Smokey’s Turmoil by Erin Osborne

Chapter Twenty-Three


SMOKEY HAS BEEN with me all day long. He helped me clean the house from top to bottom since it’s been a while for me to deep clean like we did today. As soon as we entered the house, he placed his cut on the back of the couch and got started cleaning each room right alongside me. I’ve never seen a man look as sexy as I did Smokey today. Watching him wash dishes and clean with me is a side of him I’ve never seen from a man before. He knew the effect he was having on me too. I could see it written in his eyes every time our gazes locked on one another.

Phoebe didn’t say a word when she dropped Colby off in the early afternoon. Other than looking between the two of us, she talked mainly about what they did during the day; play at the clubhouse while Colby followed Ink around before he went into work. It’s the same as always. They’ve had a bond since I brought Colby home from the compound. I truly believed Ink would be the closest male role model for him. Now, if Smokey gets his way, he’ll be the role model in Colby’s life.

Now, we’re off to get Charlotte from school as beef stroganoff cooks in the crockpot. I put it on just before we started cleaning and it already smells so damn good. Smokey is going to have dinner with us tonight. I’m not sure if it’s a good idea or not since Charlotte was less than receptive when he showed up at the house last night. Tonight, is completely different and she’ll let us know how she feels one way or another. That whole teenager attitude will come out if she’s not happy with him being there.

Smokey pulls up in the pick-up line for students in his truck. Charlotte won’t be looking for his truck; she’ll be looking for my car. That’s why he’s standing outside on the passenger side of the truck so she can see him. I’ve rolled my window down in case he wants to talk to me or anything while we wait. Colby is jabbering away in the backseat as he rolls his bike all over his car seat once again. It’s the same thing each and every time he’s in his seat. One day, we’re going to have to pry that bike out of his hands. It goes everywhere with him.

“Who the fuck is that boy with her?” Smokey demands as I look up startled at the tone of his voice.

“That’s a friend of hers. They usually work in groups and things together. Smokey, where are you going?” I call out as he stalks toward the pair.

From where I sit in the truck, I can’t hear what’s being said but Jared’s face is getting paler by the second. Charlotte is standing with her hands on her hips, her face turning an angry shade of red. Finally, she stalks over to the truck, as Smokey turns from Jared and follows her. A smirk is on his face as they make their way over. Char gets in the backseat next to Colby. The tension already filling the extended cab can already be cut with a knife and Smokey’s not even in the driver’s seat yet.

“Jasmine, what the hell are you doing?” Charlotte suddenly questions me, her voice filled with venom and anger. “What? He says a few sweet words to you and you take him back without a thought? We don’t need him around. Especially when he’s going to scare boys away from me for no reason. I’m not your concern Smokey.”

“Charlotte,” I begin as I turn around in my seat t face her. “You don’t know everything that’s gone on. We’ve talked about things and I’m not taking him back right now. But we are having a child together and he deserves to be in that child’s life.”

“Oh, so he can be seen as more than a fucking sperm donor? Colby and I aren’t good enough for him, but that doesn’t fucking matter to you. Does it?” she lets fly with tears falling down her face.

“Charlotte, don’t swear,” Smokey says, his voice calm and caring as he looks at her while starting the truck.

“Don’t talk to me. You are nothing to me Smokey. You had that chance and did nothing but show us we’re not good enough for you. Jasmine might be dumb enough to fall for your words but I’m not. I’ll be going to Corrinth’s house tonight,” she states as if she can determine where she lives.

“No, you’re not. You’re staying at the house and going to finish your homework. Then we’re going to talk about things rationally. You don’t get to just leave when you want to,” I tell her, not turning back around just yet.

“You don’t get to tell me what to do. Maybe my parents were right about you all along. You are truly weak, pathetic, and not good enough for anyone. Though you seem to be such a pushover you’ll let him back into your life just because he says the words you want to hear. I’m not wrong on that, Jasmine.”

“That’s enough!” I yell out, surprising everyone in the truck.

Colby begins crying with my voice raising. I can’t do much to console him until we get home. So, I hold his hand in mine and talk softly to him. Charlotte ignores the rest of us as she stares out the window. As soon as Smokey pulls in the driveway, Char is out of the truck slamming the door behind her. She stomps up the steps and stands on the porch waiting for me to unlock the door for her. I pull Colby from his car seat into my arms as he snuggles in close to me. He’s still whimpering, and I don’t know what to do to get him to stop. Smokey pulls him from my arms while I unlock the door. Char speeds past me, almost pushing me out of her way.

“I’ll leave,” Smokey says, his voice full of guilt. “I’ll let her calm down and then talk to her about why I did what I did. Maybe then she’ll understand. I will also be lettin’ her know this is not how she’s goin’ to treat you ever again. Especially not when it comes to what I’ve done. She’s mad, she takes that shit out on me and only me. I’ll see you in the mornin’ Song Bird.”

With a kiss on my forehead, Smokey hands Colby back to me. I stand in the doorway with my little guy in my arms watching him leave. Getting in his truck, Smokey gives me a slight wave before backing out and leaving. I head inside with Colby. Together, we sit on the couch and I turn on something for him to watch. Normally I’d have him on the floor playing with his toys, but he wants cuddle time. I’m not going to deny him what he wants right this second.

We remain on the couch while Charlotte is locked in her room doing God knows what. When it’s time for dinner, I make my way to her room to get her. Knocking on her door, I don’t get a response from her. Instead, I’m met with silence. Opening up her door, I search her room frantically. She’s nowhere in here, but her window is wide open letting in the cold air.

Pulling out my phone as tears begin to fall down my face, I hit Smokey’s number. He doesn’t hesitate to answer.

“Song Bird, I wasn’t expectin’ on hearin’ from you tonight,” he answers his phone.

“It’s Charlotte. She’s gone,” I state, my voice frantic.

“What do you mean she’s gone?” he asks, the music on his end of the line fading away to nothing.

“I came in to get her for dinner and she’s not in her room. Her window is wide open too. She ran away, Smokey,” I tell him, getting choked up on a sob.

“I’ll get the guys together and go look for here. Is there anywhere other than Corrinth’s she’d go?”

“No. I mean there’s a park down the road from us, but I’m not sure if she’d go there. It’s too late for her to go to Callie and Bear’s house. Smokey, I can’t lose her or have anything happen to her,” I tell him, walking back out to see Colby sitting on the couch still.

“We’ll find her and bring her back home. Keep your phone on you and let me know if she gets home. I promise I’ll bring her home to you, Jasmine.”

Smokey hangs up the phone without another word. I can’t imagine Charlotte doing something like this. She knows what my father had done with putting a price on my head. If someone is after me, the quickest way to do so would be to get to Charlotte or Colby. Now, because she’s pissed off Smokey was with me, she’s just ran off. Add on the shit she’s been through and that’s a recipe for disaster. It’s dark and cold outside, anyone can come up and just take her.

Colby snuggles up into my arms and wraps his little body around mine. I’m crying and rocking the little boy who has brought so much joy into my life without saying a word. After several minutes, he pulls back from me, and places a small hand on each side of my face. He presses his lips to my nose before leaning back into my body.

There’s a knock on the door startling me of thoughts I probably shouldn’t be having right now. My thoughts are leading me down a dark, dangerous path. One where it doesn’t end well for any of us. All because I upset my cousin and she doesn’t know how to react in a healthy manner. This is something I’ll have to bring up with her counselor. Standing up with Colby still in my arms, I make my way over to find all the ol’ ladies standing on the porch.

Opening the door, Phoebe rushes inside and pulls me into her arms.

“We’re here for you. The guys are all out searching. They’ll bring her home safe and sound,” Phoebe promises as she walks in past me.

One by one, each of the women pull me into their arms. They all give me words of encouragement as I pull myself together enough to feed Colby, the other children, and women who are here. There is no talk and laughter as we all sit in various places around the house to eat our dinner. I even make a bowl for Charlotte as if she’s not out there alone and cold. Even the children aren’t laughing and playing as they normally would be. They sense our mood and are trying to just be here with us. Honestly, I’m glad everyone is here. It gives me something to focus on.

When it’s time for them to all go to bed, we space them out between Colby’s room and my bedroom. I have no problem sleeping on the couch. Besides, until Charlotte is back home, and I know she’s safe, I won’t get a single wink of sleep. It’s all I can do to keep from racing right out to search for her myself.

“Can you tell us what happened?” Corrinth finally asks, handing me a cup of tea.

“She got mad because I let Smokey back in. Char said some horrible things to me. He was pissed she was walking out with a boy and that’s what started it though. I’m not sure what was said between the three of them. I don’t even know how long she’s been gone. I was giving her time to cool down while we waited for dinner,” I answer her, tears flowing down my face as I sob uncontrollably.

“Charlotte’s a good girl. I know she didn’t mean those things she said to you,” Corrinth tries to soothe me. “Honestly, she’s more hurt by what Smokey did than anything else. Now, she’s afraid if she lets him back in that he’ll disappear again. She’s scared that he’ll take you away from her too. That you’ll start to forget about her the same way her parents did.”

“I love her with everything in me. Her, Colby, and this baby I carry,” I state, looking at Corrinth. “Isn’t there room for everyone in my life? Am I doing the right thing? I don’t know what to do to make everyone happy.”

“That’s just the thing,” Hadliegh pipes in. “You don’t need to make everyone happy. You need to make you happy so in turn the kids are happy. Charlotte will get over being upset with Smokey. If you want him in your life, let him back in. You just can’t play the games. Not when kids are involved. Now, you’re pregnant?”

“I am. Just about two months now.”

“Well, congratulations!” Hadliegh says, wrapping her arms around me.

For the next several hours, we all sit around either talking very softly so we don’t wake the kids up or just remaining silent. I don’t want to talk to anyone as I get lost in my head once again. Until I hear something about where she is and what’s happening, I’m not going to stay out of my head.