower tonight; she’s going to relax in a bath. That might just be the best thing for her.

I close my door behind me, stripping out of my clothes. Getting in bed, I don’t need to have a drink or anything else. Jasmine gets up early in the morning and I’m going to get on her schedule for the next few days. She’s not going to know what to do with me as her shadow. Though I know I make her nervous as hell because of her attraction to me. She can’t hide that shit from me since I know all of her movements and watch her closely. Closing my eyes, I don’t let sleep claim me until listening to her footsteps pad down the hall to her room. Only then do I let sleep claim me as I dream of her.