Badge by K.L. Savage


Benji has been a pure gentleman tonight, but all I can think about is that jealous kiss I received from Badge. What the hell is wrong with me? This is what he wanted. I hate to admit that he was right. I am on a lovely date with a very nice guy, but here I am thinking about that kiss. I should have punched him instead of just slapping him.

He has some fucking nerve.

“You’re looking at me like you want to kill me,” Benji comments as we take a stroll through the park. “Again.”

“Benji, oh god.” I hide my face in my hands, so embarrassed that I’ve been treating him so unfairly tonight. “I’m so sorry. I don’t mean to. It isn’t you. You’re amazing.”

“I kind of get the feeling you’re into someone else?” He turns his head slightly to peer at me.

Damn, he is handsome. He shaved for tonight and he is wearing a black shirt with a black blazer with dark fitted jeans.

“I don’t know,” I exhale the words. “I don’t want to be. He doesn’t like me. Or I mean, he doesn’t want me, but he doesn’t want anyone else to have me, which he earned a hard slap to the cheek for.”

“I’m sorry. I know what that’s like.”


“Yeah. My sophomore and freshman years, I had a best friend. We were always together, and she was everything to me, but I felt like her last resort. She would get upset when I went out on dates, but she wouldn’t date me. Eventually, for my own benefit, I cut things off. I had to end the friendship. It sucked, but I had to do it. I also had a small thing for your friend Nora but then she started dating a guy I’m pretty sure kills people for a living. No judgment,” he rushes to say and both of us laugh.

I don’t confirm or deny anything.

“And now you’re out with me, someone who apparently likes someone else and I’m wasting your time. You don’t deserve that, Benji. God, I’m sorry. I really came out tonight with the best intentions. I really wanted to forget about him and move on. You are perfect.”

He grins, showing those damn dimples again. “Ah, it’s okay. You’re beautiful, but I can’t say I’m surprised you have someone else interested in you. If it is one of the Kings, I can’t imagine he took you going out tonight well.”

“He didn’t, but I don’t care.”

“You want him to stew?”

“We can’t talk about this. It isn’t okay.”

“Hey, at the end of the day, if I can gain a new friend, I’m happy. We can be friends, right?”


“Okay, so spill. Do you want him to stew?”

“A little bit. Does that make me a bad person?”

“No. If someone dragged me along, I’d want to give them a taste of their own medicine too.” He glances at his watch. “So it’s been about three hours now. We had a great dinner, dessert, and went to a play. Now, we are taking a romantic stroll in the park. Does he follow you on social media?”

“I only have Instagram and I don’t use it that often, but yes, he does.”

“Let’s take a picture and you can post it on there.”

“You’re evil.” I playfully shove him, and I swear his perfect teeth glimmer in the moonlight.

“I’m only trying to help. I know what jealousy is like. I don’t know what this dude’s problem is, but he is insane if he doesn’t want you, Hope. Let’s show him what he’s missing.” He steals my phone from my hand, clicks on the camera, then grabs my hand and spins me around. Benji dips me over his knee, and I smile, a big genuine smile because he makes me laugh and I feel safe with him.

I just wish he made me feel more than that.

He takes a few pictures and then brings me, to a standing position. He wraps his arms around me and his cologne tickles my senses. He smells good too.

God, why do I have to be the woman hung up on a man who doesn’t want her? Why do I have to want a man who makes me confused more times than not when men like Benji exist?

I kind of hate myself a little for that.

“Smile,” he says, pointing the camera at us.

We take a few more selfies and then he posts them to something called ‘My Story.’ It’s another place to post pictures instead of my actual feed, which kind of doesn’t make sense to me. Why not just post the pictures? What’s the point of a story?

“That should piss him off.” With a proud smile, he hands my phone to me, and I slip it into my oversized billfold again.

“You’re going to make one lucky woman very happy one day, you know,” I tell him, and if I’m not mistaken, he blushes.

He scratches the back of his neck. “So I’ve heard. I can’t wait for the day. I’m not like a lot of guys who like to date around.”

“Benji, you aren’t like a lot of guys,” I say earnestly, standing on my tiptoes and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “I know I was a terrible date, but I had a really great time.”

“I did too,” he says, offering me his arm as we head back to the car. “Come on. I’ll take you home and build myself up to getting punched in the face.”

We laugh and I place my cheek on his shoulder. “You aren’t going to get punched in the face. Badge is never going to make a move, not when my dad is his friend.”

“Badge? The one that always looks pissed off?”

“Yeah, that’s him.”

“Isn’t he… never mind.”

“Older?” I smirk.

“Yeah,” he chuckles. “Sorry, I didn’t want to be rude.”

“No, he is older, but that isn’t the problem. Not for us. It’s my dad.”

“Well, maybe I need to have a talk with Badge. If I can prepare myself for a dart, surely he can.” He opens the car door for me, and I get in, keeping my dress tucked beneath me.

My skin is sticky from the humidity clinging to the air. When Benji starts the car, the air conditioning turns on and I sigh in relief as soon as it hits my skin.

A hit station playing a song I don’t know has the speakers lightly thumping and Benji turns the music down. “Listen, I really want you to know, there are no hard feelings. I had a great time and I’m always happy to make new friends. It’s a bummer, but I understand it. I don’t want you to feel bad.”

“Thanks, Benji, but I’m going to feel bad. You’re too nice of a guy for me to just not feel guilty.”

“Me and Nora still hang out and her father knew of my interest in her. I don’t like her like that anymore. She’s one of my really good friends and I hope you can be too. I promise I’m not mad about it.”

“I’m sure the line of women for you is very long.”

“Not the kind of women I want,” he sighs. “They all think they can marry me or something and be set for the rest of their lives because of my chance to go to the NFL.”

“I’m sorry. Being used isn’t fun.”

“You sound like you know what I’m talking about,” he says, the car slowing down as we pull onto Loneliest Road.

“I know all too well what you mean.”

“If you ever want to talk about it, I’m here. You have my number,” he offers.

“Thanks. I think I will. It will be nice to have a new friend to talk to.” I still want to kick myself in the ass. Benji is kind, smart, normal in the sense that he probably hasn’t killed anyone, and he knows what he wants. He’s a good guy.

I want to bang my head against this window. Maybe it would help knock some sense into me.

I doubt it, because then I think of Badge and that damn kiss, his body, his hands on me, his good heart… Benji may be a good guy, but I know Badge is meant for me.

Then that damn sense I need flies out the window.

Benji turns into the driveway where Braveheart is sitting in the shed. He gives us a friendly wave and opens the gate. The Hellcat purrs as he parks next to the bikes and then grumbles before he shuts off the engine, gets out, and comes out to open the door for me.

“Such a gentleman.” He offers his hand to help me out of the car and I take it. He walks me up the stairs and pauses at door. “Thanks for everything, Benji. I had a great time.”

“Text me or call me anytime you want to hang out—and bring Faith. I’d love to meet her. I’ll see you later, okay?” He grins and once again, I’m kicking myself because he is perfect, but it’s too late for me.

I belong to someone else. It wouldn’t be fair to Benji if I were to start anything with him.

“I hope so.” I kiss him on the cheek again and he shoots me a wink before heading down the steps toward his car. I open the door and Dad is sitting on the couch, dart in one hand and my daughter in the other. “Dad! What are you doing? She could get hurt.” I hurry over to her and make sure she hasn’t accidentally nicked herself.

He rolls his eyes. “Like I’d ever let that happen. I had to be ready. I wanted to make sure he wasn’t coming inside with you.”

“Dad.” I point to Faith. “How do you think she was created?”

His face softens and he holds her closer to his chest. “I love her more than anything, but how she was created was from an environment you couldn’t control. We both know you didn’t plan on having a baby at eighteen, Hope. And you’re still my daughter. If I want to throw a dart a boy who thinks he has a chance at getting into your pants, then I’m going to.”

“You’re ridiculous.” I bend down and kiss Faith on top of the head and she yawns. “I can take her now if you want.”

“No. If you don’t mind, I’d like to take her for the night. Is that okay? You know she’ll be safe with me. I swear nothing will happen, and I’ll call you if anything does, but you can trust me with her, Hope. I have everything she needs at the cabin already—”

“—Dad, stop it. Of course I trust you. You can take her. You know besides me, you’re the only other person I know that would protect her with your life. You and Ruby. You just tell me when you want to take her, Dad. Okay? Plus, it would be nice to have the rest of the night. Wearing heels was a bad choice. I want to take a bath.”

He stands up and tucks the dart in his pocket, then cradles Faith. “Thanks, sweetheart. And yes, go enjoy your night. Me and my sidekick are going to go watch R-rated movies.”

I deadpan him with raised brows and my hands on my hips.

“Kidding. I’m kidding.” He chuckles as he kisses my cheek. “I’ll see you in the morning.” He heads outside to start his way to his cabin, closing the door behind him.

I puff out my cheeks as I exhale. My feet are killing me. The heels click loudly in the silent house. It’s crazy to me that a clubhouse is so calm and it’s because most of everyone has kids—and if they don’t have kids, they go to Kings’ Club, Tool and Juliette’s bar down on the Strip.

So it’s only midnight and it’s as quiet as a damn mouse. I’m afraid if I hit anything, I’ll wake the entire house. I take a left down the hallway and open my door, then sag against it to shut it.

“What a night,” I whisper to myself in the darkness of my room.

I reach behind me and tug the clip out of my hair, groaning as the strands tumble free. I sift my fingers through the roots and audibly moan. Holy shit, that feels good.

“Have fun?”

I scream as the lamp turns on from the corner and Badge is sitting in the recliner, staring at me with an expression that should make me afraid.

“What the fuck! Forrest, you scared the hell out of me. What are you doing waiting in my room, alone and in the dark? It’s weird.” I kick off my heels, possibly aiming at Badge in hopes a spike lands right on his… shin.

He stands up and picks up his phone from the nightstand, swiping it open. He shoves the phone in my face. “What the hell is this?”

I try not to act smug as I take off my earrings. “Looks like the wonderful night I had with Benji.” I huff and spin away, my hair fanning over my shoulder.

He grabs my arm to stop me from walking into the bathroom. “Let me go, Badge.” His hold on me is gentle, yet firm, making my body ignite in a fever born from desire.

“Did you kiss him?”

“That’s none of your business,” I sneer, turning my cheek to my shoulder.

His hand grips my hair, tugs it back, controlling me so I can’t move without the strands pulling on my scalp, and he shoves me against the wall. It takes all I have not to moan and spread my legs, inviting him inside me.

This is a fight and I’m willing to give it to him. Both of us are pissed off, both of us are turned on, and both of us are to our limits.

“It is my business,” he snarls into my ear, one hand against my hip and the other on the back of my head. “It’s my fucking business if I need to go out and kill a twenty-year-old kid for putting his hands on you.”

“What he did or didn’t do with his hands is not your concern,” I say through rough breaths.

He flips me to my back and his hand wraps around my throat, his thumb nestled against my bottom lip. “Don’t fucking play with me, Hope. Don’t.” But his tone isn’t harsh, it’s more desperate.

Our eyes meet and his blue eyes shine with agony and fire.

“What if he did kiss me?” I poke the bear, pissed off that Badge kissed me before my date because then all I thought about was him.

His jaw flexes.

“What if he did touch me?” I lean forward, pressing my neck against his hand. “What if Benji took me in the back of his car, lifted my dress, and fucked me because I begged him to take my mind off you.” I provoke him, my heart slamming against my chest because I know the pain I see in his eyes is reflected in my own.

But he has no idea how he made me feel before I had to leave. His constant rejection is more than I can take.

“You better fucking hope he didn’t,” he growls, inching his face closer to mine.

“Or what?”

“Did he touch you?” he asks again, staring at the photo on his phone of me dipped over Benji’s knee. He lifts his head up brushes his thumb against my lips.

“I let him do whatever he wanted to me because someone else wouldn’t.” My eyes widen when he picks me up by my throat. But it’s not angry. It’s almost… supportive. My hands wrap around his wrist and for some fucked up reason, I’m not scared.

He throws me on the bed and takes my dress in his hands and tugs it up to my hips, then fists my panties and yanks them off. Badge’s fingers slip through my folds before I can speak a word and he straddles my legs, his free hand finding my throat again to keep me pinned down.

“You are a fucking liar,” he groans, shoving his sweats down until his long, hard cock is free. The wide, pink tip has a bead of come pooling at the slit, and my mouth waters for a taste. God, his cock is perfect. Long, thick, and his sack is heavy with round orbs full of come.

“Is this what you wanted me to do, then?” he barks.

He leans forward, cock just inches away from my entrance. His arm is still holding me down hard against the bed. I want to get up, to tell him to go away—no I don’t. I want him to fuck me.

I open my legs a little wider, desperately trying to wriggle closer to his cock; trying to wrap myself around it. My hips are bucking and my breathing is unsteady. I can’t take it anymore. I need his cock. I need him to fuck me.

He settles himself between my legs and thrusts inside me to the hilt. Both of us groan and my eyes roll to the back of my head when I finally feel him. He is everything I’ve ever dreamed of.

“So fucking tight,” he groans, pulling out until the crown is barely lodged inside before snapping his hips to drive into me again.

I dig my fingers into his shoulder blades, raking my nails across the skin hatefully.

Who am I kidding? I could never hate him when I fucking love him so damn much.

With Badge, I have learned the line between the two is very thin.

“Tell me,” he urges. “Tell me what he did to you so I can show you how I’m fucking better.” His hand tightens around my throat and it’s the best sensation I’ve ever experienced in my life. “No one will ever be inside you again. Only me.”

“Yes, oh god, you feel so good, so big.” I watch his abs flex as he rams into me with all of the sexual tension built between us.

“Is that what you said to him?”

I like this side of Badge. I don’t want him to stop being aggressive. I like him taking me, owning me, and if pissing him off does that, then I don’t want it to stop. But I don’t want him to feel like he’s in a competition anymore when he is the one with me, in me, and making me feel more pleasure than I’ve ever experienced before.

I grab his jaws with my hands and have to shut my eyes for a second when he hits that spot inside me that makes me see stars. “Badge,” I whimper.

“Look at me when I fuck you. I want to see what I do to you. Look at me!” he sneers, gripping my chin.

I snap my eyes open and the space between us becomes wetter the closer I get to my orgasm. “I didn’t, I didn’t kiss him,” I struggle to say. “I didn’t fuck him.”

“What were those pictures?” he curls over me and sinks in deeper, clenching his teeth around my shoulder. “Damn it, nothing has ever felt so good.”

I’m so close I can’t even speak clearly. “To—to—I’m g-going to come. Oh my god.”

He yanks out of me, and I cry out in frustration as my orgasm fades. “No! What the hell, Badge?” His cock is angry, slick, and shiny from me.

He peels off the rest of his sweatpants. My dress is hiked to my hips, and my pussy is bare to him.

“You don’t get to come until I know the truth.” He yanks the zipper of my dress down and in one tug, yanks it off me.

I couldn’t wear a bra with this dress, so my breasts tumble free, and my nipples are tight and sensitive.

His breath hitches as he stares at me. “You’re pure temptation. Your body is made for my hands. And when you’re in bed with me, you won’t call me Badge.” He knee walks to me, spins around, and hooks his legs under mine. I yelp as he flips me over. He presses his cock against me and once again yanks me back by my hair. He is manhandling me, and I love every second of it.

He can be rough.

He can be aggressive.

He can even whip out his cuffs.

All I know is, I want to be bad just so he can make me feel so good.

“Tell me or I won’t sink my big cock into your hungry, tight hole.” He nips at my ear, letting my hair go so he can grip my cheeks and spread them apart. He brings a hand down on my ass, then squeezes it, then spanks me again. “Do you know how hard it was for me to see this ass in that dress knowing you were going off with another man?”


My neck bends back as he wraps my long hair around his wrist and yanks it. Above me, he looks down while I have to stare at the ceiling to meet his gaze. “Good? Do you like pissing me off, Hope?” he spanks my ass again and I moan. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

The crown of his massive cock waits against my entrance. “Forrest.”

“Hope,” he echoes, placing his lips on my neck and kissing me.

“He didn’t touch me. He didn’t kiss me. I didn’t have sex with him. Those pictures were to make you mad.”

A dangerous sound comes from him, a rumble I can feel seeping into me. He plunges himself inside me again and in this position, he is deeper. A loud noise escapes me, and he brings a hand over my mouth to quiet me. “There are kids in this house,” he reminds me.

I really need my own space.

“All mine. You’re all mine, aren’t you?”

I nod the best I can, and tears begin to leak out of the corner of my eyes from how good he feels. I’m so close. He shoves his thumb into my mouth and his hot breath tickles the shell of my ear. “You feel so good, Angel. Like heaven, just like I knew you would. You knew you were mine and you went out with him anyway.” He fucks me harder and my clit rubs against the mattress, the dual friction too much for me to handle. “What do I need to do to remind you that the only man in your life—in your bed, out of it, and in this cunt—is me?” He snags my arms and uses them to pull my body harder against him as he rams into me.

“Was your goal to rip my heart out? Because you did.”


He flips me over again, leaving my clit swollen and sensitive with no friction. I can see the hard, sculpted edges of his face, his strong Roman nose, and the square jaw tensing as he tries to figure me out.

“Because you ripped my heart out every time you told me no,” I explain, and the words are barely out of my mouth before his lips are on mine.

“I’m sorry,” he says between kisses. “I’m so fucking sorry.” The strokes become long and deep. “Forgive me.” He kisses his way down my neck and licks a wet trail to my breast, swirling his tongue around my hard nipple. “I can’t stand the thought of you with anyone else. It makes me blind with rage.” He slams against me harder, as if he is punishing me for the date I went on.

Maybe he is.

I hope so.

Who would have thought that being punished would feel so good?

“I forgive you,” I reply just as my orgasm peaks, and I clamp around his girth. “Forrest!” I shout, coming so hard my entire body tenses and I forget to breathe for a moment.

“Hope,” he groans.

He plants himself inside me with every hot spurt that leaves him, driving himself as deep as he can. Forrest fills me to the brink and begins to drip from me, leaving me wishing I could drink him dry.

He collapses on top of me, staring into my eyes while pushing my hair out of my face. A sheen of sweat coats his forehead and the ends of his hair curl. He looks at me with something new in his eyes. There is no more frustration, no more grumpiness. He’s looking at me like I’m the only person in the world that he cares about.

I don’t know what this means, but there is no turning back.